Inside The Black Mist

Chapter 110 - Returning to the Camp

Tianyang turned around and saw the heavily armored Shadow Knight swinging its sword horizontally. The purple mist on the blade quickly expanded and spread like flowing water, almost dividing Tianyang's vision in half!

With all his might, Tianyang dove forward. He felt a chill on his head and a few strands of silver hair fluttered as the purple light quickly receded, dissipating among the buildings on the street.

Moments later, the surrounding buildings trembled violently. The areas affected by the purple light turned semi-transparent, like crystal glass.

Then, those parts of the walls silently crumbled into countless tiny dust particles, spreading out with the ensuing gusts of wind.

Immediately, the street was filled with swirling dust, creating a hazy scene.

Tianyang was astonished. The Shadow Knight’s earlier strike seemed to have some ability to destroy material molecules. Although the attack appeared weak, its destructive power was truly astonishing.

The buildings on both sides of the street were only partially stripped of their walls, yet their main structures were still damaged. Several nearby buildings, like giants with their legs cut off, emitted groaning noises as they toppled and collapsed.

The street's environment became chaotic.

As Tianyang got up from the ground, he saw that the Shadow Knight was not only in pursuit but also dragging its heavy sword on the ground.

The purple mist roared again, and with a powerful upward sweep, the blade lifted off the ground.

The blade, sending countless fragments of stone flying, created a tidal wave of blade light that swept across the ground, heading straight for Tianyang.

His face changed drastically. Using his full star energy, he moved sideways at an extremely fast speed. From a standstill to high-speed movement, there was no buffer at all!

This allowed him to narrowly avoid the tidal wave of purple mist.

The blade light sliced through the buildings lining the street, clearing a straight ”path.”

Heavy footsteps approached as the Shadow Knight charged forward. After releasing two more powerful blade waves, its surrounding purple light mist diminished by a third, indicating that such attacks were highly draining on its energy.

Yet, it was still formidable.

Tianyang’s gaze shifted between the knight and the newly cleared path, making a swift decision.

He turned to face the knight.

Drawing the Crimson Moon Warblade, its edge gradually glowed with a scarlet light under the infusion of star energy.

Escaping through the cleared path while being pursued by the Shadow Knight was impossible. The only chance to leave the battlefield was to cripple the knight’s mobility.

Tianyang aimed at the three legs on the left side of the Shadow Knight, which were unarmored. If successful, the high-temperature cutting of the Crimson Moon Warblade should be able to sever them.

Calculating the knight's speed and observing its movements, Tianyang knew that the next strike would determine life or death, so he didn’t dare to be careless.

At last, when the Shadow Knight was about ten meters away, the creature raised its right hand, lifting the heavy sword high, ready to deliver a fatal blow to Tianyang.

The moment had arrived for the boy to act!

He leaned forward, transforming into a silver streak, darting toward the knight’s shield side.

His silver hair streamed backward as he passed under the knight’s shield in an instant. The Crimson Moon Warblade slashed horizontally, embedding itself into the knight's first large thigh on the left!

The red glow under the knight’s helmet intensified. Its left hand swung urgently, and the heavy metal shield brought a violent gust, crashing into the silver streak.

A scarlet light had already crossed the knight’s side and the knee areas of the three legs. Before Tianyang could retreat, he was struck from behind by the heavy shield, sending him flying like a projectile.

He shattered a window of a nearby building, and upon hitting the wall at the end of the hall, a dense web of cracks spread out. Tianyang fell to the ground once more.

Meanwhile, outside the building, the Shadow Knight’s three legs suddenly spewed forth a stream of purple-red blood.

The left thigh was severed at the knee, causing the knight to lose balance and fall to the ground. The four right legs flailed in a futile attempt to stabilize.

Inside the building, Tianyang, bleeding from his mouth and nose, struggled to stand by bracing himself against the wall.

Looking through the window, he saw the Shadow Knight lifting its sword and swinging it forcefully!

The boy quickly rolled to the left, feeling a gust of fierce wind and a thunderous roar behind him. The sword crashed into the wall, shattering it completely.

Staggering, Tianyang got up and, avoiding looking back at the knight, dashed through a large door at the front.

Exiting the building, he fled into an alley, quickly putting distance between himself and the Shadow Knight.

After feeling the evil aura fade, Tianyang slowed his pace.

At this point, his chest ached, and he felt some relief after coughing up a mouthful of blood.

Reflecting on the encounter, Tianyang still felt a lingering fear. It was fortunate that he attacked the knight's left side; the monster had a shield in its left hand and a sword in its right.

If he had attacked the right side, he would have been struck by the sword, not the shield.

In that case, it wouldn’t have been just a bloody injury; he might have been cut in half by the sword!

"Seems like I got lucky." Tianyang wiped the blood from his mouth and smiled, but the pain in his back made him gasp.

