Level 4 Human in a Ruined World

Chapter 242

[Translator – Night]

[Proofreader – Gun]

Chapter 242: Powdered Bean (2)

“Hey, what are you doing? Hurry up and go!”

As soon as Yeongwoo saw the pillars of light descending, he slapped Negwig’s rear.


Immediately, the creature lifted its head and dashed forward.


Holding the reins, Jeonggu was dragged along the ground.

“Oh, oh no!”

Meanwhile, Jongseon swiftly ran forward and jumped onto Negwig’s back.

As expected of the Strongest Sword, she could execute improvised actions that ordinary people could only dream of.


With Jeonggu dangling and Jongseon on its back, Negwig vanished northward, and Yeongwoo turned his gaze to Suna.

“You know I’m not collecting defense fees in Gangnam, right?”

“Yes, I’m well aware.”

“Does Representative Baek Dohwan know as well?”

Suna looked towards the COEX building, used as Taewon’s headquarters.

“He should be aware. Everyone in Taewon knows the Strongest Sword of each region brings the defense fees to Gangnam.”

“But whether I forgot to collect from Gangnam or intentionally didn’t collect is still unclear, right?”

“…That’s correct.”

At Suna’s response, Yeongwoo also looked towards COEX.

“Then let me make it clear now. Gangnam is my jurisdiction, and I want it to function as the last refuge in the worst-case scenario, which is why I don’t take money from it.”

“…Yes. Should I document this and deliver it to Representative Baek Dohwan?”

Suna used honorific language, clearly recognizing that Yeongwoo held a higher position than Baek Dohwan, the current leader of Taewon Group.

“Yes, that would be good. Also, from today, investigate and document how the 5 million defense fee I haven’t collected is being used.”

Yeongwoo added,

“The report must include confirmation signatures from both you and Representative Baek Dohwan and should be on my desk by 8 p.m. daily.”

“I will make sure of that. Is there anything else you’d like to instruct?”

Suna checked the time, aware that the appearance of mutants and monsters was imminent.

The current time was 12:56 p.m.

Yeongwoo checked the time and gestured for Suna to hurry inside.

“No, that’s all. You can go now.”

Suna bowed to Yeongwoo and hurriedly moved towards the hotel.

‘It’s going to be chaotic for a while again.’

Soon, monsters and mutants would appear at the locations marked by the pillars of light.

Near Parnas Hotel, which Yeongwoo used as his residence, there were two monster markers, attracting Gangnam’s monster hunters.

‘So today’s mutant is…’

As always, Yeongwoo moved towards Cheongdam Bridge, his sniping spot, looking for the red light pillar in Gangnam.

This time, he saw a mutant marker near Dosan Park in Apgujeong.

‘It’s quite far today. The arrows will barely reach.’

Sniping from the middle of Cheongdam Bridge wouldn’t give him a clear line of sight.

So, he prepared to snipe from the park road right in front of the bridge.

Coincidentally, it was the spot where the Kim family had been struck by lasers, leaving a 大-shaped mark.

‘It’s still not cleaned up.’

The Benz, once Kim Jong-un’s ‘dream,’ was still scattered everywhere, so Yeongwoo stepped on it and climbed up.


The current time was 12:59 p.m.

Less than a minute remained until the mutant appeared.

Yeongwoo held the ‘White Fire’ bow in his hand, waiting for the top of the red pillar of light to open.


Then finally.


A sound like the sky splitting was heard.


An ominous presence erupted from the top of the light pillar.

‘It’s coming!’

The mutant for Gangnam’s sixth day was descending.


Yeongwoo immediately drew his bow and activated ‘Clairvoyance.’

With his enhanced sight, he scanned the area for the returning individual.

‘Where is it? Still up there?’

Someone who was human until just six days ago.

A person banished from this world due to the hatred of many.

One of those individuals was returning.


Eventually, a dark figure appeared at the top of the red light pillar, and Yeongwoo, seeing it, released the taut bowstring.


