Law of Shadows

Chapter 38: ~Chaos~

Chapter 38: ~Chaos~

They are unlike any other species. Their mind says forward, while instinct tells them to run away. The leg twitches sideways while the arms fight for balance. Can nature really create such a nonsensical creature?

- A memory of the Old Ones.



...countries are under martial law. Like the USA and China. They were followed by France and several others as you can see by the countries which are marked in red on the map. In those countries, the majority of high ranking politicians is of the opinion that the only way to uphold our society, is to regulate supernaturals. The opposition argues that proceeding in this direction would likely lead to a situation that resembles the witch hunts of old...

That's awful! I turn my attention to the others. They are watching the report with the same concentrated attention as I do. What can we do to stop this?

We weren't the only ones who got hit by massive attacks. This can be called the first real strike in a war that was fought in the shadows for a long time. The fae instigated a massive campaign to discredit supernaturals as a whole.

Our city wasn't the only one which was struck. While we stopped them here, they succeeded in enough other places to force a massive reaction from the humans. The reports of what happened in our rural area are drowning in the chaos of international information. Though some news channels are showing Lindwurm, the impact drowns between all the other stuff that's going on.

The world went chaotic over night.

Magnus doesn't seem concerned. He leans closer and places an arm around my shoulders. Don't worry. So far, only the ones who feel big and powerful declared martial law. We are in Austria. The politicians of this country are pussies. They wouldn't declare war, even if I held a sword to their throats.

Fiacre shakes her head. It still could become very bad, very fast. What if the humans really start a witch hunt? They will destroy their own society if we don't stop them.

Cecilia uses her sleeve to polish her nails. I've seen the witch hunts. The humans mostly caught other humans to burn them at the stake. It was very rare that they caught one of the weaker supernaturals. They made up some ridiculous nonsense about how to identify a magic practitioner.

It never troubled me, but now that I think about it, they used the witch hunts mostly to burn those who think differently. Inventors, alchemists, philosophers, people who tried to change the system, they were the first ones who went up in flames. If it weren't for those dark times, humanity's wisdom would be at least a thousand years ahead of today's knowledge. She thinks for a few moments. I wonder why they ever got the idea that they can restrain a being that's vastly more powerful than themselves.

Fiacre is of a different opinion. I've also seen the hunts, but the humanity of today is vastly different from back then. Today, they have guns, explosives and telecommunication. Maybe they can even find ways to quickly identify supernaturals.

I try to consider all the implications. We should have foreseen it. Humans never, ever, are of the same opinion on something. They always split into two sides. Some countries were bound to do something stupid. The question is how the various clans within those countries will react to the humans.

Will they start fighting among each other? Annia mumbles.

I am a little baffled at the thought, not understanding Annia's reasoning. Why should they do that? I thought that the humans will most likely start working together. From their perspective, they are faced with a threat that concerns all of them, I reason.

Annia raises both eyebrows. I think you are giving them too much credit. The countries who declared martial law will most likely turn on the countries which didn't. They will see them as a threat and suspect them of being influenced by supernaturals. They may perceive us as a threat that concerns all of them, but we aren't a clear opponent.

We aren't some specific spot on the map which they can point their finger on. We are hiding right among them. Those countries which declared martial law are encouraging fear in their population. Once they are done with their internal problems, they have to focus the suspicions away from their government. Preferably on someone with a different ideology. Nothing is worse for a politician than a distrustful population.

The outraged voice of the reporter draws my attention back to the television. ...was struck by lightning! I repeat, France's president was struck by lightning on a clear, sunny day! When he left the congress and crossed the parking area, a lightning bolt struck exactly at his position! Just mere minutes ago, he declared martial law to answer the supernatural threat and...

I wipe across my forehead. Great! The world went crazy over night! Now we Old Ones resort to assassinate every human leader who isn't to our liking? Aren't the fae protecting their puppets?

There is no reasonable way to protect someone without magic from hostile magic. The fae would have to stick to their charges like glue. Its not possible to hide such bodyguards permanently. If it gets out that a country's leaders are permanently shadowed by fae, the people around them would come to their own conclusions. I think that the clans in those respective regions will handle the problem just fine. Magnus leans back and watches the news with a smug expression on his face.

Fiacre shakes her head. I wouldn't call that 'just fine'. It's about reigning by terror and fear, just when the humans were about to ascend beyond that. It took us a long time until we realized that the humans are better left alone. Influencing them led to a lot of sorrow. For us and for them.

Magnus gestures at the screen. Are you serious? Look at what's going on! If we don't stop the fae from manipulating the humans, things will get out of control completely. Then the humans will start a war for real. Martial law is just the first step.

...broke his neck! I repeat, the Chinese president slipped and fell down the stairs! Now he is in a coma and being treated in a hospital...

I lean forward and cover my face with both hands. The other clans are certainly quick to take action once one decided on how to deal with the matter.

...the Air Force One crashed with the president and his closest advisers. The USA is shocked to...

They certainly are quick to suppress any form of organized resistance.

Magnus shifts in his seat and gets up. I've to get some nachos and popcorn. This is better than the cinema! He hurries out of the room.

Fiacre tunes down the volume of the TV. We have to look at the bright side of things. If our people take out the extremists now, then a real war with the humans might not become an issue. I admit that all these accidents directly after a declaration of martial law look very suspicious, but no Old One killed a human representative on camera. We can still deny everything.

Suddenly her mobile phone rings and she starts searching through her pockets. Magnus returns with nachos and popcorn. He sits down next to me and starts munching his snacks.

Fiacre finds her mobile phone and answers the call. Yes? This is Fiacre Bathomeus. Yes. Her expression turns sour. Yes. She listens for a few moments, then she nods. I understand. We'll be there. She ends the call and looks at us with a grave expression. That was one of the elders. They are calling for another gathering. Apparently the circumstances changed.

Magnus raises a hand, waving a nacho. If they are still protecting the fae, then I certainly won't waste my time with another gathering! Watching the news is much more interesting.

I pat his back. I am fairly sure that this is about the escalating events. We should go and find out if any of it concerns us.

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