Interstellar Survival: Invasion

Chapter 283: Mars Theater

Chapter 283: Mars Theater

"This is not possible. As a star-level existence, Violetvoid would not make such a stupid mistake," I said as I rushed to the window as well.

There wasn't a lot of space around Markus, and the wormhole was indeed nowhere to be seen.

"This is odd. Did Violetvoid encounter a new problem?" I was bewildered.

"Canyue, I found a wormhole!" Dodo suddenly exclaimed.

"Where? Why can't I see it?" asked Zhang Bao'er.

"Right ahead of our ship. I saw a small flickering dot. I thought that the dot was an effect of the lighting installations, but after closer observation, I can confirm that it is a wormhole," said Dodo as they pointed at a flashing point in front of us.

Everyone looked over and saw a small flickering dot right in front of our ship.

"This robot might be right. Everyone, return to your seats. We will perform the leap now," said Temo.

We all returned to our seats. Only Bulu remained at the window, looking like it was observing something. I initially wanted to take it back to the seat with me, but then I recalled how Bulu was an array-level creature. There must be a reason for everything it did. Thus, I decided to not do it and allowed Bulu the freedom to act as it pleased.

Shortly after, I sensed Markus ascending into the air. The ship slowly advanced toward the wormhole. It was clear Temo was being very cautious considering the size of the wormhole we were supposed to travel through.

A few seconds later, we were right before the wormhole. I gripped my seatbelt tightly, awaiting the familiar ripples in space to appear around the ship. But then, I saw Temo stand up from his seat.

"Dwarf, aren't we going through the wormhole? What are you doing? Don't tell me your shitty shit is malfunctioning," said Zhang Bao'er.

"Planet-level fellows, come take a look. We're here," said Temo with derision.

Temo's announcement stunned me. Nothing had happened yet. How had we arrived? At that thought, I removed my seatbelt and rushed to the window. The beautiful and familiar Mars appeared before my eyes. A few years after my departure, I had finally returned to my homeland, the Solar System.

Even farther away, a bright planet could be seen. I knew that it was none other than my home, Blue. For now, I couldn't go home yet. We still had to deal with the perimeter around Mars.

After the Interstellar League had done many years of development, Mars was now filled with cities and numerous other constructs. Using Gliesen technology, Bluelings had restored Mars's atmosphere and created a new ozone layer to protect the planet from ultraviolet rays. The ecosystem of Mars had been repaired while the water hidden deep underground had been released to the surface to restore the planet's nature. Although the planet was not a beautiful blue planet like Blue, its surface was still filled with greenery, displaying a scene of thriving life.

Alas, the beautiful planet was shrouded in the fog of war. Around Mars, a yellow Kax Ring could be seen, serving as the planet's protector. The ring looked like a Mobius strip, wrapping the planet in the middle. Behind the ring, the planet occasionally faded in and out of view. Around the ring, a fleet was stationed, tasked with defending the planet. We were aware that this fleet was probably one of the league's final remaining military forces.

"So this is the Kax Ring. It's beautiful," said Old Du, who couldn't help but feel proud about the beautiful piece of technology his people had created.

"We are currently between the two armies. I intend to start heading toward the league's army. However, I believe the space ahead is filled with invisible mines. You might need to establish contact with your military and have them send us a guide," said Temo.

I followed the suggestion and ordered Dodo to contact the army with the emergency frequency we were given two years ago. Markus was located right in the middle of the two armies. Ahead of us was a large Interstellar League army while behind us was an imperial army several times larger. Some of their superweapons were already in position, their majestic silhouettes standing proud with the sun as the backdrop.

In order to avoid being hit by a random artillery shell, Temo had Markus enter invisible mode. Before long, we received a reply through the emergency channel. I saw a small ship flying out of the league's fleet. It moved toward us following a long and odd route.

"There is no doubt that there is a large number of invisible mines here," said Dodo, surprised at the growth of the league after only two years.

Finally, the guide reached us after going through the minefield. I could clearly see that the ship's design had changed considerably from the ships we were familiar with two years ago. The saying that war brings innovation was proven right.

"Unidentified ship, we have received your secret signal. Please stay close to avoid triggering any mines. I'll be taking you to the fleet," a cold mechanical voice sounded. The voice was emotionless, but it used the familiar Blue language that felt exceptionally warm to my ears.

Following the suggestion, Markus followed closely behind the guide. It did not take us long to go through the minefield. We were led toward a battleship and were instructed to stop in one of the battleship's airlocks. After the airlock was ventilated, a fully armed squad of soldiers showed up.

"Take off your Eternal armors. I'll walk in front. Follow me, especially Anxashe, and remember to not use force. Zhang Bao'er, put Bulu in my backpack," I ordered. Then, Markus's door opened.

'This is the command center of our very own military. We're finally back. Zhang Xingxing, where are you? I'm back!' I thought in excitement as I strode out of Markus.

The Blueling and Gliesen soldiers were anxiously waiting with their guns pointed at us. When they saw that the first person to step out was a Blueling, they lowered their weapons in astonishment.

Exhaustion was written all over the faces of these soldiers. Despair could be seen in their eyes. It was obvious that the crushing defeats they had suffered due to the empire's technological prowess had greatly lowered the army's morale.

"Li Canyue, Zhang Bao'er, Old Du, is it really you? It's really you!" a familiar and excited voice rang out.

I followed the voice, and Lin Feixue's familiar face entered my gaze.

"Lin Feixue!" Before I could do anything, Zhang Bao'er rushed out and gave Lin Feixue a tight hug.

Meanwhile, we could only stand helplessly and wait as Zhang Bao'er vented his emotions. It was understandable. After many difficult years away from home, the feeling and sense of security at having met the army of one's homeland once again was something no wealth could replace.

"I didn't expect you to still be alive! Commander Zhang Xingxing had said that Li Canyue would return one day to help us! She believed that you wouldn't die so easily! Nobody had imagined that what she said would come true!" said Lin Feixue, who was trying to pry Zhang Bao'er's hands off him.

"Did Zhang Xingxing mention me as well? I'm back to help you guys too!" asked Zhang Bao'er as he released Lin Feixue.

"O-off course! Your names have spread all over the league," replied Lin Feixue in a rather awkward tone. He hopefully asked, "Did you return with any reinforcements?"

Hearing the question, Zhang Bao'er sank into silence, not knowing what to say.

"Where is Zhang Xingxing? Can you take me to her?" I changed the topic.

"Zhang Xingxing and the others are with Army A, in charge of Blue's defense. This is Mars's defensive army, but there are a lot of your old friends here. I'll take you to them. They would be mad with joy to see you. I'm already having someone deliver the news of your return to Corps Commander Zhang Xingxing. I believe she'll be here soon," said Lin Feixue. He had not recovered from the excitement of seeing us.

"Corps Commander Zhang Xingxing? She has been promoted from a division commander to a corps commander in the span of two years? What a fast promotion!" said Zhang Bao'er enviously.

"Yeah. We lost a lot of outstanding commanders. Zhang Xingxing is now a general, leading a fleet under Army A with a Zeus-class flagship," said Lin Feixue.

"Who else is here? Take us to them," urged Old Du, who had been able to remain calm.

We stopped catching up in front of Markus and followed Lin Feixue to the command center of the battleship we were in. Inside the battleship, numerous busy crew members were moving about.

The soldiers we encountered on our way all looked at the Sacred Wing Temo and Wargod Anxashe with odd looks in their eyes, seemingly having recognized the two races they had seen in the enemy army. Shortly after, we reached the command center. Several familiar faces appeared before me.

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