League of Legends: League of Unknowns

Chapter 442 - They’ve Seen Through It!

Chapter 442: They’ve Seen Through It!

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

This double kill was quite fatal to Team Skycrown, and Dragon was also taken as expected.

After taking Dragon, Hades and Belial started to invade the jungle area more frequently. A Jungler Elise and Mid Riven teaming up together, they were practically unstoppable. If you got caught by Else, Riven wouldn’t even need to activate her ulti to finish you off.

With the blue buff being controlled and four people invading, Team Skycrown had no choice but to let it go.

“Zhou, don’t you want your red buff?” asked Da Luo, frowning as he looked at Zhou Yan.

“It’s impossible to get it. We’ll definitely die if we 3v3,” said Zhou Yan as he shook his head. The expression on his face showed how pressured he felt.

To a Mid, the blue buff that spawned at seven and a half minutes was crucial. It directly affected the gold you needed for your items, and Wu Sen was already heavily relying on his skill shots to farm. With the blue buff taken, his income was lagging behind again compared to Riven.

And now they couldn’t take the red buff either. The reason for that was simple: Rengar was missing from the map. It would be hard for Shyvanna, Olaf, and Syndra to win over Elise, Rengar, and Riven, who had high burst damage in the jungle area.

“We can’t just give it up. If this goes on, it won’t be any different from losing. Contest them, Zhou!” said Wu Sen in a serious tone.

One buff would affect one level. The blue buff was already taken, they definitely couldn’t let go of the red buff too!

Wu Sen started to walk towards the red buff in their own jungle area. As he and Zhou Yan approached, they saw Elise and Riven, but Rengar was still nowhere to be seen.

Wu Sen stood on the other side of the wall, using his skill shots to bring down Elise and Riven’s health. After throwing out just a few shots, a black shadow suddenly appeared from behind Wu Sen, the hunter sharply slashing his unsuspecting back!

Wu Sen’s health dropped significantly in an instant, and when he turned to flee, he was rooted to the ground by Rengar’s Bola Strike.

There wasn’t much you could do to fight back against a Rengar who has activated his ulti. You couldn’t take any precautions, it was all up to whether or not he was in the mood to cut you down.

Da Luo and Zhou Yan’s reactions were not slow, especially Da Luo. He seemed to have his ulti ready to go at any moment. Just when their opponent was about to kill Wu Sen, Da Luo immediately activated his ulti and flew forward. He tore in between them, also blocking Elise at the same time, not allowing either of them to hit Wu Sen.

Wu Sen still had his E, and he pushed a Dark Sphere under their feet. Coincidentally, Elise, Rengar, and Riven were standing in a straight line!

The Dark Sphere burst through Rengar and Elise, stunning the both of them. As it was about to reach Hades’ Riven, his lightning quick reflexes in using E helped him avoid this beautiful stun.

When he saw that Syndra was already a ways off, Hades instructed, “Kill Shyvanna first, I have enough damage!”

Her ulti was activated and the beautiful dance from Broken Wings was then quickly launched at Da Luo’s Shyvanna.

Hades’ items were already good, even a tank like Da Luo couldn’t withstand an assault with such high burst damage. Da Luo didn’t dare hesitate for even a second. He Flashed to evade and let Riven’s combo hit empty air.

The scene became slightly chaotic then. Rengar took damage first as he was in front, followed by Elise breaking to the front, and then Hades came in with his damage. With the current items Hades had, his damage was still high even without using any skills.

It was obvious that the three members of Team Skycrown wouldn’t win this fight. After getting chased out of the jungle, their opponents weren’t greedy enough to continue chasing them, and instead went for the red buff.

Unsatisfied, Da Luo was smart enough to take another route, cooperating with Zhou Yan to harass them and steal back the red buff.

Unfortunately, their positioning wasn’t that great, and wanting to steal things from Elise wasn’t that easy. Seeing that they were about to leave, Da Luo got even more annoyed.


Frowning as he watched from beneath the stage area, Coach Huang Kang said, “It’s already been ten seconds.”

“What ten seconds?” asked Anubis, not understanding.

Ten seconds?

Huang Kang was obviously talking about that otherworldly super speed assistance. That Support who only needed ten seconds to rush to the battlefield!

Suddenly, Anubis shouted out loud, “F*ck!!”

Just as the three members of Team Daemons chose to retreat, a blue phoenix suddenly appeared on the map!

An ice wall appeared, running horizontally from the red buff to the Dragon pit, sealing off the path between Riven and Elise.

Flash Frost!

Slowly, a massive chunk of ice floated over to Elise. Elise’s Rappel was still on cooldown, and no matter where she moved, she would be hit by Anivia’s Flash Frost.

“Nice!” shouted Wu Sen.

He followed up Yu Luocheng’s Flash Frost with Dark Sphere, stunning Elise. Zhou Yan’s Olaf came up, killing Belial’s Elise with a swift hit of his axe, transferring the red buff back to himself.

Hades’s Riven was on the other side of the wall. He had initially wanted to rescue Elise but the ice wall prevented him from doing so. Seeing Elise killed, Hades could only jump down to the Dragon pit…

“This guy’s speed to reach here is too d*mn fast!” cursed Belial as he watched himself get killed, wasting the red buff that he had just gotten, as well as giving his opponent another kill.

