Legend of Legends

Chapter 6: Awakening 3

Chapter 6: Awakening 3

Translator: - - Editor: - -

Ten minutes had passed since he started following Artlan. Junhyuk could see a downhill slope. At the end of it, there was a tower of about five meters in height. The tower had archers on it, making him think of a security lookout. After the tower, there was a bridge. The bridge was about fifteen meters long. In front of the tower, there were people who made up the lead group mingling with another group. Together, there were about a hundred people.

On the opposite side of the bridge, there was another tower. In front of that tower, there was a group of people wearing armor and waiting, but Junhyuk couldn’t really see because they were too far away.

Junhyuk looked at them and squeezed the gold coin in his hand. It only took ten minutes to get there. From where he was to the security tower, it should take less than twenty minutes, but Michael had died being unable to cover that short of a distance.

Only the gold coin had been left behind.

Junhyuk stared intently at Artlan’s back. He was able to slay the wolf easily. He sliced the wolf with just one swing, and he could have helped them. Artlan seemed indifferent to Junhyuk’s stare and walked toward the tower. Junhyuk sighed deeply and followed him.

Artlan went inside the tower without talking to Junhyuk. Junhyuk lifted his head to look at the security tower and saw a woman leaning on the parapet. She was dressed like a magician. She saw Junhyuk and smiled at him.

Junhyuk was staring at her when a man came up to him.

"What happened to black man?"

Junhyuk turned his head and saw a Korean man in his late thirties. The man had left both Michael and Junhyuk behind. Junhyuk didn’t answer him and continued looking at the area by the bridge. The man licked his lips and said:

"It wasn’t the right situation to interfere."

Junhyuk did not blame him, but he wasn’t in the mood to talk and laugh with him either. He did not say anything, and this made the man angry.

"You were just being nosy! I didn’t do anything wrong!"

"I didn’t say anything,"Junhyuk looked straight at him as he spoke. He was angry at Artlan and the situation that didn’t make any sense.

The guy could see the anger in Junhyuk’s eyes and stopped talking.

Junhyuk moved the gold coin in his hand, which made him think about Michael’s death. Then, he noticed people around him stirring up. Junhyuk followed the people’s gazes and saw a woman standing by the tower. She had a robe on like a magician, but the robe had a see-through opening. She was almost naked and showed a lot of skin, but he did not think she was sexy. She was at least two meters tall.

She pointed with her index finger at Junhyuk and nodded her head. Junhyuk pointed at himself with his index finger and tilted his head. The woman smiled and nodded her head.

"Yes. You. Come here."

Junhyuk approached her. People were talking behind his back, but he ignored them as he stood in front of her. She looked at him and said:

"Follow me."

Following her, Junhyuk was able to get inside the tower. The tower was special in that it was not made out of bricks, but was one whole structure. Inside the tower, logs served as stairs. The woman silently went up the stairs, and Junhyuk went after her. At the top of the tower, she looked at Artlan and said:

"Can I explain it to him?"

"He is qualified to get an explanation."

Artlan looked as though he had nothing more to add, turned and said:

"I will go out for now."

"Take it easy and come back."

Artlan put on a cold smile and answered:

"That depends on what that crazy guy does."

Artlan went down. The woman crossed her arms and said:

"You asked Artlan for an explanation?"

"Yes, I did."

"It’s fortunate that you did not get killed."

Honestly, Junhyuk already knew he could’ve been killed. The woman smiled.

"My name is Vera. If you are curious about anything, ask me. If I have an answer, I will give it to you."

Junhyuk asked about what he had been the most curious.

"What is this place?"

"The Valley of Death."

Junhyuk frowned.

"You know that is not what I want to know."

Vera smiled. Despite being over two meters tall, she was quite the beautiful woman.

"If you want a more fundamental answer, this place is the Dimensional Battlefield."

"Dimensional Battlefield?"

"Yes, each dimension sends volunteers to fight. So, this is the Dimensional Battlefield."

Was that even possible?

"Is this a dream?"

"A dream? You could see it that way since your body is sleeping."

All of a sudden, a creepy thought passed through his head.

"The abnormal narcolepsy?"

Vera shrugged her shoulders and answered:

"Regardless, you have been summoned. If you get killed in the Dimensional Battlefield, your soul will die, and your body will never wake up."

Junhyuk couldn’t get rid of the creepy feeling. Until now, there had been over 100,000 people under comas.

"So far 100,000, people have been brought here. Are they all dead?"

"Only 100,000? It must’ve started not too long ago."

"What do you mean?"

Vera took a step toward Junhyuk.

"The summoning began only a short time ago. That number will increase."

"Who is behind this outrageous scheme? Why should we come here for no reason and die?"

Very laughed at Junhyuk and gave him a big smile.

"Have you ever caught bugs and put them to fight?"


"Your people’s existence is like that of insects."

JunHyuk Lee felt anger rising in him, but did not show it because he could see the coldness in her eyes. Her eyes lit up with energy. They were not as strong as Artlan’s eyes, but they looked dangerous.

