Leon Greyrat: The Second Son – Mushoku Tensei OC

Chapter 16 – Time Passes

Chapter 16 – Time Passes

— Leon Greyrat —

Another few months had passed since arriving in Roa, and as the days became longer with the arrival of summer, I fell into a comfortable routine.

Save for the free day at the end of each week, my daily schedule was like so:

First thing in the morning I would do some basic exercise, focusing on cardio and basic body weight exercises, both as a way to improve my body but also as a way to get warmed up and ready for the day.

After that would be a quick breakfast before Eris and Ghislaine’s lessons began.

The lessons themselves were very easygoing and free-form with the two, as not only did I try to integrate many subjects into each session, but Eris’ interest in certain topics differed from day to day, so I had to adjust accordingly.

Usually, the first hour consisted of testing the waters and seeing what changes would need to be made to my plans, but recently, Eris had been much more… obedient.

I guess the extra day and city visits helped a lot, huh? 

And Hilda’s affectionate gesture probably played a part too.

Anyway, lessons would go on until lunch, and after letting the food digest, we would then head to the training grounds for afternoon sword training with Ghislaine.

There was no exact set time for training, so it would typically go on until Eris and I were too tired to continue. 

Ghislaine was pretty skilled at knowing how to push us to our limits without overexerting us, but… it hurt quite a bit.

After that was free time, which I would normally either spend reading in the library, doing some individual magic practice, or hanging out with Eris after she completed her etiquette lessons.

I had also noticed that my mana capacity had stopped growing, likely due to approaching the static growth age of ten, and also due to being unable to deplete my magic power reserves anymore.

Well… it wasn’t like I was unable to deplete it, but rather that the effects of doing so would be… devastating, to say the least.

I don’t think Sauros would appreciate me casting Cumulonimbus across his lands, after all.

Anyway, I recently started learning horse riding with this free time, as well as practising some North God techniques in hand-to-hand combat and survival skills. 

Sometimes, I would also be asked to do some tasked asked of me as the manor’s hired mage and healer, but that didn’t happen that often.

If I was reading the situation right, Philip seemed to not want to flaunt me to the world, especially to other nobles.

That was probably due to me being a Greyrat, as even if Paul had been disowned, he was still a former heir to a prestigious house.

Since I was adopted, I had an easy way to dodge these problems, but that would only shift the focus onto Rudy and my soon-to-be-born siblings, so I didn’t mind the attention if it ever came to me.

After this free time, I would then have dinner, sometimes sharing the table with Eris and her family, but most times just eating with Ghislaine before being taught the Beast God tongue by her before bed.

“Continue attacking, Eris! Do not let up!” Ghislaine instructed.

“Grr! Hah!”

When I first arrived here, Eris had been focusing on her posture and form in swordsmanship training to get a strong foundation, but now, with her graduating into the Intermediate rank in the Sword God style, she had moved onto spars.

This was the approach that was taken with disciples in the Sword Sanctum, where only after one perfected the basics of the Beginner rank and moved onto the Intermediate rank would they begin sparring, mostly in an attempt to spur the development of their touki.

While those two did their thing, I focused on my own swordsmanship.

Swinging down my sword vertically, I focused on the blade as it whistled through the air.

Well, not the blade exactly, but rather the energy that was coating it.

After learning about touki, and having many of the kinks in my swordsmanship removed with Ghislaine’s instruction, I had begun to take a deep dive into what touki was.

Touki, in essence, was a form of mana manipulation.

But instead of how mana changed into elements to form spells, the power of touki came from the mana itself, or more specifically, touki enhanced the already present abilities of an object.

A sharp sword would become sharper, a fast sprint would become faster, and things like that.

Touki was also invisible, and different from normal mana, it was much more difficult to control. 

Although that may have just been me.

Since I already was so skilled at using mana with spells, I assumed getting control of touki would be easy, but contrary to my expectations, it hasn’t been. 

Even though Ghislaine said I was a prodigy at it, it didn’t feel that way compared to how well I could control mana.

If I were to guess… touki seemed a little different from regular mana.

A more… spiritual kind of mana, where it would be boosted in moments of stress, and could be used without consciously knowing of it, like Paul.

It also, unlike mana, didn’t seem to drain, as Ghislaine only ever mentioned physical stamina affecting how long one could fight, not touki. 

But that belief could also be wrong. 

I had to remember, that in this world, not everything that was known as truth was actually correct, such as the fact one’s mana capacity was set at birth. 

There was no scientific theory here, so assumptions remained for many years before being disproven.

