Interstellar Survival: Invasion

Chapter 245: Return to the Battlefield

Chapter 245: Return to the Battlefield

Listening to the world-shaking roars of the buer behind us, I knew that a cruel battle was unfolding behind us. I couldn't bring myself to look back because if I did, I would not be able to stop myself from joining the fight. Accompanied by the loud collisions, the entire ground shook. It was truly astonishing that the buer was capable of such a feat in strength.

Using the opening Anxashe had given us by battling the buer, we retreated rapidly. Soon, we were dozens of kilometers away from our previous spot. After ensuring that we were no longer in a crisis, we stopped to take a rest. Danger might have left us for now, but the sounds of the distant battle could still be heard. It was obvious the battle had yet to end.

"I did not expect that fellow to be able to fight a buer for such a long time. Looks like the combat strength of a planet-level civilization is far higher than I imagined," said Temo as he clicked his tongue in praise.

"Anxashe is the Wargod race's strongest warrior. He won't be defeated so easily," said Zhang Bao'er.

"It doesn't matter how strong a warrior he is. A buer will never be defeated. What a pity for such a waste, for such a talent to go like that," said Temo regretfully.

While we spoke, the sounds of battle abruptly stopped.

"It's over," said Dodo, grief in their voice.

"Stop being all sad here. We need to leave as quickly as possible. That would be what Anxashe wanted to see," said Temo.

However, Zhang Bao'er and Old Du remained rooted on the spot, unwilling to take another step away. Looking at the two, I understood what they were thinking.

"Canyue, no matter what, we need to bring Anxashe's body back with us," said Old Du, verifying the guess I had in my mind.

"Would the buer eat his body?" asked Dodo meekly.

"The buer is a noble species. They don't eat corpses," said Temo.

Hearing Temo's words, I nodded at Zhang Bao'er and Old Du. The two understood tacitly what I meant.

"Sarje, Dodo, lead the team in continuing to retreat. I'll go retrieve Anxashe's body with Zhang Bao'er and Old Du," I ordered.

"That's suicide. Although the buer won't eat the corpse, with its anger, it would have stomped the warrior's body into mincemeat," said Temo, addressing Anxashe with respect.

However, there was no changing our minds. In fact, two other Wargods also expressed their willingness to go with us. And thus, a group of five was assembled to retrieve Anxashe's body regardless of the danger.

"As for the rest of you, continue retreating. Try to return to the clock. We'll come up with a different plan after returning," I said to Sarje.

"Sarje, protect everyone," said Old Du.

"Don't talk like you're leaving your last words. This is too ominous," said Dodo, worry evident in their voice.

"I'll be waiting for your return. You still need to show me that peasant Jido," said Temo. He still sounded smug, but he also displayed some respect for us of planet-level civilizations due to our fearlessness in face of death.

After saying all we had to say, we retraced the path back to the buer. In truth, I could feel how nervous the team was. Even the usually talkative Zhang Bao'er was not saying a word, and his face was grave.

'This mission might result in our total defeat and death. But I have no regrets since I get to advance and retreat alongside my brothers,' I told myself inwardly.

Soon, we returned to our previous hiding spot. The distant building and the numerous flying beasts in the sky could already be seen from our position. Surprisingly, the buer was nowhere to be seen.

"Looks like the buer retreated. Everyone, pick up the pace and search around. See if we can find Anxashe," I said, pleasantly surprised to see the beast gone.

It wasn't hard to search for something on the flat and empty grounds of the beast planet. As far as our eyes could see, no traces of Anxashe could be found. When Old Du and Zhang Bao'er searched with their laser probes, nothing was found as well.

"Odd. If the buer had stomped him into mincemeat, the probes should still be able to detect traces. But this is way too clean. Did the furious buer eat his body?" asked Zhang Bao'er. We became increasingly gloomy at his words.

"Canyue, if we really can't find him, we should retreat," said Old Du.

I was about to agree when something unexpected happened. Oppressive hums rang out from the distant base. Then, a shocking scene appeared. Countless spider beasts, giant paw worms, and other beasts rushed out like a tide in our direction. Above the beasts were enough flying beasts to cover the sky; they were also flying toward us.

