Level 1 Strongest Sage ~

Book 4: Chapter 19

Book 4: Chapter 19

Shiros Day (2/4)

I gobbled the food made by Tina until my stomach is full to bursting.


In the beginning, I was uneasy that I was woken up without gods summoning.

In introspection, being able to consume Tinas handmade dishes made me grateful that Halt roused me. I expressed my thanks to Tina, and then I went out of the mansion.

As an exercise after meal, I decided to take a stroll to Steel Forest near the Ifrus Academy of Magic.

This is my daily routine.

Halt and the rest were worried about me, but theres no demon out there that can harm a Divine Beast like me, so I habitually took this excursion on my own.

The demons in this forest are relatively high leveled, and they also possess high intelligence.

For that reason, they already sensed my power, so there was not a single one who attempted to attack me.

Many of those demons flee from my path as soon as I enter the forest.

For that reason, I can leisurely amble around in the forest.

I do that while Im in in this tiny form, by the way.

My true body is way more awesome, though I dont know if its due to staying for a long while at Halts mansion, but now, Im more accustomed to this.

Thats because I can get Tina and Leaffa to spoil me more when Im looking like this.

I reached the heart of the forest.

There is only one spot in this dark forest where the sun shines through. In the midst of that ray of sunlight, a huge boulder sat there looking like a pedestal.

I lay down the pedestal.

It might not compare to the fluffy sofa in Halts mansion, but its quite comfortable.

The mellow sunshine toasts me up cozily.

This spot was formally the turf of the lord of this forest, a massive bear-type demon beast called King Bear.

I accidentally stumbled on this place around three days ago.

Whoa, so theres a place like this.

The King Bear who was sprawled on the stone pedestal saw me, and he eyed me as if saying whats up with this guy?

I released a little bit of aura.

And suddenly, with no rhyme or reason, the King Bear surrendered this place to me.

I absolutely did not rob him of this place.

The King Bear just noticed how noble I am, so he offered this place to me.

After that, I came here every day and sleep until noon; that became the routine of my stroll.

After some time, the demons of this forest, starting with the King Beast, began to bring me fruits and tree nuts.

I always eat them, but I already ate a lot of Tinas dishes today so Im already full.

I dont need them today. It would be good for you to eat them, instead.

The King Bear and the rest thought their offerings were not to my taste, so they got flustered.

Ah, no, I am already full. Its not that I dont like your offerings, so do not fret.

King Bear communicated with me.

.Whats that? Will I eat you, you ask? Fufu, fuhahahha. You are fortunate. I already tasted something far more palatable than you demons. I wont prey on you now.

With those words, the beasts felt reassured.

The demon beasts took back the fruits they gathered and disappeared to the depths of the forest.

I decided to take a nap.

Ha! N, no way, I overslept!

It was way past noon when I woke up. Supposedly, I was able to eat Tinas food again for lunch.

What did I do


A basket made out of wood sat on top of the stone pedestal I was sleeping on.

T, this is!!

The basket contained three rice balls and a few nicely grilled wieners.

They had an extremely appealing smell.

Youre up, Shiro?

This, did Halt?

Yeah, Tina made that meal. Shiro did not return, so I brought it here. Its still warm, I reckon.

Whoa, so this is truly Tinas handiwork!

I will eat this with gratitude.

The meal Tina made is incredibly flavorsome.

It would have been better if there were more portions, though.

Speaking of, Halt came from the depths of the forest does he have business here?

Halt, what were you doing in the forest?

Yeah, my magic burned a portion of this forest before. So I came here to check on its recovery.

I already knew from listening to the magical beasts that a part of the forest burned down a few months ago.

So it was Halts doing.

Incidentally, a lot of demons were hunted, and a few high-level demons were also killed, or so they said.

Well, its not like Im the magical beasts ally, and the numbers of slain demons is none of my concern.

However, I dont condone destroying nature.

I am a Divine Beast. It is also my duty to protect the creations of the Creator God who formed this world.

Naturally, nature falls under my jurisdiction.

Did the forest recover? I also possess the ability to hasten the recovery of the trees more or less; do you want me to take a look?

No worries, this guy here helped me out.

Halt shifted his body, and there stood a small white bearded old man.

Are youGnome?

Indeed. I can see that you are the Divine Beast Fenrir. Well, that is quite a charming appearance you have now.

The guy Halt brought along is none other than Nome, the Spirit King of the Earth.

I already met Gnome once, a long time ago.

Seems like Halt already completed the summoning contract.

And if Nome is serious, he can grow the trees in a blink of an eye, and reviving the forest is merely childs play for him.

Halt you punk, you already got all the Spirit Kings completely.

By the way, we Divine Beasts and the Spirit Kings have the same status in this world.

I had a sense of foreboding.

Im your Senpai.


Ive been Halts subordinate earlier than you, so Im your Senpai. Since Im the Senpai, I should get more favorable treatment when it comes to food. Halt must also regard me higher!

W, what are you talking about?

Halt was dumbfounded.

But this is a matter of life and death to me.

Halt already formed a contract with three of the Spirit Kings.

On the other hand, I am the only one among the Divine Beasts, so I dont have much influence.

Right now, the Spirit Kings contracted earlier are scattered in various domains, so they will only come to Halts side when he summons them.

However, Undine and Sylph already expressed their desire to be with Halt all the time.

If that happens, Halt wont take care of me anymore, being the newcomer that I am.

Thats too worrying.

Halt does not discriminate; whether it be a Spirit King or a Divine Beast, he still treats it as a friend.

Thats why its really comfortable being with Halt.

I dont want to increase the number of rivals targeting this position, so I need to set Gnome in his place.

Hohohohoho, rest assured, my dear Fenrir. It is true that Halts magic makes one at ease, but I also have work to do. I cannot be with Halt around at all times.

Looks like Gnome perceived my inner musings.

So hes a good guy, after all.

Is that so, then I will be beside Halt to protect him.

Please do so, Senpai.

Umu, leave it to me.

After that, he chatted with Halt before leaving towards the depths of the forest.


T/N: Shiro is such a drama king. And I like how cheeky Gnome is, I somehow like him the best among the Four Spirit Kings as of now, maybe because of the way he retorted senpai and how he sulked because he didnt have a contract with Halt, its cute.  Im picturing him as a jolly old fellow, the kind you see in the garden lawns (perhaps its in the name). ? But heres a bunch of more suitable photos for our dear Gnome By the way, I didnt use Gnome, cause its already pretty obvious that he is one, but I just wanted a more unique name for him. ? I should tl with author in mind, so maybe Gnome is better in this case ? already changed it ?

I used the original senpai, meaning senior, since there really isnt any other word suitable for the scene (Senior doesnt really cut it).

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