Law of Shadows

Chapter 29: ~Prep~

Chapter 29: ~Prep~

And we learned the hard way that coexistence with the others has to follow strict rules. A new start was necessary. So we levelled the first city and sunk it into the ocean.

- A memory of the Old Ones.


***Magnus*** you can see how ruthless certain species of supernaturals are. They don't value human life and treat them the same way a human would treat a bug...

The TV shows a recording of Sely and me. It's from when we raided the research complex where Kath was held. I raise both eyebrows and pay full attention. Of course, the news report doesn't mention a single word about the experiments. Though what I am interested in, is how they got the video!

I thought I made sure that no electromagnetic signals go into or out of that facility. Did they have some kind of secret server-room which even Paul couldn't find? Someone could have retrieved the data after my people left the place. I guess it doesn't make sense to investigate it after the deed is done. The video is out and I've to congratulate whoever managed to get it past me.

Do you have anything to say to that? Tina asks from her usual spot at the living room's table. I wonder why she is still here. Doesnt her clan need her?

I am famous? I answer questioningly. On screen, I pull out a woman from her hiding place and bash her head onto a table. I guess that especially this scene could cause an uproar among the humans. They are so picky when it comes to the manner of death. Dead is dead. There is no point in asking how.

The recording switches to a completely different location. I don't know the man who casually breaks a security guard's neck, but he is definitely an Old One. Look, they also took videos of other people. Seems like they prepared for this since a long time ago.

The others at the meeting will still try to make you take the fallout. And whoever else was recorded killing humans, she grumbles.

I shrug. Come on! That's unreasonable. Who could have prepared themselves for an entire species betraying the supernatural community? The secret is out. With or without those videos. It just shows how far the fae are willing to go. And lets be honest. In most of those so called evidence-videos we cant be differentiated from normal humans.

Suddenly Tina appears on the screen. She guides a man around a corner, holding his arm in a very painful way. It's clear that it hurts since he is bucking and screaming. She kicks his knee, breaking the leg and dislocating his shoulder simultaneously. He tries to crawl away, but she grabs the ankle of his good leg and spins him around as if he is a child. It ends in him breaking his neck by impacting a nearby wall.

I look at her. At least I made it quick!

Her entire head turns red with rage, she shakes her fist at the TV. Those little shits will suffer once I get my hands on them! We should invade Fairy and send the video to the humans! Then they'll surely drop any thoughts of resisting us!

Sely enters the room, wearing a beautiful gown. It's blood red with small parts of black here and there. The tight fit emphasizes her cleavage in a wonderful way and the left side is open, showing a lot of leg. Fairy can be entered only by the fae. Everyone knows that. What do you think? I'll wear it in Atlantis.

Wear something else! I call out. I'll have to kill half the men who get a glimpse at you. The congregation will end in a bloodbath!

She smiles. I didn't expect that you are able to give such compliments. It's a deal then. This is the dress. The white one stays a secret until the ceremony.

Ceremony? I ask.

Tina huffs. If my sister and my niece don't allow me to kill you, then the least I can do is to stage a proper party for her. But first you have to deal with her legal husband. I suppose the chance is high that you'll get your chance at the congregation.

What the hell were they talking about while I wasn't present? I won't have some strange party in my house!

That's why you'll visit my estate for that. As it is proper, Tina answers with a cool voice. It's tradition that the husband marries at the bride's estate. Sely and Annia are still Rhondu as far as I am concerned.

Sely steps in front of me, showing a lot of leg. I always wanted a proper ceremony with the one I love. Surely you won't make a ruckus about such a small wish!?

My eyes stay stuck to that lewd dress and her leg. She said that the white one stays a secret? Oh, I knew that this woman will be trouble with a capital 'T'! Only if the other dress doesn't cause a war.

She smiles and blows me a kiss. I won't cause a war.

Then Sely notices the TV, where the n'th repetition of our raid is played. The media-hounds really found a fat bone with that one. Holy shit! How did they get their fingers on that!

I focus my attention on her backside and grab her butt to pull her onto my lap. She squeals, but sits down on top of me. Having her like that is much less frustrating. I think we can be sure that the fae were somehow involved with that facility. They must've done their best to gather dirt on as many supernatural groups as possible before they went public. Though I must admit that I am mystified as to how they did it.

She groans. Maybe they gave the humans a little more than just the corpse? A magical way to transfer data from one point to the other. They could've camouflaged it as a satellite device or something similar.

I sneer. Or someone in that facility was a plant from the fae. I am sure that their magic is strong enough to control a human or two.

Tina gets up and starts pacing the room. That's a certainty. I've heard from some other clan-heads that they are seriously concerned that the fae might manipulate the humans into using nukes. Nuclear facilities might have a lot of security, but they are completely unguarded against magic.