"You learn fast."

Junhyuk sighed and looked at Vera.

"Then, are a bug too?"

Vera laughed again at his question.

"You are without any fear. That’s why you asked Artlan for an explanation."

Vera stopped laughing and answered.

"Artlan, I and others like us are here under contracts. We have something to gain by coming here. We are not like you people who will be thrown away."

Junhyuk did not want to make Vera angry, so he asked her what he wanted to know.

"I’ve activated my power. What does that mean?"

Vera smiled again.

"Yes, you’ve activated your power. What kind of power is it? Can you show me?"

"I can’t control it."

Vera raised her hands in front of her and created a fireball out of thin air.

"Are you sure?"

Vera was going to throw the fireball at any moment. Junhyuk thought about how to stay alive, and then something moved in his chest, and he was able to make an ivory-colored field.

Vera threw her fireball.


There was an explosion, but Junhyuk was safe. The fire disappeared. Vera opened her eyes wide.

"This is a high-ranking power. It has both physical and magical strength. It’s a powerful force field."

The field disappeared.

"It lasts about 10 seconds?"

He had not thought about it before, but if it lasted 10 seconds, he should use it only when his life was on the line. After that, he was able to figure out how to make the field at will. Vera raised her hand to her chin.

"Can you use it on other people?"


It depended on his will to survive. How could he use it on other people? Junhyuk checked to see if he could use it on Vera by extending his hands toward her, but nothing happened. Vera shrugged.

"That seems right. You can’t use such a high-ranking power on other people. It’s not even fully developed."

"What do you mean by power?"

Vera answered while smiling.

"You wanted to know why your people are being summoned here?"


"It’s because you people have potential powers."

"Potential powers?"

Vera walked to the parapet and pointed to people below.

"Yes, they all have a potential power just like you, even if some of those powers may be weak and useless."

Junhyuk stood next to Vera and looked down below. Artlan was standing in the middle of the bridge, and there were about fifty nervous people behind him. There was a long-haired man on the opposite side of the bridge. He must’ve been three meters tall and was holding a spear. Artlan’s height only reached the man’s chest. Behind the man, there were another fifty people following him.Vera looked at the man and said:

"Of course, among you, those who have activated their powers are only a few."

"What? There are more than 100,000 people in comas, and only a few have activated their powers."

"Including you, only seven people have. Usually people who activate their powers run wild without knowing anything and end up dead."

It meant that just because one had activated his power, it didn’t mean he would survive. Vera sat on the parapet and looked at him.

"Seven out of 100,000 people is a lot. On average, one person activates out of 100,000. There’s a good reason why you people are being summoned here."

Already, 100,000 souls have disappeared. How could she talk like that? Vera smiled while looking at Junhyuk’s frowns.

"Are you feeling indisposed?"

"Isn’t it obvious?"

Vera looked up at the sky.

"Give it up. Even if you feel bad, he is not somebody you could deal with."

"You know who it is."

Vera, still sitting, tapped her feet on the ground.

"I told you. We are here under contracts."

"Who is it?"

Vera jumped on the parapet and danced.

"It’s a secret. You aren’t qualified yet."

Junhyuk thought for a moment and showed her a gold coin.

"What is this?"

Vera looked at the coin, and her eyes widened.

"Where did you get it?"

"Someone who was with me left it behind when he died."

Vera crossed her arms and said:

"That’s a present from the person who summoned you here."

"A present?"

"Yes, a present. Pure gold is valuable in every dimension. It’s the only form of currency you can use in the Dimensional Battlefield."

"I can use it in here?"

Vera extended her arms toward the people on the ground.

"Yes, can you see those gold coins?"

Junhyuk felt rebellious against Vera. First, she compared them to insects and now to gold coins. Vera looked at Junhyuk, and he buried his feelings.

"Then what’s a minion?"

"A minion? A low person, a servant. That’s what it means. Your people are at that level."

He got angrier as he listened.

"Well, why are you explaining it all to me?"

Vera took on a serious face, and jumped in front of Junhyuk. She lowered her head, levelling her eyes to his eyes.

"You’ve activated your power. You’ve turned from a minion into a novice."

"What’s a novice?"

"That’s the designation of somebody who activates his power."

Junhyuk’s eyes were shining.

"Does that mean I could activate even more power?"

"I don’t know. If your potential power is just one you will stay as a novice, and, if not, you will advance to higher levels."

Junhyuk calmed himself down.

"Well, it’s not important right now. How can I survive this place and return home?"

Vera was satisfied with Junhyuk’s question and smiled.

"That’s the most important question."

Junhyuk swallowed his saliva. Vera replied with a smile.

"You must be victorious on the battlefield. Of course, you have to survive first."

Already, 100,000 people had died. It was the most difficult task to survive and return home. Junhyuk pressed hard against the gold coin and made a promise to himself that, by all means, he would return home.

Vera approached him, and leaned on his ears, whispering:

"Then, ’till the war ends, do well."

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