Law of Shadows

Chapter 18: ~Twice~

Chapter 18: ~Twice~

Never run away from a cat, or it may decide to play with you.

- A memory of the Old Ones.



It has been four days since Gavin tried to negotiate with us and it looks like he is in real trouble by now.

None of the other clans made a move, but most requested to see their former subjects. Others invited them to visit their former homes. That puts Gavin into a really troublesome political situation. He can either allow representatives from the other clans into his own home, which will surely be nothing less than an investigation. Or he can allow his women to visit their former clans, where they will be grilled for information.

Up until now, Gavin has been withholding any replies. Either way, the truth will come out sooner or later. The more he locks down his clan's base of operations, the more guilty he looks. It's even in my interest if it looks like he is trying to hide a naughty secret. Truth be told, he was in real shit the second Sely and Annia escaped his compound.

Their knowledge on who married who was enough to rile up several families. It doesnt matter if only Cecilia turns out mindwiped in the end. The Rhondu are influential enough to be a serious pain in Gavins butt.

Now it makes a lot more sense that Gavin hired mercenaries. It even explains why he didn't waver an inch during the negotiations. There was no other acceptable outcome from his perspective. Either he gets the sisters back, or they will leak the information about his practices sooner or later. It may not have mattered if just Annia and Sely had been the victims. They are his own blood and therefore under his rule. But having a member of another clan abducted and controlled with magical means is a wholly different matter.

We've heard news that the Rhondu are screaming for blood since Annia uploaded the pictures of Cecilia. And there is no real way for Gavin to hide Cecilia forever. Once the Rhondu confirm that Cecilia was manipulated, the other clans will swarm him like hyaenas, suspecting that the same happened to their own people.

Women are the ones who join another clan, so there is an unspoken rule that they are to be protected and not harmed under any circumstances. What Gavin did is in a grey zone, but it still violates the moral codes of most clans. And once his practises are confirmed in any way, his clan is dead. No woman will join them willingly.

I sit on the couch in my apartment, watching the latest movie, when I get a call. Considering not to take it, I take a look at the number. Sighing, I pause the movie and take the call with active speakers. Yes?

Sorry to interrupt, but we have a W.o.G. on our hands. I've sent you an e-mail with all the relevant data. It would be nice if we act fast on this, because I fear that it has gotten way out of hand.

I massage the bridge of my nose and close my eyes. I understand. I'll take a look at it and pay them a visit. Just make sure that the area is closed off. There is no point in further discussions, so I end the call.

What's a W.o.G.? Sely asks from her position at my computer. She and Annia are surfing the web to stir up some more trouble for Gavin. They did a lot of work by loading up more compromising information about the Hammons. They even drew a detailed plan of the compound, which will be a big help if any clan decides to raid the Hammons.

That was Lergu, or Adam Peters, the captain of the police force. He called for some help regarding a problem we had our eyes on. It has nothing to do with your issue. Just territorial stuff, I answer and get up.

I simply use my phone to access the email instead of shooing away the sisters. I'll be out for a while. It's no big deal, just the daily life of being the lord of a territory. Hurrying, I attempt to flee the scene quickly. In a few moments I am out of the door and on the corridor, my mantle and my equipment in my hands.

But Sely is right behind me, wearing a cloak. I'll come with you.

Smiling, I gesture with my phone. There is really no need. There is no danger, I promise.

She squints her beautiful eyes at me, using those eyelashes to her advantage. Are you uncomfortable with allowing me to see how you handle your territory? Let me tell you, Magnus Bathomeus, either you let me in on everything, or this arrangement between us won't work for long. I want to feel useful. Not like someone who has to be hidden and protected.

I stroll to the elevator, followed by her. I am sorry. You may be older than me, but since I've gotten to know you, I've also realised that you lived a very sheltered life up until now. There is some really bad shit I am forced to do in order to stay on top.

She enters the elevator with me. I've had the same paramilitary training as every Old One. I've killed my own brothers to escape the compound. What makes you think that I can't handle it? And what's a W.o.G.?

I sigh. It's short for 'Wrath of God'. A code phrase for a situation which needs a total clean up. If the Krampus call me for a W.o.G., then it's bad. They are sticklers to the rules, or laws nowadays, and calling me means breaking the rules they hold so dear.

She humms. So you are going there to perform a little 'Wrath of God' on whoever offended you? Give me some details, so that I can judge the situation.

I furrow my forehead and hold up a hand to stop her. The phrase isn't meant like that. You are right about the outcome and what I am about to do. Though the phrase refers to what will happen to the supernatural community if we keep pretending that we see nothing.

She says nothing, so I explain further. W.o.G. is only called in two cases. Case one is a fae infestation. Case two is someone who got his hands on a supernatural and is trying to play god.

