League of Legends: League of Unknowns

Chapter 519 - Screwed By Taking Baron!

Chapter 519: Screwed By Taking Baron!

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Shallow Dream didn’t die and had managed to escape back to base.

The fight results were obviously clear, and only Luocheng and Lianda were left in the battlefield.

On the other side, Zuoshen’s Jungler Vi, and the Top that had been fed thanks to the Hollywood actor.

2 vs 2, the other side was the Jungler and Top, and this side was the Support and Mid.

“Dare to fight or not?” Lianda asked Luocheng.

“Why wouldn’t I dare!”

“Then you go!” Lianda scolded.

God d*mn, talk is cheap. Your Support Galio was even more insignificant than a Mid Ziggs, you still could say why wouldn’t you dare!?

Luocheng chuckled, wasn’t he waiting for his skills to cooldown? Once it was done, he walked toward Vi and that tanky sh*t.

Seeing Vi coming forward, Luocheng immediately backed up, a gust of wind sweeping out.

Luocheng didn’t expect much damage from his own skills, he just wanted the movement speed boost from it. That would enable him to position himself in a Y shape with Lianda.

Lianda had the blue buff and had always been standing slightly behind Luocheng. This position didn’t allow Vi to be able to touch him at all.

Bouncing Bomb, Hexplosive Minefield, Satchel Charge, all his skills were thrown continuously, and despite the cleverness of Vi in dodging while moving forward, she still ate a big portion of the Hexplosive Minefield, her health dropping to a dangerous level.

Luocheng activated his Bulwark shield and went over to Renekton, and since Renekton didn’t have any damage items, this led to Galio who had a shield to survive a little longer.

Lianda never had the intention to let Vi go, giving chase from the Wraith camp to the middle lane, leaving Luocheng to face off against that super big Renekton.

It was easy to see how fed Renekton was. After that entire teamfight, Renekton was still at f*cking full health, Lianda didn’t want to bother wasting any skills on him.

Luocheng kept rounding the area, slow, boost speed, dodge in bush…if he didn’t have his Bulwark or armor and magic resist items as well as health regen, Luocheng wouldn’t have lasted 5 seconds under Renekton’s blade.

“Hurry up, I can’t hold him off much longer!” Luocheng shouted at Lianda.

“Coming, coming!”

Just as he said that, the cooldown on Satchel Charge refreshed and he threw one down at his feet immediately. You can see Ziggs’ little buttocks as the charge exploded, using the impact to fly upward and catching up with Zuoshen who was running away.

You couldn’t help but to also say that Lianda had quite a sly heart, and once he caught up with Vi, he deliberately danced a little bit before unleashing his Bouncing Bomb.

Zuoshen dodged left and Flashed right, but in the end, he was still blown up. The moment his body fell down to the ground, the red buff that had been on his body flew toward Lianda’s Ziggs.


Lianda had already gotten the dominating achievement for all his kills, and he turned back to Luocheng.

Luocheng wasn’t playing around with his moves either, baiting around the level 14 Renekton for such a long time and he still had yet to die!

Renekton had probably lost his temper already. Even if he had to chase Luocheng’s Galio to the ends of the world, he definitely needed to kill him, having already chased him all the way to the in between of the mid-lane inner turret and inhibitor turret!


Suddenly, a caliber net shot out from the direction of the base, landing on Renekton.

Renekton’s jaws had almost snapped onto Luocheng, but that d*mned slow effect forced him to let go of that intention and walk around to the other side instead.

“You want to back it?” How could Luocheng let him escape! He had used his body to bait the guy to where they were now, no matter what, he had to put an end to this guy.

A gust of wind swept out toward Renekton and it burst onto the fed crocodile, successfully slowing him down.

Shallow Dream’s Caitlyn caught up quickly, keeping a safe distance of 600 yards away from Renekton’s attack range.

Shallow Dream had a red buff on her and it kept the slow effect on Renekton, not letting him have a chance to escape.

As if knowing that Renekton would definitely turn around to fight, Shallow Dream placed a Yordle Trap at her feet. The second Renekton opened his massive jaws and rushed toward her, all his movements stopped abruptly as the trap closed on his body.

Shallow Dream retreated a few steps, her skillful Animation Cancelling making her attacks look very smooth.

Luocheng, who had dangerously low health, didn’t recall back to base, instead, he stood behind Shallow Dream releasing his slow and boost speed from afar, allowing Shallow Dream to kite Renekton better.

This Renekton was like a shark, his armor was so high that it seemed like his health bar wasn’t moving at all. A Headshot from Shallow Dream only shaved so much health off him, but the problem was, Renekton had so much health that it was almost reaching 4,000 HP.

A Sunfire Cape, Spirit Visage, and Warmog’s Armor made both Renekton’s armor and magic resistance super high, adding on a Randuin’s Omen to that…

Fortunately, Shallow Dream had already bought Furor on her boots, otherwise, that disgusting slow effect from Randuin’s Omen would make this chase a very big headache!

One step forward and two steps back, while chasing, poke 3 times and then an EQ-combo to retreat. As the chase went on, Shallow Dream’s Caitlyn continuously attacked, the feeling was no different than fighting against a boss in an online game.

Accelerate, slow, shield, Luocheng was properly carrying out his Support duties, protecting Shallow Dream’s Caitlyn, not allowing Renekton to come near her.

This coming and going, Shallow Dream had been at it with Renekton for at least 15 seconds, but the result was only about one-third off of Renekton’s health. If this happened in the teamfight, you wouldn’t have any mood for it anymore.

