Interstellar Survival: Invasion

Chapter 270: Time Traveler

Chapter 270: Time Traveler

"Old Du, I plan to turn off my suit's defensive system. Maybe I can discover the area with the heat as well," I said.

"You really believe discovery is contingent on physical contact with this space?" asked Old Du.

"I'll just give it a try," I said as I turned off my morph-capable defensive system.

In a space I had believed no oxygen existed, I actually smelled some sweetness in the air. After a detailed observation, I discovered that ahead of me, there were some silhouettes that differed from their surroundings. And apart from red, I also saw other colors. I grew confused.

"Old Du, I saw something different after turning off the system," I said.

"Canyue, Old Du, I'm heading toward the red area," Zhang Bao'er announced at the same time.

"Looks like I need to turn off my system as well," replied Old Du.

At that point, I was already slowly heading toward the area where I saw something different. In the world of white, the things I saw became increasingly distinct. Suddenly, I felt a pull on my waist. The rope tied to my body had reached its maximum length. Meanwhile, the colorful area was less than five meters ahead of me.

"Anxashe, I'm reaching the limit of the rope. My target is five meters ahead of me. I intend to remove my rope to take a look. Don't take your rope off and stay there so that I'll still be able to return," I said.

"No, do not remove your rope. That'sIt's too risky. I'll allocate some of Old Du's to you," said Anxashe.

Two minutes later, I was notified that my rope had been extended. Thus, I continued advancing. Shortly after, I reached my colorful area. I could clearly see numerous shining images around me. The images looked like some damaged video, and the scenes shown were random and unclear.

I reached out, trying to touch one of them with my finger. The moment the tip of my finger touched the image, I saw a complete scene. The scene clearly displayed the origin of the city of machineswhen they were building the various castles in the city. I grew excited and reached out for a different image. I was shown the scene of the empire capturing the pulp worms.

"Bao'er, Old Du, the colors are some fragmented recordings. You can watch the recordings by touching them," I told them in excitement.

"Yeah, I noticed. These seem to be some fragments of time," said Zhang Bao'er, similarly excited.

"Why would there be time fragments here?" I asked doubtfully.

"Little Forest said that this area ensures the acceleration and computing process of the control programs. Perhaps due to the sheer speed at which the programs are running, some fragments were left behind when they deleted some of their past data in the system," said Old Du.

At that time, I noticed with astonishment that each fragment would vanish after I touched it, never to return.

"Be careful. The fragment you touch will be gone forever. Search carefully and see if we can find anything related to Prophet Nommo's prophecy," I said, prioritizing a new mission.

"Canyue, you mean we should first search for Prophet Nommo's clues? But the two Forests are still waiting for us outside," reminded Old Du.

"This is a rare chance to take a peek at history. We might not get a second chance like this. I don't want to miss an opportunity so precious," I said.

Zhang Bao'er strongly voiced his agreement. Seeing how determined I was, Old Du did not argue. We thus started searching through the fragments rapidly. In truth, I also hoped to use this rare chance to look for clues that might lead us to Captain Zhang Han, fulfilling one of Zhang Xingxing's wishes.

I went through one fragment after another, but most of them were only related to the construction of the three-star system. I did not find much valuable information. After about a dozen minutes, I tapped on a fragment containing a recording of Eternal. Under Betelgeuse's radiance, Planet Eternal displayed a bustling scene of vitality.

At the time of the recording, Betelgeuse seemed smaller than it was at the present. The red rays of the star had yet to bring the planet's temperature as high as its current levels. On the planet's surface, some relatively old-fashioned ships could be seen moving around.

I tried to stretch the recording out with my fingers to get a clearer look. At that time, I noticed with astonishment that the recording could actually be zoomed in, allowing me to get an even clearer look. I noted that the old-fashioned ships slightly resembled the old battleships I had seen on Cloudcast. Even more shocking, I could clearly see that a pilot in the cockpit of one of the ships was a Brightling, the mermaid-like people that currently resided on Sirius, not an Eternal.

"Looks like this recording was made a very long time ago. It should probably be even older than Planet Black King itself. These ancient fragments were probably gathered from some other databases," I muttered in excitement. Once again, I was bearing witness to ancient history as though I was a time traveler.

