Leon Greyrat: The Second Son – Mushoku Tensei OC

Chapter 13 – Departure

Chapter 13 – Departure

— Leon Greyrat —

Mama sat back down before eventually breaking the silence after a long, painful moment of silence. 

“Well? What do we do now?”

That was the question indeed.

“After I’ve assisted with the lady of the house’s birth, I assume I would take my leave from your house-”

“Absolutely not,” I said, firmly interrupting Lilia’s nonsense. “I’ll leave the final decision up to Mama, but I will absolutely not let you give birth in some unknown place and then travel alone with an infant.”

Besides the health concerns, she would also be an easy target for bandits, as she was unable to defend herself even without the burden of birth due to her wounded leg, not even mentioning what complications having an infant would bring.

“Yes… yes, I suppose so. The child is innocent in this,” Mama said, talking more to herself than to the table.

Paul, who was dejectedly sitting in the corner, decided to speak up, “Dear, surely we could-”

“You shut up!” Mama quickly cut him off.

I sent a death glare toward the man as he shrank in on himself like a scolded child.

I was livid. 

Not only had he broken Mama’s heart, but he had also caused Lilia’s situation to be put in peril.

All because of his uncontrollable lust.

Mama started to chew on her nails as she mulled over the situation.

The source of her anxiety was obvious. 

Not only was Paul found to be unfaithful, but she had also become good friends with Lilia over the years, so she wouldn’t want her or her child to suffer.

Balancing such feelings of affection and betrayal, especially when they were towards the only two adults she met on a daily basis, must have been a terrible feeling.

So, not wanting her to feel alone, I made my way over before sitting on her lap.

Taking me into a hug, she buried her face into my hair as she squeezed across my chest.

Almost… a little too hard.

I wasn’t Paul, Mama. I’m innocent here.

My presence seemed to calm her down a bit as she took a deep breath.

Letting her pat my head, I looked over at Lilia, whose face was clouded in a myriad of emotions.

Sadness, anxiety, acceptance, and most importantly… regret and remorse.


If she felt that way, then we could somehow salvage this, because despite how much I loved Mama, and how sad I was that she had been betrayed by her two most trusted people… I loved Lilia too.

And feeling the scarf that was wrapped snugly around my neck… I knew she loved me in return.

She could have left to join her family at any time, as her father owned a well-respected Water God dojo, but instead, she stayed here.

She… loved this family too.

Looking over at Rudy, I saw that he also seemed displeased about the situation, and as if we were somehow telepathically connected, we looked into each other’s eyes before nodding with an untold agreement.

We would help Lilia.

Despite the sickening feeling I felt about betraying Mama like this, I didn’t want these happy family times to end.

Besides, I knew that Mama was the kindest person in the world, so she absolutely wanted to forgive Lilia, especially when her life was on the line with the consequences of not doing so.

The only problem was that her religion and upbringing wouldn’t allow her to do so without just cause. 

So… there just needed to be an excuse she could use for herself.

I still hated this feeling of betraying Mama, though.

“Mother?” Rudy said in a childlike tone. “How come everyone’s acting so glum about how I’m going to have two new siblings at once?”

…That was a bit too childish and naive, little brother of mine.

“Haa… because your father and Lilia did something they shouldn’t have,” Mama answered.

“I see… but, is Lilia allowed to go against Father’s wishes?” Rudy said.

Oh, I see… this is a good route indeed. 

And honestly, it was likely the truth.

“What do you mean by that?” Mama asked.

Lifting my head, I continued, “Roxy taught us about the Asura Kingdom and how the nobility acted. Considering Lilia was a maid at the palace… she must have expected to be used by Father for such urges, just as she was trained to. And it’s not like she could refuse anyway. What place was there for her to turn to?”

Mama’s grasp on me tightened. “What? Is this true?”

Lilia, still looking guilty, widened her eyes as she looked at Rudy and me as if what we had said had been the entire truth.

Paul… you bastard.

Other than wanting to protect my family, and also be able to save Roxy in a dungeon, I had yet another goal to be stronger.

To kick that fucker’s ass.

“A few days ago,” Rudy continued. “I was passing Lilia’s room when I heard Father saying something like ‘If you don’t want me to tell anyone, spread your legs!’, so I only assumed…” 

…Laying it on a little thick, there. 

