Levelling Up In An Exclusive Dungeon

Chapter 27

Chapter 27

Acquiring a hidden class was not something that occurred easily.

It was rumored that it could be attained by meeting certain special conditions at the moment of leveling up.

However, hunters who obtained hidden classes kept their mouths tightly shut to monopolize that power, leaving no way to discover what those conditions were.

Even if someone did fulfill those requirements, personal differences existed which meant there was no guarantee they would receive a hidden class.

Thus, until that morning, Kang Jin-hyuk had not held any hopes of earning a hidden class.

Merely having a dungeon appear in his home was a near-miraculous event as it was. Wishing for anything more felt greedy.

“The process of getting it is so unsettling that I can’t even be happy about it.”

As Kang Jin-hyuk examined his status window, he let out a small sigh.

Even if it was self-defense, the reward was obtained through killing a person.

Becoming a hidden class was indeed a great benefit, but he wasn’t in the mood to celebrate.

“For now, let’s check it out properly.”

The first thing he checked was the new skills that had replaced ‘Heal’ and ‘Cure.’

[Hard Skin]

A tough skin that can withstand spears and swords.

Current skill level: D

Reduces all damage taken by 20% while the skill is active.

It can also be cast on others.

Duration: 120 seconds

Cooldown: 30 seconds

[Status Ailment Resistance]

Increases resistance to status ailments such as poison, sleep, and stun.

Current skill level: C

Grants 30% resistance against status ailment effects with a rank lower than his skill level.

Duration: Always active

Having checked the two skills, Kang Jin-hyuk understood what it meant for his skills to have transformed.

The skill that changed from ‘Heal’ still retained its protective effect, and the modified ‘Cure’ skill also had the commonality of resisting status effects.

Though they had shifted to be more offensive and focused on himself, the essence had not changed significantly.

Of course, ‘Holy Shield’ was the same.

[Defense Charge]

Rushes forward like an armored vehicle.

Current skill level: C

Designates an opponent within 15m.

Physical defense increases by 10% while charging.

Cooldown resets upon defeating the target.

Cooldown: 60 seconds

Considering the skills that had changed up to this point, he could no longer be called a cleric.

With protective skills, a charge ability that increases defense, and even resistance to status ailments, one would clearly say this was a desirable tank’s skill set.

“The most important thing is the skills related to divine power, though…”

Thus far, Kang Jin-hyuk had been using the mana powers he learned from Lucia to substitute for divine power.

Thanks to that, he could manage an aura even with a body unable to handle a handful of mana.

With nervous anticipation, Kang Jin-hyuk examined how the hidden skill he had gained had changed.

[Combat Spirit (鬪氣) Application – Level 3]

In addition to specific skills, can use Combat Spirit at will.

Current skill level: C

Increases physical attack power when using Combat Spirit.

Attack speed and defense-ignoring damage increase in proportion to MP consumed.

If not striking an enemy, the MP consumption increases in proportion to the duration.

[Combat Spirit]

Embodies the will to fight in the form of an aura.

Current skill level: D

Can strengthen the body or weapon using the power of Combat Spirit.

Damage from Combat Spirit cannot be negated by any skills other than aura-type skills.

Having checked these skills, Kang Jin-hyuk let out a sigh of relief.

With tension easing, he felt an urge to collapse somewhere.

He grabbed a chair and flopped down heavily.

Kang Jin-hyuk began to organize his thoughts.

Upon careful consideration of the practical benefits, the results were easily drawn.

“If that’s the case, these changes are for the better.”

Though losing the merits of a cleric was unfortunate, it wasn’t too significant of a factor for Kang Jin-hyuk.

Since he monopolized the dungeon, being favored by other hunters mattered less than having a job specialized for solo play.

“The problem is, what exactly is this new skill…”

Kang Jin-hyuk’s serious gaze was fixed on the newly appeared skills in his status window.


Can ascertain the karma a target carries.

Current skill level: C

Allows one to quantify the karma accumulated by the target in numerical form.

With no listed cooldown or duration, it appeared to be a passive skill.

Unlike the modified existing skills, this was one of the newly formed skills.

Kang Jin-hyuk could not ascertain the effects that this skill held. To him, the word ‘karma’ merely reminded him of a character from a famous game.

He had no knowledge of what that term actually implied.

“Karma? Retribution…?”

He found a most plausible meaning from internet searches, but it remained elusive.

Kang Jin-hyuk turned to glance at the mirror in the living room to examine the skill directly.

Focusing on his reflection, numbers floated above his head.

“64. How significant is this number?”

Without a reference point, it was hard to judge whether this number was high or low.

“Should I just take a look around and average it?”

