
Chapter 68: The Kidnappers

Chapter 68: The Kidnappers

He Gu wanted to take the opportunity to discuss with his mother and about him moving to Shanghai to live and work, but seeing that the situation is not good now, his mother is not able to sort the chaos because of all sorts of things he stopped.

But he really wants to find work.

Although financial management and stocks have good returns every month, it is not his style to sit on the mountain, but because of the "feat" of Song Ju Han at the concert, he once again made headlines and now it is impossible to find a normal job, maybe he really should start his own business.

He has a lot of contacts in the real estate circle in Beijing. It is not a problem to recruit a few people and pick up some small projects.

But in this way, he can't come to Shanghai.

It's a bit embarrassing to think about it and it makes him feel a bit frustrated.

The phone rang and for a moment, it was a fucking call: "Hey, Mom."

"He Gu?" Sun Qing's voice shook a little. "You are not inconvenienced to come to the house now?"

He Gu body tremble, he heard Su Su is crying and his mother's voice was very wrong: "Mom, what happened?"

"Don't panic, Old Li and his son are coming. We had a few arguments. If you are busy..."

"I will come right away."

"You be careful on the road, don't worry."

He Gu quickly changed his clothes and rushed out the door.

The movement of the door was particularly large and Song Ju Han really chased him out: "He Gu, what happened?"

He Gu didn't care about him, while he was buttoning the shirt, he strode to the elevator.

Song Ju Han chased him. He apparently just got out of bed and only wore a pair of trousers, showing a half-body-skinned muscled meat. The muscles of his arms were massive and full of strength. He grabbed He Gu arm and said nervously: "He Gu, what happened!"

He Gu pushed his hand: "My mom has something happening over, don't block me."

"I will come with you."

"No, what do you have to mix with our family." He Gu press the elevator button a few times with irritability.

"You are not an ordinary thing to look at, no matter what happened I can help you." Song Ju Han held his shoulder and looked deep and calm. "Wait for me, I will put on clothes immediately, okay."

"Why don't you pat your face?"

Song Ju Han stroked his ear and turned and ran back to the room.

The elevator door slammed open and he looked at Song Ju Han, who had already entered the room and hesitated a little, then looked at the man and walked into the elevator.

Out of the hotel, he took a car and rushed to his mother.

When he arrived at his mother's house, he took a deep breath and took to arrange his hair. His face was calm and watery and he knocked on the door with restraint.

The door was quickly opened and Sun Qing opened the door. Her eyes were a little red and she looked pissed off.

He Gu whispered in her ear: "We have this." He walked in with Sun Qing's shoulder.

There are two men sitting in the house, one is Li Chen Xing. He Gu saw his photos in Su Su's ipad and a young man who is very smart at first sight, must be his son.

He Gu nodded and nod: "Hello, Uncle Li"

Li Chen Xing smiled hard and smiled: "Hello, hello, listening about you from your mother, I finally saw you." He pointed to the young man. "This is my youngest son, Li Hui, same age as you."

"Hello there."

Li Hui's attitude was somewhat arrogant and he nodded.

"What about Su Su?" He Gu asked.

"In the room." Sun Qing looks a little tired.

He Gu glance at the coffee table with a large stack of documents and some of them carried in anger and being thrown on the ground. He Gu bend over and pulled it up and turn it over. It is the equity transfer agreement that Li and his son hoped Sun Qi would sign.

Li Chen Xing touched his nose and said: "Sun Qing is not in good health. It is difficult to take into account the operation of the company. At this time, the focus should be on raising a disease, right."

Sun Qing said coldly: "You should be showing less pretense to care about me here. If you really want to let me feel at ease. I don't want to be angry with you. At this price, you want me sell the equity. Isn't it like I have given you everything over the past ten years? You strode your nose and claim this is Li Family's work? Qin Qing has become what it is today not because of the Link Family.... my Sun Qing sweat built half of the company."

Li said something yin and yang: "Sun Qing, no one has erased your credit in the company. It's just that the situation is not very good. The purchase price is still within reasonable limits. Everyone is a family. Do you really want to sell your own efforts to outsiders, when the time is fine, it is no longer diligent."

"I am not needed here, Qin Qing is not diligent. Since I want to sell, I also want to find a good price. I think Rongtou is the best choice. He can support Qin Qing and make it go to a higher level. Your reason for disagreement is too far-fetched."

"We disagree because we believe that Qin Qing can overcome this difficulty and we do not want to sell the shares to outsiders. Sun Qing, if you are not sick, we could rely on your courage and skill, you must also want to go over this yourself. Now you are sick, but we don't have your support. We can lead Qin Qing to stand up again."

