
Chapter 64: Song Just Han A Case of Coming Out

Chapter 64: Song Just Han A Case of Coming Out

His phone was still ringing, He Gu picked it up, Zhuang Jie Yu, Feng Zheng, Zhou He Yi, Chen Shan and many formerly unfamiliar or colleagues or old knowledge, Anyone who has paid attention to him and Song Ju Han can't wait to find him. He simply turned it off.

After calming down, He Gu started thinking about the consequences of this incident. Last time he had been involved in the --- bastard incident, he lost his job and all of his personal information was posted online and now Song Ju Han pushed him to the limelight again.

He changed his new mobile phone and never looked for a job. The house was not yet lived when he left, and he did not transfer to his name, so those people may not find it, and what? What else?

Suddenly, he suddenly found out that he should have been thoroughly exposed in that incident and covered his tracks. Now, there is nothing terrible, and he don't know whether he should be happy or sad about that.

He stayed silent for a long time, and he repeatedly thought about every sentence that Song Ju Han said at the concert, and the song, even if he only listened once, the lyrics and melody were clearly imprinted in his mind, each of the sound, were like the love words Song Ju Han whispered in his ear, leaving him with shuddering goosebumps.

He loved that person for seven years, how could he be unresponsive.

He thought about it, opened the computer and typed it in the search engine: Song Ju Han.

A lot of news about the amazing concerts came over.

"Song Ju Han's concert announced his withdrawal from the music scene, and he sang his lover's confession!"

"Song Ju Han publicly released the cabinet doors?"

"Song Ju Han quits the song after sending a song to He Gu!"

"Song Ju Han's homosexual lover is exposed, "He Gu. Who is He Gu?" He Gu?"

"Song Ju Han's concert finale song "Ai He Gu", is it a suspected public confession, homosexuality exposure?"

He Gu looked more painful as he read on. He opened the forum again, but the concert ended in just one hour. About that incident, a high-rise posts of more than 300 pages has been built. The posts on the forum's home page are related to Song Ju Han. The words "He Gu" are mixed. Between the rows and columns, especially glaring at He Gu.

He opened a post titled "Heather's Meaty Information Summary", but found that the post has been deleted. He returned to the home page and opened a few more posts about himself and he found that all of them were deleted.

He refreshed the forum, and the posts he just saw were gone, and the new posts started to be posted and even those disappeared in a few minutes.

Someone is operating behind the scenes...

He went to Weibo again and found that his name was blocked by search. Only when he went to search for Song Ju Han, he could see information about him, but as long as it was related to him, the post was deleted after being refreshed.

The mood is very complicated. When his personal information was exposed, he reported to the police. His mother spent money to find the company to do damage control, and did not control the deterioration of the situation, but now the situation seems to be easily suppressed. Although this made him relieved, Song Ju Han knew what Song He did for his son. He chose to use him to divert the public's attention and transfer firepower. He still felt the anger about at that time.

He couldn't sleep, and he couldn't keep quiet. He kept refreshing information on the Internet, lest those people find his current address. Fortunately, they didn't have it for the time being. Instead, he watched Song Ju Han's fans divided into three big trusses.

One party supported Song Ju Han for his bravely to express himself, respecting Song Ju Han's choice, and said that they would like for him to get his lover back and all that.

One party used all kinds of vicious and dirty words to curse the man named "He Gu", and asked "He Gu" to return Song Ju Han to them.

One group said that Song Ju Han ignored fans. They were feeling disappointed, and all insults about fags and gay and disgusting vitriol.

Song Media official website has been flooded with community posts, filled with countless messy information, but the company has no movement.

For many people, this is a long night.

He Gu was awakened by the ringing tone of the landline phone. He opened his eyes and felt that his back was sore. He didn't know when he fell asleep at the computer desk yesterday. He rubbed his waist and his swollen eyes and went to the living room.

The person who knew the landline number, was only his mother and Su Su, he took a deep breath and picked up the microphone.

"He Gu!" Sun Qing's voice was very anxious. "What happened last night? What happened to Song Ju Han?"

"Mom, I am also very surprised."

"It's hard the man stop for half a year, how come he came back to hurt you!" Sun Qing said angrily. "How did he treat you, why is he being affectionate to you now, it's shameless! You haven't been in contact for a long time. How could he..." Sun Qing's voice suddenly paused. "Son, you tell the truth, after that, have you ever had a connection with him?"

