It's Hard to Control My Naughty Wife!

Chapter 752: STAY OVER

Chapter 752: STAY OVER

"You can go now." Kia was really surprised when she found Misha in the daycare, together with Mika. She glared fiercely at the young woman who was supposed to be looking after her daughter, but instead she tried to avoid her gaze and was busy with her own business.         


"Shall we go then?" Misha also stood up when he heard that Kia was leaving. Due to her wet body, Kia couldn't carry Mika, so she took her hand instead.     

However, when she heard what Misha said, Kia gave him a stern look, as if Misha had said the most shameless thing she had ever heard. Maybe she was right too...     

"I said 'you', not 'we'." Kia corrected Misha's words with a frown on her face. She then took Mika's bag and was about to sling it over her shoulder, but Misha beat her to it and carried it.     

"Wait a minute, I'll ask Richard to bring the car here," Misha muttered. He then took Mika's other hand.     

"I don't need to take the car with you," Kia said firmly, she tried to take the backpack again, but Misha didn't let her.     

Meanwhile, on the other hand, Mika did not allow herself to be held by him either. She clung to her mother, because she could sense that Kia didn't like him, so she shared the same sentiment.     

"Don't be silly, you will let her get wet after she got sick yesterday?"     

"I'll call a taxi," said Kia.     

"Don't be stubborn, if you don't care about yourself, then you have to care about Mika. She refused to leave or eat because she was waiting for you. How much longer are you going to keep her from eating when she just recovered from illness?" asked Misha, which was Kia's main concern as well and left her speechless.     

Misha had to give Dania a raise for this one suggestion, because Richard didn't seem like a good adviser on this matter as he couldn't come up with an effective solution like Dania had given him.     

After Richard informed Misha of the problems faced by Misha, Dania joined the 'advisory board,' which added to the job desk she already had.     

Meanwhile, after seeing that Kia couldn't refuse, Misha was satisfied and immediately called Richard. He was sure that Kia decided to see how things would go for now, especially since she couldn't have any argument against him.     

There was no way Kia would sacrifice Mika's health just to satisfy her momentary ego.     

"Change your jacket with this," Misha said as he took off the black coat he was wearing. "You can get sick, if you are sick, who will take care of Mika? I don't mind if you give it to me." Misha added when he saw Kia was glaring while staring fiercely at the suit he gave her.     

Hearing this, Kia immediately took off her jacket and put on the suit given by Misha. She was a little surprised, because something had changed in the way Misha spoke to her. She felt that this man was changing his strategy to approach her by always bringing Mika into the picture.     

Kia then dropped her wet jacket into Misha's hands with the intention of pissing him off, because the jacket was really wet and it could ruin his shirt, but in fact, the man didn't care at all, as he hugged the jacket.     

It didn't take long for Richard to come with the car. The three of them got into the car.     

Mika looked around the interior of the car and her innocent face couldn't hide her surprise and interest, but this made Misha frown.     

How could her daughter be so amazed by a car like this? While Misha didn't think this car was luxurious at all, he didn't collect as much of the latest cars as Jayden did, but he frowned as Mika's amazed expression reminded her that he had failed to be in her life and provide the stability she needed.     

"You want some chocolate?" Misha asked, he then took out a box of chocolates, but then he pulled it back because he just remembered that all the chocolate in this car contains alcohol. "Oh, no, we'll just buy another flavor later."     

However, Mika who had seen the chocolate stared longingly at the golden brown box, especially when her hand had reached out to take the chocolate, but Misha pulled it back. She felt like she was being toyed with.     

Feeling displeased, Mika turned her head and looked at Kia with teary eyes and then burst into tears.     

"This chocolate contains alcohol, I can't give it," Misha tried to explain after receiving Kia's fierce glare, because now she had to make Mika stop crying and persuade her that she could eat another chocolate. "We'll stop at the nearest supermarket," Misha said to Richard, trying to get some damage control done.     

