Level Up Legacy

Chapter 9 - Union Test

"In an arcade? Huh, that's novel." Arthur's sarcastic remark didn't affect Si at all. He continued talking like he was used to being doubted. "Not really. Games these years are different after virtual reality runes came into existence.

What's the difference between reality and virtual reality?" Si's voice was clear, as if he rehearsed his words already. "That's why I scout people in arcades and gaming tournaments for any promising rookies."

"Rookies?" Arthur furrowed his brows, showing a fa?ade of displeasure. Although it was true that he recently awakened, he didn't like that Si was analyzing him.

"Why would any awakener visit the arcade instead of a dungeon?" Si wiggled his thumb as he rotated the silver ring on his finger. Silence followed as Arthur stared at Si, and the latter stared back. After a while, Arthur sighed and dropped his head.

"Okay. Tell me what is it that you're recruiting me for."

"Oh, don't overestimate yourself. I still don't know you enough. However, have you done your Union's ability test yet?"


The Union's building was engineered by the first founder. Although current technology might look more sophisticated, no one can match the first founder's array system.

From the outside, the building seemed to be 600 square meters at best. It had thirty-three floors and ten basements as well. This was not even the headquarters. Furthermore, using arrays doubled the space inside each floor. One might wonder why would the Union need so much space.

In summary, the Union had its workforce that needed space to monitor and regulate the awakeners. They also had floors for artifacts transactions, monsters' carcasses dismemberments, training arrays, lounging, and even an academy.

However, most floors were for the Temple, a division that defended the public from disasters and criminal awakeners.

That was the reason Arthur was filled with awe by the magnificence of the skyscraper he witnessed. Runes glowed on its floors as flying mounts and private jets flew in and out of its ports. The security check was also controlled by runes, so there was only a small number of guards, although they looked elite.

After passing the front door, Arthur felt the disharmony of space as if he entered a less compressed area than before. What greeted him was a large hall where chandeliers laced with gems towered the crowd of people idly chatting or lining up in front of the reception desk.

He chose one of the shorter lines and waited for his turn, where an oval-faced receptionist greeted him with a thin smile.

"Welcome to the Union, how can I help you?"

"Hello. I have an appointment at three for an awakener test. Here's my batch number." Arthur showed her his shabby phone, being conscious about its bent edge and cracked screen. The receptionist read the number and placed her hand on a tablet.

There was no screen, but it seemed the receptionist was looking through some data as she kept looking around. After a short moment, she lifted her hand off the tablet and turned to Arthur.

"Welcome, Mr. Arthur Silvera. Your batch is waiting in testing area number 3, please take a left from there and keep heading straight. You won't miss it." It seemed she recognized him from the photo in his application as she didn't ask for an ID. Arthur thanked her before following her instructions.

After walking for a few minutes, Arthur entered a small hall with a Testing Area 3 label. He found it to be half full, so it was easy for him to find a place to sit. He couldn't see anyone too eye-catching as he looked around, but there was this one kid with glassed, gesturing with his hands as if he was holding a ball. Arthur guessed it probably had something to do with his ability.

As he was waiting, the clock struck three. The door slowly opened, and a middle-aged woman came in. Her high heels made a distinctive clank against the marble floor. She stood in front of the awaiting sitting crowd and held her hand up with her thumb touching the ring on her index finger.

Arthur could see some runes on the ring and realized it was a famous artifact that the awakeners used instead of phones and smartwatches.

"Welcome, everyone. The test will be conducted in a moment. Before that, my secretary will hand out forms for you to fill. You must fill the form with your personal information and your preferences." The woman continued to talk even as her secretary started distributing the forms.

"Your test results would be released in 24 hours along with your Awakener ID if you pass. Please read the clauses carefully before signing the contract so that you can have a better image of your privileges and your restrictions. Violations would be severely punished."

Arthur read the form he received. The first section required his personal information, contact information, ID number, and how he awakened. The second section was about how the applicant liked to be tested, whether he wanted to join the Union, and if he wanted to release his information to the public.

He remembered Si's advice about only taking the awakening test without evaluating his ability for confidentiality. This policy was implanted after an information leak scandal several years ago. He filled the form and only signed up for the awakening test.

He didn't want to deal with the aftermaths of people discovering his Legacy currently, as he was powerless. Therefore, for now, he decided to stay low-key until he can work his way up and grow stronger.

After handing the form, Arthur was sent to another room where a magic-resonance device detected the magical energy in his body. It was a magical feeling as Arthur felt his energy vibrate inside his body.

The awakening test was only that, and it didn't require any other tests. Arthur sensed some hostility from the secretary as she led him back to the reception hall, leaving the others behind for an evaluation test.

Although the Union would complete his ID, Arthur has turned down several privileges by withholding his ability. Since he did that, The Union would refrain from including him in teams and any future internships.

Leaving the Union's building, the worry was the furthest from Arthur's mind. He can always take the evaluation later and enjoy the privileges offered, but he needed some time to grow.

If the Union acknowledged his ability to be useful to the Union, Arthur doubted they would let him go so easily. He might have let go of his privileges, but he gained more freedom than others.

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