Unless he wasn’t lying, of course.

“Huh!? What the hell-!?”

“I said to shut your mouth!” Mama snapped at Paul once again before turning to the despondent maid. “Lilia? Is what Rudy and Leon said true?”

Lilia’s gaze wandered as she tried to put together a reply. “W-Well, it’s true that I was expected to do such things, but… umm…”

“Ah, I see,” Mama said softly. “You can’t bring yourself to say it out loud.”

Paul, meanwhile, was simply opening and closing his mouth repeatedly in shock like a dead fish.

Serves you right.

“Mother, I don’t think Lilia is to blame,” Rudy said.

“I suppose not.”

“I think Father is to blame,” Rudy continued.

“I suppose so.”

“It isn’t right that Lilia is in such a position because of something that is Father’s fault,” Rudy finished.

“Mmm… I suppose you’re right.”

Shifting my posture, I then looked up into Mama’s eyes.

I… really hated deceiving her like this.

Well, actually, everything I said was the truth, so I wasn’t really deceiving her, but it still felt… dirty.

“Mama… they would both be siblings to me… and to Rudy too. Lilia’s been with us for so long, she’s family at this point,” I said with upturned eyes. “A-And… I know that you would love Lilia’s child too… just as you do with me.”

I hated attacking her weak point like this.

Please… forgive me, Mama.

“Haa… yes… you’re right,” she said, giving me a small kiss on my forehead. “I get it, you two win.”

Placing me on the floor, she then got up and walked over to Lilia, pointing down at her with a commanding tone, “Lilia, I insist- no, I demand that you stay with us! As Leon said, you are family at this point, so I’m not letting you do something so foolish as to leave!”

There was the kind and compassionate Mama I’ve come to know and love.

Lilia, who was barely holding back her tears, quickly bowed in thanks. “I-I…”

I guess she was still stunned, huh? 

I would have to talk to her later.

With Mama sending one more cold glare to Paul, she then made her way upstairs, and Rudy and I quickly followed after her.

Mama entered her room before slumping onto the bed and holding her head in her hands before Rudy walked in after her, with me trailing behind him, waiting in the doorway.

“Mother,” Rudy said. “The stuff I said before was a lie. Please don’t hate Father.”

Well, Mama could forgive Paul if she wanted to, but I wouldn’t as easily.

As I entered the room, I watched as Mama, who was holding Rudy, grimaced. 

“I know, sweetie. I would have never fallen in love with a man who was that terrible.”

I felt my body tense up. 

She… knew?

“Your father’s got a weakness for women and a boundless lust, so I’d prepared myself for this day. I was just shocked when it suddenly happened. And with Lilia no less,” she continued.

Feeling my eyes tear up, Mama then looked over at me with curiosity that soon turned to worry. “Leon? What’s wrong?”

Trying to quell the stifling feeling in my chest, I answered, “I-I’m sorry! I… I didn’t want to lie to Mama!”

The dam broke, and I felt the tears roll down my cheek as I stood there.

“Oh, sweetie,” Mama said with a soft smile before she opened her arms. “Come here.”

Running into her arms, she slowly raked her hand through my hair as I slowly calmed my sobbing.

“It’s okay, sweetie. You were doing it for us, right? You’re such a good, strong boy for that. Both of you are,” she said softly.

“I… I just didn’t want our happy family to break up!” I cried.

I didn’t want these happy times to end.

No doubt, if Lilia left, Mama would be sad.

I would be sad.

Everyone would be sad.

I… I didn’t want that.

“Shh, I know,” Mama said softly. “I know, and I forgive you, okay? Mama forgives you.”

She then kissed the top of my head, before repositioning Rudy and me so that we were both sitting on her lap.

Letting the comfort of her hold slowly calm me down, the three of us sat in silence for a few moments before Rudy eventually spoke up, “Mother… what did you mean by Father having a weakness for women?” 

Mama released a sigh. “Not as much recently, but back in our adventuring days, he was pretty indiscriminate with the ladies. Leon knows this too.”

I nodded my head in agreement before resting it back on Mama’s shoulder.

