Level 4 Human in a Ruined World

Chapter 37

Chapter 37

[Translator – Night]

[Proofreader – Gun]

Chapter 37: Unfamiliar World (1)

Daily Quest.

Literally, a mission assigned every day.

In conventional games, it is generally used as a device to encourage continuous user logins, so the mission difficulty is not high.

At most, it’s about killing a few ‘basic mobs’ or pulling weeds in the village garden.

But here, isn’t it a reality where the ‘user’ is constantly logged in?

Then, what meaning does a daily quest have in the real world?

‘Well, it’s one of the basic welfare systems, so it must be a positive institution.’

However, contrary to Yeongwoo’s thoughts, the people behind him were all staring into the void with expressions of fear.

Regardless of welfare or whatever, they were all afraid of any changes happening in this world.

Nothing that happened so far had been friendly to humans, and even the system that guaranteed the right to survival, like the nighttime lodging, turned out to be a living hell when you actually went to the scene.


“Daily quest…?”

“What is it this time again?”

“We don’t need this… Please leave us alone!”

No one in the audience was optimistic about the future due to the daily quest.

In reality, it was never an easy quest, to say the least.

[Daily] “Scout”

[Mission] Approach within 10 meters of the monster.

[Reward] 3,000 Karma

[Daily] “Economic Activity”

[Mission] Pay compensation to others and receive Karma.

[Reward] 1,000 Karma

[Special] Relatives cannot be designated as trading partners.

“Approach a monster?”

“This is some kind of suicide mission.”

“This is not a joke.”

Sure enough, those who saw the ‘Scout’ quest had a bewildered reaction.

It was understandable, as everyone in this place either lacked the courage to fight monsters or remained as ‘civilians.’

“But the second quest seems doable, right?”

“Well… The reward is a bit generous, though.”

When some mentioned the ‘Economic Activity’ quest, the attention of the people shifted there.

“If you receive Karma from someone else, does it count as completion?”

“Do we just need to exchange currency with each other?”

“Oh… Should we give it a try?”

After a somewhat heated discussion, a group randomly selected a trading partner and started exchanging the same amount of currency.

The currency used in this exchange was a commemorative coin with Yeongwoo’s face engraved on it.

Until Yeongwoo distributed the coins, everyone here was basically penniless.


Yeongwoo, curious about the results of the experiment, stayed in place and watched without leaving.

“Let’s exchange simultaneously.”

“Should we count the numbers?”

Two people attempting the commemorative coin exchange in front of everyone.

Even though it was an agreed-upon exchange, one of them was unusually tense.

This was because his physique was much smaller than the opponent’s.

If, by any chance, the opponent only received his coin and didn’t give his own in return, it would be difficult to snatch it back on the road.

Of course, with many onlookers and even the Strongest Sword here, such a thing would never happen…

Still, from the perspective of the weaker party, he couldn’t help but feel anxious.

“All right, let’s count the numbers.”

The smaller one extended his left hand and counted loudly.

“Three! Two! One…!”

As soon as the counting ended, two commemorative coins were exchanged, with one in each hand.



Looking at the expressions of the two experimenters, it seemed like nothing had happened.

Following this, the remaining people who were planning to conduct mutual exchanges as part of the experiment stepped back by a step.

“It seems simple exchange won’t work… It has to be a real transaction.”

“It’s mentioned in the quest too, to pay compensation.”


The commotion inside the venue resumed.

Then, the larger of the two who had just attempted the exchange made a new proposal.

“I have one thousand coins. I’ll give you this, so could you massage my arm for a moment? After the trade is over, you must return the coin.”

Upon hearing this, the smaller person designated as the trader nodded reluctantly, with an expression of discomfort.

Although this was also part of the experiment, it didn’t feel good to have to massage the other person’s arm.

Moreover, the received money had to be returned as it is.

“…Let’s give it a try.”

But what can you do?

It was the other party who had 1,000 coins.

“Yes, then.”

Eventually, the larger person extended his robust arm toward the other party.

Soon, an insincere massage lasting about ten seconds was carried out.

“Should we stop here?”

Detecting that the opponent’s complexion was gradually stiffening, the smaller person withdrew his arm, and the crimson coin was extended.

Then, in an instant, all the attention of the audience focused on the person receiving the coin.


A noticeably different expression from the previous experimenter.

Subsequently, with a clinking sound, a crimson coin fell from the empty air.

Indeed, the quest was completed.


[Translator – Night]

[Proofreader – Gun]

“As expected, you have to do something for it.”

