Level up Zombie

Chapter 17 Survive The Night

Buke was still tired and panting, but he had recovered enough to at least be able to speak.

"Once I'm better, we will continue to run towards the town. Maybe we can find someone that can help us?" He said, taking deep breaths. Honestly, he was pretty amazed at what he had done.

He was an athlete, but carrying someone in a single arm and running this far and fast for that long, was almost inhuman. But after some thought, Buke credited this to his desperation in the situation. It wasn't strange for the body to accomplish extraordinary feats when it senses danger.

"What are you talking about? You heard Zain. He told us to wait for him in the forest." Skittle replied.

"Skittle, are you still not facing reality? Did you see how many were chasing after Zain? No one can get out of that situation."

Standing up, honestly Skittle had enough.

"Just like you said Zain wouldn't come back for us? You always act like I'm being stupid, but you were the one that was wrong about those videos not being fake, you were also the one who was wrong about Zain being a Zombie, and you were again wrong about him not coming back to help us. So don't you think you could be wrong now?!" Skittle said while falling to the ground on his backside.

It had been a tough day for both of them, and they were tired. All they wanted to do now was sleep, but they couldn't. They hadn't even thought about food or realised how thirsty they were.

Ultimately, the two of them didn't say anything and chose to lay in wait for Zain. Finally, the sun was about to set, and the sky above had a beautiful orange hue.

Just then, they heard the noise of dried leaves on the ground rustling as someone approached them.

Immediately, Buke picked up a large stick from nearby and had a knife in his dominant hand, ready to attack.

"Hey, you're not going to stab me again, are you?" It was Zain. He walked up to them with a smile on his face.

Standing up, Skittle ran over and gave Zain a big tight hug.

"Zain, you're alive...I knew you would make it back alive!"

Buke stood there in disbelief as if he was looking at a ghost. Every situation he went through in his head, he couldn't imagine how someone would get out of something like that, yet here Zain was not only with them, but there wasn't even any injury on the latter.

"Sorry I took so long," Zain said. "It was hard getting rid of them, and I needed to ensure that no one was following me when I met up with you guys."

"How did you find us?" Skittle asked, finally letting go. It was another worry Skittle had. Even though they had entered the forest as Zain asked, the area was big. Even if Zain survived, there was a good chance they wouldn't run into each other.

"It was a lucky guess. I assumed you guys would run from the Dorms to the closest side of the forest and just keep heading straight. Also, this is the way to Town, so I just guessed you two would be heading this way too." Zain answered, but it was a lie.

Although everything he said sounded logical, there was only a slight chance of it being possible. It was also likely that the two could have run into some zombies in the forest, which would have made them take a detour or even run into other people.

There was even the chance they would have thought Zain was dead and continued to head into the town without him. Either way, Zain could only find them because of his enhanced sense of smell, especially against humans.

Another thing he realised was that the blood of the other dead they rubbed on themselves had started to fade with time, and their natural smell was beginning to come through.

After some time of entering the spot, Zain had eventually locked onto their smell and headed here.

"Anyway, that's enough talking, we need to find a place to stay for the night, and it would be good if we could get some food," Zain stated.

,m "Yeah, let's head to the town then," Buke replied. "There should be plenty of shops and other people as well. Also what happened to the car you had, how did you even find it."

"The car makes too much noise and is beyond working. I can explain the rest but I suggest we get moving soon. Heading into town might not be such a good idea." Zain looked back behind him. "Remember what happened the last time we ran into someone? I'm guessing that it wasn't one of you two that set off that alarm."

These words instantly angered the two boys as the truth dawned upon them. Due to the circumstances, they didn't have time to think about who could have caused the fire alarms to go off. They were more focused on their survival, but now, the answer was quite evident.

Seeing their expression, Zain also added some more words.

"I saw Tanisha...she wasn't the same as before, she had turned. I don't know what happened, but I can only guess that Jade was the one responsible. Although I don't think everyone we meet will turn out like this, as time goes on and the situation gets more desperate, there will be fewer people we can trust.

"At the same time, towns and cities will be the most overrun places. So it's best to find a neighbourhood or a house and look for some food there. So if you guys are ready, we should start moving."

Without waiting for a response, Zain began to walk, and the other two stared at his back for a moment before promptly running and catching up to him.

They had a strange intuition that if they continued to follow him, they would survive this apocalypse.

While walking, Zain decided to check on a few things as he had received some notifications while distracting the zombies.

[Exp: 48/100]

'My experience went down for killing a few of those guys. The car didn't kill as many as I thought, but it's still a blow to my Exp.'

[Energy: 68/100]

'I also healed my wound and used up quite a bit of energy, although I'm still above fifty percent, but then there are two things I'm worried about.'

Zian tried to clench his fist, and he could feel a difference for the first time since waking up in the room. It was a contrast in control over his body.

[Body Functionality: 90 percent]

'And what am I meant to make of this?'

[New quest received]

[Survive your first night]

'I must find a shelter before it gets dark, but since I'm now an undead, is it me who should be worried, or them?'


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