It is difficult to talk about it, after all, their connection has almost never been broken.

Sun Qing was so clever, He Gu was hesitant, she knew everything in her heart and she sighed long: "You should go out as little as possible in the next few days and don't take Su Su to class, so I will come back and say."

He Gu put a casual smile: "Mom, don't you treat me as a child, I can handle it myself, you continue with your business, don't worry about me."

"I'm afraid that you will be blocked from going home at the same time as last time."

"I really want to call the police, I am going to starve to death." He Gu stopped. "This time it should not be like the last time, online posts are deleted very quickly. Most of the information about my private information is blocked. Occasionally, there are leaks and the spread is not widespread."

Sun Qing sighed with relief: "That's good, those star fans are crazy. If they do something extreme, you will be in trouble."

"Mom, don't worry, I can take care of myself and my prime."

Hanging up the phone, once he got back, he saw Su Su standing behind the door and looking at him with red eyes.

He Gu frowned: "How do you look so bad, don't you want to sleep?"

Su Su pouted: "I had a night with them."

"With whom?"

Su Su took out the ipad from the back and cried with aggrieved: "The people on the Internet. They don't know you at all, they say you are not good, there are still many accomplishments."

He Gu went over and took the ipad and whispered: "I said that you can only play with this for two hours a day, how can you not obey."

Su Su gripped a small fist and endured tears. She said with resentment: "They are all bastards. They don't know you. I wanted to kill them? I really want to kill them!"

He Gu was so sad that he was stunned: "Why do you check those people, there are always people like this in the world and after a few days, they are going to pay attention to other things, you are more real than them, except for their own anger, nothing make sense. Um? Don't be angry."

"What did mother say?"

"Mom wanted to come back, but I told her not to come back, just as you start school soon, I will send you to Shanghai."

"Good..." Su Su said sadly, "Brother, what will you do?"

"I won't be intimidated, I wasn't the last time, it won't be this time."

"That... Brother Han?"

"...he won't be like it."

Su Su said seriously: "Brother, I have saved a lot of money, there are more than 100,000 yuans in my bank account. How about we go to the hackers, find out those who are bullying you, and give them a crawling virus, how's that?"

1]..... Love Su Su

He Gu couldn't help but smile: "How could it be sent over, don't worry, it will be fine in a few days."

Although it was okay that came from the mouth, He Gu could not go out for safety reasons and the meal was all ordered in and no one found the place where he lived now, so that he was relieved a lot.

Since Song Ju Han has not contacted him since that day, although Song Ju Han's face can not cover every corner of the world, once again became the headline of public opinion.

Some people praised him for being brave. Some people blamed him for being inferior. In any case, he did the feats that no one dared to do in the entertainment circle and people always remembered him.

The official HD video of the concert was released online, but the last part was cut off and the netizen could not stop uploading it. The full version was forwarded 160,000 times. He Gu took a day to prepare for it... And then courageously pressed the play button.

The video was de-noised and equipped with subtitles. Because of the certain distance of the shooting, the light was dark and Song Ju Han face was not clear but his unique voice like flowing water often broke into the heart.

Love He Gu.

Love He Gu.

Love He Gu.

He Gu hand went to cover his eyes.

Seeing that Su Su was nearing to start school, He Gu book a ticket and planned to send her back to Shanghai.

It's been a week since the news, the news has been reduced and no one has harassed him. His vigilance has completely relaxed and he drove to the airport.

Just entering the airport hall, he heard a scream coming from behind: "It is him!"

He Gu froze and when he turned his head, he saw a bunch of people carrying equipment came to him in all directions. His heart leaped wildly, but he still had to calmly pulled Su Su and walked on.

The door has been blocked and some people who are obviously fans have gathered.

Su Su was so scared, He Gu pick her up, put her head on his shoulder, blocked her face and then he went in the nearest toilet.

The reporter swarmed to block the door to the toilet.

"Mr. He, Mr. He, what do you think of the deep confession at Song Ju Han's concert?"

"Is that song sung to you? How long have you been with Song Ju Han?"

"Are you breaking up? Are you gay?"

"Online rumors says you are in a relationship with Song Ju Han, is that true?"