“10 seconds…” muttered Hades.

Just as their coach had said before, Fighting Hawk’s assistance timing would be not more than fifteen seconds. They were held up at the red buff area for just a little while, and that guy had already reached them in ten seconds.

Mephistopheles’ Annie had already reached the middle lane, and he said with slight shame in his voice, “My bad, I was half a beat too slow.”

Mephistopheles had been calculating how much more experience his opponent needed before reaching level six. He didn’t expect that Yu Luocheng would reach the jungle area with the Boots of Mobility to give assistance while he was distracted.

Like Yu Luocheng, Mephistopheles had also bought the Boots of Mobility upgrade after he returned from leveling up, but he had been just a few seconds slower.

And because of his slightly slower assistance, Elise’s life was forfeited and the red buff was taken back. No matter how you look at it, this was a loss for Team Daemons.

“Don’t worry, just concentrate.” said Hades without even a hint of anger in his voice.

Mephistopheles nodded his head. This time he at least got to understand Fighting Hawk’s support path. Just as Coach Huang Kang said, he would already be coming towards them before the fight broke out. With the Support having so little distance, as long as the ADC doesn’t stand too forward, nothing would happen.

During the LPL matches, all the Supports would always protect their ADCs during the laning phase to ensure that they could farm up. They would normally only appear during bottom side jungle fights or when teams were contesting Dragon. A fight on the other side of the world would already be considered out of support range.

However, Fighting Hawk wasn’t like other Supports. He immediately used the level two jump in income to buy the Boots Of Mobility, clearly intending to roam the entire map to assist his team.

Team fights in LOL were made in such a way that even one extra champion in the fight would guarantee a win. For those little boys and girls who think otherwise, please go back and play some rank games before coming to further discuss this.

With Riven’s undoubtedly superior items, no matter how you fought in a 3v3, she would still win.

But if you had your Support with you, then the outcome would be completely different. The Support basically had CC skills, and it was over once you were caught, no matter how good your items were. If the fire was focused on you, you would still die.

There was only one reason behind Team Revelation and Team Beijing’s losses, and that was Yu Luocheng’s assistance. Unless the bottom lane was in a big fight, all the other small-scale team fights would inexplicably have an extra member of Team Skycrown in it.

“Remember, if your assistance is slow, and unless your lane is doing extremely good, don’t ever give up in giving assistance. The moment Fighting Hawk roams and gives assistance everywhere, he will not return to lane once he succeeds. He’ll continue to push the lane that succeeded!”

Coach Huang Kang’s words were still ringing in Mephistopheles’ head. Team Skycrown’s strategy was to make sure that their opponents had less members during team fights.

Their roaming Support not only led to successful ganks, but also concerned the fact that they pushed the turret with those two extra champions.

Like now, Anivia’s assistance had successfully led to Elise’s demise. Plus, Rengar’s health was low and Riven was in an average state of health. Team Daemons only had two people in their middle lane, but Team Skycrown had four!

In this situation, they would definitely push the middle lane. As Riven is a melee champion, she won’t be able to withstand the assaults. If she clears the wave and tries to defend, she will definitely be killed eventually!

The decision was made. Mephistopheles would give up his 2 on 1 pressure on Ezrreal and hurry to the middle lane to defend the turret.

It was just as Coach Huang Kang said. Once they landed a kill, Team Skycrown’s Shyvanna, Syndra, Olaf, and Anivia all consumed their Health Potions and returned to the middle lane, pushing the minion wave towards the turret.

“What is this pacing, what even is this pacing?! Team Skycrown is suddenly pushing! If it was any other team who was slower in responding, they would have not only thrown away a kill, but even the turret too!” exclaimed Bao Jun as he watched the mysterious scene unfold.

LPL professional players would always make this mistake. Once they landed the kill and saw their own state, they would recall to base to heal up and buy their items.

Team Skycrown never had that habit. Once they kill, what else was there to do other than take the turret?

In League of Legends, you need to be clear about what to prioritize. This is a push turret game, killing was just a way to clear the turret better. Many LPL teams were too focused on farming in early game, getting their items, and initiating team fights. They would only push turrets once they won a team fight.

In actuality, once an early gank has succeeded, you need to take the chance when the other party has yet to react, and defend to take down the turrets. Every champion would get 150 gold, which was better than getting 300 gold on an assist, and this is before considering the significant strategic meaning of the turrets on the map…

Mephistopheles’ timely appearance stopped Team Skycrown’s push. Seeing that it was hopeless to push, they finally retreated back to base to heal and buy items.


“They saw through our strategy,” said Wu Sen helplessly.

If they had managed to take down the middle lane turret, then Riven wouldn’t be pushing the lane so recklessly, and Wu Sen would have been able to farm in peace.

Unfortunately, Team Daemons were more experienced than they expected.

“Yeah, they didn’t insist on fighting in red buff just now, they knew that I had caught up. Otherwise, we would have been able to slay Riven as well,” replied Yu Luocheng.

This match was very, very hard. Taking Elise’s head wasn’t anything worth bragging about. Not being able to take Dragon and the turret, Team Skycrown would have less gold than Team Daemons.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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