Suddenly, a different thought rose in my mind. If this fragment was from so long ago, what was happening on Blue during this time? I grew even more excited, but I wasn't sure if the scope of this recording could reach farther away in the universe. Hopefully, this star-level civilization did not disappoint.

I tried stretching the recording to cover a larger area. The star-level civilization did not disappointnot only could the recording be stretched as much as I wanted, an assistant keyboard even appeared. With the button, I could accelerate the speed at which the recording expanded.

"My god. The extra functions and the clarity of this recording are far beyond the telescope technology of Blue. This is the gap between levels of civilization. I doubt evolution has anything to do with this." I was incredibly shocked.

With the keyboard's help, I set the Solar System as the target and had the recording enlarge automatically in Blue's direction.

"I wonder if a star-level civilization can record something so far away," I wondered nervously.

The result greatly pleased me. The familiar star appeared before my eyes before long. The sun slowly moved, its body illuminating its surroundings with gentle rays of light.

'It's been a while, Solar System. I'm back,' I thought.

Suppressing the excitement in my heart, my shivering hands reached out to start zooming in on Blue. The beautiful Blue was revealed before me, but it was slightly different from the Blue I was familiar with. It looked like a white planet. The numerous satellites we knew were nowhere to be seen. Without the satellites blocking the vision, one could easily see large parts of the planet unobstructed.

The planet was shrouded in white, as though it was covered in layers of ice. I could see that the English Channel was non-existent and that the British Isles were still connected to continental Europe. In Asia, the Japanese peninsula was still connected to mainland Asia by a thin strip of land. In fact, the various continents of the planet were also joined by several thin strips of land. The surface area of the sea was much smaller, and the Bering Sea did not even exist. The American and Asian continents were still a single continent.

My brain went through the knowledge I had learned. If I was right, this should be Blue from roughly a million years ago, during one of the Ice Ages. At that point in time, the dinosaurs should have gone extinct while giant mammals rule the planet, an era when saber-toothed tigers, Eurasian cave lions, and mammoths walked the planet.

Joy assaulted my heart, and I was just about to further zoom in when I noticed a lush green at the very center of what would become the modern Atlantic Ocean. I rubbed my eyes and confirmed that I wasn't seeing things. At the center of the Atlantic Ocean, there was a land filled with vitality.

"What is this place? Is the temperature higher there due to its location in the middle of the sea, allowing a growth of oceanic plants?" I wondered.

A peculiar ship that looked like a giant bird suddenly appeared in the recording, flying toward the oasis in the middle of the ocean. The ship's appearance shocked me so much that I nearly tripped myself. One ought to know that I was looking at Blue a million years ago. Based on our archeology findings, humanity was still in a primitive state at the time, so a ship so advanced should not exist at all.

I immediately had the recording focus on the ship, following it to its destination. An incredibly massive circular city appeared before my eyes. Countless grand and imposing buildings in the city became visible, including the inhabitants of the city. The inhabitants were giants surpassing two meters in height.

As the ship started its descent, I got a better look at the giants. They did not resemble modern Bluelings. They were taller and bigger, their noses were crooked, their ears were longer, and they had sparse hair. Every one of them looked exceedingly ferocious, and not a single kindly face could be seen.

I shifted my focus away from the ship only to see something even more shocking. A giant holding a weapon was leading an armored saber-toothed tiger forward, herding a group of tiny primitive individuals toward the landing ship. There, the primitive individuals were made to carry the piles of freight brought by the newly arrived ship.

From the appearance of the primitive individuals, they were basically the ancestors of modern humans. Apart from shock, I was feeling great excitement. This was a discovery that could very well revolutionize Blue's archaeology field. Without the assistance of a star-level civilization, these secrets of ancient history would forever be out of our reach.

"Just what is this place? And who are these people?" I was filled with so many questions that I had forgotten my actual mission. My attention was fully occupied by Blue's shocking history.

I decided to move my focus away from the landing bay and move the perspective of the recording to the center of the city. As I zoomed out from the landing bay, more scenes that overturned my knowledge of history entered my eyes.

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