Interstellar Survival: Invasion

Chapter 317: Dayu

Chapter 317: Dayu

"Markus doesn't have much energy left. If we want to return to the Milky Way Galaxy, we need to think of a way to recharge the ship," said Temo.

"So we only need energy to travel through wormholes in order to return? That's great! You can actually produce a wormhole leading to somewhere 10 million lightyears away?" asked Zhang Xingxing.

"As long as there is enough energy, Markus will be able to produce such a wormhole. But I don't know where we can find the required energy source," said Temo.

"What kind of energy installation do you have in the ship? Can your ship harness energy directly from stars?" asked the great sovereign.

"That's too dangerous. I can't directly harness a star. I need a planet with flowing water. That is the most optimal choice for Markus to recharge its energy," said Temo.

"A planet with water. There might be many planets in the universe, but planets with flowing water are actually very rare. Most of them only exist in habitable zones. This is our first time here. We won't even have the time to look for a habitable zone. Even if we automate the search, it will take several years," said Dodo.

"There is no need to search. I have a rough idea as to where we can find such planets," said Temo. Once again, he displayed the superiority of a higher civilization with his words.

"What? Do you know Sculptor Galaxy very well?" asked Zhang Bao'er.

"Little bee, is the fiend heading toward a planet within this blue star's system?" asked Temo, directly ignoring Zhang Bao'er.

Only then did we realize that the fiend had also been transported with us.

"Your mental navigation system should be capable of detecting its position. That rash fellow landed on one of the planets here. A planet picked by that fellow must be somewhat livable and might be where we can find the water we need," said the great sovereign.

"You mean the fiend has also been transported over with us and that it has even landed on one of the planets here alone? Were any other battleships also transported here?" asked Zhang Xingxing.

"Apart from us, there is nobody else here. Markus's vigor bombs had formed a defensive domain that had restricted the scope of the explosion. The explosion was only able to envelop us and the fiend," replied Temo confidently.

"Since we already know the fiend's location and we need to recharge Markus to return, let's go look for that brash fellow. If we're fast enough, we might make it back in time to save Blue," said Baron Sisse.

Baron Sisse's suggestion was accepted by everyone. Temo proceeded to use the mental navigation system to determine the fiend's location before piloting Markus toward our final hope.

The blue star in the distance was massive. We were about 100 million kilometers away from it, and our target was one of the planets in its outer orbit. After passing through a small zone of asteroids, a planet the size of Blue appeared before our eyes.

The planet looked incredibly peculiar. It was a planet of three colors, and from our observations, it was a planet that moved in a way where one side would always face the blue star. The side facing the star was very hot and red, whereas the other side was a black world of ice. In between the two halves was a long habitable strip. We could clearly see the beautiful green marking that strip of livable land. We could even see some white clouds fluttering about above the green land.

"Here it is. Where there are clouds, there will be water. This planet is truly beautiful," said Old Du. He appeared rather excited to find our target so easily.

At that time, our system indicated that the fiend was on the planet's habitable strip. However, when Temo tried to connect the fiend to the ship's projector, he failed. In order to get the energy source we needed and find the fiend, we all decided to land on the planet. Further exploration of the planet was required.

At that point in time, we were eight days away from the final attack against the league. Due to our lack of energy, Markus could only slowly approach the planet. As we approached, the beautiful appearance of the planet became clearer and clearer to our eyes.

"If we look in Blue's direction from here, we're probably looking at Blue from 10 million years ago," said Old Du to Kelly.

"Yeah. At that time, humanity hasn't even come into existence,"

"Not only have we been transported across space, but we have also been transported through time."

"I wonder if the passage of time will be affected by our interstellar travel. The explosion had sent us 10 million lightyears away. Are we still at the same point in time as before? If we had also been thrown into a different point in time, Blue might very well not exist anymore."

"Don't make such negative speculations that we can't answer. We need to remain hopeful. So long as there is hope, we will keep working hard," said Old Du.

"Commander, can I name this planet?" Domo suddenly asked.

"What name do you have in mind?" asked Zhang Xingxing.

"I want to name it Dayu," said Domo.

"Why Dayu? Why not Bao'er or Old Du?" asked Zhang Bao'er, who was relapsing into his usual habit of bickering with Domo.

"It's the name of a very good friend of mine. She loves wearing clothes that have the same three colors as this planet. I remembered her the moment I saw this planet, so I wish to name the planet after her," said Domo earnestly.

"Is that friend very important to you? Where is she?" asked Dondon.

