Interstellar Survival: Invasion

Chapter 290: Setting Off To Pluto

Chapter 290: Setting Off To Pluto

The door opened, and Lin Feixue was waiting outside.

"Bao'er, you're back so quickly? Looks like the mission progressed smoothly," said Lin Feixue.

"Easy for you to say when you weren't there to experience the hardship. We nearly lost our lives there," scolded Zhang Bao'er.

"Kelly has yet to return from the council. Commander Zhang Bao'er is waiting at the command center," said Lin Feixue, ignoring Zhang Bao'er.

"Canyue, how was the meeting with the superweapon?" Zhang Xingxing went straight to the point the moment we met.

"Mission completed. We need to select the team members for the Pluto mission and have them eat these red biscuits. They will be immune to the virus on Pluto," I said as Dodo placed the case containing the red biscuits on the table.

"Are you sure this can help with the virus? Wouldn't our people die immediately if it fails?" asked Domo doubtfully.

"Well, good thing you're not eating it. The mission has nothing to do with you. We have chosen to believe in the people of Wisdom," said Temo.

"Screw off. If you go, not only are you useless in combat, they still need to put in the effort to protect you. Canyue, take me. I have fully restocked all my materials for concealment. I can put them to good use for this Pluto mission," said Domo.

We had to start choosing the participants of the mission. After a quick count by Dodo, we noted that we only had 10 red biscuits. Zhang Xingxing signaled me with her eyes. I immediately understood and entered a side room with her.

"Canyue, who are you planning to take with you?" asked Zhang Xingxing.

"I, Bao'er, Old Du, Baron, Anxashe, Carter, Temo, and Domo. You can decide the final two participants," I said.

"That's almost the same list I came up with. Add me and Kelly to the list as well. Dodo can go without the red biscuit. How about Bulu? Would it require the red biscuit?" asked Zhang Xingxing.

"Bulu is a high-civilization creature. I doubt the virus can do much to it. But would it be proper to have Carter and Kelly go together? They are siblings. What if" I hesitated.

"It has been too long since we went on a mission together. I do not want to miss out on this. Kelly has grown greatly over the years. She will be very helpful. I need her to pilot the battleship. In any case, the failure of the mission will signify the end of humanity. It would only be a matter of time before all of us perished," said Zhang Xingxing firmly, allowing no arguments.

"In that case, I agree," I said.

Right at that moment, clamor broke out in the command center. We hurriedly exited the side room and saw that Domo and Temo were once again brawling on the ground.

"What is it this time?" I asked, noticing that the onlookers also looked rather furious.

"Canyue, this fellow ate an entire red biscuit without permission. We need to teach him a lesson for increasing the difficulty of our mission," reported Domo, accusing Temo of taking the red biscuit without permission.

"Stop blabbering, peasant. There is nothing wrong with me eating the biscuit. Without me, the mission won't succeed. Why did you eat one as well? Canyue, you can't take a low-civilization individual like this on the mission. He will only be a burden," said Temo while panting heavily.

I was furious but also found the situation comical. I truly couldn't understand why the two hated each other so much.

"Zhang Bao'er, Old Du, why are you also watching on as they fight? Come on, pull them apart," I said.

"Both of them ate the biscuits without permission. We don't even know what happened exactly. Might as well let them have some combat practice," said Zhang Bao'er grudgingly. Clearly, he was very unhappy about the theft of the biscuits.

"Stop. The participants have been picked. Anyone making trouble after this will be excluded from the mission even if they have taken the biscuit," said Zhang Xingxing, finally losing her temper from their antics.

As a commander, her words carried an unquestionable and imposing tone. The two immediately stopped fighting. Even so, Temo still had an arrogant look on his face. He was, after all, a high-civilization individual.

"Who's on the team?" asked Zhang Bao'er. Everyone else was also eager to hear the answer to that question.

After I listed out the chosen individuals, everyone appeared relieved. It was obvious all of them were looking forward to participating in this mission that would save the league. In fact, this could very well be the operation that would leave their names in the books of history.

"Commander, why am I excluded?" asked Lin Feixue. He was the only person present not included in the mission. He was understandably upset.

"You have an even more important mission. We will take you with us, but you are in charge of piloting a second ship, serving as our backup escape ship. You will be waiting in outer space and won't be landing with us," said Zhang Xingxing.

Although Lin Feixue could only participate as a backup plan, it was better than nothing. Thus, he felt much better after the explanation.

"How long until Carter is back?" Zhang Xingxing asked Kelly.

"I checked with him. Things aren't progressing very smoothly. The parliament does not support the deployment of all our war robots for the Pluto mission. During difficult times like this, they prefer to use the robots for the defense of our three remaining planets," said Kelly.

"What's the point of being on the defensive? They're acting like sitting ducks. If we are on the defensive, it will only be a matter of time until our total extermination," said Zhang Bao'er, his temper flaring again.

"Bao'er, we have been at war with the empire for two years. I hope you can show some respect to the parliament. If you're the one leading the war, we probably won't last even three months," said Kelly.

Perhaps Zhang Bao'er had realized that he was in the wrong. He did not say anything after that.

"Carter suggested that we set off to Pluto first. We will meet outside the enemy's defensive perimeter," said Kelly.

"Lin Feixue, take the Achilles-class battleship Aurora. We will be heading to Pluto first," ordered Zhang Xingxing.

"The battleships of your planet-level civilization possess some limitations. I suggest we use Markus as the main transportation to Pluto. Aurora can be used as the backup escape ship," suggested Temo. He wasn't exactly being polite, but his suggestion was a practical one.

After a short discussion, we reached a decision. We would take Markus to Pluto, and Aurora would serve as backup. After we finished drawing up the plan, we were given 30 minutes to prepare for takeoff. Looking at how well-practiced Zhang Xingxing was in matters of command after two years, I couldn't help but admit that war was indeed a cruel stimulant of growth.

Looking at the beautiful Mars through the window, I was once again reminded that I couldn't allow an evil force like the empire to destroy such a beautiful creation of nature. For the equal rights of existence across the universe, we had to continue fighting.

The period of 30 minutes ended in the blink of an eye. The micro-wormhole had been created, and all members of the operation had been fully supplied. Even Domo was carrying two large bags as he stepped into Markus with us. I could clearly see that Temo wasn't happy with Domo's presence in his ship, but since a decision had been reached, he was forced to compromise.

Our ships took off, signaling the start of the operation. The two ships each entered a micro-wormhole. The wormholes we used were rather limited in scope and energy level, so the transportation was easier to hide and harder to intercept. Unfortunately, such wormholes were incapable of large-scale transportation. The leap progressed smoothly. A few minutes later, we arrived near Pluto. The familiar reddish-white figure appeared before our eyes.

This place was about six billion kilometers from the sun and four billion kilometers from the Kuiper Belt. The faint sunlight could barely illuminate the cold planet. On this planet with a surface as cold as negative 223 degrees, fortifications had been built with the power of technology by the visitors alien to the planet.

The defensive perimeter of the Midstar Army was visible around the planet. The lights from the numerous battleships were akin to a starry night, presenting an exceptionally beautiful sight before our eyes.

"Sigh. How good would it be if this is not a scene from war? Why would a sight so beautiful be the prelude of plunder and slaughter? Is this truly the purpose of existence?" lamented Zhang Xingxing.

"This is something you must experience for peace. Everlasting peace has never existed. That is the case in every layer of the universe. It is indeed the purpose of existence. A rainbow is only beautiful because it appears after the rain," said Temo.

"Don't think too much. Dodo, try to contact Master Crystal. Ask him for an update on his action plan to penetrate the defensive perimeter," I said.

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