“Yes. You probably have more than a few older brothers and sisters out in the world,” Mama continued.

I could feel the gentle hand on my back increase in pressure.

“Don’t grow up to be someone like that, understood, you two?” she said.

We both nodded our heads.

“Leon, make sure you treat Sylphy well. And Rudy, too, treat whatever girl you end up with nice and good,” she continued.

Her hand was hurting now.

“I got it, Mother! I-It hurts!” Rudy exclaimed.

She relented her grip on Rudy’s head and lessened her pressure around my torso.

“Good,” she said.

Snuggling closer to her, I then brought up my idea, “I think Rudy should spend tonight with you, Mama. And Paul can take Rudy’s bed as punishment. Or the stables.”

Mama nodded her head. “That sounds like a great idea! Rudy, you don’t mind sleeping with me, do you?”

“Not at all, Mother!”

And so, with that, the family emergency came to an end… mostly.

I was sure that even with this, things wouldn’t be the same.

Mama and Lilia’s relationship would take some time to repair, and Paul wouldn’t get any second chances. 

If the man screwed up again, I would either kick him out on my own or run to Lina to help me do so.

I still remembered her promise, after all.

— Leon Greyrat —

With Paul sleeping soundly in Rudy’s room, and Rudy being smothered by Mama’s sleeping figure, I found myself in front of Lilia’s doorway.

I was feeling… conflicted, about her.

I was angry, for sure. 

After all, not only had she hurt and betrayed Mama, but she had also nearly killed herself and her child with the consequences.

But… I also could understand that right now, she needed someone.

And if Paul tried to be that someone with his womanizing nature, I would finally test how well a Rock Bullet spell could pierce human flesh, so here I was.

Knocking on the door twice, I then opened it, revealing a moonlit bed that Lilia was currently curled up on.

Lilia raised her head from her arms.

“Leon? What are you doing here at this hour?” she asked with a trembling voice.

I see… as expected, her true emotions weren’t as stone-cold as the facade she put up before.

“I… want to talk. And also to make sure you’re not alone. So… can I sleep here?” I asked.

Her lips curled into a bittersweet smile before she patted the space beside her. “Of course you can.”

Closing the door behind me, I then laid down next to her, facing away as she hesitantly wrapped her arm around me.

“...I was the one who seduced Paul,” she suddenly said.

Ah… so that was the case. 

It didn’t mean I was going to forgive Paul, though.

“Why?” I asked.

She sighed, “I had no intention of doing such a thing when I first came here, but hearing them moan night after night… and clean up their room the next day with the smell of-”

“Okay, okay! I don’t need the details!” I cut her off. “So… basically you succumbed to your… needs, right?”

“Shamefully, that is the case,” she affirmed.

But… that still didn’t answer the question at hand. 

“Why did it have to be Paul? Couldn’t you have found any random villager? I know you’re pretty enough to do so…”

Patting my head, she answered, “Thank you for the compliment, but I suppose… I wanted Paul. The last man to make advances on me was a disgusting minister in the Asuran Palace, so having a handsome man like your father look and touch me in such a way… it was a nice feeling.”

…I see.

While I was still angry at her, I couldn’t completely blame her for feeling that way.

She had just fallen for his charms much like every girl he picked up during our adventuring days.

“Besides,” she continued. “We also had somewhat of a history, despite parting on unfavourable terms.”

My body tensed at her words. “A… history?”

“Why yes. When I was younger…”

Lilia then went on to explain how Paul trained at her family’s dojo, and how he was often bullied by the seniors for showing no respect and being so skilled at the sword.

So, as the prideful man Paul was, and still is, upon his departure he decided to get back at them while also having some fun of his own.

By raping Lilia.

I knew just how important virginity was to a lady thanks to Mama’s constant teachings, and I also knew how horrible it would make a girl feel to have what is supposed to be a beautiful moment stolen away from you.

So, to put it simply, I was very angry.

“...I’ll kill him.”

“Don’t be so rash, Leon. I have already forgiven him, and considering the many disgusting men that are in the world, I consider myself lucky to have had my first time with a man like Paul,” Lilia said with a small chuckle.

Brushing her hand through my hair, she continued, “So forgive him, much like how Rudeus and you forgave me. You smart kids definitely knew it was not only Paul’s fault, but you still protected me, right?”

