Law of Shadows

Chapter 5: ~Visitors~

Chapter 5: ~Visitors~

Rend and tear. Then scrape and mar. Last, you sew and put it on. The other sheep wont recognize you.

- A memory of the Old Ones.



I just want to look out for you. You are my bloodkin after all. Why dont you understand that Ive only your best interest at heart. And I tell you that going to that club at this hour isnt safe. I sit down on the bench and cross my legs.

My twenty-twelth-generation grandchild adjusts the spectacles on her nose and looks at me as if I am liar. I dont understand what should be so dangerous about meeting with my book-club at the library. All of us are friends there and we only discuss our favourite books.

I roll my eyes. Thats exactly whats dangerous about such clubs. Before you know it, you are fifty and didnt get laid a single time. Okay, go. But consider this offer. When you and your friends are done, you invite all of them home and we can have a nice party so that I can take a look at that boy you are fawning ove-

Never! Her eyes flicker to the neon-sign of the red Eve, her expression horrified. I would die of shame if they knew where I live!

In a big house with an entire floor to yourself? I am flabbergasted. We vampires fawn over our neophytes. Most of them never have to work unless they want to. They are the breeders and we are the protectors. It never crossed my mind that Angelikas living quarters are sub-par. Did I miss something regarding this centurys average living conditions? It wouldnt be the first time.

Nooo its a brothel! Angelika huffs.

I play with my hair and push up my breasts to annoy her. I know that she doesnt like indecent clothes. Shes always so modest and tied-up with her outfit. Not an inch of unnecessary free skin. And god forbid if her figure shows. I like to think of it as a wellness fare. We get only high-class customers and sell a good time instead of pure sex. Dont compare our family business to one of those establishments. And it also pays better.

Can I go now, grandma? Or is there any point to this discussion? She straightens herself and I can tell that she is preparing to leave.

If you are really so adamant about it, then I wont be in your way. Resigning to fate, I sigh and hold out a pack of condoms. Take these at least. One never knows if those kosher friends of yours might not make some advances after all. I want you to be prepared, if thats your wish.

She snorts and stalks away towards the bus stop since the library is in the city centre. Thats just a ten minute drive. I bet you poked all of them with a needle!

I click my tongue as Angelikas guardian floats closer, staying in the shadows. How did she know? I opened them with a Stanley knife and glued the packages back together carefully. There was no way for her to notice it. Follow her and see to it that she is safe. And drop some blue pills into the boys drink. I drop the condoms into a nearby trash-bin. If I can be sure about one thing, then its about the actions of a youth with a boner.

The shadow nods and hurries down the street, following the bus. I stay at my post, guarding the nest.

It takes several minutes until something new happens. Two females enter the parking area, which isnt a surprise since we cater to both genders. The surprising aspect about those two is that I dont know them, and I know each and every one of our regulars. Additionally, one of them looks much too young. There are certain restrictions in this day and age, which doesnt mean that I approve of them.

The older one of the two has raven-black hair and looks as if she is in her twenties. The even face with the red lips looks a little tired. Her build rivals even mine, which awakens the wish to seduce her. I am no prude and a beautiful woman is just as good as a strong man.

The girl next to her is fifteen, maybe sixteen? Her hair isnt as dark and edges more to the brunette side, but by comparing their faces I can tell that they are related.

I narrow my eyes, studying them further. They are approaching localities of questionable status, yet the steps of the older woman are firm and secure. The girl may seem insecure, but her movements are calculated, as she makes sure that the woman is always between me and her.

Are you Eva? The woman addresses me from a few feet away.

I smile. In the flesh. How can I help you?

We were told that you can provide a safe place? The woman asks. A car turns around the corner, bathing us in light. Her head flicks towards the vehicle which passes my establishment and continues down the street. Thats what gives her away.

The movement wasnt entirely human. Oh, of course. No human would have noticed the difference. But I already had a lot of time to learn the subtleties of other supernaturals. Among all of the supernatural races, the Old Ones have the hardest time at hiding their nature. I have the theory that its because their human bodies are just a disguise. They wear their bodies like cloth.

They breathe slower than humans and move more like snakes when they think that they are unwatched. Sometimes they forget to move at all when they are thinking about something. They stand absolutely still, weighing their options. No other race could do that. There is always something that moves, just because humans constantly breathe.

Of course I can. All I need is some method of identification and sufficient compensation for my efforts. I slide a little further on my bench so that its easier to jump up in case of an attack. The presence of these two spells misfortune. I am not sure whats going on between the lord and other members of his race. In the eighty years since the rest of his clan vanished, he never allowed anyone else of his race inside his territory.

Its normal for each clan of Old Ones to shield their territory with a Veil. This energy shield tells them when one of their kind violates their territory and it ignores other races. Though from the lords words I assume that he could seal off the entire territory if he wanted to. Ive heard that the various clans often have fights with each other, but this area was mostly left in peace for some reason.

The woman reaches into the purse at her side and pulls out a fat stash of hundreds, then she throws it onto my lap. We can compensate you, but you dont get to ask questions.

I keep the smile plastered to my face and look at the money, then at her. It seems that you dont understand. This isnt about money, this about who you are. She stops moving and the girl takes a step back. Oh, this isnt good. Before you do anything, you may want to take my side into account? And there are others here, so you wont get away unscathed if you attack me.

Her eyes search the windows of my establishment and then the shadows. Speak.

Our lord, the Old One who owns this territory, has a very nasty personality. He tends to punish people by killing their relatives first. There is this 'punish one by punishing them all' theme going on. I have a good relationship with him and I dont want to risk that by aiding you two. But I also dont want you as enemies. I would rather have no Old Ones as enemies. Not a single one.

I can give you shelter, but I also have to inform him at the same time. And we have to tell him that you were here. You have to forgive me, but I have no idea whats going on between you Old Ones. And I would rather not get involved if you clash with each other.

The woman studies me, her eyes wandering over my body. And only her eyes. The girl is a little less creepy in the way she keeps a lookout on the street.

How long will it take until he reacts? She asks in the end.

I dont know? Though he rarely checks his emails. I am pretty sure that you have until tomorrow. Actually I am not sure at all. He was quite edgy when I last saw him. But it would be cool if he catches one of you. Well, he may not be into the girl, but you are certainly his type. I think he needs a woman. And there you are.

I wisely keep my mouth shut instead of voicing those thoughts aloud.

The girl tugs at the womans sleeve. I am tired. She looks no less tired than the woman.

The woman looks at the girl and returns her attention to me. Where do we have to go? I am Sely Hammon and this is my little sister, Annia Hammon.

I get up from my seat, slipping the cash into a pocket. Please follow me.

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