Life Drain System

Chapter 19 - Deepening Bonds

'Well soon will be time for the celebration of my birthday/ and coming into the underworld. I will also have to start working on my cultivation, as well as all the other plans. However for now, I need to speak with Orslaine about our current situation.' Yueliang thought to himself.

'I guess I should see Orslaine now, then go to sleep. So much has been happening lately I am exhausted.' Yueliang thought while getting ready to summon her from his room. ​​

Knock knock.

"Who is it?" Yue asked.

"It is Orslaine." A familiar feminine voice replied.

"Come in, I was just about to..."

"Hello Yue, care to explain?" Xue asked feeling kind of sad.

"I was actually just about to go clear up the misunderstanding. I would have done so sooner, however there was a lot to do. Speaking of how did you hear about it." Yue asked.

"Hear about what? I was just coming by because you have not come to see me for a while. Also, you called me but did not speak, thus worrying me." Xue said in a worried tone.

"Well I guess since you are here, I may as well tell you now. I somehow accidently got engaged, because a lady from somewhere else has different customs. Anyways, I was about to go clear it up, if you want to come with you can." Yueliang said kind of carefree.

"I... How.... I see. Just please do not hurt her feelings. Also we should go together." Xue said worried about the other lady.

"I must admit Xue, you are taking this better than I expected." Yue said as he led the way.

"Well you said it was an accident right? Also, you are trying to fix the misunderstanding which is what matters right? Also you were honest with me." Xue said smiling happily following him.

---- A few moments later ----

"Here we are." Yueliang said as he knocked on Orslaine's door.

"Yes?" Orslaine said then surprised to see Yueliang at her door. However did not notice Xue.

"May we come in? I have something I would like to talk with you about." Yueliang asked hoping all would go well and peacefully.

"Of Course." Orslaine said happily, looking forward to spending time with Yue. Then said "Please take a seat." Pointing at two chairs by the desk in her room, while she sat on her bed and said. "This must be your amazing girlfriend you spoke of.

Xue blushed, then Yueliang spoke. "This is actually what I came here about."

"I would love to get to know her as well." Orslaine said while Xue and Yueliang both felt she was missing the point.

"Before that, I wanted to ask something. Why are you so easy going about this?" Yueliang asked.

"What do you mean? What is wrong?" Orslaine asked thinking she did something wrong.

Then Xue voiced in. "I think Yue means, why are you so accepting of him having a girlfriend as well as you."

"Ohh, is plural marriage not usual among your people?" Orslaine asked casually as if it was completely normal.

Xue then spoke again saying curiously. "Just curious, where do you come from that allows that? As far as I know it is banned on the whole planet."

Orslaine then looked at Yue curiously wondering how to reply.

Then Yue spent the next few minutes explaining the situation. After explaining Xue said "She does not look any different."

Yue then said. "Look again." At this sentence Orslaine took off the Illusion Armband.

"Why is she taking that armband off..... What?" Xue exclaimed, as she never knew other races existed, only trusting Yue at first because she wanted to believe him. Now she knew for certain it was the truth, and said? "But how? Why are your race not walking among us?"

"We are, however this planet is mainly inhabited by humans. I presume that somewhere in your history, there was either a war where they were wiped out or moved away. On other planets multiple intelligent races are common. As for why we are here, our king has summoned us from our world, and all roughly 6,000 people in this building except you, Yueliang, and one other are Sky Orcs." Orslaine explained.

"Where is your king then?" Xue asked curiously.

"You really have not told her anything have you Yue?" Orslaine asked Yueliang kind of disappointed.

"A lot has happened, and I was not certain if I should even let this knowledge out among others. The people of this planet do not like most changes unless it fills their greed in some way." Yue replied.

"Anyways, Xue, Yueliang is our king. He is a mage with summoning skills, as well as a blacksmith, alchemist, martial artist, and enchanter. Although he is constantly gaining more skills and what not almost every passing day." Orslaine said to Xue.

"I knew he had those classes, however wow. Who knew my boyfriend would become a king one day." Xue said kind of jokingly.

"Anyways, we are kind of getting sidetracked. We came to discuss the current engagement situation." Yueliang said.

"Right." Orslaine replied then said. "So what is the problem?"

"Well, although I do care for and will take care of you, I cannot marry you. This is because of the circumstances of my planet." Yueliang said.

"That is not a problem, I can wait, or we can go to any other planet." Orslaine said.

Xue then chimed in again. "Although I just want Yue to be happy, is it really right to have you wait?"

"It is alright, unlike most of the humans on your planet, we live a lot longer. Even Yue, once he trains more will live a lot longer." Orslaine said.

"Well, how about we just put the matter aside for now?" Xue replied then said. "Instead how about we just get to know each other first."

"That sounds delightful." Said Orslaine quite cheerfully, looking forward to making a new friend.

"Well, I should let you two ladies get to know each other. As much as I would love to hang out with you both, there is a lot that I have to get done over the next few days. Both for my people, and for prior engagements that must be gotten ready for in advance." Yueliang said to them, sad that he could not stay.

"It is alright, go take care of what you must. Also, in a couple days my dad would like to see you again." Xue said.

"Do not worry about us, I have some fun plans for us to enjoy." Orslaine said very happily, looking forward to getting to know her new friend.

"Alright, take care, I will take you both somewhere fun after I finish everything." Yueliang said and waved good bye as he walked out of the room.

'I guess I should get working on crafting that new batch of armbands, then I need to work on my spell casting and alchemy.' He thought to himself.

---- About Thirty Minutes Later ----

Finally finished with crafting these. One for myself and I guess I need to give one to Xue and my new employee. Which I really need to talk to soon. Anyways off to spell casting.

Yueliang then pulled up the spell models from his memory and picked out a level 2 puppet spell that came with a level 1 helping hand spell. Then he thought to himself 'I know that the main reason I could cast fireball before was mainly due to the basics I have. Thus I should practice that one and modify the spell more later.'

He pulled up the model in his mind and the first node stated to glow blue, and Yue started trying to move the magic along a path that he chose based on his previous knowledge of the fireball experiments. Focusing on what made it have stability and work. Considering there were hundreds of nodes on just a level one spell and he had only explored maybe 50 decently. Although he did not know what each of these did perfectly he had a rough understanding.

Just as he was getting to the next node, he felt the connection break, and he felt blood gushing out of his nose. As if that was not bad enough he felt a huge headache. He had yang use 100 experience to cast the healing spell again for worry of dying or a head explosion.

Yue continued each of these experiments with about 30 minutes between each to let himself heal a little, although he did not have yang heal him anymore unless it was an emergency. This went on for a couple of hours. He lost a lot of blood, however at least Yang would protect him from death.

Yue was very happy, thinking. "I have made a lot of progress I think, I have a rough understanding of a few more nodes and more understanding on how to cast spells. I will definitely get it this time." He thought as he had just gotten to the last node, and then. 'oh no.'


The room went black, and Yueliang passed out.....

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