Inventors system

Chapter 88: Leaving the purgatory

Chapter 88: Leaving the purgatory

"Break the illusion you say, but how are we going to do that?" Aske Zoel

This time Morana smiled and looked at her teammates.

"Haven't you noticed? Every time they face each other Shio can't even leave a scratch on the golem, instead, he is beaten to the point when he is barely breathing. 

All we need to do is make sure he injures the golem, that will be enough for him to see that the golem isn't invincible as he believes.

But, we can't be the ones to injure him, Shio must do it himself."

Just as they were discussing their plans the battle between Shio and the golem started. As expected, no matter what kind of attack Shio used on the golem he was able to counter everything, as if dealing with an annoying ant.

This made Shio more and more agitated. Golem's weapons were leaving bloody injuries on his body, but he couldn't even scratch the opponent.

His spirit and confidence, his resolution, everything was crumbling with every failed attempt.

'Will I never be able to get my revenge? Will I ever be able to bring peace to the souls of my departed family? Will I never be able to defeat the golem?' Asked Shio to himself in self-deprivation.

His attacks became more and more desperate. He was tired from fighting. He didn't care if he died. He was tired of being the only one alive. He didn't want to be alone.

As his mind was once again surrounded by the abyss a clear voice like a ray of light appeared.

"Are you just going to give up like a coward? Are you going to throw away all their sacrifice? SHIO LA MONE, wake the FU*K UP." Zoel's voice pierced right through his darkness.

Shio's mind became clearer as his attention turned towards a handsome young man that felt very familiar and close, but he couldn't remember this man's identity.

In his confusion, the group started attacking the golem, but they weren't trying to hurt him, they were trying to bind him instead.

Morana's ice covered the ground and froze Golem's feet. At this point, she had already merged with Orion to increase the control over ice.

Others also didn't stand idly.

Anna compressed her wind and created very sturdy chins to bind the golem.

While his sister had the ability to contract spirits and call upon them, Leonard had the ability to contract spirits and get possessed by them. 

This might sound unpleasant, but it was a very dangerous ability and it gave Leonard a variety of other abilities depending on who possessed him.

A few seconds after he activated the ability, Leonard's body was covered in dark green flames and even his hair looked as if it was flames.

He stood behind the golem as he directed a sea of green flames towards its back. 

At this time his face was covered in sadistic smiles and he acted like a completely different person. long green tongue, that looked like a serpent's tongue with a split in the middle, creepily hissed and licked his lips

"Hmm. It's been a while since I've come out."

Meanwhile, Emir also picked up his weapon and tried to counter the golems' weird weapon, which looked like an ax. 

Despite all their efforts golem still had room for struggle as he tried to counterattack all these annoying ants.

"Attack now." Screamed Morana towards Shio and Zole

Sure enough, Shio woke up from his surprise and quickly launched an attack towards the golem. As his sword fell, Golems' angry roar followed.


Shio, for the first time, managed to stain his sword with golems blood. His illusion shuttered, the thought that the golem was invincible disappeared as he looked at the severed hand on the ground.

After his attack, Zoel also followed with his flames. He neared the target and held its roaring head in place, flames burst out of his hands and melted golems eyes.

He could finally vent the pent-up anger he held after watching his best friend suffer. 

After one arm came another. Limb by limb Shio shattered the illusion and his trauma and finally as golem's severed head rolled on the ground white light surrounded everyone.

This time instead of feeling annoyed with the blinding light the group couldn't help feeling warmth and relief.

They greedily savored the few moments of peace that the light brought, knowing it was short.

They were aware that saving their friends and family would become harder and harder and they couldn't look forward to seeing their loved ones' painful history.

As their tired faces looked at each other the light finally devoured everything and they appeared in a new place.

This time with the new addition the six stood in the middle of a crowd. Everyone looked young. They all either stood in groups or were rushing somewhere.

Large buildings with different signs were everywhere and as the group looked around confused Anna's voice drew their attention.

"It's Jake's nightmare."

"How do you know?" Asked Zoel.

"This is the institute my parents sent him to back then. The first academy."

"Wait, you mean that first academy?" Asked Emir with surprise and bewilderment.

"Hmm. Jake was quite talented since childhood and he also possessed a very rare affinity that interested the academy, so he was accepted here since he was 12 years old."

"Then, do you know what happened to him here that left him traumatized?" Asked Shio.

"No. This is a surprise for me. All I know is that he liked the academy very much, I've never known that he went through something bad here." Said Anna with a surprise and an obvious concern.

They all knew that whatever Jake went through here must have been very traumatic since his turn came after both Anna and Shio.

Since they've met Jake he was nothing but a ray of sunshine. Always optimistic, kind, and warm, this situation was very worrying for everyone after experiencing the last trauma.

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