Inside The Black Mist

Chapter 27 - Leader of the Mad Dogs

The battle began with the 5th generation versatile heavy armor, when the driver boldly launched a heavy rocket into the densest area of the pack, creating a bright orange fireball.

Fierce heat filled the air, and even 300 meters away, Tianyang felt like his hair almost caught fire.

A burst of cheers erupted from the defensive line, and indicated the power of that fire ball. The pack of dogs was immediately reduced by two-thirds, and the remaining frenzied dogs were impacted by the explosion, causing their bodies to sway.

After a while, the dogs resumed their charge, only to be met with heavy machine guns.

Behind the armor, two heavy machine guns were lifted by mechanical arms, muzzles pointing at the frenzied dogs as they roared with excitement.

Shell casings with almost the size of a child's fist, continuously dropped to the ground, creating a dense clattering sound in everyone's ears. [ED: By now I have given up trying to understand Chinese size references.]

Once a sprinting frenzied dog was hit, its body exploded, and even if the Will Cage was, albeit luckily, not crushed, the putrid body could only twitch helplessly on the ground, posing no threat to the defensive line.

In the end, this pack of frenzied dogs was completely wiped out by the firepower of the 5th generation armor in under two minutes.

"That was amazing..." said a girl with a round face, soft features, and a lingering youthful aura. She was the newcomer of the Gray Pigeon Squad and had only participated in two missions so far.

Beside her, Lady Bald, Lida, looked calm and glanced at the 5th gen armor. "In two minutes, it consumed about 2,000 contribution points worth of ammunition. If we can't even take down a pack of dogs, the Armament Research Department might as well resign collectively and apologize."

The new girl stuck out her tongue, unable to believe that she had spent 2,000 contribution points in the blink of an eye.

In her two missions, she had only earned 800 contribution points!

The machine guns ceased roaring, their barrels still spinning, but people couldn't relax yet as shadows loomed ahead. Then, on the left and right sides, packs of dogs appeared as well.

There were still around a hundred dogs in each pack, with four or five packs rushing from different directions.

This time, the packs of dogs had learned their lesson and spread out, advancing in a staggered formation like a gray torrent, surging towards the defensive line.

Lida's voice sounded from everyone's communicators. "The 5th generation armor will attack from front, and the others will deal with the packs on the left and right. Gunners, get ready to send Star Essence shells to the dense areas as much as possible. It's still early to call it an end, don't run out of ammunition just here!"

The star essence energy cannons on several Falcon combat vehicles, under the control of the gunners, were aimed in different directions to maximize the coverage of firepower.

When the heavy machine guns of the 5th generation armor roared again, the energy cannons began to emit a humming sound as they charged up. Then, a blue light sphere streaked across the battlefield and landed among the packs of dogs.

The light sphere exploded, generating concentric waves spreading in all directions. As these water-like waves passed over them, the sprinting frenzied dogs suddenly froze. Their bodies then disintegrated, along with the Will Cages inside, turning into uniformly sized particles akin to sugar crystals.

Moments later, the soldiers' rifles and other Ascenders skilled in long-range attacks joined the battle formation.

At this point, in front of the defensive line, a dense and magnificent firepower net intertwined with guns and abilities, blocking the majority of the mad dogs.

Any remaining stray dogs were left to Ascenders, including Tianyang, to deal with.

With the particle battle knife in hand, Tianyang slightly lowered his center of gravity, focusing intensely ahead.

Suddenly, a dark figure rushed out from the firepower network. A male dog, charging straight towards Tianyang.

The young man could see its human-like head, with madness overflowing from its blood-red eyes.

The crazed dog leaped, attempting to catch the young man from a higher position.

Tianyang's mind went blank, and driven by instinct, he rolled out from under the dog.

The particle battle knife drew a pitch-black streak, cutting most of the dog's limbs. However, the fallen creature continued to bite wildly, the dismembered limbs stirred and started crawling towards Tianyang.

A gleaming longsword pierced through, entering the top of the dog's head and breaking out from its chin.

Then, the red glare in the dog's eyes began to fade.

A foot stepped on the dog's carcass as the owner of the longsword withdrew the weapon and pointed to their own head, saying, "The cage for these things is located beneath the skull. You need to either cut off the head or directly pierce through the cage. Understood?"

Tianyang nodded, "Thanks."

The battle was intense but short. Five minutes later, the battle was nearing its end. Just as the humans were about to reap the fruits of victory, screams and cries erupted from the square behind them.

Tianyang had just beheaded a dog when he quickly turned his head to see more dogs appearing on the square behind the defense line. One of the female dogs had just detonated a tumor bomb beneath its ribs, blowing itself up while splashing toxic juice onto several recovery team members.

The corrosive liquid quickly ate through the protective suits of the team members. Meanwhile, several male dogs rushed into the crowd, biting anyone they could, causing chaos among the recovery and medical teams.

A familiar figure appeared in Tianyang's eyes—it was Xun. She ran towards the defense line. However, in her haste, she accidentally pushed down a panicked man. To make matters worse, behind Xun, a male dog drooled with repulsive saliva, charging towards her.

A faint light drifted down through her hair as the scene in Tianyang's eyes turned into flowing light and shadow. The figures of Xun and the dog rapidly occupied his field of view.

Finally, within the girl's helmet visor, Tianyang saw himself, radiating a hazy silver glow, and a particle battle knife transforming into a black cascade of light, descending upon the male dog!

The dog's hardened skull was unable to withstand the impact of the battle knife. Its head, along with the front half of its body, was split open by Tianyang's strike. The "thread of connection" between the severed body parts resembled a blooming large red flower, falling lifelessly to the ground as a pool of blood quietly flowed past the young man's feet.

Tianyang turned around and pulled Xun up, asking, "Are you okay?"

Xun nodded.

Tianyang pointed towards the direction of the defense line and said, "Hurry over there."

Then, he rushed towards the next target with his blade raised.

This scene was observed by the bald woman overseeing the whole situation. "Should this be the speed of God War level?"

Lida's eyes flashed with surprise, then she shouted, "This attack by these bastards is organized. There must be a leader within the dog pack. Find it!"

As soon as the words fell, a Ascender of Hunter level shouted, "Commander, 1 o'clock 800 meters!"

The bald lady picked up a telescope and looked in the direction pointed out by the hunter.

A devil appeared in her field of vision.

A larger and mutated mad dog!

As if a male dog and a female dog were sewn together.

Like its head was half male and half female.

It had two front limbs, four hind limbs, and dark red skin. On the sides of its body, protruded gray-white ribs that formed armor.

Its arched spine was adorned with three clusters of jet-black short spines. Lida was willing to bet that they were definitely not for decoration.

Through the telescope, the large dog opened its mouth as if roaring, and then several male dogs around it scurried away as if following the leader's command.

Lowering the telescope, Lida gritted her teeth, "Fifth-generation weaponry, aim and fire on the leader!"


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