I laugh. Most supernaturals live right among humans. Using nukes would take out their own populations. I don't think that the humans would be that stupid. Especially since we are doing nothing to warrant such a thing. But you are right that the fae wouldn't care.

We are interrupted by the ringing of my phone. I take a look and realize that it's Eva. She has my number since she managed to worm her way onto Sely's good side. I answer the call. Yes?

Excuse me, but we have to talk about something important. Paul, Adam and I are waiting in front of your apartment, Eva answers.

I squint my eyes. Since when do you know where I live?

Ahem. Since Annia told my granddaughter where to find her? I kind of got the information from her, Eva answers insecurely.

Sely takes the phone away from me. Of course. We'll listen to your concerns. I'll be at the door in a second. She ends the call.

I gesture wildly with my arms, unsure of what to say. They can't come in here. I am ruling this territory with my mysterious anonymity. What will they think when they see that average apartment of mine?

Hahahaha! Do you mean since Annia set up her equipment there? They'll be surprised. And once they enter the reality marble and see that there are other Old Ones besides you, they'll be frightened to their bones. Whatever they want, it must be important. Otherwise they wouldn't send a group of delegates to make a petition. Sely gets up, depriving me of her perfect butt.

I am not so sure that Paul and Adam will be humbled. The man in the lake is a fearless fellow and the Krampus are by definition immune to humbleness. I call for Fiacre and Cecilia, before Tina and I follow Sely to wait for her in the entrance hall.

Maybe I should call Lindwurm. Her maw must impress even a Krampus, I mumble.

Who is Lindwurm? Tina asks.

I am saved from giving an answer because Sely returns with Eva, Paul and Adam. The vampire is dressed up in a tight, sexy dress, but this time Sely stole the show from Eva. Paul is in casual clothes while Adam is all business in a suit.

Eva is the first who manages to pull her eyes away from the luxurious entrance hall. Lord! It's an honour to be allowed this deep into your house.

Oh, all formal today? What's so important that you have to visit me in person?

Eva plays with her skirt. Have you seen the news lately? I am just asking because you have a tendency not to involve yourself with such worldly problems.

I raise an eyebrow and cross my arms in front of my chest. The silence stretches out, turning uncomfortable for the three visitors. Their eyes wander from me to Sely and then to Tina, who is a complete stranger to them.

Sely decides that my attempt at intimidation went on for long enough. She pats Eva's shoulder. Don't worry. We are watching the news as you do. The situation is dire and we are aware of it.

Adam nods. We understand that other territories have a lot more problems at the moment, but trouble has slowly started brewing in our community. There are groups who attack anyone who is under suspicion of being a supernatural. These incidents are increasing in numbers and people are afraid. That's why the territory's chieftains held a gathering to find possible solutions to our problem.

Paul nods enthusiastically, which causes the fat on his entire body to bob up and down. The cat is already out of the bag, so we hoped that you would allow us to come out of hiding to reassure the humans that we aren't a threat.

Eva cuts in quickly. In fact, we aren't to blame for that solution. After consulting the leading institutions of each respective race, that's the course of action most supernatural species will take. So it's not like we'll be the only territory which reacts like this. The only ones who still hold back in making any official comment on the actions of the fae are the Old Ones.

Blowing up any fae who shows her face in public is official enough for me, Adam mumbles as Fiacre and Cecilia enter the room. The three visitors are now faced with five adult Old Ones, something they surely didn't expect when they gathered the courage to visit me in person.

Tina smiles at the three of them. I am sure that she tried to calm the situation, but her expression makes the whole action seem predatory. We are still unsure of what to do. You surely know that we have no central government. Our elders have called for a big meeting to decide on a proper response. There will be a lot of debating and snarling, mostly snarling, and there will surely be a good fight between those who can't stand each other. In the end we will most likely decide to do nothing, or to commit genocide. On whom or when, that's written in the stars.

I smile at them. Why don't you go back and tell everyone that I won't punish you for revealing our community. There is no point in hiding if everyone else is trying to appease the humans by revealing themselves. It would just raise questions why the supernaturals in this region keep silent.

As last, Eva reveals the real reason for their presence. Ah, yeah. About that. We thought that you might want to show yourself in public? As a spokesperson? Since you are the lord of this territory? And let's be honest. You own three quarters of the damned area.

No! Yes!

Sely and I answer in unison. I scowl and look at her. Why? There is no reason to trouble ourselves with humans!

She tilts her head. Because it's a good chance to correct our image? The fae are already doing a very good job at painting us in the worst light possible.

I spread my hands. And let's be honest, they aren't exactly lying when it comes to our violent tendencies.

Sely hisses. That's not something the humans have to know!

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