“I’m coming!”

Lianda finally hurried back, coming from behind Renekton.

Bombs were scattered on the ground on the path that Renekton would have to pass, and with the big bulk of Renekton, he stepped on all of the bombs on the ground, and you could finally see a significant drop in his health.

Renekton was angry then, charging toward Lianda, but Lianda’s reaction was faster, throwing a Satchel Charge at his feet and blowing the charge right on time, blasting the big crocodile backward.

Luocheng quickly launched his Resolute Smite to slow this guy while Shallow Dream kept up her attacks, keeping the slow effect from her red buff active on Renekton.

The three of them surrounded Renekton like that, and to prevent him from escaping, Lianda kept his position in front of him and kited him. Luocheng and Shallow Dream stood behind him, almost akin to hanging on to the long line of a fishing line, you fight back, we retreat, you escape, we fight!

This journey had been a long one, and in order to kill Renekton, they had followed him all the way from their base to the river. Just as Renekton was about to escape to their blue buff area, he was finally done in by a Headshot from Shallow Dream!


500 gold floated above Caitlyn’s head.

In Luocheng’s opinion, after seeing Renekton’s tankiness and magic resist, 500 gold was not even close to being enough to reflect his value. Freaking h*ll, it should have been at least 2,000 gold! In order to kill him, they had taken so much time that their opponents were about to respawn and would have come to assist!

The fight was finally over. Lianda had taken three kills and he could afford a Void Staff once he returned to base. With that item, it should be easier to go against Renekton.

Shallow Dream had gotten 500 gold and after taking the big wave from the top and middle lane, she should be able to buy a Last Whisper once she returned to base.

“They’re taking the Baron!”

Suddenly, Xiao Zhuai pinged the Baron’s Pit non-stop.

In order to kill Renekton, they really had wasted a lot of time. Firstly, Luocheng with such low health had yet to return to base, and it was only when their opponents were almost at their position did he recall.

Shallow Dream and Lianda’s mana had all been used up and they were recalling next to the Baron Pit.

Their opponents were smart this time, and the four of them had quickly headed toward the Baron Pit to force a fight!


Luocheng and Lianda flew out of the base with their Homeguard, rushing toward the Baron’s Pit.

With the Talisman of Ascension activated and Righteous Gust launched, a bunch of movement speed boosts allowed them to reach at the highest speed possible.

10 seconds, they would make it in 10 seconds.

However, with the items on their opponents, even if they managed to reach the Baron’s Pit, the Baron could still have been taken by their enemies!

“I’ll steal, you guys assess the situation and decide whether to fight or not!” Xiao Zhuai stood on top of the Baron’s Pit, his tone decisive.

Xiao Zhuai planted a lot of wards in the Baron’s pit, and their enemies were also smart to not waste time in plucking them all out.

The Baron’s health was dropping lower and lower, and when there was about 3,000 HP left, Lianda, who was still around the area of the red buff, pinged for an attack!

“I’ll bring the big one!”

Above the Baron’s Pit, a huge shadow appeared over the heads of their four opponents.


This ulti had landed beautifully on the four of them, shaving off a significant portion of health from Nami, Nidalee, and Vi!

With three completed AP items, the damage from his ulti was massive!

At the same time, Shallow Dream’s Caitlyn also unleashed her Ace in the Hole, locking onto her target. Even if the target was only one person, it could at least bring down one layer!


The homing bullet wrapped in flames exploded onto Vi!

Vi was responsible for taking the last hit on the Baron, and after taking on Ziggs’ and Caitlyn’s ulti, this guy only had about half of his health left.

At this time, Xiao Zhuai’s Wukong had already changed his position. From the top right side of the Baron’s pit, he suddenly dashed into the middle of the Baron’s pit.

At this time, Xiao Zhuai didn’t even bother about Baron, instead, he charged forward with an ulti toward the middle of their enemies!

The biggest disadvantage of taking the Baron would be that it was easy to stand together in the pit, and Xiao Zhuai easily caught three of their enemies in his ulti. Sweeping through them and knocking them up, all of them were down to dangerously low health!


An orange claw suddenly appeared from above the sky, landing heavily on the Baron. Having been knocked up, Vi was unable to unleash her Smite, and it was Xiao Zhuai that had pressed Smite after his ulti, stealing away this key Baron.

After taking the Baron, Xiao Zhuai saw that his remaining health wasn’t much, and so he hurriedly headed toward the bottom right side and Flashed out of the pit.

With the Baron buff on Luocheng, Shallow Dream and Lianda, the momentum suddenly changed.

The three of them, with Luocheng’s Galio as the head, rushed toward their half-dead enemies like a war charge.

A concussive blast slowed them, and Vi had nowhere to run. A Headshot and Piltover Peacemaker from Shallow Dream took her down with ease.

Lianda’s extremely fast combo of bombs immediately took down Nami who had just released her ulti.

Park Yisheng’s Siver and Nidalee fled in a panic as that little bit of health they had left was really not enough to do anything. A casual touch by Caitlyn or Ziggs and they would be goners.

Shallow Dream and Lianda chased them along the river while Luocheng harassed them from the jungle area.

Sivir, who had her ulti, was able to run fast, but Luocheng had his Boots of Mobility and skills that boosted his speed, his speed was not any slower!

“Where are you two running to!” Luocheng grinned with unholy glee.

Jumping into the fray, Luocheng couldn’t care less whether they stepped in or not. He sat there with his ulti activated, let’s see how they were going to escape.

Little Korean brats, let’s see if you’ll die or not!?

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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