Anyway, while coating my body in touki enhanced my physical abilities and my senses, and coating my sword allowed me to cut through boulders, those were only the basic applications.

Finer applications of touki were labelled as techniques.

If touki was comparable to mana, then techniques would be spells.

Techniques came in many forms, some were attacking, like the Longsword of Silence of the Sword God, some were defensive, like the Water God's parrying techniques, and some were more utility-focused, such as the North God’s sword throwing.

It differed from spells, though, where with a good enough image and focus, one could simply cast a spell through an incantation on their first try.

With techniques, you needed to practice quite a bit to have the touki flow correctly, as it was a very stubborn energy to control. 

However, that might just be because of my current skill level.

Anyway, compared to magic, which was based on intelligence and understanding, touki was much more instinctive and based on practice, so I suppose I could give Paul a pass for being such an idiot.

“That’s enough,” with a final exchange of blows, Ghislaine then lowered her sword. “Eris, go through your forms once again, putting my advice into practice. Be sure to have your attacks connect smoothly, and not be so segmented.”

With Eris nodding with her face that was drenched in sweat, Ghislaine then turned to me.

“Your turn, Leon. Let’s focus on your countering with Resonance Reversal,” she said.

Well… time to get smacked again, I guess.

But it was fun, and feeling myself improve with each spar made the pain worth it.

“Got it, Ghislaine.”


With a nod, her wooden sword then whipped toward me faster than the speed of sound as I brought my own up to her approaching wrist.

“Not fast enough.”

I got hit.


— Information on the Six-Faced World —

Asura Kingdom

The Asura Kingdom is a human kingdom and is the world’s strongest nation, located in the western area of the Central Continent. Due to bountiful resources, fertile land, and relatively few monsters, it is a very rich and prosperous region, and the capital of Ars is the largest city in the world.

The Asura Kingdom is split into the following regions:

King’s Region: Governed by the Asura Royal family, it is the region that governs the kingdom with a high population density and is the centre of commerce. The Water God Style is housed in this region, in the capital city of Ars. This region is located in the west of the kingdom.

Fittoa Region: Governed by the Boreas Greyrat family, it is known as the land of perfume, and also for its production of agriculture. This region is located in the northeast of the kingdom.

Milbots Region: Governed by the Notos Greyrat family, it is known as the land of alcohol for its production of beer and wine. This region is located in the east of the kingdom.

Donati Region: Governed by the Zephyrus Greyrat family, it is known for its abundance of sugar and wool, as well as the export of arms. This region is located in the northwest of the kingdom.

Wishiru Region: Governed by the Euros Greyrat family, while it does not have any local specialty, it has a large production of agriculture and is known for its trade with merchants of other nations. This region is located in the south of the kingdom.

— Leon Greyrat —

‘L-Leon! R-Run! Gah!’

Red covered my vision as a course laugh echoed into my ears.

‘P-Please… take care of my son…’

My body tensed in fear as the familiar scene played out before me.

The dread of what I knew was to come. 

The helplessness. 

The anxiety.

It was… overwhelming.

I was strong now, right?

I knew I could cut that bandit’s head off easily, so why was I chained to sit back and watch this play out again?

‘Please… live happily…’

As the light left my mother’s eyes, I felt my heart clench in sadness. 

A pain like no other coursing through my veins.

And a moment later, I woke up, shooting up in my bed.

“Haa… haa…”

My body was drenched in sweat and my heart was racing, and bringing a hand to my face, I felt a trail of tears pouring down my cheek.

“Hoo… Haven’t had that dream in a while.”

Or perhaps a nightmare would be a more apt description.

Looking down at my fist, I felt a wave of emotion wash over me as I clenched it tightly.

“I won’t let that happen again… Never…”

I couldn’t save my mother, Alice, as I was but a baby. 

I was weak… helpless… useless.

But now… now I was strong. 

And I would get even stronger. 

To protect my family.

I would never let that happen again.

Looking out the window, I noticed that it was still dark, but seeing the slight red glow on the edge of the horizon, it didn’t seem it was too far from the time I usually woke up.

Getting to my feet, I stretched out the stiffness in my body before drenching myself in water to clean off the sweat.

“Guess I’ll take a walk before my routine then.”

Planning to calm my mind by making my way through the manor’s halls, I was surprised to see Ghislaine standing right outside my door.

“Uhh, morning? What are you doing up?” I asked.

She looked at me with a frown. “You were talking in your sleep, so I went to check up on you.”

“Oh… sorry for waking you. Just had a little nightmare, is all,” I shrugged.