I turned my head into the pillow. “I… I didn’t lie about not wanting you to leave. You’re… family.”

Her hold on me tightened lovingly. “I know. And I am forever grateful for it. I will not forget this debt. And once this child is born, I will make sure they understand this as well.”

…What the heck was she talking about?

Turning over to her, I glared at Lilia. “Your child will not be in my debt. That’s dumb. They’ll be my sibling which I will protect and dote on, got it?”

She seemed surprised at my anger, as her eyes widened in shock.

“Listen,” I continued, “when I said I see you as family, that wasn’t something said lightly. To me, you are more like a second mom, or a housewife, rather than an employed maid.”

Her eyes started to brim with tears.

Seeing that, my tone softened as I wrapped my arms around her head. 

“So… don’t insult yourself by thinking of my words as a lie. That you being my family is a lie. To me… you are family.”

I felt her head nod in my hold. “I-I understand… thank you, Leon.”

“Good,” I said. “And just so you know, I will be very sad if you betray Mama again. Or your child, for that matter.”

She chuckled lightly, “I have no plans to, Leon. And I’m… sorry. For making such a difficult situation fall onto you and Rudy’s shoulders.”

Shaking my head, I let go of her before leaning my head on the pillows once again.

“It’s fine. I forgive you. But… Huam~ I’m tired now.”

“Fufu, of course, Leon. Goodnight,” she said, kissing my forehead.

“Goodnight… Lilia.”

And with that, the tumultuous day came to an end.

— Information of the Six-Faced World —

Languages of the World

While accents and dialects of the same language differ from place to place, six languages are used throughout the world among the different races.

Human Tongue: The Human tongue is used by the Human Race, primarily in the Central and Millis Continent, although it is prominently used elsewhere.

Demon God Tongue: The Demon God tongue is used by the Demon Races, which mainly live in the Demon Continent.

Beast God Tongue: The Beast God tongue is used by the Beast Race, Dwarves, and Elves, who mainly live in the Great Forest of the Millis Continent.

Fighting God Tongue: The Fighting God tongue is used by the Human Race in the Begaritt Continent. It is very similar to the Human tongue, with small changes in vocabulary.

Sky God Tongue: The Sky God tongue is used by the Heaven Race, which lives in the Heaven Continent.

Sea God Tongue: The Sea God tongue is used by the Ocean Race, which lives in the oceans of the world.

— Leon Greyrat —

I had just turned eight years old, and with Mama and Lilia heading into the second trimester of their pregnancy, I had come to a decision.

“Paul,” I said to the man. “I want a job.”

Paul stopped his swings before turning to me. “Hm? What for?”

I felt my eyebrow twitch in annoyance. 

“Well, you’ve gone and impregnated two women. Do you expect our current income to be sufficient? What about when Rudy ends up going to Ranoa? What if both of my little siblings want to go to Ranoa too? Did you think about that, Paul?”

He scratched his cheek bashfully. “You don’t need to worry about that stuff, son. We’re earning more than enough to make a living.”

“Yeah, but I don’t want us to simply ‘make a living’,” I said, continuing my set of swings. “I want my siblings to thrive. And you won’t even need to do anything except find me a job. I’m a Saint-ranked water magician and an Intermediate-rank swordsman who knows advanced arithmetic and can read and write in both the human and Demon God tongues. If you can’t find a job with those credentials, then you really are hopeless.”

“Ouch! Your words hurt, you know!” he exclaimed.

Why yes, that was the point.

“Well…” he said with a frown, “I’ve had a place in mind for you for a while, though not for the money reason, but rather for your swordsmanship. But… you would need to prove to me that you’ve reached the Advanced rank in swordsmanship first.”


Thinking ahead?

How unlike him.

“And how do I do that?” I asked.

He then placed his sword on his shoulder with a smirk. “Follow me!”

Raising my eyebrow, I followed him as we eventually headed into the familiar woodlands that bordered the village.

Keeping my senses sharp, he eventually led me to a small clearing with a couple of large boulders in the centre.

Rapping his knuckle against the large rock, Paul then turned to me with a smirk.

