Level 4 Human in a Ruined World

Chapter 2

Chapter 2

[Translator – Peptobismol]

Chapter 2: Chaebols Transform into Dragons (2)


Yeongwoo froze in place, witnessing Bonghee’s disappearance.

‘What just happened?’

His fingertips trembled, but it wasn’t because of Bonghee’s death. It was the realization that something supernatural had exercised physical force.

It wasn’t until later that the shock and discomfort of realizing the person he’d shared a room with for nearly a year was, in fact, a criminal came.


Reality finally sunk in.

Yeongwoo swallowed hard and stared at where Bonghee had been. Then, a new notification appeared, as if urging him on.

[There is 1 minute remaining until Individual Filtration is completed.]

|Currently, Yeongwoo Jeong has 3 karma points remaining.

3 karma points.

Three chances to eliminate whoever he wanted.

Yet, Yeongwoo did not have the courage to use this opportunity.

The first reason was that he didn’t have anyone he wanted to eliminate, not even with such inexplicable powers, and the second reason…

‘It feels ominous. Whether it’s the vote for someone’s elimination or whatever, it seems like people will be held accountable for their actions, no matter what.’

Even just looking at the deceased Bonghee made it apparent.

If he hadn’t randomly targeted celebrities in stage one, he would’ve been able to prevent the Death that was sent toward him.

He had around 20 points when this all began.

In other words.

‘Let’s not do anything reckless. Even if it means losing all remaining points, there’s no reason to purposefully use them.’

With a resolved mind, Yeongwoo remained still, even as the countdown began.

[Individual Filtration closure is imminent.]

…3 seconds.

…2 seconds.

…1 second.

…Filtration closure.


A signal sounded sharply from somewhere beyond the ceiling, indicating that the filtration process had been completed.

And then.


Nothing happened.

Yeongwoo stood in the center of the room, gazing at the ceiling.

Since the results of the first stage of filtration that were carried out previously have not yet been announced, the ‘reset’ itself may not have been completed.

‘Are they giving us a short break until the vote tallying is over?’

He cautiously opened the door.


As he looked out into the dormitory hallway, others sensing his presence opened their doors one by one.

“Is everyone okay?”

“What’s happening…?”

Just by meeting their eyes, Yeongwoo could sense how each of them had experienced the reset.

Those brimming with life likely had experienced being hit by Deaths. Without saying anything, they either slammed their doors shut or hurried outside the building.

However, there were some who looked like they found the situation amusing. Yeongwoo concluded that they were the hitters from stage one.

Because Bonghee had the same expression as them before his demise.

And a few still seemed dazed, probably…

‘Those who didn’t get hit and haven’t witnessed others being hit.’

In other words, those still unsure whether this was a dream or reality.

‘Then what am I?’

He glanced again at his palm.

Despite stage two filtration ending, the number ‘3’ was still there.

‘Could it be that karma points are used in the next stages as well?’

It was an enigma.

Just as Yeongwoo contemplated, the problematic notification reappeared.

[Vote tallying has concluded.]

[Elimination will be carried out publicly, and the subjects of elimination will be given the right to choose between elimination, mutation, or dismantle.]

‘It’s here again. Elimination, mutation, or dismantle… What does that mean?’

Yeongwoo’s confusion didn’t last long.

—[Chaebol Leader – Kang Hongtae] stands before the choice.

—He is furious.

—Choose [Mutation].

—The karma points he possessed are being reflected.

—A new monster type, ‘Dragon’, has been added to this world.

—[Chaebol Leader – Kang Hongtae] is now a threat to everyone as a ‘Fire Dragon’.


Even Yeongwoo, who had accepted the reset as reality, couldn’t help but be astonished at the message he had just seen.

“A dragon? What are they talking about?”

Meanwhile, it seemed that Kang Hongtae’s turn had passed, and the next person stood before the choices.

And this time, the choice of the next person was somewhat different from Kang Hongtae.

―[President – Park Dohwan] stands before the choices.

―He is feeling perplexed.

―Choose [Dismantle].

―The karma points he possessed are being reflected.

―A new component, [Quest], has been added to this world.

Unlike Kang Hongtae becoming a Fire Dragon, there wasn’t any special follow-up message this time.

‘So… since he chose dismantle, was his disappearance the price for adding the quests?’

Yeongwoo struggled to comprehend what was happening.

Because this was about the world he would now have to live in.

A world with dragons and quests.

Although commonly seen in games or novels, he had never considered what would happen if those things became a reality.

But the real problem was about to begin.

‘Wait, only two people have chosen so far. Even if they couldn’t get everyone in stage one, thousands of people should have been affected…’

His thoughts grew hazy.

And right on cue, the next person faced the choices.

―[Actress – Park Soyoung] stands before the choices

―She feels immense sadness.

―Choose [Elimination].

