Isekai into Marvel/DC

Chapter 13 Cheese it!

Chapter 13 Cheese it!

A single Starkmart lock was the only thing standing between someone outside the mansion and literal thousands if not hundreds of thousands of dollars. When I entered the vault red lights started flashing. I quickly stuffed as much money into the duffle bag that would fit. In a minute I was ready to leave. Just as I exited the room and was ready to leave I finally recognized the man who was being held down on the bed.

Why was he here? I couldn’t quite figure it out but putting pieces together I got an inkling of how he ended up here. He was so stricken with grief that he started attacking businesses or groups of the Penguin’s men and he was somehow captured. The collar around his neck must have been limiting his powers.

I closed the distance and as he asked to be freed I plunged my knife into the neck of Flint Marco. After practically sawing off his head I finally felt a sudden jolt of power. I know instinctively that I can control the earth to some extent. It didn’t feel whole though, like a huge portion of the powers true potential was locked away.

I could only control sand. It was a very tiny amount nowhere near as much as the Sandman could use. I also had to carry it along with me, there was no making sand until I reached the second tier of the power. Finally only once I reached the third tier of the power would I be able to turn myself into sand. If I were to classify this power I’d say it was.

Earth control (sand limitation)

Or something like that. As I was almost done I finished cutting his head off then I grabbed the collar. Without a doubt I could use this in the future and just now I could hear people coming down the steps. As I made my way towards the exit the room along the bottom was smashed open.

I stopped running for a single second to take in just who exited and I’m not only shocked but surprised by how perfect the pair were for each other. Mad Hatter and the White Rabbit (from marvel) came barreling out the door. Hatter pointed an old-timey tommy gun at me and I barely got an “Oh shit!” out before I dove behind one of the pillars. 

He unloaded the entire clip and I heard it clink a few times as it tried to feed rounds that weren’t there through the gun. He cursed and I got up and looked around the corner just to barely dodge an umbrella sword being stabbed into my face. It was more correct to say I avoided an umbrella bayonet because as she squeezed down on the trigger I moved out of the way of a shotgun blast from the end as well.

Fuck me! I thought the tommy gun was loud but the shotgun going off right beside my head left a soft whistling noise behind. I grabbed at the umbrella and kicked out full force at her knee. The bone snapped as her leg buckled backwards and she let go of the gun. For a brief moment I thought about killing before realizing people were still on their way.

She howled in pain from the wound and Mad Hatter appeared in the doorway again. I took cover but he didn’t fire and I could see men coming down the stairs now. I sprinted towards the exit and he began firing at me. At almost olympic level and due to his lack of aim, relying on sidekicks to kill he surprisingly missed every single shot.

I slammed into the basement door as I felt a handgun bullet pierce my back. I sprawled out on the ground letting a groan exit my lips before standing up and continuing. The two outside guards patrolling rounded the corner and began firing. I got plugged in the ass next just as I made it to the blanket.

Practically throwing myself over the fence I get several cuts alongside my chest from putting my weight down on the barbed wire fence. My shirt caught and ripped as I fell to the other side. The lights came on for all the houses along that side of the mansion. I hobbled two blocks away before ducking into an alley.

I couldn’t help but groan as I caught my breath. “Ah fuck right in the ass. How did everything go wrong so fast?” One of my theories from hearing the deaths of other people who were brought here started to seem more feasible. Any named villains or superheroes had plot armor. 

It took Flint Marco being defeated by someone else and strapped down on a bed with no way to defend himself for me to be able to kill him. For some reason I decided not to kill White Rabbit when I easily could have. Now that I think back it almost felt like a shard of something else entered me as I killed him. I think I might have absorbed some of his literal plot armor.

It was extremely hard to tell. How would I verify that besides putting my life on the line. Perhaps the more loved/hated a character is the higher their level of plot armor. That would make sense considering the Joker and Harley Quinn are full human but still manage to get away with impossible shit constantly.

Once again speaking towards this theory I did feel more compelled to sleep with the Black Widow. That might have also been why I didn’t realize I was being held by SHIELD… Yea that’s totally why not that I’m a complete jackass who missed several obvious signs that I wasn’t in a normal hospital.

Someone coughing in the alley scared the shit out of me and I couldn’t make him out because he was laying on the ground.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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