Dozens of people surrounded him and he finally couldn't move. He angrily pushed open a number of cameras and screamed: "Get out!"

"Mr. He, He Gu, are you gay?"

"Song Ju Han is gay? How do you know each other!"

"Song Ju Han quits the music for you?"

The question was like a slap in the face, such as the magic sound, piercing his ear, He Gu head fell down, the line of sight was full of messy feet, no matter which direction he wants to go, he will eventually be pushed back, he is surrounded by crowds and machines, he heard Su Su crying.... He felt so helpless that he couldn't grow wings!

Suddenly, at the corner of his eye he saw something flying over and he had no time to react. He only heard a crackling sound, something stinky was blasted on his head and then the cold liquid dripped down the hair into the collar.

He Gu was stunned.

There was something on his back that didn't hurt, but he felt his face burned.

"Smelly shameless gay, you go to hell!" There was a female voice yelling wildly.

"Return Song Ju Han to us! Return Song Ju Han to us!"

"You are shameless! You don't deserve him! You are going to die!"

Countless eggs and tomatoes were thrown in from all directions. The reporter shouted attention to the equipment. He Gu trembled with his hold on Su Su, his eyes were red, his fists were tight and the toilet was just a few steps away, but he could not pass. He finally couldn't bear it and he punched the reporter in front of him.

But his fist was stopped in midair and the powerful big hand that gripped his wrist was so familiar.

He turned his head and even if the man was wearing sunglasses and a mask, he also recognized Song Ju Han at a glance.

How could he not recognize Song Ju Han?

Song Ju Han pressed his hand, then picked up the reporter's collar and pushed him. Suddenly, the reporter was knocked down to the ground with the three or four rows of people behind him.

The next second, He Gu was he embraced a broad and gentle embrace, he heard the sound of broken egg shells, tomatoes shattered, but those fell on Song Ju Han. He Gu heard the low, gentle voice rang in his ear: "Don't be afraid."

He Gu bit his lips and felt a sense of redemption in the panic.

Song Ju Han dragged his hand and pushed the two people into the bathroom. Then he took off his sunglasses and a mask and unfolded his hands in front of him. He said: "You want to interview me then interview me. Uf you want to fight then come to me, but let me fucking warn you, whoever leans over on this side, I will beat you till you're unrecognizable.... you can try."

At this time, Xiao Song came to the rescue with the bodyguards and the airport men. From the encirclement of reporters and fans, he broke a breakthrough. To answer the question, Song Ju Han accepted the reporter's question on the other side.

Xiao Song said: "Brother He. you walk down with me and you will be fine soon."

He Gu did not say a word, he left the airport under the escort of a bunch of people, went to sit in the car, the door completely isolated everything outside, he relaxed and felt his hands still shaking.

Su Su slowly raised her head, revealing a small face and looked sadly at He Gu.

He Gu touch her head: "It's okay, it's okay now."

Su Su had erased the egg white on his face by hand and her tears could not stop flowing down: "They should die!"

He Gu suffered from it and the panic and resentment that was blocked and humiliated in public turned into a anger, but he could not show it. He could only slow down his voice as much as possible: "We don't know them well, now it's ok. It is just stupid people."

Xiao Song used a wet tissue to wipe his face and body and wiped his nose. "Brother, sorry, we were late. There are too many things to deal with in the past few days. I have to field hundreds of calls every day, I am going crazy. I only knew that you booked the ticket an hour ago. If you had turned on the phone, we will know that something is going to happen and come over."

He Gu silently wiped himself out and didn't say a word.

Xiao Song said uncomfortably: "Brother Han has been planning this thing for a long time. He has been screaming at Mr.Song He. In fact, he was well prepared and tried to control the things on the Internet, but there are still some omissions..."

He Gu wipe himself and wiped him hair.

Xiao Song's eyes hang down: "Brother, I beg you to say something."

He Gu finally looked up at him and Shen said: "I really don't know what to say."

Xiao Song seems to be crying. "Brother Han is true to you. It is really true. It is not because you left him. He felt that his self-esteem was damaged and he came back to look for you. The people around us I saw them all. I followed him for four years, I have always known that he always cares only about you."

There is no expression on the face, but He Gu heart was already anxious.

Suddenly, the door was opened violently and Song Ju Han appeared in the sight.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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