With curiosity flaring but not wishing to venture outside immediately, Kang Jin-hyuk hesitated.

Not long ago, he had been attacked by an unknown foe.

With no certainty of it being a lone actor, carelessly wandering outside was a risky endeavor.

“Oh right, there was one more skill.”

Kang Jin-hyuk checked another skill he had momentarily forgotten due to the perplexing description.


Gains stat boosts and additional effects when dealing with enemies with high karma points.

No skill level

Increases stats in proportion to the opponent’s karma level.

20% increase if above 200.

50% increase if above 300.

100% increase if above 500.

Killing an enemy with a karma level over 200 will not grant the title of ‘Evil’ nor penalties for murder.

After reading the skill’s content, Kang Jin-hyuk found himself momentarily speechless.

Becoming stronger was great.

He didn’t know what karma levels entailed, but there was really no downside.

However, the final sentence was hard to overlook.

The absence of murder penalties might seem beneficial at first glance.

Yet, when Kang Jin-hyuk pondered why he had obtained such a skill, he felt uneasy.

“Wasn’t it said that classes and skills are determined by a person’s daily behavior…?”

Reflecting on it, while he had regretted his actions in killing the assailant, he hadn’t hesitated to do so.

“That aside, isn’t it too much to give me a skill suggesting I might be killing more people in the future?”

Though he had ostensibly been a cleric, a second job transferred him into a radically different disposition.

The modified skills and newly formed ones meant he possessed no longer any abilities for healing or support.

Instead, he was given skills focused on combat and discernment based on karma.

The hidden class he obtained was called ‘Judicator.’

* * *

The dwarf had finished what was said to take half a day in less than that time.

The dwarf claimed his lack of confidence meant he inflated the time, but his hands moved quicker than anticipated.

Perhaps it was due to handling a precious material he hadn’t seen in a while.

“While I was making arrows, this turned into a pleasantly distracting project.”

“…Did you really have to say it like that?”

“Or else, feel free to just take it away.”

Each time the dwarf made a sassy remark, Lucia’s patience waned until it bubbled over.

Nonetheless, she refrained from jabbing an arrow into the dwarf, for being in a completely disadvantaged position meant she needed him.

Having flown to another dimension with the dungeon, there was only one dwarf capable of crafting arrows that could withstand her power.

If the dwarf decided to stop supplying arrows, her bow would become an unwieldy trinket.

‘Endure, endure.’

Imagining the sweet treats Kang Jin-hyuk promised, Lucia fought against her boiling anger.

Fortunately, before her patience wore thin, she spotted Kang Jin-hyuk’s approaching figure.

When their eyes met, he looked above her head and muttered, “82.”

Though it sounded like a mere murmur, Lucia could clearly hear it thanks to her keen sense of hearing.

‘What does that mean?’

Her curiosity deepened when Kang Jin-hyuk turned to look at the dwarf and muttered, “72.”

What could that number signify?

Kang Jin-hyuk approached the dwarf outside the blacksmith’s workshop.

“Oh? Finished already?”

“Yeah, it turned out to be easier than I thought.”

The dwarf handed over a bat he had set aside.

No sooner than Kang Jin-hyuk held the bat did he feel a jolt of static as if electricity had surged through him.

That sensation was proof the enchantment had been successful.

“You can only charge it three times in advance, and it takes half an hour to complete one charge.”

“Please test its power,” the dwarf urged, pointing around the corner with his finger.

Kang Jin-hyuk discovered a metal stake and a goblin bound up to avoid escape.

He couldn’t help but let out a slight laugh.

“When did you prepare that?”

“Since it ended quickly, I made it as a side project.”

The goblin struggled and squirmed in a desperate bid to escape, but the rope tightly bound by the dwarf wouldn’t budge an inch.

“Seeing it flail like that makes me feel a bit sorry.”

“Should I let it go then?”

“No, I should cherish what you’ve made.”

Just as monsters won’t attack humans unless provoked, Kang Jin-hyuk had no intention of capturing the intended prey.

“How do you shoot lightning? Should I just say a spell?”

“When are you going to have time to chant a spell while fighting? Just imagine it in your head.”

Hearing that made Kang Jin-hyuk slightly disappointed.

“I thought a spell would feel cooler.”

Thanks to the dwarf who prioritized efficiency above all else, using a new ability was ridiculously simple.

By visualizing what lightning looked like, blue sparks began to dance at the bat’s tip.


Lucia watched intently from a distance of about three steps away.

Though she made no attempt to hide her interest, Kang Jin-hyuk, preoccupied with concentrating on the baseball bat, didn’t notice.

“Imagining it…”

Kang Jin-hyuk envisioned throwing the bat while unleashing the lightning, creating a vivid scene in his mind.