Meanwhile, Mika sulked at Kia because she didn't get the chocolate that was offered to her. After all, Mika was just a three year old little girl and when Misha pulled back what he was about to give, she couldn't help but sob to her mother.     

"We'll buy it later, okay? The chocolate that he was about to give you is not good," Kia coaxed Mika, who was sulking. She couldn't hug Mika's body, because after all, even though Misha had given her his coat for her to wear, the rest of her body was still soaking wet.         


If this wasn't Misha's car, Kia would've felt bad for getting someone else's car dirty, making it wet like this, but since it was Misha's, then the bad feeling had lessened a bit and that was a good thing for her.     

Meanwhile, Misha couldn't hug her because the little girl didn't want to be hugged by him.     

"Why would that uncle want to eat bad chocolate?" Mika asked innocently.     

That uncle?     

Misha's expression turned ashen, especially when Kia didn't correct her. Indeed she didn't introduce himself properly nor did they have a conversation about what exactly Mika should call him. Hell, Kia even now didn't want to admit that Mika was their daughter, though she didn't deny it either.     


After Mika cried because Misha didn't give her chocolate and Kia tried to calm her down, Kia started to feel that her head was heavy and she slowly fell asleep.     

She didn't know how long she had slept because the exhaustion she had felt for the past few days had come back to her so hard that she couldn't resist the drowsiness she was feeling and fell asleep without her even realizing it.     

The last thing she knew was that it was still raining and the sound of the droplets knocking against the windshield served as a lullaby that lulled her to sleep.     

Kia didn't even notice when Misha asked Mika to come down and buy herself the chocolate she wanted to eat.     

And now, she felt small kisses on her cheeks over and over again and Mika's voice coaxing her to wake up.     

"Mommy, mommy..." Mika called in her childish voice. Dimly, Kia could also smell chocolate.     

Groggily, Kia woke up and slowly opened her eyes. She found Mika whose mouth was covered with chocolate, while Misha was wiping his dirty hands with a wet tissue.     

"Where is this?" Kia looked around as she remembered that she was in the car with Misha. "Where is this?" she asked again in a clearer voice after she realized that the place around her was completely foreign to her.     

This was not the apartment building. Wait, don't tell me that...     

Kia turned her head toward Misha quickly, accusingly, while the man calmly cleaned Mika's mouth, which was smeared with chocolate.     

"Where is this?" Kia demanded again, now her voice sounded much firmer.     

"We are at the Tordoff residence," Misha replied calmly. His facial expression didn't change at all when he answered the question.     

"What?" Kia frowned. She wanted to scream or curse, but Mika was with them, so she took a deep breath and tried to tone down her voice. "Why did you bring me here?" There was still a hint of hostility in her voice and this made Mika turn and look at her mother.     

Mika was quite sensitive for her age. She would pick up on negative emotions around her quite quickly, especially when Kia was in the picture.     

"Because the Tordoff residence is closer," Misha replied curtly.     

For now, the rain had stopped, but the night sky was still cloudy.     

"No kidding, Misha," Kia grumbled. "It's farther from the daycare here than it is to my apartment."     

It was true that she had never come to the Tordoff residence, but it wasn't like no one knew where this place was at all.     

You could say the daycare to the apartment would only take about half an hour to an hour, but to the Tordoff residence, it would take you about two hours and a half to three hours.         


Who exactly did Misha want to lie to?     

"You needed a good night's sleep and you also seemed to have a fever, so I stopped by the pharmacy to get you some medicine," Misha replied. "The pharmacy is close to here."     

Another lie. Who would believe that there wasn't a pharmacy near the apartment where Kia lived?!     

Kia wanted to curse out loud, but Mika put her hands on both sides of Kia's face and looked at her mother with worried eyes.     

"Mommy is sick?" she asked sadly and this made Kia glare at Misha fiercely.     

"You'd better stay here for the night," he suggested.     

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