Interstellar Survival: Invasion

Chapter 219: Star Travel

Chapter 219: Star Travel

About 10 minutes later, we determined the exact location of the super wormhole. The wormhole was gigantic and transparent, and it was less than 3,000 kilometers ahead of us. To better observe the natural wormhole, Dodo marked the wormhole as red in the system, allowing us to see a massive red area on the screen.

"This red zone is the super wormhole. We are going to get as close to it as we can and observe it from roughly 1,000 kilometers away," said Dodo.

The two ships started moving according to the plan. A few minutes later, we reached our destination. Although the system was telling us that the wormhole was right ahead of us, our naked eyes could only see a vast starry sky. Perhaps what we saw was also a fake scene projected by the wall of light.

"Weird. Shouldn't a wormhole exist in some sort of reflective bubble? Why is it so clear that it's like there's nothing there? Are we looking at a projection produced by the wall of light?" said Zhang Bao'er doubtfully.

"The projection should probably be aimed outside, not inside. We are looking at the wormhole's actual appearance. It is right ahead of us, but it is completely transparent," said Baron Sisse.

"Be careful with the flight trajectory. Do not enter the wormhole, or we'll be sent to somewhere completely unknown," reminded Zhang Xingxing.

The two ships were hovering silently before the super wormhole. Facing this celestial body not visible to the naked eye, we could only imagine what it looked like. Suddenly, we felt some vibrations. A black asteroid appeared out of nowhere, surprising all of us. When its entire body was revealed, we noted that it was oval-ish. It had actually appeared from the wormhole. The entire incident occurred suddenly. In less than one minute, the long and narrow black asteroid flew out of the wormhole and into the Horsehead Nebula.

"My god. This is a great discovery. We are the first to ever witness a celestial body going through a natural wormhole," said Dodo in excitement.

"Dodo, did you record the entire thing?" asked Zhang Bao'er, who was just as excited.

"Yes! We can't miss such a rare phenomenon. Of course we need to record everything and preserve it," replied Dodo.

"Two fools. This is no natural phenomenon. This celestial body was pulled over by the space fortress's ripples. It is artificial, not natural, like a special effect in a movie that can be recreated at will," said Domo with contempt.

One ought to admit that Domo was completely right. This was not some magical natural phenomenon. It was artificial, so it couldn't even be considered a great discovery in the field of astronomy. Dodo, Zhang Bao'er, and the others appeared rather downcast after hearing the truth from Domo.

Right at that moment, we sensed more vibrations. The completely transparent wormhole started warping, and it warped so much that we could even see the changes with our naked eye. The vibrations intensified to the point our ship was affected and our alarm blazed. The pressure and gravitational force outside the ship suddenly intensified, forcing our two ships to start moving in the opposite direction to counter the powerful pull.

"What monster is coming through the wormhole this time? Why is it creating such a ruckus?" asked Zhang Bao'er nervously.

At that point, a loud boom rang out. Accompanying the sound was a sudden increase in temperature and even more intense vibrations. A white fog appeared out of nowhere as well, as though something had suddenly evaporated.

"This isn't looking good. Dodo, Kelly, pull back both ships immediately. There must be something gigantic coming through the super wormhole. We're too close," said Zhang Xingxing.

The temperature outside the ship kept increasing. In only a few seconds, the temperature surpassed 1,000 degrees Celsius. Even the hull of the ship was starting to smoke. Both ships had their shields on as we hurriedly turned around.

The intense vibrations and heat were pursuing us, as though they were about to swallow us. However, advanced technology revealed its prowess, and we were able to quickly accelerate away from the vile environment. We stopped at a safe distance of 500 million kilometers away.

The booms grew louder and louder as the fabric of space warped in the distance. The temperature had also gone above 3,000 degrees. After the ship had reached a safe distance, we all gathered before the window and watched this incredibly rare sight in both anticipation and nervousness. We all wanted to see the monster that was going to come through the wormhole.

