Law of Shadows

Chapter 34: ~Human relations~

Chapter 34: ~Human relations~

They grow old and die. We are the ones who continue onwards.

- A memory of the Old Ones.



Samantha leans back on the sofa, visibly at a loss for words.

We talked for at least two hours about the various supernatural races within the city. We explained about vampires, trolls, Krampus, the people of the lake and many others. The reporter blinks slowly at the end of my explanations, and then asks, Then why is everyone so afraid of Old Ones? You two don't strike me as exceptionally terrible beings. In fact, you are quite amicable.

I twirl a strand of my hair between my fingers and smile. That's because you haven't angered us. We Old Ones are the wizards and gods of your myths. We often lose to our temper and go on killing sprees for reasons which aren't justifiable to humans. That's why we prefer to live outside of humanity's social structure. But that's not what the other supernaturals are afraid of. They fear that they might anger us enough to work together. Individually, we are already more powerful than most other supernaturals because of our magic, but if we work together in a ritual, we can cause truly terrifying things.

Magnus nods and continues, During the war with the fae, our strongest leaders united their power in one, big ritual. The fae controlled large areas of northern Europe at that time and the war didn't develop as our ancestors wished it to. They devised a plan and caused the last Ice Age, or glacial period, which lasted until twelve thousand years ago. The intent was to destroy the fae's seat of power. Their forests froze over and they were forced to retreat to Fairy. That's where they stayed ever since.

Samantha shakes her head. Don't get me wrong, but the last ice age? Didn't that take a few thousand years? I can't imagine that such a slow process can have an effect on a war.

The war lasted for a thousand years and we are immortal. If our lives aren't ended by force, there is no limit to our lifespan. We have the patience to plan a few thousand years ahead if there is a need. Our only problem is that we aren't very good at working together in large groups. We tend to fight among ourselves. The other supernaturals are afraid of our large scale magic. They don't want to give us a reason to use it, Magnus explains.

The reporter nods. So, I understand that you aren't friendly with the fae. Do you have anything to say to the people who would rather believe in the fae-version of things?

Magnus shakes his head. No.


If they believe something they heard over a news channel, then it is because they want to believe it. I can't help such fools. If they would think for themselves, then they would realize that there is something fishy about the fae. All I can say is that the fae aren't welcome in my territory. There is a death sentence on their heads, as you've surely noticed. Every fae who showed himself in public found a swift end soon afterwards.

Samantha nods. So you admit that those incidents were manufactured by Old Ones?

Magnus shrugs. There is no point in denying it.

I take over. As we explained, the fae should stay in Fairy, where they belong. We've showed them enough mercy.

I reach into my pocket and smile. Then I place a USB key-chain on the little table in front of us. If you feel up to it, you can show the world what really happened in that facility. This is the uncut version of what was going on in the lower levels, including research diaries. I'll keep the actual research data to myself.

Samantha snatches the stick like the good little reporter she is, and hands it over to a guy from her crew. We'll have to go over the material before we can show any of this.

I smile. Of course.

I just hope that they don't start asking questions about Kath. But I gave them nothing that could connect her family to the facility. The researchers themselves weren't particularly interested in documenting their victims' identities.

Now that I think about it, I totally forgot to check if she has any other relatives. That's something I have to remedy as soon as possible.

Samantha claps her hands together. I am afraid that we are at the end of our time. I hope that you'll be available for future interviews.

I hope not, Magnus answers, smiling.

I cuff him and step in. Of course we'll answer any questions, should they arise.

Samantha turns to the camera. And that was it for today's special report. I hope that a lot of your questions were answered. Have a nice evening. As soon as the red light on the cameras switches off, the reporter visibly deflates.

Eva returns from her hiding spot in the corner of the room. Her expression shows that she has mixed feelings about this interview. That went better than I hoped and worse than it had to. Did you have to be so blunt about everything?

Magnus crosses his arms in front of his chest. Sorry. But it's better if the humans have no misunderstandings about their relationship with the supernatural world. I had to be blunt. The last thing I want is fae in my territory. Now nobody will be surprised when I gouge out their hearts on camera.

Note to myself, don't invite fae and Old Ones to the same interview, Samantha mumbles.

Magnus aims a finger at her. You won't invite any fae! If you do, I'll level this building. Are we clear?

Samantha nods.