“Cut through this thing, and you’ll be an Advanced-rank Sword God practitioner. Like me.”

“...That’s the test?” I asked with suspicion.

“That’s the test. Or at least the one my teacher gave me before I ran off. Now come on. Make sure you feel it, just like I told you,” he said confidently.

Yeah, his main advice for reaching the Advanced rank was just that: to ‘feel it’.

What was I feeling? 

I didn’t know. And neither did he.

Paul would only explain it by moving his sword and making stupid noises to go along with it.

But after studying the difference between his Intermediate and Advanced rank techniques, I figured something out.

His movements and technique across the two were mostly the same, but the only difference was that his Advanced-rank techniques held much more power.

Enough power that a practised slash could cut through a boulder, hence my current test.

‘Feel it’, huh?

There was definitely something magical about swordsmanship, as I could faintly feel my mana being spurred on whenever I focused on my sword during a swing.

So maybe that was the key? 

Letting my mana enhance my body in some way?

No… considering that Paul was able to slash through a boulder with a wooden sword, I would need to enhance my sword too.

Closing my eyes, I drew my sword to my side in a practised motion.

Right… if enhancement was what I needed to do, then I would need to let the mana flow through my body. 

Luckily, I had quite a bit of practice due to my magic control drills.

Letting the familiar heat flow through my veins and rise to the surface of my skin, I then attempted to coat my sword with the energy.

Empower… concentrate… focus…

Letting the cool air flow through my lungs, I felt something click in my mind, instantly increasing understanding of swordsmanship, as if a barrier that had been holding me back had just been shattered.

Flexing my legs, I launched forward while twisting my hips and extending my sword, the blade whistling through the air.

No… it wasn’t quite whistling.

It was completely silent.

With nearly no resistance, the rock was cut cleanly in two, a straight line bisecting the boulder as I finished my swing, and a sonic boom resounding in my ear a moment later.

I… I did it.

“Paul! I did it-!”

My excitement was cut off by a sudden attack as Paul’s beloved sword raced toward my neck with intense speed.

And that uncomfortableness… that was bloodlust.

That was a true strike meant to kill.

Acting on instinct, I raised my sword to defend, but knowing that blocking would not be enough, I tilted the blade slightly so that I warded off the strike rather than stop it.

Like water, I took his attack with the flat of my blade and redirected it to the side in a smooth and unwavering motion. 

And as a river swiftly flows, I fluidly morphed my parry into an attack of my own, my blade curving towards his face with a flick of my wrist.

But right before it landed, I halted the path of my sword.

Breaking out into a wide smile, Paul pushed my sword down with his finger.

“Congratulations, Leon. You’re now an Advanced-rank swordsman in both the Sword God and Water God styles.”

Placing my sword back in its sheath, I sent a glare his way. “Did you need to test me for the Water God like that? I nearly took your head off.”

Luckily, I came back to my senses right before a tragedy could occur. 

Actually, considering his recent actions, it wouldn’t have been that much of a tragedy, but I still needed him to get me a job before he died.

“But having discipline in the blade is part of the test, so it was necessary,” he lectured.

I just smirked in response, “You just didn’t expect me to counter, did you?”

“No comment,” he replied smoothly. “Anyway, let’s head back home, and I’ll write a letter of recommendation for you. Make sure you spend a good amount of the time you have left with your brother and Sylphy.”

“I will. And I’ll make sure to be back for a visit around the time of Mama and Lilia’s birth, so you don’t have to worry about getting a healer,” I said.

“Such a good son you are, eh?” he said, ruffling my hair.

As we began walking back, I asked what had been on my mind after hearing of his plan, “You said you had a place in mind for a job, but that it would also further my swordsmanship… what was it exactly?”

He puffed out his chest. “You remember Ghislaine, right?”

“Big Sis?” I asked in wonder.

“Haha. I’m sure she’ll be glad to hear that you haven’t forgotten her,” he said. “Anyway, since she’s a Sword King now, you’ll be able to further your skills better than with your old man here. After all, the only thing I have ahead of you in terms of ranks now is the North God Style.”

“I see… so she became a Sword King, huh?” I said wistfully.

If I was able to train under her… I hoped that I would finally get an explanation for swordsmanship techniques past just ‘feeling it’, and maybe get some proper instruction for a few techniques as well.

