Inventors system

Chapter 14: Lilildam 3

Chapter 14: Lilildam 3

As Morana and Samael entered Lilildam, Victor, Leonie and Amalia with 7 other people arrived at the Narsac.

"Are you sure she is here?" Asked Amalia as she looked at Victor. The excitement and hope of seeing her daughter soon eased her resentment against Victor a bit.

"She definitely came here after leaving the forest, but"


"She definitely was not alone, when we followed her tracks, I could always feel that someone else was always with her. A dark presence." Said Victor with a cold face but worry flashed in his lavender-colored eyes.

"Whatever she is with right now is definitely dangerous. We have to find her quickly before it's too late." Sail Amalia.

Hearing her wife's words Leonie also nodded his head, then he ordered his man to go and find some leads.

"Let's find an inn first and when we have some new information, we can think about our next steps then." Said Leonie. As a great leader he was used to dealing with hard situations and was able to keep his mind clear even when he was worried sick.

Victor and Amalia also agreed, they were not people who have not seen the world, their age was not small and neither was their experience, they knew that they needed to do.

That day Leonie's people search any information they could find, they didn't leave any rock unturned and finally as evening came, they had some new leads to report to their master.

As Leonie, Amalia and Victor sat in the room waiting for the news, the man in black clothes finally arrived and kneeled on one knee before Leonie.


"Simon, what did you find?" Asked Amalia with a worried face.

Simon was Lapis's young cousin, their family has served de Laval family for centuries and were known for their loyalty.

"We didn't find any girl with young miss's appearance, but we found information about a boy that looked like her." Said Simon

"She is smart, she could have changed her appearance to the boy's easily." Said Victor.

After hearing her words Amalia's heart ached that her daughter had to go through these things, but she was also excited to finally get a lead about her whereabouts.

"What else did you find?" Asked Leonie.

"Miss was with Young man. His appearance was quite eye catching, so lots of people remembered. They say it was a very beautiful man that looked like a celestial with sunny yellow hair, Black eyes and honey-colored skin. Other say he was like a wild, devilish beauty. He was always with a doll like beautiful kid about 9 years old with long red hair and golden eyes.

He was always carrying the child in his arms, they registered at Adventurers hall as Rana and Samael and in three days became E-ranking adventurers."

Simon reported everything, a bit of pride could be heard in his voice as he listed all the things he found about a young princess of de Laval family.

'As expected from our family's little miss.' Thought Simon as he subconsciously puffed up his chest.

"Did you find out where she is now or what else she did in the city?" Asked Victor

After having his inner thought disturbed Simon quickly got back to reporting.

"It seems they asked for continental map and are planning to leave the continent, they have been looking into information about continental travels and restrictions, but they were pretty secretive about it so I could not find out where they want to go.

Also, they seem to have left the city little over a week ago, I found a guard that was on duty that day, he said that they went west and there are only three towns they could have gone too. I already sent people to check them we will have information in a few days."

After hearing his report Leonie dismissed Simon and warned him to be careful, if they would Morana they should immediately report back and not engage in any kind of contact.

When Simon left, the room became quiet as all three were immersed in their own thought.

After some time, Amalia and Leonie noticed that Victors face became more and more distorted and Leonie could not help but ask.

"What is it? Did you notice something?"

"Don't you think all of this is a bit weird?"

"Which part?" Asked Amalia.

"Everything. How she left the lab? How did she know about that man or the egg? Where are they going? And how come that man is always walking around while carrying her?" At first, they were too excited about hearing their daughter's well-being so they didn't bother with all of these details, but now that Victor has pointed all of these out, they could not help but think more and just as he said they were also puzzled.

"What do you think?" Asked Amalia. Although she didn't want to admit, this person knew Morana better so he might have some theories as to what was happening.

"Well I am not sure about the details, but She always loved beautiful thing if this man is as alluring as rumors say, could she have been led astray and seduced?" Said Victor. "I mean we don't know what this man can do, even upper world was afraid of them, so he could have used some means to see her in the lab and seduce her." The more he talked the ore Victor thought he found out the truth and more convinced he became in his theory.

After hearing Victors Idea, Amalia and Leonie could not help but worry, they were angry that some unknown man had seduced and have taken their baby girl.

In Lilildam Samael who was eating in the restaurant with Morana Sneezed and felt a chill down his spine.

Unknown to him, not that far away three people were making up all kinds of conspiracies about him and then cursing and despising him for it.

He still didn't know what kind of a dark future he would have for some peoples overthinking, but that's a story for a later time.

When Morana saw him sneeze she asked "did you catch a cold?"

"Are you worried about me?" Even though she could not see, with his tone alone Morana could imagine his smug expression.

Unfortunately, he was in for a disappointment as she was not a kind of person that cared for other people's fragile hearts.

"If you caught a cold stay a little farther from me, I don't want to get some kind of unknown bacteria from you, I have to attend the annual competition." She said coldly and continued eating her food.

As expected, hearing this Samael's smug smile quickly vanished and as the other person ignored him, he could only heal his injured heart in the corner.


Samael in the corner T_T

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