Chapter 35 Ability Test (Part 2)

When Leo's name was called, many were interested to see how strong he was. The incident in the cafeteria made them wonder why he was already a Private.

"He's probably nowhere near as strong as we all think."

"He probably got a rank because of his connections, he's probably weak!"

"You're all just jealous of his rank, he could actually be really strong."

Most of the trainees were under the impression that Leo had received his rank due to connections, and as such, they believed he wasn't going to be very strong.

Leo stood in front of the block and everyone could see the blue energy envelop his body. The energy then started to move, creeping down his right arm and into his index finger.

"He's going to use just his finger? What an idiot!"

"I thought he was an enforcer? Why does he look like he's attacking like a conjurer? "

"I wonder what his ability is, we haven't seen one like his so far, have we?"

"No, the dark blue energy around him is something I've only seen him have so far."

'Well, let's see what happens.' Leo's finger presses against the block and the energy from within is released.

The air shivered. An immense pressure, unlike anything they had ever felt before, was weighing down on them. It was like a hand was gripping their hearts.

'What the... What kind of power is that!?' Lieutenant Anders thought, his mouth was agape and his eyes were wide.

All of this happened in just the few seconds after Leo released his energy against the block. As quick as it came, it vanished. There was a clunking sound, not like the sounds generated before by the other attacks.

Leo pulled his hand away from the block and everyone could see that there was a 3 centimeter deep dent where Leo had touched it. The block had been completely undamaged so far, even when Nila hit it.

Everyone stood there waiting for the number to appear, but it was taking longer than usual. The dent on the block started to reshape and fix itself, like the space was being filled. This was something everyone was surprised by, except for Lieutenant Anders, who had managed to compose himself after the initial shock of Leo's attack had vanished.

Once the dent had disappeared, Leo's score appeared on the block. ~Silence~

Not a single person moved or spoke, they were all too shocked. Leo smiled, 'Hm. Not bad at all.' He then looked to Lieutenant Anders.

"Lieutenant?" Leo noticed that Lieutenant Anders wasn't writing anything down, nor did he announce Leo's score or class.

Lieutenant Anders was brought out of his shocked state when Leo called out to him, "Ah, Yes... I apologize." He then cleared his throat and took a second to compose himself once again.

"Private Leofaelor, 298, Class 1..." Lieutenant Anders said. Everyone was too stunned to think, they had several emotions rampaging through them, disbelief being the strongest one.

"He's a monster."

"How is he this strong?"

"Did you all feel that... pressure when he attacked. I thought my heart was going to stop. "

Leo stopped next to his roommates and faced the block again, waiting for the next person to go. Everyone, other than Leo's roommates, stepped back when Leo came close. They were afraid of his power and didn't want to do something that would make an enemy out of him.

Cain was the first to speak out of their group, "That was amazing... No wonder you were given a rank before you even joined the academy, you're twice as strong as anyone here." Cain smiled and placed his hand on Leo's shoulder when speaking.

"Looks like Nila isn't the person to beat anymore. You're going to have to try surpass Leofalor now, Cain." Clay chimed in with a small smile on his face.

Cain flinched at the thought, 'How the fuck do expect me to do that?' Cain looked at Clay like he was insane. Clay just chuckled.

Eventually Lieutenant Anders called out the next trainee and the testing continued for a while. The current number of trainees that had been tested so far was now at 80. There were a total of 4 trainees in class 1, 12 in class 2, majority were in class 3, and 22 were in class 4.

Of all the class 4 members, about 17 of them were non combatants. They possessed abilities like, healing, portal creation, item creation and even one that made other people stronger when near him by buffing them. The remaining few in class 4 were weak, unable to get more than 10 points when attacking the block.

When those without a combat ability were called up they would state that they weren't suited to deal damage. They would then give a brief explanation of their ability.

"Trainee John." Lieutenant Anders called out. John sheepishly walked up to the block and started speaking, "I-I don't have a c-combat..."

Lieutenant Anders interrupted, "I can't hear you Trainee, speak louder." John took a deep breath and then spoke again, louder and faster this time, "My ability allows me to create barriers used for defence, Sir!"

Lieutenant Anders nodded, "It's a useful ability to have. You're in class 4 of course." John walked back to the others.

'The Lieutenant is right, his ability is very useful. It suits him well.' Leo thought.

The testing continued for a bit longer until the last trainee had gone up. The Lieutenant started speaking," Alright, we have a total of 23 in Class 4, 42 in class 3, 17 in Class 2 and 5 in Class 1." He then flipped the page and continued.

"Those in class 1 are called the rankers, as for the order of their rankings, it is as follows.

Leofalor - Rank 1

Nila - Rank 2

Snythe - Rank 3

Leonard - Rank 4

Heath - Rank 5

" These are your rankers. Once a month, each of the rankers will be required to battle against another student and defend their rank. To issue a challenge to a ranker, you must be in class 2. Rankers may challenge each other seperatly to change there position in the rankings. The first ranking match will be held a month from today. When you all leave the academy in 2 years time, the rankers will be given military ranks that correspond to their ranking within the top 5. The rest of you will start out as Privates. That is all, you are all dismissed." Lieutenant Anders walked out of the courtyard after his announcement was complete.

Leo and his roommates started to leave as well. After a few steps, someone grabbed Leo's shoulder. He turned to face them and could see Nila standing there.

" May I speak to you alone?" She asked

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