But a Sword King… it seemed that I would be advancing my abilities in the Sword God first then.

I would say that the Water God style was more natural for me, as my demeanour and control over my movements blended well into the basics of the style, but since the Sword God style was easier to learn from Paul, my skill in both were equally balanced despite the difference in raw talent.

As for why it was easier to learn from Paul? 

Well, that was because he used it most often, and it was also a fairly simple style, where I could copy his movements to increase my skills even with his limited and poor instruction.

But ideally, I would eventually be good at all the Three Major Schools, as merging all three would cover each of their weaknesses in combat.

That was one thing that Paul deserved praise for, at least.

“And what is the job exactly?” I asked.

“Tutoring,” he answered. “Considering how good Sylphy turned out, I figured you would be up for it. It would be the young lady of the household, so make sure you don’t get into her bed.”

Ignoring his lustful words, I thought about the information.

Tutoring, huh?

I guess I wouldn’t hate it, depending on whom the girl was.

I just hope she was as nice as Sylphy, or at least close to it.

Walking back home, just before we headed inside, I stopped, as did Paul, though he looked confused.

“So… once I leave… I’ll be gone for a while, I’m guessing?” I said.

Paul nodded his head. “Yep. While I wouldn’t mind you coming home, you have to put your job and training first.”

I then turned to look him in the eye.

“What’s with the serious expression, son?” he asked.

“You’re going to take care of Mama, right? No more mistakes?” I said.

“W-Well, I might make some mistakes,” I hardened my glare, “b-but I won’t betray her again! I promise! I’ll treat her real nice, just like she deserves!”

Well, at least he understood that much.

“That’s good, but you need to take responsibility for Lilia too. I don’t care whether it’s out of obligation for the mother of your child, or due to your guilt, but you have to make her happy too. Even if it means bearing Mama’s anger,” I said earnestly.

He nodded his head. “Of course. It’s my duty as- Wait, what do you mean by guilt?”

“I know what you did, Paul. Remember when you picked up the Water God style?” I said in a knowing tone.

His eyes widened and his face blanched. “S-She told you?”

“She told you what?” Mama said from the doorway with a commanding tone.

Well… I didn’t plan for this, but it was a welcome situation.

Maybe with this, Mama would be able to understand Lilia a bit more after knowing about her past, and hopefully warm up to her too.

It would be nice if they became best friends again, as it would also rid the house of the strained atmosphere that was currently present.

“Well? Out with it! I’ve been listening to you two for a while, so don’t try to hide it now,” Mama continued, tapping her fingers against her crossed arms.

Looking over at Paul, I shrugged my shoulders. “Either you can own up to it here, or I can ask Lilia to come and explain. Your choice.”

His face fell with betrayal.

“F-Fine, I got it. Well, you see…”

He then went on to explain what exactly happened that night, with a bit… too much detail and honesty.

So much detail and honesty, that when Lilia came over to check what was going on, her face instantly went red with what she overheard.

Did you have to describe how her bottom felt, Paul? Really? 

And I did not need to know the colour of Lilia’s nipples.

And judging from how Mama’s eyes were twitching, his attention to detail wasn’t earning him any praise with her either.

After finishing his story, Mama then walked over to him and gave him another slap on the cheek, this time it was the left one.

“I knew you were a womanizer, Paul, and I accepted that. But I never took you for scum!” she rebuked harshly, eyes narrowed in disdain.

Both Lilia and Paul attempted to interject, “I-It was a long time ago!”

“That doesn’t-! Haa… no, you’re right. I know you’ve changed. Even since we moved here, you’ve kept your promise for the most part…” Mama said with a sigh.

Rubbing her temples, she then looked over to Lilia. “So? Is this the reason why you slept with my husband?”

“I-I… yes… I suppose it is,” Lilia said shamefully.

“And you, Paul… you’ve apologized and repented?” she said, turning to Paul this time.

“Y-Yeah… at least I think so. After that, I promised myself to never force myself on a woman again,” he said.

“Right… Lilia, come here,” Mama said, beckoning her over.

Taking her hand, Mama then looked into Lilia’s wavering eyes before releasing a deep sigh, seemingly having decided on something.

