Chapter 48 Weapon Choice

Leo had left the class and was walking towards his next one. 'That was a lot of information. Good thing my intelligence is so high, it seems to be improving my memory.' Leo thought.

'You seemed interested in what that woman was teaching you all about. Do you plan on attending her classes going forward?' Dreifus asked.

"I think I will. The process of making items like that intrigues me and being able to do so will be very useful when I need new equipment. I would still like to look at the other classes before deciding." Leo answered

Leo continued to attend classes for the day. There were various different topics such as, alchemy, blacksmithing, medical care and a few more. Leo hadn't found anything he liked and decided that crystal smithing would benefit and interest him the most.

The final class of the day was approaching and all the trainees were told to head to the courtyard.

Upon arriving there, Leo could see several different instructors standing at the center, each of them holding a different weapon.

Once all the trainees had arrived, one of the instructors stepped forward, "Welcome, we are here to teach tou how to fight using weapons. Depending on the weapon you would like to use, you must choose the instructor holding that weapon." He said loudly so all could hear. He then gestured to all the instructors, who split up so that they were in different areas.

There were long swords, great hammers, dual shortswords and even a scythe as options. But none of them really worked for Leo.

He continued to look around and eventually he spotted an instructor who had no weapon. Intrigued, Leo approached the instructor.

This instructor was a middle aged woman, somewhere around her 40s. She was 1.7 meters tall, and had grey hair tied up in a bun. She looked surprised that Leo had approached her.

"You don't have a weapon." Leo said.

"I don't need one." She replied while smiling and raising her left fist.

"You fight without a weapon? I do as well." Leo said. He then stood next to the woman and waited.

After about 20 minutes had gone by, the same instructor from earlier spoke again, "Alright, you should have all chosen someone by now. If you wish to change, you may do so for the first week. After that point, you must remain in the weapons class you chose." He said.

He then continued to speak after a brief pause, "All combat classes will be held at different times, your instructors will tell you when your class will be.

Leo looked towards his instructor. Leo was the only one who had decided to join her class.

She looked at Leo, "Tomorrow morning, meet me here at sunrise." She then turned around and left.

Since all of Leo's classes for the day were done, he had nothing left to do. His daily quests were completed already and there was nothing else to really do other than train.

Leo decided to do some more core strengthening and so he headed back to his room.

Leo was sitting cross legged on the floor in front of his bed. He had been doing core Strengthening for about 2 hours now when he heard a knock on the door.

He stopped what he was doing and went to answer the door. Cain, Clay and John were all standing there, Cain was in front and smiled at Leo.

"Can we come in?" Cain asked.

Leo stepped to the side inside his room and raised his arm, gesturing for them to enter.

The 3 boys walked in, Cain sat on Leo's bed, Clay took the chair by Leo's desk and spun it around to face the room, he then sat down as well. John stayed standing along with Leo.

Cain looked excited, "So which class and weapons class did you all choose?" He asked with a giddy tone of voice.

"Blacksmithing and Warhammer." Clay said

"Alchemy and crossbow." John quietly said.

"Very nice! I took battle tactics and dual hammers. What about you Leo?" Cain asked with a smile.

Leo looked at Cain, "Crystal Smithing and unarmed combat." He replied with a shrug.

"Unarmed combat? Why didn't you choose a weapon?" Cain asked, a little disappointed in Leo's decision.

"My ability isn't any good if I don't touch you, a weapon wouldn't work well for me. Also, I just really enjoy punching and kicking." Leo said with a smirk.

'All 3 of them chose good weapons for themselves. Johns ability won't help him in close combat much, if he fires from a distance and protects others then he will be perfect for support. Cain can use his dual hammers with speed by making them light, then increase their weight and inflict massive damage. Clay can change the Warhammers size to increase its weight and how large the area he hits is, he's aiming for single hit destruction.' Leo thought with a straight face.

'I'm glad that Clay took blacksmithing, it will work perfectly when we need items since I'll be able to energize what he crafts. Alchemy is useful too, John will be able to create things like healing elixers and other useful potions. Cain taking battle tactics doesn't help the group too much, he's only good for fighting it seems... At least he's happy.' Leo smiled softly thinking about Cains lust for battle.

The boys continued to talk with each for a bit before finally deciding to head back to their room.

Leo took his evening bath, a luxury he felt he could not do without. 'I'll finally be able to learn how to make one of these.' Leo thought.

He soon went to sleep and got a good night's rest, waking up just before sunrise and heading out to the courtyard in his uniform.

Leo arrived earlier than he wanted to but his instructor was already there waiting.

"You're early, I like that. My name is Julia, you don't need to call me anything else, just Julia will suffice." She said, while looking at Leo.

"It's a pleasure, my name is leofalor, but you can call me Leo."

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