Level 1 Strongest Sage ~

Book 1: Chapter 4

Book 1: Chapter 4

Infinite Magic

At the training center

I stood at the center of the magic circle drawn by Tina as I practiced controlling my magical powers.

Usually, training begins with feeling out the existence of magic within oneself, but because Im a Sage by profession, I can already confirm my magical powers right from the start.

I can vaguely sense the weight and movement of other peoples magic aside from my own. And Sages not only see, but they can also manipulate and supplement magical powers.

Like this?

Yes, youre doing great, Halt-sama! Being able to suddenly control your powers was truly unexpected.

First, the magical force felt in the bodys core is diffused throughout the body.

The force is then slowly transferred to the outstretched hand.

The magic accumulates there.

From here on, the magical force is supposed to be released from the body, but I couldnt do that.

The convergence stopped midway, and the gathered power dispersed. Well, just like how I wanted it to look like, so I manipulated it.

Tina might wonder too much if I did too well.

Its because your magical circle is effective.

I passed it off using the magical formation as the reason.

Its a fact that magical formations make it easier to control magic. But actually, I know I can control my magic without using one.

This magical formation can only help to a small extent. Being able to move your magic extremely smoothly is proof of Halt-samas abilities.

Tina looked so happy when she said that. It seems that she believes Im doing great, and this is my usual abilities.

Oh, right, my elder sister is also proficient in magical arts. When she entered the Magic Academy, she was able to use intermediate level magic already.

Tinas aware of that nature, so even if I can suddenly control my magical powers, its not really a big deal. All thanks to my brilliant sister.

Thanks. Ill practice some more.

Yes. By the way, the magic you dispersed inside your body recovers quickly, but if it is released outwardly, that portion takes longer to recover.

Is that so?

Because its Halt-sama, you might be able to release your magic externally next time. Its possible to feel exhausted right after, so please take care.


As for the method of releasing magic, you have to accumulate magic on your hand, just like you did previously. Then imagine your hand extending from the tip of your finger. Try to gather your magic power there.

Understood, Teacher.

It seems like it is now possible for me to release magic, so I decided to do that.

Just like previously, I dispersed my magic throughout my body. Then I accumulated them to my outstretched right hand.

I directed my consciousness from my palm to my fingertips.

Looking good! If its possible, please try to imagine a blazing fire.


I already saw a flame. Were approximately 5 meters apart from each other, but I can sense Tinas fire magic that is so hot its as if I can feel it on my face even imagining is easy-peasy.


The magic at my fingertips began to transform into flames.

Its right there on my hand, but it doesnt even feel hot.

Such a wondrous feeling!

Then, lets try to form the flames into a spear just like Tina.

Fire Lance!

I imitated Tina and chanted as I threw the spear towards a newly prepared target.

The flaming spear flew straight towards the target and hit it. After burning up a little, the flames died down.

There was a scorch mark on the target.

Unbelievable! To be able to conjure such a perfect form of magic right off the bat Tina stared at the slightly charred target with a shocked expression.

I already thought it might be possible to change the nature of my magic into fire attribute, but I wasnt expecting Id be able to invoke a perfect form of [Fire Lance].

Im somewhat happy. Tina was astounded.

Since I came to another world, I wanted to be told: Eh, whats with this guy, hes so amazing!.

Oh, but because of my [Static Status] curse, even if I spend the rest of my life training, I can only amount to this.

Halt-sama, does your body feel sluggish?

Nope, I dont feel that way.

Usually, when using magic for the first time, there are a lot of people who consume too much, and they run out of power just by casting a low-level spell such as [Fire Lance].

[Fire Lance], one of the lowest-grade magic, consumes 2 points of Magical Power.

Since I have 10, based on calculations, I can shoot [Fire Lance] up to 5 times. However, it seems it would be difficult to use up 2 points precisely if you do not have firm control of your magic.

It certainly felt like strength was sucked up from my body, but not to the extent that I feel languid. Is it because of the compensation of being a Sage?

I think I can shoot more, is it okay to continue practicing?

Of course. But please do not overexert yourself.


After that, I managed to shoot three more Fire Lances, then our training ended.

Actually, I could have done more, but by the third time, Tina was so anxious and kept nagging me about my bodys condition that I decided to stop my goal of shooting 5 times.

The next day, I went to the training room alone.

Tina went shopping in town.

When I told her Id practice on my own, she looked so nervous, heh.

Would that be alright? Please, do not overexert yourself no matter what. If you feel even a little bit unwell, just ring this bell.

She then handed me a bell with a drawing of a small magic circleone that I have never seen before.

What will happen if I ring this bell?

Ill come flying right away.

Youll know I rang it even if youre far away?

Something like that. So please dont overdo it.

Tina then went out after saying shell be back right after she finished her errands.

Okay, now its time to test the limits.

Without Tinas prying eyes, I decided to shoot [Fire Lance] until Im at my limit.

I ended at the fourth attempt yesterday, but I had a feeling I would still be fine even if I continued.

Face the target.

Release the magic in my hands and turn them into flames.

Transform the flames into a spear

Fire Lance!

The flaming spear flew.

As soon as I released one, I began to conjure another.

Fire Lance!

Second shot. I can still go on without a hitch.

Fire Lance! Fire Lance!

I shot twice in a row. Not a single problem.

Fire Lance, Fire Lance, Fire Lance, Fire Lance!

This is odd

No matter how many times I shoot, I never feel tired.

In contrast, my magic powers were released smoothly; even my timing sped up.

After firing around 30 [Fire Lances], I finally ran out of breath and temporarily stopped.

Even if one shots power is weak because its the lowest-grade magic spell, because I fired 30 the target was, as expected, burnt black.

Why is it like this? I dont feel my power decreasing.

Hmm, if only theres a way to check my magic power consumption


It was then that it dawned on me.

[Open Status]


Name: Halt Vie Silveray

Race: Human

Divine Protection: None (Fixed)

Occupation: Sage (Level 1)

Strength: 30/30 (Fixed)

Magical Power: 10/10 (Fixed)

Physical Attack Power: 10 (Fixed)

Magical Attack Power: 10 (Fixed)

Defense Power: 10 (Fixed)

Speed: 10 (Fixed)

Dexterity: 10 (Fixed)

Skill: None (Fixed)

Condition: Cursed [Static Curse] (Fixed)

Since I brought out my Status Board, supposed to be, I can see how much magic I consumed when I used my powers.

However, there was one thing that bothered me on my status boardMagical Power: 10/10 (Fixed). It was clearly stated.

Even though Ive been shooting more than 30 points of magic all this time, nevertheless, my magic power hasnt diminished at all.

A theory passed through my mind. If my guess is correct, it is really possible for me to live as a true Sage in this world.

To test my hypothesis, lets start shooting [Fire Lance] with the Status Board in full view!

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