"Very important, but she probably moved to the world beyond a very long time ago," said Domo. For the very first time, a sorrowful appearance could be seen on his face.

At that point, nobody would refuse his request. And thus, the planet was named Dayu.

Currently, Markus was starting to enter the planet's atmosphere. Due to our lack of energy, the ship was not protected by its energy shield. Because of that, the friction between the ship and the atmosphere was rather intense. It also didn't help that the atmosphere's outer layers seemed to be much thicker than Blue's. We were rather worried that the ship would not survive entering the planet's lower atmosphere.

Fortunately, a star-civilization ship was worthy of its reputation. After about a dozen minutes, Markus was through the outer layers. We were all relieved. A bizarre yet beautiful view unfolded before our eyes. Before long, our ship reached the clouds, and we encountered heavy rain. The concentrated raindrops informed us that we had successfully found a planet with water.

"Temo, this planet meets your requirements. What do you need to recharge the ship?" asked the great sovereign.

"I need to land Markus on the ground and perform an elemental analysis on the surface. Upon determining a correct combination of available elements, the ship will automatically start recharging," replied Temo.

"Ok. How long will you need to complete the process? We still need to look for the fiend after that," said the great sovereign.

"It might take around 10 hours. We're right above the fiend's signal, so if the environment allows it, I suggest that you search on foot while the ship is recharging. That will be far more efficient," suggested Temo.

Markus was about a kilometer from the surface. Below us was a mountainous region. Numerous unknown plants could be seen growing all over the mountains, and in between the towering trees were empty clearings where green shrubs were growing. After selecting one such clearing, Markus slowly descended and landed on the ground.

"The landing is quite smooth," said Zhang Bao'er with relief after the whole process was completed without any issues.

Right after we landed, Markus began the elemental analysis part of the recharging process. At the same time, the result of our laser scans returned. According to our scans, the planet's habitable zone was actually very suitable for Bluelings, with the correct air composition for Bluelings to breathe freely.

"The environment outside is suitable for us. According to the last signal we received from the fiend, it was atop a mountain 30 kilometers away. You can set off to look for it," said Temo.

"Did your ship fail to establish another mental connection with it again?" asked the great sovereign.

"Yes. The fiend had refused the connection. Therefore, we need someone to personally see it. Maybe there are some hidden dangers on this planet," said Temo.

"It will take the ship 10 hours to recharge. I agree with Temo's suggestion. This is a brand new planet for us, and this is our first time going so far away from our home. We should also use the time we have to explore this planet," said Zhang Xingxing.

"I don't mind exploring this planet, but for some reason, something feels a bit off about this planet for me," I raised my concern.

"Canyue, what is off about this planet? It feels like a calm and beautiful planet to me," asked Zhang Bao'er curiously.

"Don't you feel it weird that apart from plants, we have yet to see a single living being?" I said.

"That's true. We have not seen any living beings. It is too calm here," agreed Old Du, who had always been the cautious one.

"Perhaps this place is the same as Blue from 400 million years ago when pteridophytes were just starting to exist. At that point in time, there were also only plants on Blue. This is nothing weird," Zhang Bao'er answered my question.

"It doesn't matter. It's never wrong to be careful. Although the surface of this planet is livable, we still need to leave with our shields. To ensure we have a sufficient level of strength, Li Canyue, Baron Sisse, Old Du, Zhang Bao'er, Dodo, Anxashe, and I will leave the ship. Kelly and the others will stay behind on Markus," Zhang Xingxing decided.

"Why am I never included? I want to take a walk outside too," complained Domo.

"You're too short. If you go, we'll need to put more effort into protecting you. It's safer for you to stay on the ship," said Zhang Bao'er, giving an answer that caused Domo to feel even more unhappy.

"You might need the ability to hide in new environments. I might be helpful if you take me with you," argued Domo.

"I'll go. I can take on the task of protecting this little fellow," the great sovereign suddenly offered.

"Do you mean you want Bob to carry you out with us on the mission? Of course, we would be glad to have you with us," said Zhang Xingxing, who was pleasantly surprised to hear that the great sovereign wanted to come with us.

"Yes. Turn off this robot's artificial intelligence. Let me control its body. I can join you that way," said the great sovereign.

With the inclusion of the great sovereign, both the great sovereign and Domo were added to the team. After a simple preparation, we began our work. This was the very first time a human had ever reached a planet 10 million lightyears away from Blue, and this was undoubtedly a historic accomplishment for humanity.

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