As the vivid image took shape, the electric charge shot towards the goblin.

With a blinding flash, it didn’t take even a second for the goblin to be charred down to cinders.

The lightning didn’t stop there, scattering across the corners, refusing to be satisfied with merely one goblin.


The shrieks of several goblins echoed in the vicinity as those unfortunate enough to be close were caught in the aftermath.

With a fair amount of experience points garnered, it was evident that more than one had perished.

Even from a considerable distance, shrieks were audible making the dwarf chuckle heartily.

“Still Orichalcum! It exceeds expectations!”

Kang Jin-hyuk shared a similar smile.

Being able to handle the troublesome new monster’s lightning at will was exhilarating.

With this level of power, he could easily manage a few lower-level monsters.

What amazed him further was the lightning’s efficiency.

Despite the flamboyant skill usage, Kang Jin-hyuk noticed his MP hadn’t gone down in the slightest.

“How come I can shoot lightning without consuming any MP?”


The dwarf’s reaction made it seem like he didn’t understand the term, prompting Kang Jin-hyuk to correct himself.

“You know, mana.”

“That thing charges on its own and isn’t needed.”

“Charges on its own?”

While Kang Jin-hyuk was startled, the dwarf seemed completely unfazed.

“Didn’t you know that the materials you brought along had that function?”

That reply hit Kang Jin-hyuk like a bolt of lightning.

If it really was that awesome an item, he would’ve earned enough cash to quit being a hunter by selling it.

The thought made him feel a little foolish.

“I just spent billions just to shoot a bit of lightning.”

He believed this bat might very well be the costliest weapon in existence.

Considering it was bound to him, disposing of it wasn’t an option.

“It feels as if this bat has only grown heavier day by day.”

“Are you done with your reflection?”

Being bored like someone waiting through a tedious movie, Lucia’s apathetic voice pulled him back to focus.

To her, the dwarf’s impressive craftsmanship likely seemed trivial.

Being the one who had effortlessly shot the new monster down with a single arrow explained her indifference.

“Shouldn’t we get going now that your business is taken care of?”

Kang Jin-hyuk gazed dully at Lucia’s outstretched hand.

He understood the gesture, but couldn’t figure out what she wanted.

“Do you need something?”

“Hey… you still remember why you went outside, right?”

Only then did Kang Jin-hyuk realize why he had felt that sense of déjà vu before entering the dungeon.


Realization had struck him far too late.

Yet it wasn’t impossible to bounce back.

‘Should I just give that as well?’

While he had left all the expensive desserts on the street, one single item still remained in his inventory.

Lucia peered at the object Kang Jin-hyuk offered, tilting her head skeptically.

“What’s this?”

She could not grasp the contents of the brightly colored can.

Despite the contents being plainly visible, her reaction meant this sort of item didn’t exist in her world.

Or perhaps she had simply never experienced anything similar.

Seizing that unfamiliarity, Kang Jin-hyuk had taken a gamble.

Hoping to bridge the gap from the contrast with the artisan confectioneries, he sought to satisfy her curiosity.

He could see from Lucia’s brightening expression that his ploy paid off.

Lucia rolled the candy around in her mouth for a while before attempting to suppress the gleeful smile breaking through.


While it wouldn’t faze anyone else,

Lucia didn’t want to show her joy in front of the dwarf.

Retaining a calm expression, she savored the sweetness of the candy.

“How’s it?”

“…It’s so much better than the noisy foods I had before. Why did it take you so long to bring this?”

Hearing Lucia’s evaluation, Kang Jin-hyuk’s expression grew complicated.

The “noisy foods” she referred to were the handmade confections he had painstakingly chosen before.

To labor through the choices only to witness her praise a mere 200-won candy over his efforts felt disparaging.

‘Her taste definitely could have been a bit higher.’

Swallowing the thoughts that almost slipped out, Kang Jin-hyuk presented her with a can full of lollipops.

Satisfaction spread across Lucia’s face as she accepted the tin and immediately retrieved another candy to pop into her mouth.

“Alright, that took care of the most important thing. Now, let’s move on.”

“Moving on? You want more?”

“No, I’ve had enough now.”

Lucia suddenly scrutinized Kang Jin-hyuk with a serious gaze.

She inspected him as if she were a police officer evaluating a witness. Finally confirming something, she seemed resolute.

The aura that had drifted around Kang Jin-hyuk even before.

Whenever he used any aura, the divine energy that previously flowed out was nowhere to be detected.

“Something feels off about you.”

Lucia casually played with the candy stick she held above her lips.

“Did something happen outside?”

There was over a 50% certainty in her voice.

Faced with an unexpected interrogation, Kang Jin-hyuk instinctively gulped.

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