Isekai Absolute Copy and Online Shopping

Chapter 18: The information about Otherwolder (NSFW)

Chapter 18: The information about Otherwolder (NSFW)

*Disclaimer, slightly R-18 scene at the Start.*





I kissed Chali's beautiful slender neck as I continued thrusting my waist gently from behind her soft tender body while our body still connected and being soaked by the cold water of the river~


Pa pa Pa pa Pa!!

Splash splash*

Her sexy big mountain peaks swaying seductively as her body swaying around during our lovemaking!

[Master... its good~]


I grabbed her bountiful voluptuous breasts after seeing it jiggling around temptingly! the bountifulness and softness of her breast indulged my hand in its heavenly pleasure! I roaming around my nimble finger in her supple humongous tits as it keeps changing her round delicate breasts to different shapes!


Chali's inside suddenly became tighter and squeezed my ragging rod! all of a sudden, an indescribable pleasure run throughout my body before made me accelerate my waist that keeps invading inside her moist pussy!



She jerked ecstatically with an erotic and satisfied face on her as her hand that embrace my head became tighter!



Her inside pussy become tighter as it started to squeeze my hard rod harder before it gave me a heavenly pleasure that run throughout my body!

I released all the pent-up and stressed emotion in my mind altogether with white sticky seeds deep inside her moist mature pussy as it's reached her womb!



Chali's Body trembled as she weakly leaned on me who still behind her. I hurriedly embrace her body before both of us soaking comfortably inside the cold water from the river.

With heavy breathing after our lovemaking, my thought suddenly recalled my experience in these past few days.

Since coming to this world this was the first time I completely relaxed. All the messy mind I head became clear completely, not only that I could also feel that all the unconscious anxiety in my heart disappear when I reaching climax together with Chali. 

Somehow, I could feel something that connects me to this new life, maybe it's because I have someone that I truly care about and precious to me from now on.

[Master~ you are really good~]

Chali rested her head to my chest tiredly after feeling satisfied, there is a hint of redness in her beautiful sexy face.

I embraced her voluptuous mature body softly before inhaled her womanly body fragrant scent that has some fresh lemon soap aroma in it.

After indulging in her aroma, I started whispering to her gently as we still had our body soaking in the water

[Did Chali really feel good? don't force yourself just because I'm your master, okay? I'll be happier if we both could enjoying it together after all~]

[No! I didn't lie to make master happy while I'm saying that, Master is really good at it~ and could make me comfortably enjoying myself in master big cock~]

[Wha- Chali! you're being bold now, aren't you? take this~]

I started tickling her smooth armpits and made her started giggling seductively. I lifted up her both slender hand upwards, before kissing and licking her white tender armpits that didn't have any blemish in it. I inhale her sweet fragrant as I continued making my tongue roaming and tracing her sexy armpits before made it drenched in my saliva.

A while ago, I helped her tidy up and groomed some of her "unnecessary" hair while teaching her to used toiletries and some beauty products from earth, that's why she has a clean and tidy beautiful appearance now!

While recalled a scene where I helped her tidy up her voluptuous mature body, I continued tickling her by indulging myself licking and kissing her white clean alluring-shaped armpits.


gigles gigles*

[I-I surrender M-master gigles* sto-stohp!]


I stopped teasing her and removed myself from her armpits before started embracing her from behind gently and rest my head on her shoulder.

I closed my eyes and started savoring this relaxing feeling in silence. Somehow, I wanted this peacefulness to continue forever...

at this moment, We both enjoyed the tranquility and relaxing river sound together. 

Of course, I used the Illusive barrier magic skill beforehand so no one will disturb our lovey-dovey activity.

That's why we could enjoy these peaceful and relaxed moments in our heart-contended.

After a while, Chali who still closed her eyes comfortably while stroking my hand that holds her stomach gently, suddenly opened her mouth

[Master, the Soap and bubbly hair washer thing is really good, and that white cream stuff is really magical too, somehow, it's made my face and skin started tinglings as it gives me this refreshed sensation. Now I feel like my skin became softer and fair~, is that thing came from one of the master unique skill too?]

[um.. I am glad that you like it, I buy it specially just for you in the first place ~ and about that, keep it for our secret okay? I'll be honest with you...actually... I am not a person from this world, I didn't know how.. but I got transported to this world by accident, and for some reason, I have a unique skill and another incredible skill that can make me buy some stuff from my previous world.


Chali, as your master, I want you to keep this secret of mine in your grave! ha... that's refreshing! now I didn't need to burden this secret alone anymore~]

I could see the slave collar in her neck suddenly glowed dimly before it's become normal

[Master~ even if you did not use your authority I will never leak it to anyone~ 


anyway, Master is the Otherworlder from legends huh? haa.... I think I am really lucky to meet Master in these lives, maybe I already used all my luck that I have in this life already~ huhuhu~]

[Huh? you seem to be not to surprise after hearing it, is there any other Otherworlder beside me in this world?]

[I don't really know about the details, but I once read from our tribe records that there was a hero summoning ritual that happened 1000 years ago in the era of chaos. 

