Level 4 Human in a Ruined World

Chapter 304

[Translator - Night]

[Proofreader - Gun]

Chapter 304: The Successor (3)

“14 records? Are you saying there are 14 records that can be inscribed on the monument right now?”

Yeongwoo asked with wide eyes, and Master Bang nodded.

- Yes, that’s correct.

One of the four lords of the Redfoot Orcs, Bantubangtong.

His soul carried the entire history of the Redfoot clan, and that "history" included not only the legacy of his ancestors but also their achievements.

In other words, legendary battles fought by the Redfoot Orcs were preserved within Bantubangtong, and over time, these became 14 records that could be inscribed on Metal Seoul's Monument of Victory.

"Fourteen... my goodness."

Yeongwoo's mind began to race.

He only needed two achievement records for Earth’s status upgrade review.

But was that really all?

'This monument can't be a one-time thing. Once the minimum glory points are filled, there must be more benefits.'

Moreover, Earth’s cosmic status couldn't be that high.

So, whether there was a higher-tier review or an additional scoring system, Yeongwoo naturally thought there must be something more to this process.

“Master Bang, please register two records first. Then I will add the two records I have to meet the review requirements.”

- Review requirements?

“Yes, just registering these will allow us to begin Earth's status upgrade review.”


The new home for the Redfoot Orcs who had lost their homeland.

Thus, Bantubangtong could not help but be generous regarding matters concerning this planet.

- Very well. I will register two records immediately.

Master Bang nodded and placed his hand on the monument's surface again.

Soon, a notification was broadcast across all of Seoul.

— Lord Bantubangtong of the Redfoot Orcs has registered two legendary achievement records.

This announced that the abduction project Yeongwoo had launched earlier today was already yielding results.

Then, Yeongwoo registered his two records of slaying the Phantom Dragon and the Devourer.


— Mayor Jeong Yeongwoo07 has registered two legendary achievement records.

Suddenly, the Monument of Victory emitted an invisible wave of energy, pushing back the surrounding air.


— The current glory score for Dogo City, Metal Seoul, is 1,025 points.

"Ah, finally..."

— Having reached the minimum required points for a planetary status upgrade review, this planet is now included in the upgrade queue.

"...Queue for the status upgrade?"

The unfamiliar term made Yeongwoo tilt his head, and a follow-up message continued.

— Soon, status review inspectors will begin observing this planet.


— The planet's official status will be determined based on the significance of events recorded over a set period.

In simpler terms, the more significant the events that occur on the planet, the higher the likelihood of achieving a higher status.

And this meant that Earth was now one step closer to being a part of the universe’s mainstream.

It had risen from being a backwater planet, still restricted by cosmic 'greenbelt' regulations, to being included in the queue for official status evaluation.

'Considering that the companies holding planetary development rights include Dogo, Lemu, and Mara, there will definitely be major events in the future.'

Yeongwoo was confident about the upcoming review.

Already, Dogo, a galactic thug with royal lineage, had extended his influence to this planet.

Not to mention, one of Earth's developers was none other than the king of ten thousand demons, Mara, and the Redfoot Orcs, who had lost their homeland, had sought refuge here as well.

Since the universe tended to value karmic consequences and extraordinary events, Yeongwoo figured the inspectors would take great interest in what was happening on Earth.

'The path to vengeance shines brighter today than ever.'

As Yeongwoo gazed at the tower in Jongno District, the Monument of Victory gleamed once again.


— The level of the Monument of Victory has risen. The required glory score for the next phase is 3,000 points.

“As expected, there’s a next phase. Are you seeing this, Master Bang?”

Yeongwoo nodded as he read the system message, while Master Bang grimaced.

- The greed of the universe knows no bounds. Just like you.

“Haha, I'll take that as a compliment that I’m a universal talent.”

Yeongwoo brushed off Master Bang’s scolding and pointed at the monument.

“Now, as promised, please add the remaining records.”

- What?

“Don’t you still have 12 records left, Master?”

Yeongwoo asked with a wicked grin, and Bantubangtong’s eyes briefly widened.

Then, in a moment of clarity, he steadied his shaking pupils.

- Yes, that's true. We have 12 records left.


After finishing his sentence, Master Bang suddenly took a step back.


Yeongwoo looked at him in confusion, and Master Bang, the only Orc politician on Earth, twitched his lips.

"Master Bang, are you alright?"

Even the demon Yeongwoo couldn’t help but be concerned by Master Bang’s troubled expression.

What happened next was astonishing.

- Yes... but I never promised to give them to you.


- It's true we have 12 records left, but I don’t want to give them away so easily. That’s... my true feeling.


Yeongwoo’s eyes widened in disbelief.

For the first time, Master Bang mimicked Yeongwoo’s style of speech.

- So... how much will you pay for my true feelings? I’m curious to see how much your affection for this planet is worth.

“What?! Master Bang?”

Yeongwoo had to admit he was outplayed.

‘Damn it. As the saying goes, "You become like the people you surround yourself with." It turns out our ancestors weren't wrong. He’s become quite crafty.’

But then again, he was dealing with an Orc who was honest to a fault.

As the saying goes, "Even if you're caught by a tiger, stay calm and you'll survive."

‘Get it together, Jeong Yeongwoo! Are you going to lose to a greenhorn who just arrived on Earth?’

Unlike the straightforward Orc, Yeongwoo was a demon who had spent his entire life thriving in capitalism.

