Inventors system

Chapter 4: Life in the lab 3

Chapter 4: Life in the lab 3

De Laval family house.

As 4 people were seated in the living room and one stood beside them, no one talked. All of them had a gloomy expression and aura.

"...Damn" finally old maser could not take it anymore and erupted in anger.


"How dare these bastards touch my granddaughter. Who they think they are? That bastard Victor I am going to make him beg for his life, how dare he mess with my family." Old master's aura erupted suppressing everyone in the mansion.

'They all know that old master must have heard what happened, even they were still angry. Four years ago, their master and young miss disappeared while madam and young master Zoel barely made it alive. Now master came back but little miss that should have lived her life happily like a princess was nowhere.

"Father calm down I am angry too and can barely hold myself back but now the most important thing is to find out what happened to the baby." Leonie said. Anger was obvious on his face.

"We looked everywhere in that forest back then but could not find anything in the end victor and few of other families were suppressing us everywhere lots of our people died so we had no other choice but to stop the search. We still left few of our people there in secret to look for every clue but still found nothing so far." Beautiful women with red eyes and red hair said.

"We should send them to check if anyone found any baby in the forest. We should also send people to monitor Victor just in case, I will take care of preparations to deal with the other families that are helping Victor."

"We are here, so you don't have to do it alone." Said the beautiful woman.

"I know Amalia. I am just going to make preparations it might take a while we are dealing with some of the greatest powers in the upper realm. After it's all done, we will all go together to deal with them."

They all felt immense pain and guilt towards their baby girl, they didn't even manage to come up with a name and still called her baby. Even little boy about 11 years old felt guilty, may be even the most guilt of all.

'If it was not for me, we would have never gone to the lower realm and she would still be here with us, even father almost died, if it was not for me then everyone would have been happy.' Is what he thought.

At Victors lab

"sir experiment is over we will know how it went after she wakes up."

"Hmm." At this moment a man in black suddenly appeared in Victors room and kneeled down.


"What is it? For you to rush here so fast." Victor was reading something and didn't look at the man in black only his eyebrows lifted.

"Master Leonie Apolline de Laval is alive, he came back yesterday."

"What? Didn't he fall into ghost valley? How did he survive? Where was he for four years?" Victor could not hide his surprise, then anger and annoyance.

"I don't know master, he just suddenly appeared in the de Laval house they say he is even stronger and managed to break into immortal stage."


". Leonie oh Leonie good you can't just die. Since he is back be careful and don't attract too much attention, he must not find out that we have the girl."

"Yes master."

"Also make sure everything goes as planned in the lower realm he must think that she is dead."

"Yes master."

"You may leave now." The man bowed down and disappeared

"Since you did not die, I will make sure to throw you in despair, I wonder what will you do after you find out what happened to your baby girl, I'll make sure to play with her more till you come. Ahh. You can't blame me my little baby it's all your father's fault." Creepy smile was present on Victors face but his eyes were cold and held obvious killing intent.

'ugh I am alive again and I think my mind is fine I still need to check everything, ahh. My whole body aches.'

'System are you there'

[master I am here I was so worried about you I am glad you are okay.] T-T

'how is my body? Is anything damaged?'

[no, you survived again but muster we must find a way out of here soon or I don't know how many times you will be lucky.]

'I know, but I am not strong enough, it's not like I don't want to leave you know.'

[I know master I am sorry.]

'it's fine don't worry, I know you were just thinking about me.'

[master... T-T]

'okay, okay ah '


'magic cultivation'

'hmm there are lots of good things here but I have already decided which one I want to take first. I must choose cleverly otherwise it won't work and will only be a waste of time.

The one she wanted to choose was the first part of ultimate Fate ruler cultivation called "lucky star" this cultivation was divided into parts for each stage and each part was sold separately and as the stage grew so did the price but it was worth it because it was perfect for her and it was an ancient cultivation.'

'First stage costs 5000 points and with each stage price doubles so last stage costs more than a million.'

The reason why she dared to cultivate this manual was because with her leveling system now could hide her true cultivation as long as the other party was not stronger than immortal.

Since she could now cultivate safely all she needed was to get stronger and wait for the right moment to run away. After that She will go to the lower plain at least before she reaches nascent soul.

With that thought she started cultivating not knowing someone was already packing her torture schedule.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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