Interstellar Survival: Invasion

Chapter 285: Lost Time

Chapter 285: Lost Time

"Good news, Canyue. The messenger reported that Zhang Xingxing, Kelly, Master Crystal, Wind Spirit, and Dondon have arrived," said Baron Sisse.

"Canyue, stay calm when you see Zhang Xingxing. Don't say that I, your brother, have not warned you in advance," said Domo into my ears.

"What do you mean? Speak clearly," I asked in confusion. However, Zhang Xingxing's imminent arrival caused me to be nervous, so I forgot about Domo before long.

Sounds of footsteps rang out, and several familiar figures appeared outside the command center. I had pictured my reunion with Zhang Xingxing numerous times with various scenes. There were scenes of passionate hugging, crying tears of joy, the return of a hero, and many other scenes. But when it was really happening, I couldn't move a muscle.

"Canyue, I knew you would return to help us!" Zhang Xingxing was the one to run toward me in excitement.

"Hehe. I, Li Canyue, am a man of my word. I never give up after making a decision," I said with a dumb smile on my face.

With a few steps, Zhang Xingxing was right in front of me. She grabbed my hands and looked at me with a concerned look in her eyes. Only when looking at her so closely did I notice that her complexion had turned wan and sallow from the two years of war. There was even a scar on her forehead from a shrapnel wound. On her left arm was a delicate bracelet, something I assumed was some sort of charm.

"Commander, did you injure your forehead?" I asked, my heart aching.

An odd look flickered in her eyes when I mentioned the wound on her head. She hurriedly covered the scar, telling me that she was fine. At that time, Dondon came up to me as well. The little fellow looked very happy to see me.

"Dondon, you look to have grown from all the eating you must have done," I joked as I hugged Dondon.

Zhang Bao'er and Old Du were also conversing with Master Crystal, Wind Spirit, and Kelly in excitement. Suddenly, I noticed that there was still another familiar figure standing at the door of the command room. That person was staring intensely at me. He was none other than Kelly's brother, Carter. Different from the others, he no longer had his left hand.

"Brother, what happened to you?" I asked, somewhat embarrassed at having neglected him.

"At Lidu's encirclement, Carter had lost his left hand saving me. This wound on my forehead was from an injury I sustained while avoiding the enemy's laser artillery during that battle as well," said Zhang Xingxing.

"Oh, I see. Brother Carter, thank you very much for saving Zhang Xingxing." I ran over and grabbed Carter's right hand gratefully.

Carter responded coldly, but he had never liked us, so I did not think too much about it. But the moment I grabbed Carter's hand, I froze. I suddenly understood what Domo meant earlier. On Carter's right hand was a bracelet that was completely identical to the one Zhang Xingxing was wearing.

Noticing the bracelet, my brain turned empty as I slowly let go of Carter's hand. A hand rested on my shoulder. I looked back and saw that it was Zhang Bao'er, comforting me in his own way. From my first step into society until now, Zhang Bao'er had always been by my side. He had never failed to give me support when it mattered.

"Canyue, I heard you brought a way to defeat the empire's encirclement?" asked Zhang Xingxing calmly, bringing everyone back to the topic. Compared to the lives of so many people, everything else could be forgotten for now.

"Canyue already told us. We need to work with the worm colony brains controlling the superweapons to resist the empire. However, the great sovereign of the worms is being imprisoned on Pluto," said Baron Sisse.

"So that giant worm is the key to controlling the superweapons? We weren't aware of that and have been confused about the reason the empire has been protecting a worm with such a huge military force," said Zhang Xingxing in realization.

"Division Commander, the great sovereign is the leader of the pulp worms back on their home planet, Wisdom. It was forced to help the empire in this war," I said.

"Canyue, she's a corps commander now, not a division commander anymore," said Zhang Bao'er, some discontent evident in his voice.

"Corps Commander, we only have 14 days. In that time, we need to save the great sovereign and change the order given to the pulp worms before the superweapons start tossing planets at us," I said, gradually calming down.

"But there is a super virus on Pluto. Any organic life form will be instantly killed. Apart from the great sovereign, nobody seems capable of surviving the virus," said Kelly.

"Can we assemble a robot army to carry out a rescue operation on Pluto?" I asked.

Carter suddenly said, "The empire has fully blockaded our planets. We have no way of moving large groups. Only small groups can sneak through the encirclement using micro-wormholes. Our intelligence indicates that there are tens of thousands of robotic soldiers on Pluto. We won't be able to assemble an assault force of this size in a short period of time. The plan to use an army of robots is impractical."