“Master Bang, if that’s what you want...”

Just as Yeongwoo was about to make a sly offer, Master Bang cut him off.

- Little Foot, I understand this isn’t easy. But how could I possibly put a price on such a noble cause?

And just like Yeongwoo had once done, Master Bang raised three blunt fingers.

“Three? Three million...?”

It was a number with many implications.

If it was 3 million karma for all 12 records, that would be a bargain.

But if it was 3 million per record, the total would be a staggering 36 million karma.

Still, even that wasn’t beyond Yeongwoo's reach.

It wasn’t an unbearable situation.

The price was no less than 12 records of ‘legendary feats.’

This wasn’t a resource that could simply be bought with money.

"Could it be... 300 million...?"

When Yeongwoo tried to guess a realistic amount, Master Bang smirked bitterly.

[Translator - Night]

[Proofreader - Gun]

- These records are the prideful legacy our ancestors left for us. So, what you are trying to buy is the history of the Red Foot.

With that, Master Bang glanced for the first time at the citizens of Seoul surrounding the Sajikdan area.

In fact, the words he was speaking weren’t just directed at Yeongwoo; they were meant for everyone in Seoul.

- If you want to take our history, then guarantee our future in return. I will demand three promises from you.


The three fingers Master Bang had shown earlier weren’t indicating a price but the three promises he would demand on behalf of his clan.


“No way...”

“To take history in exchange for the future...”

The citizens of Seoul who heard Master Bang’s proposal alongside Yeongwoo gazed at the massive red orc with admiration.

Master Bang’s heartfelt words had melted even the cold, unfeeling hearts of Seoul.

‘Damn, public sentiment...’

Even though Yeongwoo had dominated the Korean Peninsula with his aim to strengthen the nation and bring peace to the world, it seemed like he had failed to win the people’s hearts today.

He had lost in a political battle against the orc from another world.

Did true sincerity always prevail...?

For the first time in a while, Yeongwoo, who had been walking a path far removed from righteousness, felt something in his heart.

“Alright, Master Bang. What would you have me promise?”

Even as Yeongwoo said this, he was hoping Master Bang would make a mistake.

After all, everyone present was human, citizens of Seoul.

If Master Bang made a suggestion that would significantly harm Seoul, public opinion could shift in an instant.

But Master Bang, who had led the Red Foot clan for a long time, had political skills far beyond Yeongwoo’s reach.

- First. If you no longer need the Aratubank, return it to us. It is our sacred object and the spirit of our ancestors.


- I may become a foolish ruler who sold off history, but I hope I can still take back some small good news.


This was a request that was impossible to refuse and would inevitably evoke sympathy for the Red Foot orcs among the citizens of Seoul.

Essentially, Master Bang had just requested the support of the people’s hearts.

“...Alright. So, what’s the second?”

- Second. Waive the harsh tribute for just two days. Just today and tomorrow. We need money too, to bring more of our brothers here. And only when we have more brothers can we contribute more to this planet’s development, don’t you think?

“You don’t mean to include the gate usage fee in that ‘harsh tribute,’ do you?”

- I do.

‘This bastard, should I kill him?’

For a moment, murderous intent flashed in Yeongwoo’s eyes, but there were too many onlookers, and he couldn’t draw his sword.

Essentially, Master Bang was saying he wouldn’t pay the 300 million that Yeongwoo had demanded.

Moreover, he was asking for the basic daily tribute of 80 million to be waived for today and tomorrow as well.


After thinking deeply, Yeongwoo cautiously sought a compromise.

“At least cover the cost price. The money I initially spent includes the taxes collected from the people present here. Return that to me.”

He was referring to the 100 million that had been spent to activate the gate in the first place.


When Yeongwoo signaled his counterpart to take a broader view, Master Bang took a step back.

- Fine. I’ll manage it somehow.

“Alright. What’s the last promise I must make?”

At this point, it seemed like Yeongwoo had done remarkably well.

In reality, he hadn’t lost much at all.

In return for this negotiation, he was gaining a whopping 12 records of legendary feats.

- What we want last is...

At last, Master Bang presented his final condition.

- Make us a place in Seoul.

“...What? What did you say?”

- If this is truly to become the capital of this planet in the future, we want to live in Seoul too.

In short, he was asking for an autonomous district in Seoul for orcs.

It was an extraordinary insight.

Honestly, when else could orcs expect to claim even a single room in Seoul if not now?

And they weren’t even human.

“Ah, well, that’s... for now...”

As Yeongwoo was struggling to respond to this unexpected request, the sky over Seoul suddenly darkened.


The nearby citizens, as if on cue, began checking their watches.

“Oh, no way.”

“Is it that time already?”

“Gasp. The time.”

Realizing why the sky had turned that way, Yeongwoo quickly checked the time.

The current time was 12:36 PM.

There were about 24 minutes left until the appearance of the mutant.

And the creature that began showing signs of arrival at this time was typically of only one kind.

“...A dragon.”

As Yeongwoo muttered this, Master Bang’s eyebrows twitched.

- Little Foot, what did you just say?

Yeongwoo raised his hand and pointed directly at the sky.

“If you really want to live in Seoul, watch closely what’s about to happen. You’ll realize that living here isn’t as easy as you think.”

At that moment, a massive bolt of lightning struck within the clouds, and an enormous presence began approaching.


The third dragon had appeared in Seoul.

[Translator - Night]

[Proofreader - Gun]

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