Into the Zombie World

Chapter 27 - Radio!

The previous Nile knew the various village officials of Malibo Village, including the Village Captain or Village Chief.. It is just that he did not have that much impression of them aside from the already dead zombie Councilor.

It was to be expected. Although he had inherited the memory of the previous Nile, it did not mean that he would remember everything.

Some memories are vague or dim. Just like how one could not remember all the things that had happened to them during their childhood. These are called 'Explicit Memory'. these are the memories which you can only remember if you consciously think about it.

The memory of the previous Nile has become Nile's explicit memory. Of course, not all the memory had become an Explicit Memory.

Just like how Nile noticed that the language used by Marlin differs from what Nile had used from his previous world.

But Nile could still understand and use the language used by Marlin. It is because of the 'Implicit Memory'. Implicit memory is the memory that you don't have to recall consciously as it is used over time, it becomes implicit and you will use it automatically.

Some of the memories Nile will only remember when a situation comes. Or when he encounters something that could make him recall that certain memory.

That is why Nile did not instantly remember the Village Captain. Only after he introduced himself did Nile remember the memory specifically about the Village Captain Marlin.

He only knows some of the Village Captain's public information, the same as the other Village Officials. He met the Councilor from before. That is why he remembered him immediately during that time.


As they arrived at the Base, before they could even come inside, a young man called out to Marlin with an excited expression.

"Cap! Good thing you are already here. I was just about to follow you. We have received a transmission from the Army with the Radio that we've got." The young man said to Marlin with an excited tone.

Marlin's eyes lit up after hearing what the young man said.

"Really Froilan? That is good news. Did you get something from the broadcast?" Marlin hurried inside the base while asking Froilan some questions about the Radio Transmission.

Seeing this, Nile just followed them silently. This can be good for him as well. He could also gather information this way.


The base itself is bigger than the small mansion of the Councilor from before. It was on the East side of Malibo Village.

According to Marlin, this base was from one of the Village Councilors of Malibo.

After the Apocalypse Virus spread, he, along with his 4 uninfected men, fought the zombie that had evolved from his workers, and escaped towards this location.

As he had many men or workers, many of them had become zombies, only 4 men had escaped from the clutches of Apocalypse Virus. As they were escaping, two of their companions had been bitten by the zombies and got infected.

They are fortunate that this house is often deserted, since the Village Councilor who owns this house also has a house at the other part of the Village. He will only usually live here when they have important meetings.

The three of them then made this house as their base. After two months, they have already grown into 24 people, including him and his two men.

The people from his group varied from where they came from, age and also gender. Some of them came from the other Sitio, while some of them are from the center of Malibo itself.

Every time Marlin or the other members encounter a person, they will invite them to join them. Usually the person they invite will be glad and will follow them immediately.

Nile's case is the first for Marlin. Nile is too cautious. But he also wants to say thank you to Nile, because without Nile he will not come into the realization of the world he currently lives in.


Inside the base.

Nile could see 13 people circling a black rectangular box.

This black rectangular box is the Radio. It is 8 inches tall, 13 inches in width, and 3 inches in length. It has an aluminum antenna connected at the upper right corner of its body; the antenna is over 1 meter in height.

The Radio is producing a nearly indistinguishable sound. Maybe because of the poor signal. But the 16 of them, now including the newly arrived, Nile, Marlin and Froilan, listen to the man talking on the Radio intently. One of the women in the group had also been taking notes while listening.


"The zombies might be a disaster. But with this disaster comes great opportunity. Do not give up. Fight and become strong to survive. Warning, do not become greedy and engage a zombie with a higher Level than you in battle."

"I repeat, do not battle zombies that are clearly stronger than you."


That was the only thing Nile had heard before the radio transmission got cut off.

But glancing at the woman who had written a lengthy series of words, Nile knew that what he had heard was not the only content of the Radio Transmission.


After being silent for more than a few minutes, all the original 13 people inside the room suddenly turned their heads towards the three 'newcomers' simultaneously.

After seeing that the two of them, Marlin and Froilan are acquaintances, they move their gaze towards Nile, staring at him cautiously.

Nile did not hold back and also stared at them cautiously. He tightened his grip on his Sledge Hammer.

His Sledge Hammer was always ready to respond if anything went awry.

As Nile tightened his grip on the Sledge Hammer. All the people inside, including Marlin and Froilan, suddenly felt a chill run down their spine.

'Scary' was the thing that kept on echoing in their mind.

Tension filled the air as both parties competed in a staring competition.

1 vs 13.

Ironically, it is clear who is overpowering whom.

It was Nile, overpowering all the people inside with this pressure that he had unconsciously made.


While still having a cold sweat on his back, Marlin recovered his reason and seeing the tense situation inside the room, Marlin did not dally and pacified both parties immediately.

"cough*, everyone. This is Nile. He came from Sitio Palma and came here to search for food. I met him at the periphery of the Village Hall while I was scouting earlier. I invited him to come over. Relax, he can at least be trusted, also he only needs some information and will leave right after."

Hearing Marlin, the 13 of them immediately relax their cautious gaze. They can then feel that the chill that they felt earlier had also slowly faded.

Although never mentioned, all the people inside the base treat Marlin as the leader. This was an unspoken agreement from all of them.

Firstly, it was because Marlin is the 'previous' Village Captain of Malibo. Second, it was because they treat Marlin as their saviour. And third, it was because of Marlin's actual leadership skills.

Hence, after hearing what Marlin had said, all of them relaxed their cautious attitude immediately. That was how they trust Marlin so much.

After almost 2 months of living or surviving together, they had already felt a deep camaraderie towards each other. Hence trust issues are no longer an issue towards their comrade.

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