“Yes… Leon said we were like family, right? Then we might as well make it official. Paul had already tainted you, after all,” Mama mumbled to herself before turning back to the scum. “Paul!”

“Yes!” he said.

“You will take Lilia as your wife, understood? And if you cheat on either of us again, I’ll take everyone back to Millishion and beg my mother for a position!” Mama said resolutely.

Paul, on the other hand, just looked confused.

“S-So… I can have you both?” he stammered.

“You won’t ‘have’ either of us! We’re not your wives, but rather, you are our husband that we share. Understood?” Mama said.


“Good. Now let’s get started on dinner, Lilia,” she then led the still-stunned Lilia inside by the hand before slamming the door behind her.

Looking over at Paul, I watched as his gaping mouth slowly closed into a perverted smile. 

“Two wives, huh? And Zenith even brought out her commanding tone… ehehe.”


I really wanted to smack that smile off his face.

He really was hopeless, huh?

— Leon Greyrat —

“No! No! No! You can’t go, Leon!” Sylphy cried into my chest.

Shaking my head with a small smile, I patted my sobbing friend on her head. “I have to, Sylphy. If I want to get stronger, that is. But I won’t be gone forever. I’ll be visiting once my siblings are due.”

Her arms still wrapped around me with an iron grip, I brought my head down to whisper into her ear, “Besides, I’ll be getting paid quite well, so I’ll be sure to get you something good for your tenth birthday.”

Her ears twitched as she eventually nodded her head. “O-Okay… as long as you promise to visit.”

With Sylphy relinquishing her grasp, I then turned to the other two women that were seeing me off.

“I’m sure you don’t need any advice, Leon. Just make sure to be safe,” Lilia said with a content smile.

Before I could respond, I found myself smothered in Mama’s arms, “Uuu~! My baby boy’s all grown up! I can’t believe he’s leaving me already! You have to send lots of letters and visit whenever you can, alright? Do you promise?”

“I’m sure he will, Miss-”

“Lilia! What have we talked about?” Mama interrupted sternly.

Lilia turned her head, “Sorry, Z-Zenny.”

Hee~? I guess their relationship got better than I thought.

Getting a kiss on the cheek from Mama, and a matching one from Lilia, I then turned to Rudy and Paul.

“Make sure to keep everyone happy, brother. We both know Father can’t be trusted,” I said, ruffling his hair.

“Hey!” Paul shouted.

I ignored him.

“And make sure to not ignore Sylphy, okay? And don’t do anything rude to her either,” my grip on his head tightened at that last part.

“Ow! I got it, brother!” he exclaimed.

Giving him a final tight squeeze, I then turned to Paul.

“And you… thanks for the job, I guess. Don’t make me come back to you sleeping in my room after another mistake,” I said.

“Jeez, you don’t trust me at all, huh?” he said, rubbing the back of his head.

“I trust you in things that you’re trustworthy in. Such as providing for the household and keeping everyone safe. Infidelity, on the other hand, is quite obviously not one of those things,” I returned with a smirk.

“Yeah, yeah. I get it, brat. The carriage is leaving now, so you gotta get going. Make sure you train hard under Ghislaine, understood?” he said.

I nodded my head.

Training under Big Sis, who was now a Sword King… why wouldn’t I take it seriously?

“Good! And if you end up laying with the young lady, just make sure you pull out- Ow!”

Paul’s advice was cut off by three simultaneous attacks. 

A pinch from Mama, a chop from Lilia, and a ball of ice from Sylphy.

“Just what are you saying to my son?”

“Paul… do not corrupt Leon with your debauchery.”

“D-Dirty! Disgusting!”

Ah… I was going to miss this.

But... how did Sylphy know what he was talking about? 

That's a little worrying… but I suppose she'd need to learn about that stuff eventually, and she was a curious child.

Hopping on the carriage, it began to set off as I waved back to my family.

“Bye! I love you! I’ll be sure to come back by fall!”

Soon enough, their waving figures became hidden behind the horizon as I departed from Buena Village towards the location of my next job.

The Citadel of Roa.

I was definitely sad about not seeing my family and Sylphy for a while, but I was also excited about what was to come.

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