“Well, if you agree in advance with each other…”

Although the atmosphere inside the venue rapidly became tense, Yeongwoo realized through the subtle tension between the recent traders that, while it was fine as part of an experiment in front of everyone, achieving such harmony with a perfect stranger might not be easy.

* * *

The ripple effect of daily quests on people’s lives seemed more significant than expected.

The impact that daily quests had on people’s lives seemed to be greater than expected.

As I came out onto the road in the northern outskirts of Sangju City, I saw people who would normally be busy looking for jobs looking at each other and engaging in transactions.

Of course, not everyone was finding business partners and enjoying ‘basic welfare’.

“Is there anyone who can help me complete my daily quest…?”

“Can anyone help me complete my daily quest…?”

“I’ll give you 500 coins. Looking for a daily quest helper.”

Daily quests were one-time deals, so those who had already found a trading partner to complete their quest didn’t need to risk dealing with another person.

Naturally, there were inevitable losers in this situation.

“If you help with the quest, I’ll even add some money.”


Yeongwoo quickly navigated through the chaotic scene.

People in every corner of Sangju City were looking for trading partners for their daily quests, and occasionally, there were scenes of disputes during the exchanges.

‘At least now we can manage the daily taxes, so the survival rate should go up a bit.’

But it still fell short of the minimum cost of living.

The nightly ordeal wasn’t just about taxes; it also included the nightly lodging to avoid the abnormal climate.

Renting a small motel room, similar to the one Yeongwoo experienced before, cost a whopping 3,000 Karma.

Although shared accommodations were available, who would offer a room rented with their hard-earned money for free?

‘Generally speaking, there is no other way. They have no choice but to take on the scout quest.’

[Daily] “Scout”

[Mission] Approach within 10 meters of the monster.

[Reward] 3,000 Karma

As Yeongwoo rode out of Sangju City, he looked at the quest prompt on the left with a tired expression.

It seemed like all of this was predicted and created as a quest.


Why torment people like this?


Finally, a large highway appeared on the right, and a sign bid farewell to Sangju City.

‘Is this the end of Sangju?’

After Sangju, it would be Mungyeong.

Since the sun was still high, Yeongwoo and the trees along the roadside cast short shadows.

Unlike the bustling urban area, Yeongwoo was the only one riding on the highway, allowing him to feel a momentary peace.

But even that was short-lived.

「The Strongest Sword of Gyeongbuk (Advanced) has appeared!」

「All Strongest Swords of Gyeongbuk (Advanced) will receive real-time information about your location.」



Unconsciously, Yeongwoo made a sudden stop, glanced around, and then resumed running along the road.

‘If it’s the Strongest Sword of Gyeongbuk (Advanced), someone has collected three Strongest Sword titles like me.’

Yeongwoo was about to add, “How already?” but stopped himself.

It was also true that he, with an unremarkable background, was also the Strongest Sword of Gyeongbuk (Advanced).

‘In any case, someone like me is already traveling between cities, cutting down the Strongest Swords. Now, someone is receiving real-time information about my location.’

On the other hand, Yeongwoo didn’t know the opponent’s face or name.

Therefore, even if there were assassins waiting in Mungyeong, he had no way of knowing.

;Endless, truly.’

If he said that he wasn’t afraid of the challenger who might appear at any moment, it would be a lie, but it was a situation he had anticipated.

‘Now, anyone I meet could be an enemy. I have to be careful.’

As Yeongwoo pondered this, a noise emerged from the road ahead.


A low hum, a mechanical sound, to be precise.

This is a sound that is difficult to hear on the road on the second day of reset.

‘Who’s driving again?’

The only rolling vehicle he had seen before was driven by the wife of Sangju’s Strongest Sword.

‘Is it her again?’

Not long after the engine noise was detected, a gray SUV appeared in Yeongwoo’s sight.

And it also meant that Yeongwoo, running on two legs, was gradually catching up with that vehicle.

Yeongwoo must have been very surprised to see two people driving cars in this crazy world, but in fact, the owner of the car in front of him was probably more surprised than him.


As expected, the SUV’s chassis shook violently for a moment, and soon the engine noise changed.

It was accelerating to put some distance between itself and the lunatic running on the road in broad daylight.

‘Driving too fast… Is there enough fuel?’

Watching the receding vehicle again, Yeongwoo increased the force on the soles of his feet and thighs.


Then, Yeongwoo’s bare foot mercilessly crushed the asphalt road surface, and for a moment, the widening gap on both sides seemed to be closing again.

[Translator – Night]

[Proofreader – Gun]

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