Isekai Absolute Copy and Online Shopping

Chapter 28: Why Its Not The Internet!!

Chapter 28: Why Its Not The Internet!!

The next day, I started to dig and made a water reservoir for our water supply.

I made a canal that connected the water from the river to the reservoir. After that, I installed a water filter system in the reservoir that had a quite complicated structure. If there's no guide book after I bought it, I couldn't even know how this pile of pipe and tube works.

After I installed it, I rested for a while and eat some sandwiches that Chali made. I ate the sandwich while thinking about Chali's odd request the day before.

Yesterday after I showed her the electronic goods, Chali suddenly asked me to buy the Cooking book for her, I understand if she just wanted the cooking book, but for some odd reason, she asked me to buy an Earth dress and sexy lingerie with a couple of tight stockings. It seems the woman magazine influenced her more than I expected.

'I thought she will dress in sexy lingerie while we are doing it that day, but she not wore them for some reason and we just had a hot night normally'

'Kuuhh! even thought I bought a lot of sets for her! it seems she still learning how to use them properly'

'Anyway, let's finish eating and continue with the work!'

'But this sandwich is not bad, heck! even I could compare her sandwiched with the one I usually bought on earth! it's too delicious for a beginner to make this! she looked like had some wife materials, as expected of a mature woman! her dynamite sexy body is not the only good thing mweheheh~'

I finished eating the sandwich, but, hesitated for a while at what should I do first? let's made the mansion foundation first! then I could continue with the water system to build the outdoor hot spring after finished digging the foundation.

I started to head toward the open field that I cleared yesterday and looked at its surrounding

[Hmm... what kind of mansion should I build?]

[I want to build the iconic ir*on man mansion in Malibu but I think it's not suited to build in this place....]

[It'll be better if I build a classic mansion, it's suited with the green scenery in here too!]

I open the Online Shopping skill and started to browse for some books that contained classic mansion architecture design. I bought around 50 books and only found 10 designs that were described in a really detailed manner, with its technical design that people made with Au*tocad software. Not only it explained all the material used in detail but also the technical foundation design with the completed physical formula in it.

Its also completed with a water system or plumbing explanation and completed with its air circulation design that made the mansion temperature comfortable even without AC, but, of course, it still needed a heater for the winter.

I wonder it's really ok for the author to describe it so detailed like this, wouldn't he/she afraid if someone stole the design? it's not that I really care tho, and thanks for making my job easier!

I chose one of the designs that suited the best to the environment here, after imagining in my head what would it look like if I built it here, I confirmed and started digging.

For some reason, I could picture what I imagined clearly like a real situation inside my head, was this the work of High INT Stats? maa.. it's convenient so let's don't make a fuss about it and started digging!

I started digging the foundation until the sun indicated it already passed noon before I finished it, somehow, my high STR status made the work faster and efficient. the same thing happened when I made the reservoir and the canal too, it only took me 3 hours to finish it.

[Hmmm... let's finish the foundation first for today, I could continue the building for tomorrow.

What should I build next? yes! Let's build the outdoor hot spring facility! when I finished it, I could enter it with Chali and.... mweheheh~]

[Let's buy the material for the mansion and hot spring facility! even though I will build my mansion tomorrow, there is no harm to buy the material first for today!]

I spend 300.000 Rham to top up my wallet in my Online Shopping skill (Which converts it to dollars) and going to buy the material but a notification suddenly appear inside my head!

[Unlocked [New] Online Shopping function]

[Unlock completed all fast-food and branded luxury food chain store]

[Unlock completed vehicle type in all brand]

'guh... Why it doesn't unlock the internet provider function!!!!! dang it!

Sigh... even though I topped up a lot, it's still not leveling up at all, it's just unlocking some function. As expected of Mythical rating skill.

Let's check what is the new goods are!'

With this thought on my mind, I checked the new goods without hesitation! I saw a lot of types of fast-food chains, famous patisseries, and bakery chains, etc!

I didn't know whether to laugh or cry after seeing those, even though I should be happy that I could eat more delicious things... but.. I prefer the internet more!!!

I continued checking the other new goods. Now, I could buy all types of car and heavy vehicle machinery for farming and other industrial function, not only that, there was even Train, Ship, and Plane in all type, from the classic types that used sail and steam engine to the most advanced one!!

'This!!! is the skill trying to make me build a modern city in this world or what! even though I could buy some vehicle before the skill unlocked this function, but it's limited in SUV type of car, and small yacht.

But now, I even can buy planes!! but.. were planes really working fine as air transportation in this world? there were so many flying monsters here! who in the right mind would pilot the plane when you could meet a dragon while being in the sky! and I don't have a satellite yet to assist me with piloting the plane!'

groan..... I groaned while having a soliloquy inside my head!

'Let's checked it in detail later, for now, I should buy the material first.

It'll be better to finish the work in front of me rather than thinking about the useless stuff. I even don't have the money to buy that stuff yet!'

After having this thought, I spend my e-money and bought all the material that I needed to build the mansion.

A lot of Giant wooden boxes started piling up in front of me after coming out from the dark black holes.

'It's good that I still in the mansion construction site, or it'll be pained in the ass to move this thing up'

I walked toward the yurt after feeling relief that I buy the material on the spot and planned to build the outdoor hot spring facility near the yurt area.

After considering for a while I choose the place and started clearing it.

I bought the material with Online shopping and it appeared on the hot spring construction site. I bought a boiler system and plumbing or water system pipe, shower, and a small wooden chair that the usual Japanese hot spring used.

I install the boiler first and started connecting it with the pipe, I buried them inside the ground that I dug before to the water filter in the reservoir direction. the water filter would filter the river water in the reservoir and continued to transfer the clean water toward the boiler through the pipe.

I continued installing the pipe to the simple Hotspring that I dug and fill it with stone and made it connected with the boiler.

I made the drainage in the hot spring by connecting it to the river through the pipe that I installed in the ground.

with this system, The water from the reservoir became clean water and transferred to the boiler before it boiling the water to a comfortable temperature,. The warm water would be transferred to the hot spring, and the drainage system channeled the hot spring water back to the river. 

With this, the water in the hot spring could always keep in a clean condition, and when I and Chali soaking in there, the dirty water would automatically back to the river.

[But it'll be bad if the dirty water polluted the river. should I build a natural water filter system with gravel and sand in some canal before connecting it back to the river?

It seems like a good idea! let's build it!]

Without knowing, I rebuilt the drainage system until the sunset and the day became darker. I stopped after Chali called me for dinner

[Let's continue to build the building and the facility tomorrow!]

I wanted to make a building like a changing room and shower, after that, I planned to make wooden fences around the hot spring. In short, I wanted to make the hot spring looked like a traditional Japanese hot spring!

Huh? you guys ask why Chali didn't help me? hey, stop calling me a simp!

It's because she did the laundry and cleaned the yurt. there is a lot of furniture there that needed to be laid out and you know... our activity its quite wild at night so.... anyway she cooked breakfast and made me a sandwich for lunch too, the dinner also made by her. 

She works hard too you know! so stop calling me a simp that pampers her like a princess and gets some girlfriend for yourself! you virgins!

[Master~ the dinner will be cold if you just standing there, I cooked a sumptuous dinner with the ingredient master gave me before, so let's eat it while it's still warm~]


I went back to the yurt with a lighthearted feeling after Chali calling me once again.





You guys a simp! FAQ!!

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