But after the world started to stabilize the goddesses sent them back to their former world and closed the connection between that world and this world by making god realms as the barrier between them]


[Ahh.. it's the world where the goddesses dwell. it seems Olimpia is the organization that they created here in mortal realms after they decide to not directly interferes with mortal affairs. that's why the Olimpia worked almost the same as the adventurer guild. They are always stayed neutral and never interfered with the political conditions or some war between the countries. the organization's sole purpose is to help the people that still believe in their goddesses a place to pray and give services to the people for changing their job.


But, if someone or something trying to touch their organization, they will retaliate by sending a templar... the strength of the templar is really abnormal.. people said that all of them have Grandmaster power level...]

[If that was really the truth, did I the only one Otherwolder in this world? hmm... as for the Olimpia... I have a bad feeling after hearing your explanation, should we just live our life peacefully from now on? I am afraid the goddesses will come to find me if somehow, I interfere with this world and destroy the balance too much]

[umm.. I didn't know for sure~ but, it sounds not bad at all, if I can, I want to live a leisure life with Master too as this is the first time I feel true happiness as a woman when I am together with master~ anyway, I will follow any decision that master made. Ah! come to think of it, there is one Otherwolder that refuses to back and decide to stay in this world! he was the founding emperor of the Baltimore Empire! but he has died along time ago thou...]

[Is that so? hmm.. somehow I really understand how he felt. I, myself, didn't want to go back to my former world because I have my beautiful goddess Calhi with me now~ *chu]

I kissed her cheek playfully as I started flirting with her inside the water

[Master~ I am glad to hear you saying that... somehow, deep inside my heart, I have this little fear after knowing master is an Otherwolder. What should I do if Master suddenly chooses to back and disappeared~ I.. I didn't want to back being hopeless once again anymore~]

[Chali... rest assured I will never do that, I promised to always stay with you forever..]

I really wanted to ask her about her experience before falling into slavery but decides to give her some times and wait for her to tell me on her own


Chali closed her eyes in relief and leaned her back toward my body as she gave her short answer.

[Anyway, let's get out and prepare for breakfast, it's not good if we stay in the water for too long after all.]

We stepped out from the water while holding our hands together. after we left the riverbank, I took some clean towels before drying our bodies with it.

After that, I bought a clean bathrobe for Chali with my Online Shopping skill and helped to teach her how to wear it properly. 

I dried her wet long red wine beautiful hair with some dry towel and wrapped it up to stick the towel on her head. Looking at her appearance now, somehow, it reminds me of the women on earth. Did I somehow bring the earth lifestyle to this world unconsciously?


[hmmm... let's buy some outdoor chairs to relaxes, come to think of it, the elusive barrier is really useful! there is no monster came to this vicinity at all, should I start to build my base in this forest and hide it with this skill? Let's plan it carefully later, for now, I have to cook the breakfast first, fast food for breakfast is no-no after all!]

I bought some outdoor furniture like a parasol set with a table and two chairs. I started considering the menu for breakfast and decided to make something simple classic sunny side up egg, sausages, and some toast in the end.

I started buying all the ingredients I need and buy milk together with orange juice for the drinks. I took out the portable gas stove and a frying pan that I already had and started cooking

[Master could I help you?]

Seeing Chaliope glanced at the cooking stuff curiously from time to time as she made [I want to try!] expression, I smiled gently in amusement

[Okey, let's cook the breakfast together]

We started cooking happily and harmoniously like a newlywed couple. During the cooking, I started flirting while teaching her how to cook with the stuff I bought from Online Shopping skill. Even though I said teaching, the way this world cook isn't that different from the one on earth.

Apparently, they have a magic stove in this world. but for the variety of the dishes, this world cooking technique is not as developed as Earth. People in this world tended to mostly focus on became stronger, Thus, there're few entertainment and leisure hobbies that being developed in this world.

But it seems there's some earth dish on Baltimore Empire as the founder king was, once, a person from Earth in the first place.

Come to think of it, I really blind about the geography of this continent, let's ask Chaliope about it later! for now, let's have some breakfast, continued with some leisure shopping with Chaliope after that for today!

I finished making breakfast together with Chaliope and sat leisurely under the parasol while enjoying the natural river scenery. There's breakfast set on the table in front of us contained, 2 sunny sides up eggs, 5 grilled sausages, and 2 toast per portion. As for the drink, I have some fresh orange juice while Chali has a glass of milk.

[Let's eat~]

[Thanks Master!]

nom nom nom

mogu mogu

Chali smile after tried a bite and taste some sausage on her plate

[Wow~ it's so delicious!!]

She has a satisfied smile as she continued chewing her food in delight, looking at her adorable way of eating that really in contrast from her mature appearance, I couldn't hold my urge to tease her

[Hmmmm, you are right! maybe it's because Chali cooks? as expected of Chali!]

[Chuckles* What are Master saying~, it's of course, because of the generous amount of spices and seasoning that master add, huhuhu~]


I laugh after seeing she acted maturely again in amusement

The blissful morning continued while we eat our breakfast happily~~

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