I see that it wasn't enough. There is a genetic research facility in the woods. A few miles outside the city. It's Gen.Tec. Future, an American cooperation. They are performing their research here, since the region provides decent infrastructure and the corrupt politicians and bureaucrats are paid easily enough to look the other way. I've done nothing about them since they brought money into the region.

But the bastards are getting too cocky. The Krampus have been keeping a keen eye on the facility ever since a few strange events two years ago. Strange containers with biohazard signs where brought in. They only got through the customs because some slimeball pulled strings before my people managed to step in. The police didn't even get to look at the containers.

I thought that it's too much effort to stir up trouble as long as the company doesnt cause problems. A lot of corporations get some of their equipment through slightly illegal means. Thats the way things work everywhere in the world. The real problem came when the Krampus searched through Futures trash.

The Krampus can be really thorough if they smell something fishy. They found the containers, of course empty, and the guy who found them swore that they smelled of supernat. Sadly, there is no court in the world which would allow the police to search the facility because the trash smells weird.

The elevator arrives at ground level and I get out. Sely is still fixated on following me. So they are breaking mundane law and got their hands on a supernatural? Does that really warrant their deaths?

I pucker my lips. They've obviously found out some things, which has to be contained. And they've just pieces of a supernatural. The boxes were small. The real problem is that we've had some cases of missing people since a few months ago, mainly homeless folk. But there was also a whole family which just vanished from their hunting cabin. And the Krampus found clothes and other stuff in the facility's trash. Of course, nothing that can be used to identify a person.

This time she furrows her forehead. I am really surprised. I would've never thought that you care about what humans do to each other.

I laugh and arrive at my SLK. I couldn't care less. They have to manage themselves. But don't you see what's going on? They're experimenting on humans, using the DNA of some supernatural. They surely haven't the slightest idea of what they are doing. And it has to end before they create another version of fae.

She clenches her teeth, perfectly aware that the fae are the failed offspring of humans and Old Ones. Such a union also created the elementals, but we tolerate them since they established themselves as their own race. And they are by no means as vicious as the fae.

So you have no real information on what's happening inside the facility? She gets into the car and I start the engine, giving up on stopping her.

Oh, I've a good idea of what's going on in that place. I've put an end to two similar operations since the cold war. One Russian, and one organized by a group of hedge witches. Believe me, it will be ugly. And I've a demand for you. Otherwise you have to stay in the car. I look at her to make sure that she understands.

I point at my phone. The Krampus have collected compelling evidence that there are people inside the facility who never leave the building. And we know what the facility is for. Everyone inside that complex is already judged and found guilty. They are walking corpses. They just don't know it yet. Including the test subjects.

Sely looks at me, trying to show no expression. I can tell that what I am about to do is gnawing on her. I understand. You are trying to tell me that this will be a slaughterhouse with a lot of people who are begging for mercy?

I nod. And I won't give it to them. My territory doesn't have many laws regarding the supernatural. The few there are, gather a high price for breaking them. And not without reason.

With the press of a button I activate the car's voice control. Call Paul.

I drive while Sely studies the road and the telephone rings. Then someone picks up. No. I am eating.

I smile. Paul, what's up? I need you in an hour at Gen.Tec. Future. There will be a lot to clean up.

I really hate you. You know that? That place is somewhere in the woods. I am an aquamarine life-form. Maybe the younglings like it to play on the shore, but I dont. Find some troll, or a dryad, to scrounge through the forest.

Do I have to throw firecrackers into the lake? You are the territory's cleaner. Tough job. Do I have to remind you every time that you volunteered?

There is some snarling and bubbling on the other end of the line. Fine. I'll be there. The line is disconnected.

When I look over to Sely, she smiles. Is there a single employee in your territory that isn't afraid of you, or hates your guts.

I dribble my fingers on the wheel and concentrate on the road. Paul doesn't really hate me. We just have a very special relationship. I am the owner and he is the Chihuahua who is trying to piss on my shoe. He is little, and nasty, and overall a very bad pet. But he also knows that he would be much worse off without me. You'll see.

An hour later, we arrive at the facility. A single road leaves the main street and cuts about twenty metres into the forest where a small guard house and a fence stop any visitors. Paul is already waiting at the main road and pulling off a staring contest with the human guard. The guard is eyeing Paul warily, but since Paul is just sitting on the bonnet of his blue Toyota, the guard can't do anything.

A police car with Adam inside is parked next to Pauls Toyota. When I stop at the empty parking slot in front of them, Adam gets out to greet us. I introduce everyone. Sely, you've already met Adam. And this is Paul, the man in the lake. He cleans up my messes. Everyone, this is Sely. You can think of her as my second from now on.

Adam mumbles his greetings, but doesn't seem very surprised by the revelation.

My real name is- Paul opens his mouth to introduce himself, burping out the strange noise that's supposed to be his full name.

Sely blinks at the small man. Do you mind if I also stick to Paul? I think it fits you.