"This is bad! The beasts are suddenly attacking! We need to retreat immediately!" said Zhang Bao'er anxiously.

"Canyue, these beasts are too fast. We won't be able to retreat faster. They will catch up with us before long," said Old Du nervously.

"We don't have enough time to retreat. Looks like there is no escaping them," I said. At this moment, I surprisingly turned calm.

Hearing my words, even an utter idiot would understand what was next for us. The two Wargods with us took out their weapons in preparation for a final battle with the beasts. A firm and murderous look covered their faces, the presence they radiated worthy of the name of their race. I had Old Du contact Dodo to update them on our situation. At a moment like this, I no longer wished to listen to Dodo nagging me.

"Canyue, is this really our final battle?" asked Zhang Bao'er, his voice filled with his reluctance to part with the world.

"I can't think of any way we can escape," I replied helplessly.

"In that case, we'll give these beasts everything we have and take as many of them down as possible," said Zhang Bao'er, mustering the determination to face death upon learning of our hopeless situation.

"We'll throw everything to the wind. Turn your shields to the maximum and focus on lasting as long as possible. Us brothers will kill as many of them as we can!" I roared, my voice filled with fervor.

Their shields were immediately turned to the maximum while we readied all our weapons. After seeing them turn their shields to the maximum, I stealthily activated my three nuclear warheads. I wished to buy the final chance of escape for the brave warriors by my side. The beasts moved rapidly. In a short while, they were only 30 meters away from us. The battle was about to begin.

"Fire!" At the roar, our standard-issued laser guns, the tracking rifles attached to our suits, our ray guns, bow and arrows, and many other ranged weapons unleashed a hail of destruction upon the beasts, forming a concentrated barrage.

The hail of projectiles instantly flipped the dozens of beasts rushing ahead of the others. Alas, there were tens of thousands of them. That number of casualties was merely a drop in the ocean for them.

Nevertheless, our morph-capable shields and concentrated firepower still slowed their advance. Before long, a mountain of corpses formed in front of us. The beasts weren't fools. Upon witnessing the prowess of our firepower, they scattered and tried to encircle us. At the same time, the flying beasts circled in the sky above, looking for an opening to attack.

"Everyone, form a circular formation. Wargods, you two will be in charge of defending against any airborne threats. Try your best to kill or injure them," I ordered.

Everyone speedily moved in accordance with the new formation. With our defense, even more beasts perished under our firepower. Flying beast corpses were dropping from the sky like rain, and a burning hole left by an energy beam was present in each corpse.

Relying on the superiority of our firepower, we were able to kill no fewer than 200 beasts. However, I knew that at this point, everyone was like an arrow at the end of its flight. The encirclement was gradually closing in on us even as our energy supply decreased rapidly. The charging beasts continued forward, directly leaping over the corpses of their companions to reach us.

A four-legged, rodent-like beast charged right at me. My morph-capable shield protected me, stopping the beast's charge. I raised my gun and pulled the trigger. The corpse had barely dropped onto the ground when two giant paw worms charged my shield.

The automatic rifle attached to my back and my laser gun worked together to eliminate the two beasts, causing two extra corpses to drop in front of me. I could barely get any respite by killing them. A spider beast dropped down on me from above less than a second later, and its claw pierced through my shield.

'It's over.' Looking at the descending claw, I knew that I wouldn't be able to raise my gun in time.

A white flash suddenly came from behind me. The dropping claw was suddenly severed by a sharp blade, and the spider beast roared in pain. I hurriedly looked back and saw that a Wargod soldier had saved my life at the critical moment. After giving the soldier a nod, I returned to the battle.

"Canyue, at this rate, we can only last one more minute," said Old Du. Even during a last stand, Old Du was still as meticulous as ever.

"This is it, brothers. It has been a great joy fighting alongside you," said Zhang Bao'er.

Immediately after Old Du made his reminder, I placed my finger on my nuclear warhead's switch and activated my thrusters. I was about to dive into the beasts in a suicide attack. Right at that moment, I heard a familiar voice.

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