As we were both technically employed as guards to Eris and as tutors, Ghislaine and I’s rooms were next to each other, while also being close to Eris’ in case of any attacks.

Though, since there was a barrier spell set up in her room, and another one for the manor itself, there wasn’t too much of a worry. 

But it was always good to be careful.

She then pulled me in for a hug, burying my face in her breasts, much like Mama’s did.

Damn… I can’t wait to be taller.

“About your mother?” she asked.

I nodded. “Yeah. It’s just… I’m glad I’m somewhat strong now, don’t get me wrong, but… I just wish things were different.”

She shook her head. “You can’t change the past, Leon. You can only look toward the future.”

Huh. I didn’t think I’d ever hear such… philosophical words from Ghislaine.

“Are you missing home?” she then asked.

“Somewhat,” I answered. “Exchanging letters only does so much, you know? But I’ll be visiting soon when Mama is due.”

According to Paul, both Mama and Lilia were doing fine, and with Rudy becoming six years old, he was now a Beginner-rank swordsman in all three styles.

From Rudy’s part of the last letter, Sylphy had been missing me quite dearly, and had also begun learning healing magic under Mama while I was gone.

My brother was quite upset that he wasn’t able to silently cast healing magic like Sylphy and me, but considering his massive mana pool, I think he was doing just fine.

Ghislaine hummed, “Yes… how long do you think you will be gone?”

“Around a month. I hope Master Philip doesn’t mind my absence and that it doesn’t harm Eris’ progress,” I said.

Since we didn’t know exactly what day Mama had conceived, nor how long she would be in pregnancy, I wanted to have enough of a range of time so that I was there when she went into labour, and then I would need to wait until Lilia did as well.

It would suck if Eris disregarded all the progress we made while I was gone, but then again, my contract was open-ended in terms of time, so I could always make it back.

“I’ll allow the informal use of my daughter’s name to slide this time.”

Hearing Philip’s voice, I quickly separated from Ghislaine before performing a polite bow, “My apologies, Master Philip.”

“No need. I was just kidding around,” he said, waving me off.

Raising my head, I noticed him looking at me with his usual analytical gaze.

“I already accepted that you would visit your family during this time when I hired you, so there are no problems there. But… you said you were worried about Eris’ progress, right?” he said.

I grimaced at the words.

It was a tough position to be in, because as much as I wanted to give it my all to tutor Eris, I was completely unwilling to abandon my family at this time.

“Well… if you’re that worried…” he clapped his hands together as if coming to a decision, “then Eris should simply go with you!”

…Say what?

“Sorry… you want Miss Eris, your noble daughter, to live in a rural village like Buena for a month? Maybe even longer?” I asked.

I loved my home, but that wouldn’t exactly be the same for everyone. 

Especially not nobles, who lived a life of luxury much different from those of a remote farming village. 

Even if it was a knight’s home, which was more luxurious than most, the difference would be shocking.

“Well, I would have Ghislaine escort you two, of course. And as a knight, Paul already has the duty to guard Eris when needed, so it would be fine, no? I’m sure Eris would love to get away from the city, and I can even throw in a few silver coins to help with the extra meals,” Philip explained further.

He was… right. 

Eris would surely love the adventure.

And considering how stuffy she felt around the prim and proper customs of the manor… it was possible she would enjoy life in general there too.

Hmm… this way, I would be able to continue teaching Eris, while also giving the girl a broader view of life.

The guest room that Roxy used should still be prepared, as my siblings would be sleeping in Mama or Lilia’s rooms until they became a little older, so there were no issues in terms of space either.

“I… believe that would be something better discussed amongst you and my father, but I agree it might be good for Miss Eris. That way, I could introduce her to my brother and my friend in the village, as the Young Miss has a distinct lack of people her age to talk to,” I said after a few moments of contemplation.

Philip nodded his head. “You did say your brother and this ‘Sylphy’ were skilled at magic and academic subjects, so I’m sure they will be a good influence. But your brother…” his eyes narrowed. “He is the son of Paul, yes? His true son. Will I have to worry about anything happening?”

I shook my head. “No. While certainly an odd kid, Rudy wouldn’t-”

I then remembered how Rudy had stolen Roxy’s panties and how much he enjoyed their… ‘essence’, as he called it.

And that was a year ago.

Now that he was older, and more time had passed since Roxy had left, I couldn’t be so sure he wouldn’t be clouded by lust.

“…I’ll be sure to protect the Young Miss’ innocence,” I said.

“Hah. I see,” Philip smirked.