Sun Qing trembling lips spoke: "You want to buy my shares with half the money. When I am such a fool? If you change me to you, would you agree?"

Li smiled: "Why do you care about a family? You are still my father's wife. Su Su is still our sister. Even if you go, there is no cheap outsider to come in."

He Gu took the documents to the table: "My mother can sell the shares at a high price to outsiders and the money is also given to Su Su and at the same its not cheap." He deliberately increased the word "outsiders."

Li Hui's face changed slightly: "You said, Sun Qing's money is reserved for Su Su and you, so you are so active campaigning for it. It is also interesting to say that your mother and you her son have not been in contact for more than ten years. Suddenly you're this intimate in this section of the bones, isn't it the sin of Sun Qing, really smart."

Sun Qing said: "Li Hui, don't talk nonsense."

Li Chen Xing waved his hand and said cold words: "Hey, blood is thicker than water, it is normal."

He Gu voice voice was cold screaming: "The things between a mother and the child will not be considered as 'outsiders'. If we want to negotiate, the negotiation is to seek common ground while reserving differences. This price, my mother will not accept it. If you really want to talk, come up with a better offer."

Li will narrowed his eyes: "How much do you want?"

Sun Qing no expression: "I will give you a price the same as Rongtou."


"There is nothing to say then. I will go to file for divorce tomorrow. Let's slowly grind it. I also want to know which one between me and Qin Qing will die first."

Li's father and son eyes flashed with anger.

Li angrily responded: "Sun Qing, the onlookers are clear, you reflect about how much you have changed your behavior and temper since you contacted your son. You used to be different."

He Gu looked at him with disdain.

"How about my son and I..... if you can't swallow it then don't."

Li Hui's eyes were a bit gloomy: "Auntie Sun, you better consider it."

Sun Qing said coldly: "Go away, don't force me to say whats it's hard to hear."

After Li's father and son left, Sun Qing's son sat on the sofa and his face was pale.

He Gu caressed her back: "Mom, sue for divorce, no matter what, it is better than it is now."

Sun Qing sighed: "It can only be like this. I recently heard a news that they have found an investment company and are willing to invest for Qin Qing, but they must have 51% of the shares to pass the investment, their shares are not enough and they do not want to give up. I own the shares, so they took the attention on my shares, if they bought them at a low price and then sold them to the company at a high price. The difference is that they can earn two or three hundred million easily."

"It's really greedy."He Gu bit his teeth, "we can't let them succeed." He had thought about letting his mother give up and concentrate on raising a disease. Now that he has seen that Li and his son and their greed was all about he can finally understand why his mother can't swallow this breath.

"I will never let them be satisfied. The investment company can't wait for us to finish the divorce lawsuit. They have limited time and will definitely go for a compromise."

"Yes, the last compromise will definitely be theirs." He Gu held Sun Qing's hand and thought about Li Hui's gloomy eyes and he was worried.

Comforted Sun Qing, He Gu entered the room and he patted Su Su. At such a young age, she have to experience the change of her parents' marriage. This reminds He Gu of his own time. At that time, he also cried, made troubles, grievances and fears because of his parents' disagreement. In the end, he was completely numb. He really didn't want Su Su to bear everything he had endured, so he tried to play the role of brother and father.

Even so, he can't avoid it. If he had a brother at that time, maybe he would have a lot of open-mindedness.

He Gu stay the night of his mother, during the dinner they made dumplings together, watching the mother and the daughter have a smile on their faces and he also relaxed a lot.

After Su Su was sleeping, He Gu talk to her mother late and then set off for the hotel.

He went downstairs and hailed a taxi. The driver was very young and his eyes looked strange. Especially the kind of eyes that stared at people in the flesh made them uncomfortable. He Gu didn't think much, he spoke the address and looked at the window.

After ten minutes, he didn't feel right. Although he was not familiar with the roads in Shanghai, he was still clear of what was the southeast and northwest. The hotel was clearly in the north. How did the driver drive south? He said: "Sir, where are you going? Open it, I will complain to you again."

The driver turned a deaf ear and kept moving forward.

He Gu frowned and took a hard shot of the iron mesh: "What are you doing, stop!"

The driver suddenly turned around and had a bottle of spray in his hand, he sprayed on his face.

The space in the car was narrow, He Gu tried to go backwards, but did not hide well then inhaled some unpleasant smell and then the whole person began to go sleepy.

Before the falling unconscious, only the driver's smirked face was left in his sight.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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