Inventors system

Chapter 90: Deal with the devil 1

Chapter 90: Deal with the devil 1

The village they appeared in was ordinary in every way. It was warm and sweet. People went about their business and lived happily. The group quickly found out that this was Sara's nightmare after encountering a 12-year-old girl with similar features and name.

Sara lived her days happily with her younger sister and her two parents. They weren't rich but had enough food and a warm home.

The day after day the group watched Sara's happy childhood, but they understood that it wouldn't last long. 

Sure enough, two months later Sara's sister Emily's birthday arrived. The family started celebrating in the early morning. Sara's mother and Emily started baking a cake while Sara's father started to work on the rabbit he hunted yesterday. 

Sara herself went to gather some sweet peaches near the forest where other women of the village usually gathered fruits.

While coming down from the tree Sara slipped and fell hitting her head and passing out. When she finally woke up it was already dark.

The little girl quickly understood her situation and hurried home. 

As she got closer to the village she noticed that something was wrong. The village was on fire. 

In fear Sara stumbled and once again fell. This time on her knees. In a dazed state, she didn't understand what was going on and didn't dare to move.

Finally, as if realizing something, the girl's pale face had a moment of clearness.

"Mom, dad, Em..." She muttered again and again as she ran with full speed towards the village.

The sight that greeted Sara at her arrival was heart-rending and devastating. Upon the sight, the girl's little body instantly became devoid of life and her face lost all color. 

Her mind could contemplate the sight but her body didn't stop walking as she continued to stumble.

Like a river, blood flows in the much too familiar streets where she used to play all her childhood. 

On the side lay different bodies of villagers she barely recognized. They were missing a limb or two, some even had their heads cut off and others were burnt to a barely recognizable state.

Very few were still breathing but in their state, they couldn't help wishing to be dead.

In the midst of this horror, screams could be heard from everywhere and finally, Sara managed to clear her head.

She once again started running towards her house. Something inside was telling her that she was too late, that there was nothing she could do to save her family, but still, she ran with all her might.

As she stood outside her home Sara saw that the door was broken and the entrance was wide open. The yard was in a mess and screams and noises came from the house.

"Nooooooo" A shrilling scream sounded and shattered any hope Sara had left.

Her feet moved and before she could realize it Sara already barged into the house.

Seeing Sara's small body not unmoving in the entrance group couldn't help but hold in their breath. They felt cold sweat all over and started heading into the house, but the sight inside was 10 times worse than what they expected.

"Blaargh, blaargh" Emir couldn't help but vomit.

Inside Sara's only family was tortured beyond human measure.

Her ever-smiling and king mother no longer had any life left in her eyes. She lay there as if dead while 2 men stood over her body, defiling it and making jokes while at it. No bones were left unbroken as she lay there like a lifeless doll.

Sara's father was nailed to the wall with his hands while his legs were cut off and he was slowly bleeding out as he watched how they tortured his wife and 7-year-old daughter

Emily, Sara's younger sister, was no longer breathing. her small fingers and toes were cut off. Her body, with obvious whipping marks on the back, was still hanging from the ceiling with chains.

There were about 5 men in the house in total. At first, they were too preoccupied to notice Sara, but after they finally did, it was too late for her to run.

"Ohh. Hey guys, Look what we have here. Do you think this one will last longer than her sister?" Asked a man with a wretched and disgusting smile.

His question was quickly followed by laughter and disgusting remarks from other men.

"What should we do?" 

Seeing that the situation was getting dangerous, Emir couldn't help but look at others asking for a solution.

"Damn it." Anna couldn't help but curse as she looked at the situation.

But to their surprise, Morana didn't move.

"Rana?" Zoel also couldn't help but call out to his sister.


'It's really hard to be the only person with a brain in the group.'

"What do you want to do? Do you think there is anything you can do now?" She asked as she looked at everyone with an unwavering demeanor.

"I don't know but we should do something right? We can't just leave her to go through it all." Screamed Emir.

"That's why I am saying. What is it that you want to do? Is there really anything you can do now? Instead of shouting and expecting others to think of a solution, why don't you try doing something yourself?" Said Morana with obvious laziness and annoyance.


Emir couldn't say anything. He knew how powerless he was right now, but he couldn't help but feel wronged.

"Then what? Should we just watch?"

Morana didn't answer his question and stood there with an extremely cold face.

About 30 minutes later 5 men left the house and joined other bandits in the village. Only then did Morana make her move and walk into the house.

Others didn't dare enter and waited outside.

Inside midst, other corpses laid the body of a 12-year-old girl. She was barely breathing, her eyes were closed.

The next second, as if feeling something, the girl's eyes opened suddenly. Endless hatred and anger were visible in them.

"Who are you?" Asked the girl.

"I am the devil." Answered Morana.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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