Interstellar Survival: Invasion

Chapter 288: Bloody Sectoral Battle

Chapter 288: Bloody Sectoral Battle

"What good ideas do you have?" I asked with joy.

"This isn't a big room, and everything we see is an illusion. If they're going to hide something here, it won't be in this room. I suggest you try taking out that array-level fellow you have," said Temo.

Hearing the suggestion, I took Bulu out of my backpack and placed it atop a table-looking piece of furniture in the room. Bulu had remained in an energetic state ever since it had received the energy infusion from Violetvoid. The moment I placed it down, it started roaming around.

"Canyue, are you not telling Bulu what we need? Don't tell me you're just going to let it roam around randomly like this?" said Zhang Bao'er.

"As an array-level species, it is definitely capable of sensing my desires. I don't see the need to repeat what it already knows," I said.

The energetic Bulu seemed to view everything in the room with derision. It ignored the entire room and hopped toward the mirror Bluevoid had appeared in. There, it started looking at itself in the mirror.

"Even a little fellow like this likes to look at itself in the mirror?" teased Zhang Bao'er.

"Bao'er, stop badmouthing it. Be careful lest it decides to mind-control you later," said Old Du.

At that time, Temo sensed something and approached the mirror. As he studied it, he tapped on it and verified that the mirror was solid and completely the same as a regular mirror.

Temo tilted his head to the side and sank into thought. He faced me and said, "Canyue, give this a try."

I rushed over and saw that I was facing a reddish mirror. It did not look like anything special, but abruptly, I vaguely saw something moving in the mirror. My heart skipped a beat, and I reached out to the spot where I saw the movement, wondering if I was seeing things. Something beyond my expectations happened. The mirror Temo had confirmed was solid was like water before me, allowing my fingers to easily sink inside.

The sight of that shocked everyone in the room. There was really another space in the mirror. As the mood turned nervous, I exerted more force and pushed my entire arm into the mirror. The sensation beyond the mirror felt spongy to me, and I tried waving my arm in the mirror.

Suddenly, the tip of my finger touched something that felt like a case. I unhesitatingly dragged the case out of the mirror. Everyone surrounded me to take a closer look at it. It looked like a completely ordinary case, and when I opened it, I saw that there were about a dozen red biscuits in it.

"This is it? Is it really so incredible? Why do they need to spare so much effort to hide it? Also, why is Li Canyue the only one capable of finding it?" asked Zhang Bao'er.

"Maybe it's because I have eaten one of these red biscuits before. They are probably the medicine that can grant us immunity to the virus. We can have the team that will join the Pluto mission take them. With this, our virus issue will be resolved!" I said in excitement.

"Excellent! Let's leave with these biscuits!" said Baron Sisse.

At that time, we discovered another issue. The exit promised by Bluevoid had not appeared.

"Where's the exit? Those worms are truly unreliable," said Zhang Bao'er.

I looked at Bulu. It had returned to the bed and was hiding behind some ornamental object, looking like it had no intention to find the exit for us.

"Odd. Why did Bulu stop? Canyue, go on, tell Bulu about its next task," urged Dodo.

Suddenly, a series of sounds came from the wall behind us. He spun around and stared at the wall in excitement. The so-called exit might be making its appearance. A few seconds later, a door appeared on the wall. The door slid up, but the sight of several armed smart robots rushing through the door strained our nerves. Then, a series of laser beams appeared in the room. Our team was exchanging fire with the smart robots.

As the door was rather small in size, only a limited number of smart robots could go through it at a time. Zhang Bao'er and Anxashe's concentrated firepower was able to knock down the smart robots charging at the forefront, creating a pile of destroyed robots in front of the door, blocking the attack of the other robots.

However, Anxashe and Old Du, who stood in front of us, had also been struck by the enemies, causing their energy to drop by about 30 percent each. Soon, the smart robots pushed the destroyed robots aside and continued to push into the room. Meanwhile, we were using the furniture in the room as cover as we fired at the enemies. During the battle, I caught a glimpse of the sight outside the door. There seemed to be countless robots outside waiting to come in.

"Canyue, there are a lot of robots outside. If we can't find an exit, we won't be able to last long," reminded Old Du.

"Damn those worms! Where's the exit? We've been discovered! Why are they not opening the exit yet?" scolded Zhang Bao'er even while he was busy fighting the smart robots.