―[Actress – Park Soyoung] has disappeared from this world without any impact.


Yeongwoo’s pupils dilated in surprise.

It wasn’t clear if Park Soyoung had received adequate information before choosing elimination. However, one thing was certain.

‘If someone chooses elimination, they’ll leave this world without causing any impact.’

To be precise, it meant opting for death while leaving the public who targeted them completely unharmed.

In any case, through the choices of the first three individuals, everyone learned something.

The specific meanings behind each choice.

[Translator – Peptobismol]

Whether to become a monster for revenge with [Mutation], change the very structure of the world with [Dismantle], or simply cease to be involved in this world with [Elimination].

‘But who would willingly choose to die? Especially those who were unfairly led to their deaths.’

Yeongwoo believed that most individuals would ponder only between mutation and dismantle.

Disappearing from this world without a trace, even if they didn’t seek revenge, felt hollow and unjust.

And indeed, from the fourth person onwards, no one chose [Elimination].

―A new monster type, [Ogre], has been added to this world.

―A new monster type, [Goblin], has been added to this world.

―A new component, [Armor], has been added to this world.

―A new monster type, [Owlbear], has been added to this world.

―A new component, [Currency], has been added to this world.

New elements constantly appeared, be it monsters or components that could potentially replace the existing world.


At this, Yeongwoo hastily began to pack his belongings into his backpack.

He had a feeling he wouldn’t be able to stay here forever.


―A new component, [Food], has been added to this world.

When ‘Food’ was added by someone, Yeongwoo was so shocked that he dropped his backpack.


Smoke started rising from the chocolate bar he had just put into his backpack.

‘What was that?’

Cautiously peering into the backpack, he saw that the chocolate bar, still wrapped in its packaging, had turned into stone.


With a face expressing disbelief, Yeongwoo picked up the chocolate bar.

It weighed the same as before turning into stone, but it was no longer food.

In other words…

‘This means that not just food, but anything from the existing world could turn into stone.’

For instance, since ‘Currency’ was added a while ago, the cash, coins, and cards they used until now might have turned into stones.

But the real problem wasn’t that those things had turned into stones.

‘So, what is the new currency, and where and how do I get it? If I can’t eat the food from before, what will I eat from now on?’

As if in response to Yeongwoo’s questions, new messages appeared at the top of his vision.

[“The quest system has been activated.]

Next, a yellow message appeared to the left of his vision.

It was none other than the ‘Main Quest.’

[Main Quest] “New Life”

[Mission] Find a nearby currency exchange following the arrow.

[Reward] Basic living funds

[Special] Additional reward for early completion


Among the peculiar contents, the words ‘currency exchange’ particularly caught Yeongwoo’s attention.

It might have something to do with the number ‘3’ still engraved on his palm.

As the previous world gradually disappeared, it seemed that the only means to obtain the new currency was in exchange for karma points.


Quickly lifting the backpack from the floor, Yeongwoo opened the door and sprinted through the dorm hallway.

Others, previously staring blankly at the messages, started following Yeongwoo one after another.

They also saw the Main Quest and the large arrow that suddenly appeared at their feet.


“Hey, let’s go together!”

Meanwhile, in the corner of his vision, the selection results of those subject to eliminations were constantly being displayed.

―A new monster type, [Golem], has been added to this world.

―A new monster type, [Man Eater], has been added to this world.

―A new component, [World Map], has been added to this world.

While running near the parking lot, Yeongwoo witnessed all the vehicles turning to stone as soon as ‘World Map’ was added.


For some reason, the use of vehicles was restricted.

But Yeongwoo was no longer surprised.

‘A world map? Does it affect the mode of travel? Who was dismantled to have this added?’

Although he could have pulled up the result list to check, he had more urgent matters at hand.


Despite being the first to dash out of the dormitory, he was now being overtaken by latecomers.

Even considering his age of thirty-four, Yeongwoo was never quick on his feet. His untrained body moved sluggishly.

‘Damn it…!’

Two, three… five… within seconds, seven dashed past him.

Then finally…


The arrow pointing northeast began to tilt.

It meant the destination was nearing.

Suddenly, an immense roaring sound echoed from the sky.


Resembling the roar of a jet, the sound reverberated across the entire sky, and as Yeongwoo lifted his head, his mouth fell open in astonishment.



Hundreds of black pillar-like objects were descending from above.


About ten meters high, these black rectangular objects at first seemed to be coming down randomly, but they appeared to have predetermined landing points.



Eight of these rectangular objects landed within Yeongwoo’s line of sight, maintaining a consistent interval between each other.

And among them, the closest one vibrated slightly and emitted a faint light.




Seeing this, Yeongwoo finally realized.

That was the currency exchange.

More precisely, the vibrating object calling him was the currency exchange assigned to him.

[Translator – Peptobismol]

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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