From the front of the White Fire’s bow, a massive amount of energy condensed, transforming into multiple arrows that shot out.


This was the effect of the narrative archery skill ‘Divine Summoning.’

Combined with the inherent attributes of White Fire, it was practically impossible for an ordinary mutant to dodge Yeongwoo’s arrows.

「White Fire」 – Epic Bow

【Sensory perception applies to arrow power.】

【Power increases with arrow distance.】

◇ Special Attribute: Stealth Arrow

◇ Special Attribute: Supernatural Damage

‘Can I kill it in one shot? This is the first time encountering a sixth-day mutant.’

Yeongwoo watched the arrows intertwine and fly like twisted ropes.

And soon.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

A series of violet supernatural explosions erupted midway up the red pillar of light.


The arrows had hit their target.


The mutant, enveloped in violet smoke, began to plummet.

‘Got it.’

Confirming the mutant’s off-course fall, Yeongwoo immediately sprinted towards the expected landing site.

Like a hunter pursuing its prey.


‘Today’s monsters are Ratmen.’

On his way from the park road to Dosan Park, Yeongwoo spotted the Ratmen scattered throughout downtown Gangnam.

Standing at 2 meters tall, Ratmen were numerous compared to other monsters and extremely fast.

Even Taewon’s monster hunters, who had been protecting Gangnam since Day 1 of the reset, couldn’t immediately subdue them and were in a standoff.

“What, you’re not losing, right?”

As Yeongwoo cut through the Ratmen with Golden Trail, the monster hunters, who had been pushed back, ran after him, offering excuses.

“We’re not losing strength-wise, but they move so fast….”

“Then don’t follow me. Go help the others. I’m heading to the mutant.”

With this order, Yeongwoo increased his speed.

Soon, he saw monster hunters from the Gangnam Police Station entangled with the Ratmen.

The balance of power here was also tight, neither side’s numbers decreasing easily.

‘The difficulty has definitely risen. If this keeps up, we won’t be able to handle the monsters later on.’

Gangnam, especially after Jeong Hyunsik’s death, had been showered with golden rain.

Thus, both the residents and monster hunters had higher average incomes compared to other regions.

If even Gangnam struggled against monsters….

‘Tomorrow might be even harder. Should I invest more in monster hunters? Or should I handle the monsters myself and then move on?’

Thinking this, Yeongwoo shouted to the surrounding police.

“Everyone, get back! You’ll get hurt!”

He sent the Golden Trail to sweep through the right side of the battlefield and extended Sa-sang-a to 6 meters, cutting broadly on the left.




The Ratmen caught in Yeongwoo’s blade were mercilessly cut into pieces, but those out of his reach quickly scurried into nearby alleys, their behavior exactly like that of rats.

“There are only a few left here, so go chase them. Once you’re done, move to another area.”

“Yes, sir.”


The officers, receiving their orders, scattered into the alleys.

At this point, the red pillar of light, which had been stationary for a while, began to move slowly.

The mutant, who had been struck by the arrows and was falling, was still alive.

‘Damn, this is annoying.’

The good news was that the mutant was moving north, not far from Gwangjin-gu.

It seemed to be planning to cross the bridge and leave Gangnam, likely startled by the unexpected arrows.

‘I need to hurry. By now, the Gwangjin-gu mutant might also be planning to move to another region.’

* * *

[Translator – Night]

[Proofreader – Gun]

—Damn it… What is this? Right after arriving…

The sixth-day mutant of Gangnam-gu, Choi Seungwon, ran between the buildings of Gangnam, bleeding dark green blood.

His right hind leg hurt terribly, likely due to a bad landing, but that wasn’t the main issue.

An unusual, burning pain throughout his body was making his mind foggy.

Additionally, the Ratmen’s unique detection ability occasionally buzzed, warning him of a terrifying presence somewhere behind him.

And the identity of that presence was obvious.


It must have been the guy who shot an arrow at him while he was descending.


Despite being furious to the point that his long whiskers trembled, Choi Seungwon didn’t want to fight him.