“Well, I’ll be sure to send Paul a letter regarding your visit. And also convince Hilda to allow Eris to leave… but that will be a bit tougher,” he grimaced.

…Why would that be tougher? Was she that overprotective?

Hilda didn’t really seem that way though… 

But there was that look I saw from her… what was with that woman?

“Excuse me, but if I may ask… what exactly is the history of Lady Hilda?” I asked. “I am sure that she loves Miss Eris, but… she’s distant. And her dislike of me, while not a large problem, is a bit confusing.”

Philip revealed a languished smile before nodding his head to the side, gesturing me to follow him. “Here. Let’s walk and talk.”

Following his footsteps, he then explained the situation.

Hilda and Philip had two children other than Eris, both being sons, and they had been taken away at birth.

As for why they were taken away? 

That was because Philip had lost the bid to become the next head of the Boreas Greyrat family, and as is tradition, was required to forfeit his sons.

The tradition to take any sons born to the losing heir, while barbaric, made sense, as it made sure to not create too many branch families, which would then lead to issues with future successions.

This tradition, in fact, is one of the main reasons why the Boreas family had been in charge of the Fittoa Region since the dawn of the Kingdom of Asura.

It was great for stability.

The only reason Eris was not taken was because she was a girl, so she wouldn’t have a claim, or at least not one strong enough to shake the balance.

Anyway, while Philip had begrudgingly accepted the situation, his wife, Hilda, did not.

Coming from a noble family without such traditions, she was incredibly sad, and she was also angry. 

Angry not only at those who took her sons away, but also at Philip for allowing it.

As for why this made her distant from Eris?

Well, I would think that a mother in such a situation would dote on the only child they had left, but I was guessing that she wanted to distance herself in case Eris, too, left the family, in order to not bear the same pain again.

And as for why she hated me?

Well the fact that I, a random, albeit talented boy from a rural village, was making this place his home was quite hurtful to her, especially considering I was a Greyrat, though I had nothing to do with nobility.

After all, why was I able to be here when her own sons couldn’t live with her?

So thinking about it, her dislike for me was quite understandable, even if it wasn’t my fault.

And that was the story of Hilda Boreas Greyrat, and why she disliked me quite a bit.

I thanked Philip for the information before heading outside for my workout, before a realization suddenly struck me.

If Eris was going to visit Buena Village… then that would mean she would inevitably meet my father, Paul.

…I had a feeling that would be quite a memorable meeting, to say the least.

— Zenith Greyrat —

My name is Zenith Greyrat, though it used to be Zenith Latreia.

By birth, I was a member of the nobility of the Holy Country of Millis, a land noted for its beauty, history, morals, and most prominently, religion.

As a young lady, I obeyed my parents and the tenets of the Millis Church, and always played the role that was expected of me.

I was the picture-perfect example of a Millis noble lady.

But that life came to an end during my 15th birthday, when it was decided I was to marry a man.

A man that I had never seen… that wasn’t a very romantic thing.

And so, for the first time, I rebelled against the path chosen for me, and after an argument with my mother, I ran away from home.

I had trouble at first, but I was then saved by Paul and his party of misfits, and shortly after that, was when Leon came into my life.

Perhaps it was because of my little Leon that I began to think of having a family, or maybe it was a woman’s instinct. 

But one thing was for sure… this time, I would be having a family on my own terms. 

But that wasn’t the only change that happened over the years. 

The man I had previously hated, Paul, I had grown to love. 

Even with all his… Paulness, I had grown to love the man despite his faults.

After some time, one thing led to another, and I became pregnant with my second child. 

One Rudeus Greyrat. My little Rudy.

That was the story of my life so far.

“Zenny, would you like something to drink?” Lilia asked.

“No, I am fine. You should sit down too,” I said back.

She just shook her head. “Someone needs to clean the dishes, and I’m not one to trust your husband with such a task.”

“Lilia,” I said sternly. “He’s our husband, remember? You can’t get out of this that easily.”

“Ah… Of course, Zenny,” she said with a laugh.

Such a thing as sharing a husband, and such a thing as laughing happily with the other woman… I would have never thought possible before.

But on that day, when I had been betrayed by the two people I had trusted most, I was forced to change.

Rudy and Leon’s methods weren’t exactly admirable, but after Leon cried in my arms, I quickly understood the situation.

He was scared. 

They both were.

Scared of our family breaking apart.

And then, after accepting the situation, and opening my eyes further after learning of Paul’s past sins against Lilia, things became like this.

And… I was happy.

Very, very happy.

The only thing that would make me happier would be if Leon was here with us, but knowing he was doing just fine filled me with enough joy to get through it.