The man in the lake huffs and does something unbelievable. Fine, but just because you asked nicely.

Adam raises his hand, acting surprisingly meek in his human form. We've kept record of who is on the facility's grounds. There should be only one person who is innocent, and that's the secretary in the reception area. The guards are all hired guns from overseas, so it's likely that they are in on the operation.

I roll my eyes. An innocent? Really? How many times did I tell you that I don't do complicated stuff. I dont want to sort out the innocents from the bad ones. How should I even recognize her?

Adam winces. Just use the app? I installed it for you on your phone, do you remember? It's linked to our naughty database. Just take a picture of her and the app searches the webserver automatically.

And I am really supposed to take a photo of everyone? I throw up my hands. The day at which the Krampus jumped onto the train of modern technology was a dark day indeed.

I walk up the road to the guardhouse. One guard is watching us from inside the guardhouse, while another is standing guard behind the gate.

The guard inside the house was eyeing us the entire time, but he was too far away to hear us. He is still hiding behind the perspex window of his house when I arrive. I bend down to talk through the grilled hole which is supposed to make the conversation with visitors easier. Excuse me, Sir. My name is Magnus. I am here to talk with the manager.

He eyes me and Sely, who followed and is now standing behind me. Then he turns his attention to a monitor and clicks with his mouse. There aren't any visitors on my list. You must have taken the wrong street.

I pull out my phone and shoot a photo of him. His picture is immediately overlayed with red horns and an evil smirk. Huh, this is really handy.

Hey, Mister! No photos allowed! The guard got riled up and is standing now. Apparently he is one of those guys who don't like their photos being taken. I would also dislike being photographed if I am one of the evildoers.

One moment! I am the evil one here. I punch my fist through the speaking grill and grab his throat. Then I pull him towards the perspex, slamming his face into it and knocking him out. It was a small mercy from my side. I doubt that he would've liked the feeling of having a large part of his throat missing. Dropping the meat I tore out, I head through the gate which grants access to the fenced area.

The fence is a large one. At least five metres in height, with barbed wire on top. Feels a lot like a prison's fence. The guard who was stationed on the other side of the fence is now running towards the building which has a large 'Future' logo above it.

The distinct sound of a silenced shot rings out next to my ear and the guard drops in a boneless heap. I turn to look at Sely who had drawn a silenced gun. Her eyes are glowing red and a few moments pass before she lowers the gun with a guilty expression on her face. Sorry. He was running away, so I got a little excited. He was acting too much like prey.

So it's all the human's fault?

Okay. I love that woman. But we should be a little more careful once we enter that building. The guards at the entrance didnt have weapons because it isnt allowed in this country. Only police and the army are allowed to carry guns. Though there is a chance that they might not see it that way inside the facility.

I walk up to the front entrance, engaging my wards. Then I step into a large lobby with a huge screen at the left wall. The screen is playing propaganda about the company and a nice, female voice talks nonsense about how genetic manipulation will change the future. At a desk on the other end of the room is a woman. Probably a receptionist. She is engaged in a book, her whole concentration on it. I walk up to her table and take a photo of her. The app overlays her photo with a halo and angel wings.

Thats when she realizes that she isnt alone. She looks up and blushes. Oh, you surprised me. She flutters her eyelids at me, showing me clearly that she is the bunny who was hired exclusively for warm welcomes. The better they look, the stupider they are in this line of business. Probably they wouldnt have taken her for this job if she had observed the world around her with open eyes.

At the wall behind her is a female security guard who is busy, watching the streams of several surveillance cameras. She also notices my presence and stands up. Hey, the chief didnt inform us of any visitors.

The bunny laughs and leans forward, revealing her cleavage. I am sure that there was just a misunderstanding.

I smile at her... until a low growl from behind reminds me that I am not available. It seems like Sely doesnt like any form of competition. I level the phone at the guard and, snap, the devil horns appear again.

No photos in here! The guard reaches for my phone, but Sely is faster. She grabs the guards hand and pulls her over the table. Then the distinct crack of a broken spine signifies her end. Sely can be really feral under the right conditions. Ive to remember not to take her into a big group of humans.

The bunny is slapping her hand at the underside of her table, horrified. The whole motion is somehow robotic, so I guess she is in shock. I reach over and run my hand along the edge until I find the button she was searching for. That button?

She nods frantically, so I press it.

The music is replaced by a shrill alarm and the lights turn red. There is no doubt that the combatants inside the facility will be coming to us now. This saves us a lot of time. I pat the womans shoulder. Thats the part where you run out of the facility, screaming, and throw yourself into the arms of the waiting policemen.

A silent hiccup escapes her and she crawls over the table to flee the scene. The screaming doesnt seem to be her thing and the running part also falls short in her ridiculous high heels. I turn to Sely. Real life is so much worse than the movies.

Thats when the guards burst into the room.

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