I was wondering the same myself. What were these worms thinking? Was this supposed to be some sort of test for their allies? The battle in the small room grew more and more intense. Due to the space restriction, the enemy couldn't break through even after losing a large number of robots.

However, they had numerical superiority, and our energy supply was dropping rapidly. Perhaps the losses were too much. After dragging another pile of destroyed robots away, the enemy stopped attacking.

"What weird soldiers are they going to use on us next?" said Zhang Bao'er.

"This feels very wrong. Why did they stop their attack?" I said.

"Bulu, come here, quick," I heard Temo, who was hiding behind us, say to Bulu, who was still on the bed.

Surprisingly, Bulu actually bounced over to Temo after being called. At the same time, a series of heavy footsteps rang out. From the footsteps, the newcomer was probably a big fellow.

"Canyue, do you hear that?" asked Old Du, his voice shivering.

"Yes. Old Du, are you also getting nervous? What danger have we not braved before? Don't worry," I said, comforting Old Du even though I was also feeling very nervous.

"Canyue, we need to hold on. The superweapon will switch ownership every hour. We only need to last until the friendly half returns, and we will have a chance to escape," Temo suddenly said. It would seem like he had learned something important from Bulu.

"Dodo, check how much time we have left," said Baron Sisse.

"We still need to last 40 minutes," said Dodo.

At that time, the heavy footsteps finally arrived outside our room. A burly robot that was so tall we couldn't see its head started pounding on the half-closed door with a large hammer. A massive energy barrier was erected before its body, protecting it from any damage.

"My god. What is this? Can a door like this be smashed open with a hammer?" said Dodo nervously, clearly shaken by what they saw.

"Canyue, I think these robots are trying to catch us alive," Baron Sisse said.

"Why do you think so, Baron?" I asked.

"If they want to wipe us out, they only need to throw some explosives into the room. In such a small enclosed space, the explosives will work even better. There is no need to suffer so many losses trying to breach the room," said Baron Sisse.

"That's reasonable. But why do they want to catch us alive?" I asked doubtfully.

"They want your minds. After pouring your minds into robots, they can use your minds to conquer your home," said Temo. All my hair stood on end upon hearing those words.

"Canyue, if I'm captured, you must kill me with your own hands. I don't want to turn into a tool to invade Blue," said Zhang Bao'er. He had always been a brave one, and this was one of the few times he had actually shown fear.

"I won't kill you. Neither will I allow you to be captured," I promised.

The giant robot was still pounding on the door. The solid door had bought us an additional three minutes, but I could see that the upper part of the door had been smashed through.

"Everyone, the breach is going to widen soon. The enemy might flood into the room soon. Throw everything you have at them and hold the line. We must last until the hour is over. In case we fail, my nuclear warhead is already on a timer. Even if we die, we won't let them get us alive," I said.

"Exactly. Even if we die, we can't have our minds harvested. Fuck these iron freaks up!" said Zhang Bao'er.

With a boom, the door was finally pounded open. A giant drill-robot took the lead and rushed into the room.

"Fire!" With my order, all of us fired at the big guy. However, the drill-robot was still able to unyieldingly approach us one step at a time.

"Shit! This guy seems rather sturdy. It will be hard to knock him down," said Baron Sisse.

"Anxashe, try to install a few high-energy cluster bombs on its leg. See if we can knock it down with concentrated attacks," I ordered.

"Bao'er, cover Anxashe with me," said Old Du.

Anxashe rolled forth and rushed the drill-robot. Suddenly, the drill-robot stopped moving. Behind it, several smart robots stepped out and jumped toward Anxashe, attempting to stop his advance.

Zhang Bao'er and Old Du opened fire, knocking down a few of the leading smart robots. However, two of them managed to reach Anxashe. At that time, Anxashe displayed the terrifying combat prowess of the Wargod race. He drew his blade as fast as lightning and instantly sliced the two robots into pieces.

The sight of that stunned all of us. Then, the drill-robot raised its hands and brought them down on Anxashe's head. It would seem that our enemies were starting to lose patience with our stiff resistance.

Anxashe moved aside nimbly, avoiding the attack. In his place, a random piece of furniture was pounded into powder by the smash. Once again, Anxashe showcased the prowess of a Wargod. In the blink of an eye, several bombs had been installed on the hull of the drill-robot.

We all dove onto the ground. A deafening explosion came after. When the dust settled, I saw that the furniture around the door had been destroyed while the giant robot had also been knocked to the ground.

"We still need to last for 25 minutes," reported Dodo.

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