Inside The Black Mist

Chapter 80 - Chase

Near the high wall, the dark creatures, whom Lao Xu referred to as tree spirits, had begun to act.

The "giant," composed of numerous humanoid flowers, moved clumsily, like a baby taking its first steps, lifting one leg and swaying before tilting to the left and causing a nearby building to collapse.

The giant pressed against the outer wall of the building and the intense pressure caused the windows to burst and cracks formed in the wall.

Quickly adjusting its posture, the giant reached out and pressed against the wall to regain balance. It then took large strides forward, though still swaying, but managing to maintain its balance much better.

It strode forward, covering a distance of twenty to thirty meters with each step.

Although it didn't run, its strides were so large that, within a few seconds, it caught up with the two Falcon assault vehicles.

With black mist swirling around, it was difficult to see the giant clearly from the vehicles, but they could make out its entangled legs and the humanoid flowers on its legs. The expressions of these humanoid flowers were no longer indifferent; their filaments swayed vigorously, forming ever-changing faces—cold gazes, sneers, ferocity, rage, calmness... They seemed like a group of spectators, all staring at the Raven Squad.

"These things are really unsettling." Han Shu yelled to the driver, "Speed up and shake it off!"

Both vehicles extended a row of rugged metal exhaust pipes from the rear bottom panel. After a slight tremor following the flow of gas through the pipes, compressed gray-white gas sprayed out!

The speed of the vehicles suddenly increased, quickly distancing themselves from the giant.

These exhaust pipes, known as "propulsion tailpipes," were connected to turbochargers and could spray high-pressure gas for acceleration when needed, giving the Falcon assault vehicles strong maneuverability and often yielding unexpected results in pursuits.

Seeing they had shaken off the giant, the team inside the vehicle breathed a sigh of relief, but they rejoiced too soon.

In the cockpit of the artillery firing chamber, within the black mist swirling over Tianyang, the blurry figure of the giant moved. It seemed to raise its arms high and then swung them down forcefully.

"Watch out!"

Tianyang shouted nervously.

A giant arm descended from the sky, composed of countless entangled vines, shattering the ubiquitous black mist of the inverse realm. Like a mountainous palm, it slammed down towards the two Falcon assault vehicles.

The drivers jerked the steering wheels, narrowly avoiding the giant palm.

The palm struck the ground, causing a violent tremor. The ground where the palm landed sank, while the surrounding area bulged up. Blocks of road surface several meters square shot up into the air and then crashed down, shattering into countless fragments!

The fingers of the giant palm curled, and as the giant retracted its long arm, it gouged out several large trenches in the ground.

As a result of the strike, the giant plunged its other hand into a nearby building, then swept it out, causing a rain of stones!

The huge rocks pulled from the building, like cannonballs, smashed toward the two Falcon assault vehicles. Almost tearing apart a certain level of the building, under severe structural damage, the upper part of the building tilted and slid down, creating a terrifying rumble.

Controlling the Star Element heavy cannon on the hunting vehicle, Tianyang aimed at the giant rocks falling from the sky and shattered them in midair.

Even so, countless fragments of stone still rained down on the vehicle, and the armored hull of the vehicle emitted sharp noises from the collision with the fragments!

The giant raised its hand again, ready to strike.

Tianyang suddenly remembered Lao Xu's words, especially the phrase "fear of flames," and immediately became alert.

In the air, a low, rumbling whistle sounded, and the giant swung its arm again, its huge palm descending rapidly like a dark cloud. Just as it was about to hit the vehicles, the Falcon assault vehicles sprayed a thick smoke from their tailpipes, accelerating and escaping from under the giant's palm.

Before reaching the edge of the giant's palm, Tianyang manifested his Star Essence, transforming into a silver stream of light leaping high and landing on the giant's palm.

Inside the vehicle, Han Shu couldn't help but stick his head out of the window and shout anxiously, "Tianyang, what are you doing?!"

Unfortunately, Tianyang couldn't hear clearly and didn't have time to pay attention. When he landed on the giant's palm, he rolled a few times to dissipate the force of the fall. When he got up, the giant was about to retract its arm.

Tianyang felt like he was standing on an elevator, with the wind roaring in his ears. He drew out the Crimson Moon Warblade, infused with Star Essence, and the edge of the blade lit up with a crimson glow.

The young man flew along the arm, the blade pointing downward. When the high temperature of the blade touched the vines on the giant's arm, they ignited easily.

From inside the vehicle, Han Shu looked into the distance and saw Tianyang setting off a blaze. He immediately understood the youth's intention. "This kid… He wants to burn the tree spirit!"

Running on the giant's arm, Tianyang didn't stop his steps. In addition to the sound of the wind, he also heard a hollow, ethereal cry. It was as if someone was sobbing and roaring in his ear!

Only at this moment did the giant realize that its arm was on fire. It hastily reached out with its other hand and slapped towards Tianyang like swatting a fly.

The youth quickly adjusted his body, stopped on the arm, turned around, and calculated the gap between the giant's palms. He leaped high between the two arms.


One hand of the tree spirit slammed onto the burning arm, and the pressure blew out the flames. But Tianyang landed on its other arm, leaned forward, ran swiftly, and dragged the tip of his blade on the ground, creating a second trail of fire.

Arriving at a high point and close enough to the giant, Tianyang finally saw the twisted and grotesque head of the tree spirit.

The head, also formed by entangled vines, squeezed seven or eight humanoid flowers, resembling several heads piled together.

At this moment, the tree spirit opened its mouth and sprayed out a dozen vines. In the light of the fire, these vines, covered with black short hairs, flew around, splattering ink, and the air carried a faint fishy smell.

Tianyang wielded his warblade, and streaks of crimson light from the Crimson Moon Warblade cut off all the vines that came towards him. At the same time, he reached into his waist pouch, took out something, activated it, and threw it into the tree spirit's mouth with all his strength.

High-heat explosion!

The explosive was thrown into the tree spirit's mouth, causing the giant, dark creature to feel uneasy. Without caring about dealing with Tianyang anymore, the vines retracted into its mouth and rolled downward, accurately grabbing the explosive.

Just as it was about to expel the explosive from its body, the vines wrapped around it swelled up. Inside, high-heat energy rapidly expanded, and the dazzling fire illuminated the entire vine.

The next moment, an explosion erupted from the chest of the tree spirit, and a large burst of hot flames pierced through its chest and back, almost blowing its entire chest cavity apart like a volcanic eruption. In an instant, the high-heat energy released by the explosive almost blasted the entire chest of the tree spirit!

Although Tianyang had already jumped off the tree spirit in advance, he was still hit by the shockwave from the subsequent explosion and fell uncontrollably to the ground.

Falling from a height of tens of meters and unable to adjust his posture, he was on the verge of being seriously injured!

Just as Tianyang was preparing for the worst, the light of Star Essence lit up in front of him, and a protective barrier appeared on the surface of his body.

Then he saw the Falcon assault vehicle returning and Han Shu, who had stuck out half of his body from the window.

Finally, Tianyang fell to the ground...

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