League of Legends: League of Unknowns

Chapter 436 - Fight If You Want To!

Chapter 436: Fight If You Want To!

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Having followed his master—Yu Luocheng—for quite some time, Xu Ben had seen him using all kinds of champions for Support.

There was one particular champion that Xu Ben wanted to learn how to play Support with, and that was the first champion that Yu Luocheng had played in the Hangzhou Netfish Cafe: The Cryophoenix, Anivia.

Initially, Xu Ben thought that Yu Luocheng was just playing around with this champion for fun and to troll people. He never imagined that Yu Luocheng would be so bold as to actually use it when facing off against Team Daemons!


That’s right, Yu Luocheng had selected this champion!

At first, Anivia was a champion that LOL players never used. It wasn’t until a British player developed his play with her that everyone saw how fearsome she could be.

Anivia was a typical Mid champion, and was also one of the hardest champions to use in the game. If you weren’t good at using her, then you were bad. There was no in between. That’s how difficult it was to learn how to use her!

Not many Mids used Anivia, and there were even less who knew how to use her well. In the new season, she was even less suitable for the current meta, and had been forgotten by most people.

Who knew that someone would pick her at the LPL? And what’s even more surprising is that she was being used as a Support!

“Do you dare to lock in this champion? Fighting Hawk, are you really doing it?!” said Bao Jun in a high-pitched voice.

Seeing Anivia being used as a Support in the LPL was truly unbelievable. Can this champion really be used as a Support?!

As though he heard the challenge in Bao Jun’s voice, Yu Luocheng locked in Anivia at the exact same moment the commentator spoke.

The Cryophoenix, Anivia!

On Team Skycrown’s side, they had a Top Shyvanna, Jungler Olaf, Mid Syndra, ADC Ezreal, and Support Anivia.

On Team Daemons’ side, there was a Top Rengar, Jungler Elise, Mid Riven, Support Annie, and ADC Graves.

Nowadays, first-tier teams would pick Lucian or Sivir for their ADCs, while second-tier teams would pick either Caitlyn, Ezreal, or Vayne. Both Team Skycrown and Team Daemons had not chosen any of the stronger ADC picks.

The audience was left feeling incredulous, and they were especially confused by Asmodai’s Graves pick. But the confusion from that was nowhere near the confusion caused by Yu Luocheng’s pick.

Even if Asmodai had chosen Teemo as his ADC, it still wouldn’t have been as weird as Yu Luocheng choosing Anivia as his Support!

The lineups of both teams didn’t seem to have any obvious synchronization. Perhaps neither of them had a deliberate, seamless strategy…

Now matter how surprised or speechless you are, the reality is that Anivia had been chosen as a Support.

A few seconds later, Team Skycrown and Team Daemons were displayed on the big screen. All of them had quickly purchased their items and were now walking separately to their positions, which were facing the river.

Just by looking at how they had positioned themselves for the level one team fight, it was easy to see the quality of both teams.

The five members of Team Skycrown were standing in different places, at the entrances of each path leading back into their jungle. This was the most classic position, and seeing as how they covered all paths, they were most likely going for defense.

Meanwhile, Team Daemons was standing in a neat line with almost the exact same distance between each member, and walking towards Team Skycrown’s buff area.

They were really going for a level one fight!

After the release of the new season, level one fights had become practically non-existent. With Team Daemons changing their usual strategy of standing scattered in their own jungle, it seemed that they were going to give an aggressive push at level one in their enemies’ jungle.

“Oh, Team Daemons is just the best! I don’t know if Team Skycrown can feel the chill emanating from the direction of the Baron’s Pit right now?!” exclaimed Bao Jun excitedly.

Team Daemons was on the blue side, and they weren’t heading towards Team Skycrown’s red buff. Instead, they walked towards the river, choosing to hide in the Baron’s Pit.

The Baron’s Pit had a C-shaped opening, and you would be invisible if you hid there. That’s exactly what the five members of Team Daemons were doing. If Team Skycrown chose to scatter, it would be dangerous for them!

Players who used the scattered strategy rarely stayed stationary in their positions at the entrance. They would usually move around the area to gain more vision in the places covered by the Fog Of War. By doing so, they would be able to catch a glimpse of their opponent’s shadow and inventory.

Team Daemons’ Top and Mid were standing close to Baron’s Pit. Elise and Annie both had very strong engage power. If you weren’t careful and got too close, you would surely die!

“Team Skycrown has not seen a single member of Team Daemons at all, and they seem to be slightly concerned. In this situation, they definitely won’t dare to just waltz into any bushes without any vision! There could be enemy champions in those bushes, just waiting for the chance to jump on them!”

Indeed, Team Daemons’ non-appearance had an obvious effect of making Team Skycrown feel uneasy.

“Be careful, don’t stick to those walls with no vision behind them. And don’t even think of trying to get vision further out!” instructed Yu Luocheng.

If they were facing any other team, Yu Luocheng would calmly let his team defend the entrances of the jungle without a care for where the enemy would jump out from.

But they were up against Team Daemons. Do you really think that a well-oiled machine of a team like them would patiently wait in the fountain and only come out at one minute and thirty seconds into the game?!

They were definitely up to something. Team Daemons had to be hiding in a strategically hidden spot, keeping an eye on Team Skycrown and waiting for the right time to strike!

But where were they hiding?!

“Boss, it seems that they have the same intention as us. They want to push a level one fight too!” said Lin Dong.

Yu Luocheng nodded his head.

Team Skycrown’s scattered strategy was just a front. The plan was to purposely let their opponents have vision of them. Then, once the timer hits a minute and thirty seconds, they would shoot straight for their opponent’s blue buff to steal it away from Belial…

But Team Daemons’ strange disappearance had cast a shadow of doubt on Yu Luocheng.

If a weaker team had done this, it would probably be because they were relaxed and had taken the bait.

When playing against a stronger team, it was scary when you couldn’t see them on the map at all. You would feel that they could be hiding in any of the bushes, waiting to ambush you. This fear would prevent you from taking even a single step!

Yu Luocheng knew that the fear was purely psychological, but he’d rather be safe than sorry. If he carelessly took a step out, he might really meet the five of them and get killed.

The loss of a kill is insignificant, but if the Jungler’s level and buff were also disrupted and taken, then there would be a serious problem in the following time.

Out of the countless games he had played, this match was giving Yu Luocheng the most pressure. Otherwise, he wouldn’t have picked Anivia. He had been working himself to the bone to practise using her. She was the champion that he had been training with for the sake of beating the leader of Team Sky.

Finally, Yu Luocheng felt that something was wrong. “Group up and follow me!”

All their opponents were missing, which would imply that they must be hiding somewhere together. Since we’re both grouping up somewhere, then let’s fight the level one fight if that’s what you want!

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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