I take his hand and link arms with him. I don't think that the humans are used to being commanded around in such a fashion, dear. Samantha, thank you for the interview, but we really should go home before we break any human customs. It was a long day for us.

Magnus mumbles his goodbyes and, together, we get to our feet.



I hold the pen with my mind, it's floating above my hands in mid air. Look! Look! I can control it! I am like Harry Potter. Just that I don't need a stupid wand to do it! This is so cool!

Fiacre looks up from her documents and smiles. That's very good. Just keep concentrating and make sure to face away from people.

I nod, all my concerns about this fairy land are forgotten. I can use magic. If Mom and Dad could see me now! The thought of my parents immediately makes me sad. How can I play around in this place when they aren't here anymore.

Suddenly, the door to the living room opens and I get startled. The evil man steps into the room and I lose my concentration. The pen shoots away from my hands like an arrow and sinks into the man's thigh.

I gasp.

He looks down at the pen which is stuck in his leg. After a few moments I notice the spreading stain of blood. I did this! What will he do to me? Will I be kicked out!? But I've no place to go. Will I have to go to a mad caretaker like in the movies?

Ow! He hobbles to me and grabs my robe at the back of my neck, lifting me as if I weigh nothing. My father couldn't do that! I am too afraid to do anything, so I simply hang there. They gave me sturdy robes. Otherwise I think they would rip.


Fiacre comes to my defence. Oh, come on, Magnus. It was just a little accident. Who told you to charge into the room while we were training? She didn't break a wall this time.

He pulls the pen out of his thigh as if it doesn't hurt at all. She shot a pen into my leg! And that means that she goes back into the training room!

But I was allowed to train outside just this morning, I sob.

Too early! He shakes me.

Sely enters the room and sighs upon seeing us. Kath, you don't have to be that afraid of us. We won't hurt you.

I look up at the man. He always wears this grim expression. As if he is about to hit someone. And he never smiles at me.

Sely forces him to let me down and hugs me. Magnus won't hurt you. You are one of us, Kath.

Fiacre sighs. If you want to blame someone, then blame me. I should have told her to face the wall. I seem to be a bad teacher.

I look at the floor. Isn't there a school for stuff like learning magic?

All three of them look at me with blank expressions, so I try to explain. A school? Where children can play and learn together? I miss my school and my friends.

Sely closes her eyes and rubs the bridge of her nose. I am sorry Kath, but you can't go back to school. You could hurt the other children with your new ability. And there is no school for learning magic. But we promise that we'll do our best to help you.

I sigh. So there is no way out of this? What about Aunty Olivia? Can I see her?

We can go and see her right now, but you can't stay with her. It would be too dangerous. And we have to explain exactly what happened to you. Sely takes my hand and guides me to the door. Fiacre, how about joining us?

Fiacre shakes her head. I am not that good with social stuff, you know that.

I look at her, begging her with my eyes. At last, Fiacre sighs and gets to her feet. Fine! I guess that I spend the most time with her, so I should be present for this conversation.

We leave the evil man behind and head for the doorway. He looked a little stunned that he was utterly ignored in this. But I don't care. I'll see Aunty. She was always nice to me.

Not even half an hour later, we are at her house and I get to press the bell. When the door opens, it's indeed her. Aunty! I throw myself at her, hugging her waist.

Oh my god! Kath! We thought you were dead! Where are your parents?

I don't look up. I don't want to admit that Mom and Dad became monsters.

Sely's voice is calm and warm like always. Mrs. Olivia? There is a lot we have to talk about.

Aunty ushers me inside and I head directly towards the basket where Felix, Aunty's cat, always sleeps in. The old fellow is indeed in his basket and I play for at least ten minutes with him. When I return to the adults with Felix in my arms, they are in the kitchen. Aunty's expression is grim and determined.

Sely talks quietly, but her voice is insistent. I am sorry, but I don't know enough to revert her back to normal. After seeing the things down in that facility, I don't even want to try. We'll teach Kath to control her magic, but that won't happen overnight. She'll be at least fifteen or sixteen before we can even think about letting her go out alone. And if she turns out to be a genuine Old One, she'll have to deal with other issues from then on.

Fiacre nods. But you can visit her any time. There is always someone ready to answer the door.

Aunty comes over and hugs me, almost crushing Felix between the two of us. They've explained everything. I am so sorry, but I promise that I'll visit at least twice a week.

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