I still couldn’t believe he was already working at his age, and sending money back for us at that.

He really was reliable… and responsible too.

So much so that I often found myself incompetent in comparison.

Both he and Rudy were like that. 

Although Leon showed a bit more of a childish side more frequently compared to Rudy, even though he was older… but that just made him cuter.

It was the same with Rudy when he wasn’t able to cast healing magic without an incantation. 

Their pouting faces were simply adorable.

Anyway, with all their reliability and cuteness, I was sure the two would be the greatest older brothers any child could ask for.

“Wait… water turns into vapour when it heats up, right?” Sylphy asked from the side.

“Yeah, what of it?” Rudeus said.

“Then… how come the same doesn’t happen for other things? Like rocks.”

“It does. It just would need a lot of heat.”

“I see… could you do that?”

“I don’t know… it would probably take a lot of mana.”

Sylphy was such a nice girl. 

It was a shame she only started visiting after Rudy joined her and Leon in playing around, as I’m fairly certain I had missed out a lot of times ripe for teasing.

Just imagining how the meek girl would interact with Leon at first… Uuu! 

It was simply adorable just to think about!

“Do you think Leon could?” she asked.

“Probably,” Rudy shrugged. “Brother is pretty amazing, after all.”

“Yeah…” Sylphy said, releasing a sigh as she leaned onto her hands, looking out the window with an expression of longing.

While she may not have noticed it herself yet, she definitely was developing a crush on Leon. 

One that was growing with each passing day.

I guess the saying that ‘distance breeds fondness’ held some truth.

However, she was also extremely close with Rudy, so I didn’t really know how it would turn out in the future.

Maybe it will end up with some sort of lover's quarrel?

That would be quite amusing.

Although… considering both Rudy and Leon were Saint-ranked magicians… the two of them getting into a serious fight would be quite devastating.

“Honeys! I’m home!” Paul said, opening the door with a smirk. “And I got a letter from a certain someone!”

At that, Sylphy immediately raised her head, “Really!?”

Fufufu… Yep, definitely a crush.

But I was also excited to see how Leon was doing.

I loved getting his letters, after all.

“Well? Don’t keep us waiting. Read it out, Father,” Rudy said.

“Jeez. So impatient~”

“Just read it, husband,” Lilia sternly added.

“Fine! Alright, it says here- Oh?”

Paul’s words were interrupted as a gold coin fell into his hand.

“Gah. Seriously, kid, you’re making me look bad,” he said before putting it into his pocket.

“Paul,” Lilia glared at him.

“I’m just joking! Here, I’ll put it right on the table. Happy?” he said with a laugh.

Shaking my head in exasperation, I listened as he continued, “Right. Ahem! ‘Hello everyone. I am doing well. While I have not progressed in rank for any discipline, you should be pleased to know that all the errors in my swordsmanship, courtesy of Paul, have been fixed’- Hey? What’s with this!?”

“Continue, Paul,” Lilia said with a smirk.

“Tsk. Damn brat… ‘As Mama will likely be going into labour soon after fall arrives, I will be coming back at that time and will stay until Lilia gives birth safely as well.’”

“Really!? He’s coming back!?” Sylphy exclaimed.

“He promised, right? But errors… Father, it seems you’ll need to be instructed by your own son soon,” Rudy teased.

“Zip it! And the last part, ‘As the education of the Young Miss has been going so well, and such a break may have disastrous consequences, Master Philip and I decided that she will be joining… me… in Buena Village.’”


“‘Master Philip has written a letter concerning the details on the attached paper. Much love. Your son, Leon Greyrat…’”

…So it seemed we would meet this Eris that he had written about very soon.

He said she was a bit troublesome, but also a good kid at heart, and recently, she had gotten much better with controlling her outbursts.

I just hoped that our meagre house would be enough to satisfy a noble lady… but if it’s her father sending her, then we should be alright.

“What does that mean, Mister Paul?” Sylphy asked.

“I think,” Rudy answered, “that means that we’ll be getting another kid our age to play with. Well, assuming she wants to.”

“Cool!” Sylphy exclaimed happily.

Hmm~? Although she sounded so excited right now, I think that once this ‘Miss Eris’ arrives, that might change.

Knowing how charming my little Leon was, I would likely be able to see a lover’s quarrel a little earlier than I thought.

Though, with two girls already, at this rate… I just hope my sweet boy doesn’t turn out like Paul.

“Huh? What’s with that glare, honey?”

I shook my head. “Nothing. Nothing at all.”

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