He had a strong, instinctual urge to hide somewhere and recover.

This was likely the essence of a Ratman.

[Drug Offender – Choi Seungwon]

—I may be a pretty bad guy, but that bastard is worse. Damn, cowardly scum.

Choi Seungwon, a social menace with two prior drug convictions, kept muttering to himself as he raced towards the outskirts of Gangnam.

During the seemingly eternal waiting period, he had vowed millions of times to become Gangnam’s nightmare.

But the world he returned to was far different from what he had anticipated.

He had expected everyone, not just in Gangnam but across the country, to look up at the giant monster he had become in terror.

However, the reality was…


Blood gushed from his left side, where he had been hit by an arrow.

Seungwon, on the verge of tears, clutched his side with his wrinkled front paw.



He spotted the Han River gleaming brilliantly in the sunlight and widened his beady eyes.

He had finally exited Gangnam.

Where should he go now?

Cross the bridge to Seongdong-gu?

With his height of 4 meters, hiding in the sewers was impossible, making this his only option.

Panting heavily, Seungwon looked around, seeing red mutant markers in Seongdong-gu and nearby Gwangjin-gu, giving him hope.

There was a good chance he could communicate with fellow mutants.

Besides, his whiskers had been tingling with a warning, urging him to leave this area quickly.

—I’ll come back to get my revenge on this crazy place.

Just as Seungwon vowed, biting his lower lip with sharp front teeth, someone spoke from behind.

“Where are you planning to go? Let’s head to Gwangjin-gu while we’re at it.”


Startled, Seungwon spun around to see a half-naked man pointing a gun at him.

—Wh-who are you…?

Despite asking, Seungwon already knew.

His whiskers, acting like radar, were now stinging with certainty.

The guy in front of him was the sniper.

And above his head floated the bizarre string of characters: ‘Joseon’s Strongest Sword.’

—What the hell has happened to the world?

The 4-meter-tall Ratman stared at Joseon’s Strongest Sword with a human-like expression of disbelief.

To him, the man wearing only pants and a metal cape looked stranger than his monstrous self.

But the real event was just beginning.


Suddenly, a strong wind began to blow, causing even the calm waters of the Han River to ripple and churn.


Thunder sounded from afar as the sky turned ashen.


Feeling his whiskers trembling uncontrollably and even curling down, Seungwon took a step back.

This time, the warning from his “Rat Sense” was coming from above his head, from the other side of the sky.

—W-what, what’s up there now?

As Seungwon asked, forgetting even the pain that was coursing through his body, Joseon’s Strongest Sword, Jeong Yeongwoo, spread out his Bastard and said,

“Uncle’s here.”


“My uncle’s here.”

At that moment.


Instantly, the sky flashed, and sharp steel fragments descended through the clouds.


Yeongwoo had sensed it early enough to step back, but Seungwon, puzzled by why his whiskers suddenly stiffened, just stood there.



His body was split by the falling steel fragment aimed at his forehead.

Cleanly, from left to right.


It was the first time he had seen one mutant killing another.

As Yeongwoo looked up at the sky, a golden goblin rushed in and retrieved Seungwon’s remains.

And soon, Song Taeho’s voice echoed from within the sky.

—What’s with all these rat bastards in my city? The stench is nauseating.

My city.

Yeongwoo’s brow furrowed.

“My city? What nonsense is that…?”

But Yeongwoo’s words were cut short.

Song Taeho immediately demonstrated his power.

「A [Strange Climate] Steel Rain has been created in Gangnam-gu.」

Then, steel fragments began to rain down conspicuously on specific points.


“Oh… could it be?”

Yeongwoo looked up at the sky with a gaze quite different from before.

If his guess was correct, the steel rain pouring down right now was the location of the Ratmen in Gangnam-gu.

But the moment of awe was short-lived.


Soon, a crackling sound came from above Yeongwoo’s head, and a single stream of steel rain descended.


“Ah, so I was a rat bastard too.”

[Translator – Night]

[Proofreader – Gun]

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