It's Hard to Control My Naughty Wife!



Misha couldn't believe that he would finally see Mika and Kia in his house. If it wasn't for his quick decision to bring the two of them here, then it was certain that he would never get an opportunity like this again.         


However, the fact that Kia looked unwell made him a little anxious. He wasn't even able to fall asleep because of it.     

He wanted to check on her, but it was too late and it was certain that she was asleep by now. However, Misha couldn't calm down until he confirmed that Kia was okay.     

Therefore, Misha got off his bed and walked out of his room, luckily the room he prepared for Mika was right in front of his, so he didn't have to walk too far.     

For a moment, Misha hesitated to enter this room because he was afraid that Kia would misunderstand, but he needed to know that she was okay. Only then could he calm down a bit.     

Misha would only go in and make sure that Kia's condition was fine after taking the medicine he bought earlier and if her fever had gone down, he would immediately leave the room and continue his sleep. It was a simple plan and didn't require a lot of planning, right? So he must not hesitate so much to do it.     

With that in mind, Misha opened the door to the room and slowly walked in. Faintly, he could hear Mika's soft snoring, which sounded very cute and made Misha smile.     

He didn't know that he liked children. He even believed that he had thought that little children were annoying and too noisy for his liking, but after he found his daughters, he thought that he did not like those children because they were not his and it was a different story if they were his own.     

Misha then walked slowly to enter the room and stood beside the bed, where Mika was sleeping with her arms outstretched, reminding him of a starfish.     

Seeing this, Misha smiled gently and adjusted his daughter's sleeping position before covering her with a blanket. Mika mumbled, but didn't wake up, she then drew her teddy bear closer which she immediately hugged tightly.     

After that, Misha approached Kia who was sleeping beside their daughter and then checked her temperature.     

It was only then that he realized that her temperature still hadn't gone down and she was sweating now. Her breathing was also slightly out of rhythm and this made the faint smile on Misha's lips, after watching Mika, disappear. Now his forehead furrowed with worry.     

"Kia…" Misha called out to her, because he saw that Kia seemed to be in pain, but the woman didn't wake up.     

Kia's condition was already not good, but with the addition of her being drenched in the rain yesterday and eating late, it seemed that it was only worsening her condition and this made Misha even more worried about her condition.     

And with that, without a second thought, Misha immediately called the Tordoff family doctor to come to their house, even though it was past midnight.     


Kia felt short of breath and she heard people talking in a distance, but couldn't hear what they were really saying. She couldn't even think of where she was now.     

Kia wanted to open her eyes and know where she was, but the bright light was blinding her and this made her stop.     

She felt that she wanted to sleep a little longer and not wake up for a while, therefore, she closed her eyes again and gave up trying to find out where she was or what had really happened to her for the time being.     

And after she decided to give up, darkness surrounded her once again and she fell back asleep for who knew how long, because after she woke up for the second time, it was getting late and the sun had almost set.     

"Why are you here?" Kia asked hoarsely. Her dry throat made her feel very tormented when she had to speak and this made her feel really uncomfortable.     

Her eyes felt so hot that tears came out of her eyes, as if she was crying.     

On the other hand, Misha was sitting by the bed working on something on his laptop, but when he heard Kia's voice, he immediately put the laptop away and walked over to her.     

"How do you feel?" he asked carefully, then he sat down on the edge of the bed and took a glass of mineral water that was on the table beside the bed and gave it to Kia, helping her to get up.     

"Bad," Kia replied in a voice that was still hoarse, but her throat felt much better after she chugged down almost a glass full of water.     

"I already called the doctor, but he said it will be okay if you stay at home, because it looks like you have a cold and you're just tired." Misha's brow furrowed, it was obvious that he didn't agree with that opinion. "But, I think you should be taken to the hospital."         


Kia coughed and shook her head. She didn't want to be taken to the hospital and she didn't think it was necessary either. The doctor had said that she just had the flu and that was how Kia felt, aside from the pain in her head and fatigue.     

"I'll be fine after resting for a while," she said, then immediately lay down on the bed again, but then she realized that this wasn't the room she shared with Mika and when she looked to her side she didn't find her daughter. "Where is this? Where's Mika?" she asked frantically and tried to sit up.     

But, Misha held her back and made her lie back down. "You don't have to worry," he said. "I took you to my room and Mika is in her own room."     

After last night he found out that Kia was actually sick, he immediately carried her to his room and called the doctor, because he didn't want Mika to wake up when the doctor came and examined her mother.     

But for sure, he was much more comfortable with Kia in his bed.     

Luckily, Kia didn't wake up at all, it seemed she was really in so much pain that she didn't even notice that Misha had moved her.     

"You don't have to do that," Kia grumbled, she tried to get out of bed and leave.     

But, this time Misha held her back with words. "Where are you going? Do you want to meet Mika in your sick condition? You do know that the flu is contagious, right?" And this became Misha's favorite excuse now, after it had been proven how effective it was time and again. "You want to make Mika sick again?"     

Hearing that, Kia glared at Misha fiercely, while the man wore an innocent expression, as if he didn't understand why Kia was angry with him.     

"Lie down again, I called someone to bring food for you so you can take your medicine," Misha said as he picked up the phone and called someone.     

But, in the end Kia gave up and lay back down on the bed and stared at the ceiling before she felt something strange.     

"Where's Mika?" Kia asked after she saw that Misha had finished calling whoever it was to bring the food he asked for.     

"Mika is taking a nap in her room," Misha said in a cheerful voice. His eyes lit up when he turned around and told Kia this, though his expression still didn't show his true feelings. "I put her to sleep while reading a storybook."     

Hearing this, Kia just nodded. She knew that Mika really enjoyed listening to fairy tales, therefore, it was certain that her daughter could sleep peacefully.     

"What did you tell her about me?" she asked again. There was no way Mika didn't ask about her whereabouts.     

"I said you are sick and can't be visited first because the pain will be contagious," Misha replied casually. He then checked his laptop again. "She also spoke to the doctor I called to ask how you were. She only calmed down a little after the doctor made sure you were okay, but she couldn't get close to you for a while."     

Kia was quite surprised that Misha could be so patient in dealing with Mika and didn't seem bothered at all.     

"My daughter is very smart," said Misha with an even face and tone. He lifted his head from the laptop screen and looked at Kia impassively, before finally he focused his attention back on his work on the laptop.     

Today he was working from home, but earlier Richard called him and scolded him a little because he had forgotten his promise to meet Daniel at the restaurant.     

Whereas yesterday Misha said that he invited the man to eat at the restaurant of his choice.     

However, the main purpose of the meeting was to find out about Kia, because he wanted to know more about this woman.     

However, because Kia and Mika were already at his house, Misha had completely forgotten the promise.     

And of course, it was Richard who had to take care of the aftermath. He had to come up with a lot of explanations and also apologize on behalf of Misha.     

"Why did you run away from home?" Misha asked without lifting his head from the laptop screen. He asked that as if it wasn't important for him to know, but actually, Misha wasn't doing anything on the laptop.     

On the other hand, Kia looked surprised, but then couldn't help but sigh in annoyance, because Misha had found out about her.         


"That's none of your business," Kia said curtly.     

"Daniel works for Tordoff's company," Misha told her.     

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