Even knowing that this was not a natural phenomenon, Dodo still seriously recorded everything that was happening. In any case, a wall of light capable of surrounding an entire nebula was still an incredible engineering feat that would not be replicated in the universe. Thus, the chance to record something like this was still incredibly precious.

At that moment, everything in the distance seemed to be vibrating violently, to the point the view before our eyes turned blurry. We understood that the giant monster was about to come through the wormhole.

First, something like a solar prominence appeared in our view. The yellow flare unleashed a heatwave over 10,000 meters tall, pushing the temperature outside to another level. I believed that all the noise I was hearing was due to the particles being torn apart by the extreme temperature.

Following behind the solar prominence was a deep yellow figure. Unsurprisingly, it was a yellow star that had been attracted by the ripples of the space fortress and had traveled through the wormhole.

"Only the might of a star can create such a powerful effect. It almost feels like I'm witnessing the apocalypse," said Zhang Xingxing.

The yellow star moved quickly out of the wormhole. Before long, its imposing body was visible before all of us. Due to our distance of 500 million kilometers from it, we were able to observe it from a relatively close distance. The intense nuclear reactions on its surface could be clearly seen. It looked just like any other star, and from its appearance, it was most likely a yellow dwarf star.

After about 10 minutes, the entire yellow star had passed through the wormhole. The yellow dwarf star looked slightly smaller than Blue's sun. From its surface, it seemed to be a relatively stable star, so I was curious how it had been pulled into the super wormhole.

"Stars, black holes, and asteroids. Why are there so many celestial bodies being pulled into this wormhole? Just what kind of world is on the other side of this wormhole?" muttered Baron Sisse as he looked at the star before us.

"There are too many of them for them all to be wandering celestial objects. I believe that the other side of the wormhole must be a place with a large concentration of stars. But I have no idea where it is or why these black holes, stars, dust clouds, and other celestial bodies are staying so close together," I said.

"I also think that the other side is some sort of gathering place for stars, such as the Horsehead Nebula. That is the only way so many celestial bodies can be pulled through the wormhole," said Old Du.

At that point, the yellow dwarf star had fully emerged from the wormhole. It was heading toward the distant nebula at a high speed. It was truly impactful to witness a massive burning sphere passing by 500 million kilometers ahead of us. Our eyes were filled with wonder and awe as we gazed at the incredible celestial body before us.

As the star departed, the noise also slowly faded away. At the same time, the temperature around us returned to normal. As for the wormhole, it was gradually returning to its transparent state.

Just when we all thought that this was the end of the incident, a brand new figure started coming out of the wormhole. The second object brought us an even bigger visual impact and gave us a feeling of incomparable beauty.

According to the system, the second object was a gaseous planet. There were over 100 stripes on the planet's surface, and each stripe differed in color. The stripes ran across the entire planet, and the width of each stripe was exactly the same. Each stripe was extremely stable, and the borders of each stripe were clearly visible, making it easy to separate each stripe from the others.

"This, is this a gaseous planet? Can the surface of a gaseous planet be so stable and calm?" exclaimed Zhang Bao'er in astonishment.

The gaseous planets we Bluelings were familiar with were Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. Their surfaces were always filled with intense storms. A gaseous planet as calm as the one before us was beyond our understanding.

"Is this a gaseous planet or is it a completely new type of planet?" asked Old Du doubtfully.

"It is definitely a gaseous planet. According to the system, it is filled with hydrogen, nitrogen, and helium. Also, the system indicates that intense storms are below its calm surface," said Dodo confidently.

"So this is a planet with a pretty face and a violent heart. Considering its distance from the yellow star, I reckon it is a planet in the star's orbit and that it had been pulled alongside the star into the super wormhole," said Baron Sisse.

"So the mother and son were both dragged over together? That space fortress is too powerful," I said fearfully.

The beautiful planet followed the yellow star and slowly moved farther away from us. With that, the shocking phenomenon came to an end. This was the first time we had witnessed such a spectacle. We knew that it was artificial, but we still couldn't help being shocked.

"Commander, emergency!" Dodo suddenly reported while everyone was still immersed in what we just witnessed.

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