Kitsune of the Blue Sun

Chapter 2- Complications Already

Chapter 2- Complications Already

[MC’s POV]

Darkness.  That’s all there was for I don’t know how long.  My consciousness was hazy and I couldn’t tell if I was dreaming or if I was awake.  The last clear thing I remember was talking with Amaterasu then falling asleep or something after being told I was going to be reincarnated.  I also somewhat remember a strange feeling power just before everything went dark, but it’s hazy.

At some point in time, my consciousness started clearing up.  The place I was at was dark, wet, somewhat red, and swelteringly hot.  The heat, however, wasn’t uncomfortable, quite the opposite in fact.  I tried moving since I was cramped in this tiny space, but it was extremely hard.  It was then that the pressure increased.  It was extremely uncomfortable, and it felt like it was pushing me somewhere even more cramped.  At that point I blacked out once more.

I once again regained consciousness when I heard the loud screaming.  It was shrill and high-pitched, clearly a woman’s voice.  It also wasn’t pleasant, though screaming usually wasn’t.  It sounded pained.  There were also other voices, but the screaming overpowered all of them.

‘Ugh.  It’s so loud and feels like someone is shoving a spike into my ears.  And can someone ease this pressure already?  It’s starting to hurt.’

It was like my prayers were answered as, soon enough, the pressure started to rapidly ease and I felt air on my skin.  The screaming remained, but it was labored.  When I tried opening my eyes to see, the light blinded me to a degree that I thought my eyes would melt out of my skull.  The pain from that and the sound made me unconsciously cry out.


The sound that came from my mouth stunned me for an instant when my thoughts cleared up a little more.

‘Right, reincarnation usually means starting out as a baby.  Guess this is what being born feels like.  Gotta say, I don’t like it.’

As I continued to try and open my eyes and crying out in pain every time I failed, I heard the screaming quiet down enough for me to make out what the other voices around me were saying, putting the fact that I understood them at all for later.

“Midwife, is Leticia alright!?” (Man)

“Yes, milord, though just barely.  Your child’s body heat is unnaturally high, so much so that it basically burnt everything on the way out.  It’s a miracle that they both survived, the Goddess of Life mush be smiling down on your family.”

“Can she be healed?” (Man)

“Yes, I’ve already done what I can, but you should get one of the royal healers here to do a more intensive healing job.  As for your newborn daughter, breastfeeding is out of the question, so you’ll need to figure out something else.”

‘I was wondering why I wasn’t being picked up.  Guess I’m too hot to handle.’

“Why is her body heat so high?  I can feel it from here and I’m on the other side of the room.” (Man)

“That I’m not too sure about.  It might have something to do with her magic attributes and mana being unstable or maybe some other reason.  I’m just a midwife, I don’t have all the answers when it comes to babies.”

“Tch.  I hope this is something that can be remedied in the future.” (Man)

I then heard the sound of a bell being rung and a door opening quickly.

“Go and send a message to the royal healers and one of the court mages asking for them to come here.  Also, send word out for a maid that has high fire resistance or something.  The sooner the better.” (Man)

“Yes, milord.”

The sound of an old man’s voice followed by the door closing could be heard.  Then the sound of footsteps coming closer to me echoed in the room.

“Ugh.  It’s like summer in here.  Midwife open a window or something.” (Man)

I tried opening my eyes one more time and was relieved that there was no burning feeling.  The first thing I saw was a stern-faced man with dull grey eyes and hair that was a dull silver.  He had fox ears on his head and a scowl on his face as he staired down at me.

“What horrible eyes.” (Man)

“What’s wrong with her eyes milord?”

“Get over here and see for yourself.” (Man)

The midwife did just that and as soon as she saw me she took a step backwards with a look of shock mixed with horror.

“I’ve never seen a child whose sclera were pitch black.”

“If it wasn’t for the irises being the same blue and the silver tail being the same as mine, I’d think she wasn’t my child.  Is this some form of curse?” (Man)

“I don’t know.  Things of this nature are out of my scope of knowledge.”

“Tch.  Clean it up and move it away from Leticia.  I have things that need to be done before the healers and mages get here.” (Man)

“Lord Fafnir, will you not at least name the child?”

“Not until it proves it’s worth to our house.” (Man)



“*sigh*  I’m sorry, little one, it seems that even though you were just born, you will have a hard time.”

[Amaterasu POV]

I’ve been watching over my Fated One’s mother and I’ve come to the conclusion that Phobos needs more punching.

{She had to be born it that country out of all of them.  WHY!!!???}

The country my Fated One was born in is the most isolationist country in this world.  This is enforced to a ridiculous degree that anyone that tried to leave is killed.

{I need to get her out of there.}

I thought of ways that I could accomplish this and decided that the easiest one was to get my Apostle to help her.


A flaming doorway appeared next to me and my Apostle of the Sun, Fiametta walked through.

“You called, Lady Amaterasu?”

{I need you to go to Falheim and get my Fated One out of there.}

“…Lady Amaterasu, that is a hard task, even for me.  Even if I start in the closest country, it’ll take me a few years to get there.”

{I realize that, but I still need you to do this all the same.  I will not let her waste away there until she ascends naturally.}

“I wasn’t refusing, just letting you know not to get too impatient.  I’ll head out now and start preparing.”

{Thank you, Fia.}

“Can you give me the name of your Fated One so I know who to look for?”

{She hasn’t been given one, but the family she was born into is the Fafnir duke family.}

“…I understand.  I’ll get there as fast as I can.”

With those parting words, Fiametta left my home and I returned to watching over my Fated One.

{If my bad feeling is correct, I should start thinking of a name to give you.}

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