Though the Shadow Knight didn’t pursue, the creature’s lower half, resembling a lion or tiger, had its head spread out. From its mouth, a cluster of forked, flower-like tongues trembled, emitting sounds beyond human perception.

In the darkness somewhere, two points of eerie red light suddenly appeared...


Tianyang was now very close to the camp battlefield. The sounds of artillery roars, explosions, and the frenzied howls of the dark folk were audible.

By the window of a collapsed building, a figure was writhing. It was a wanderer missing its legs, crawling on the ground.

Unfortunately, steel rebars stood upright at the window. As the wanderer tried to crawl out, its belly was scraped by the rebars.

So, the creature hung at the window, yet it remained persistent, facing the battlefield direction, constantly scraping with its hands, hoping to pull itself out of the window.

This action only served to tear the wound further without any other effect.

The Crimson Moon Warblade silently descended, piercing the wanderer's back and entering its body, penetrating the will cage in its chest. The blade tip emerged from the chest, nailing it into the wooden window frame.

When withdrawn, the wanderer finally stopped moving and ceased to harm itself. Its body began to decompose and rot, turning into a stream of sticky mucus.

Tianyang took two steps back, sheathed the sword, and shook his head before slipping out through the other side of the window.

He moved quickly.

He knew that after two more alleys, he would reach the street where the camp was located.

He wasn't sure if the camp could withstand the attack. To be honest, Tianyang was quite worried.

As he was about to turn a corner, he suddenly noticed a purple mist swirling around the corner. In that deep purple mist, the boy saw a foot.

The foot had purple-red skin.

It was a Shadow Attendant!

Changing from an advance to a retreat, Tianyang leaped back. Before he landed, he saw the wall around the corner suddenly shatter. A metal staff covered in spikes emerged from the flying debris.

The staff was then swung in a circle, raised high.

At that moment, the Shadow Attendant, lying in ambush behind the corner, stepped on the debris, enveloped in deep purple mist, and crashed into the alley, blocking Tianyang’s path.

It could actually set up an ambush!

Tianyang was greatly surprised but didn’t stop moving. While pulling back to gain distance, he drew his pistol, the Death Knell!

The attendant, assigned by the Shadow Knight, had a face like a mummified corpse beneath its helmet, with its mouth open. Black teeth were revealed behind its dark purple lips.

It roared, raising the metal staff high and charging at Tianyang.

The Death Knell was raised, and a bullet chamber lit up on its rotary component.

The deafening gunfire erupted in the alley, its penetrating sound overpowering even the chaotic noise from the battlefield.

Tianyang held the gun with both hands, his arms raised high. The massive recoil made him lean slightly backward, one foot lifting off the ground.

A devastating energy beam from the Death Knell blasted into the attendant’s head.

The furious energy from the gun’s muzzle scoured the attendant’s head. If time were slowed a hundred times, one could see the attendant’s helmet deforming, heating, and liquefying under the energy.

Then, the mummified head inside rapidly developed tiny, barely perceptible holes.

As time advanced even a little further, the helmet was torn into strands of iron wire, bouncing, scattering, and melting in the energy beam.

The attendant’s head was shattered like broken porcelain, with the holes connected by fine cracks.

The next moment, the head was transformed into countless tiny, indistinguishable particles, rising with the energy beam and quickly vanishing.

Unfortunately, Tianyang’s vision couldn’t capture the brief event.

He only saw a burst of silver-white flame pass over the attendant’s head. The body still moved forward a few steps, and the raised staff was not lowered.

But the part above the neck had disappeared. The area swept by the silver flame had an uneven cut surface, was fully carbonized, and even reflected a black shine.

It looked like a piece of cut black crystal.

The attendant stopped in front of Tianyang, suddenly kneeling, leaning backward, and beginning to disperse.

Soon, only a pool of black, slimy mud remained on the ground. Floating in the viscous sludge was a purple-red heart.

The heart crystallized in an instant, with a hazy purple light flickering within it.

Tianyang used his sword to pick up the crystallized heart, cleaned it, and placed it into his waist pouch.

He then avoided the black sludge, crossed the alley, and entered a building lying across the street.

Finally, Tianyang arrived on the main road to Gem Town. In the distance, the human camp was enveloped in flames. Using the firelight, Tianyang adjusted his tactical visor’s range and saw that the dark creatures had piled up a wave around the small building.

The black tide was almost spilling over the top of the wall!

  • Shadow Knight: This is a higher-ranking, more powerful figure typically characterized by superior combat skills and possibly leadership roles. They often serve as elite warriors or commanders in dark forces.

  • Shadow Retainer: This refers to a subordinate or lesser entity under the Shadow Knight. Retainers are usually tasked with more specific or lower-level duties and may serve directly under higher-ranking figures like Shadow Knights.

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