"Why are you rejecting the idea so easily? Fine, why don't you think of a new idea? Or is waiting for our deaths without doing anything the correct thing to do?" said Zhang Bao'er, losing control of his temper once again. Old Du hurriedly pushed him down to keep him calm.

"Carter, it might be a difficult plan, but it is also the sole plan we have that is still somewhat acceptable. At most, we'll just let them use the improved Skyhawk for the mission," said Zhang Xingxing.

"No way! That ship is the final hope of humanity! It is the core of Project Cradle. We can't waste it on such a hopeless mission," Carter objected vehemently.

"Project Cradle? What's that?" I asked.

"That is top secret. A low-level officer like you is not cleared to know it," said Carter.

"Carter, don't focus only on objecting Li Canyue's suggestion. I believe there is a certain level of feasibility to his plan," said Zhang Xingxing.

"Commander Zhang Xingxing, with our remaining forces, do we have enough to assemble a robot army?" asked Master Crystal.

"If we give everything we have, I think we can assemble enough robots to crew a battleship," said Zhang Xingxing.

"But those robotic soldiers are the sole army the league has that is combat capable in unique environments. If we deploy them all, we might also lose them all. We won't have any soldiers we can use when it comes to combat in unique environments anymore," said Baron Sisse.

"Have you ever thought of what would happen when the empire starts throwing planets at us with their superweapons? Just what exactly will we be able to do in that situation?" asked Zhang Xingxing.

"But General Edward's authorization is required to assemble a robotic army," said Kelly.

"Carter, please trust my intuition. Canyue's plan might be the final hope for the tens of billions of lives in the league. We can't let go of it so easily. Please help with the assembly of the robotic army and the selection of a good commander. This can very well be our final hope," said Zhang Xingxing. Her voice was gentle, but something about her tone did not allow any argument.

"Sigh. Fine, I'll try my best," said Carter, who agreed with a deep sigh.

"That's good to hear! How many days would you need to assemble the crew and get the battleship?" asked Zhang Xingxing.

"My father's command is required to assemble the robotic army. Moving Skyhawk will need the collective agreement of the parliament. It will take some time. I'll try to return in five days," said Carter, showcasing a little bit of the heroic qualities he possessed.

"Good. I'll be counting on you," said Zhang Xingxing as she held Carter's right hand.

My mood worsened upon seeing that, but I forced myself to calm down for the sake of the mission.

"Since we have limited time, I'll set off immediately. Wait for me," said Carter. After shooting me a glance, he turned and left.

"Carter will need five days. During this time, we need to obtain more information on Pluto's defenses and the possible openings in their defensive perimeter. Canyue, you guys have just returned, so you should take a rest. Let's arrange a meeting after we come up with an initial action plan," said Zhang Xingxing.

The moment she showed her concern for us, a warm current wrapped around my heart, and my mood improved. We all left for the rest rooms Lin Feixue arranged for us. The rest room was clean and tidy. The thoughtful Lin Feixue had given each of us a room of our own, allowing us to have a better rest. I had just lain down on my bed when I heard my door opening. Zhang Bao'er had entered my room.

"What are you doing here instead of resting in your room? I'm sleepy," I said while letting the energetic Bulu out of the backpack.

"Your brother is worried about you, so I'm here to keep you company," said Zhang Bao'er.

"I'm perfectly fine. I am a man who would do great things and save the universe. How can I let something so insignificant stump me?" I said.

"Sigh. Stop acting, brother. We've known each other for over 10 years. You were stunned when you saw Carter's bracelet. Despair was written all over your face. Stop lying to me," said Zhang Bao'er.

"I was merely shocked by the unique design of the bracelet. I had thought that only higher officials could get something like that, and I had assumed that it was something similar to the amulets Old Du had given us a long time ago," I insisted.

"Fine, fine. I wanted to tell you something valuable I had just found out, but since you're not interested, I'll go get some sleep," said Zhang Bao'er before standing up to leave.

My emotions stirred, and I was about to stand up and stop Zhang Bao'er when suddenly, for an unknown reason, a sense of loss overwhelmed me. I slumped down onto my bed weakly.

Seeing my depressed appearance, Zhang Bao'er sighed deeply and said, "Sigh, I didn't expect you to also be tortured by love. Fine, I won't make it difficult for you anymore. I'll tell you what I know. Remember, stay calm."

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