Life Drain System

Chapter 21 - Getting Engaged Properly

'So I guess I should see Xue and her father, then start cultivating before the party. I am sure there will be much to do afterward.' Yueliang thought to himself as he left the property.

---- A few minutes later ---- ​​

"Hello Xue, it has been a few days." Yueliang said behind Xue, she turned around and then.

"Yue, you are here. I am so happy to see you again." Xue said as she jumped into his arms to hug him. He spun her around once then set her down.

"So how have you been while I was away?" Yueliang asked.

"Well to start from the beginning, Orslaine and I talked for a while, went shopping, got manicures and pedicures, and then to a hot spring to have some fun. After that I have mainly just been at school. It is a lot of work, although to be a top student of course you know that mr. graduate early." Xue teased a little and giggled.

"Well, I am glad you two had fun. If you want help studying let me know. So shall we meet your dad again. Last time you said he wanted to talk to me. Sorry it took so long." Yueliang then got to the point.

"Awe and here I thought you came to visit me." She joked.

"You know I would visit you anytime." Yueliang teased back, and she blushed in response as they headed up to see her father Laohu. They continued to talk on their way up the floating elevator. Once they made it to the top, they stopped talking, and held each others hands as they walked onto that floor.

As they walked, they saw Laohu signing some documents, and continued towards him. "Hello father in law." Yueliang said.

Laohu looked up upon hearing that, then said. "I said to call me Laohu." He joked.

"Hahah, so I heard you wanted to talk to me." Yue replied.

"I am wondering when you two are getting married?" Laohu asked seriously.

Upon hearing this Xue felt slightly embarrassed and blushed until her face was red.

"I was thinking tomorrow. What do you say father in law Laohu?" Yueliang asked seriously about the marriage, half joking about the time.

Hearing this, Xue looked at Yue and wondered if he was serious. Of course she was really happy and blushed from ear to ear, yet stayed quiet to hear the rest.

"Hmm, tomorrow sounds good.... Wait tomorrow?" Laohu exclaimed, he could not tell whether to be happy or mad that it was so soon.

"It is ok, I was actually joking about tomorrow, however I am actually planning for about 2 weeks after my service is over in the spatial wars. The reasons being firstly that my inheritance comes in after my service, and I will be able to have a better and stylish wedding. The second reason being, if I end up dying during my service." Yueliang said quite seriously and wanted Laohu to know he thought this out seriously.

"I am glad that you have thought this out..." Laohu said then was interrupted.

"Please forgive my interruption, however I would like to discus the bridal dowry. I have two options. Either of which will be given after I get my inheritance. You may chose between one of two premium properties. The first is a premium coastal castle estate. The second is a premium business. Of course which ever is chosen shall be transferred to her name upon the arrival of my inheritance. So which would you choose? However if you need time I understand." Yueliang said meaningfully to Xue and then asked.

"I choose the coastal estate" Xue answered immediately, then continued. "It will be a great place to live, raise children, and everything else. Also, our business is large enough, right daddy?"

"Alright that sounds good, however what of the other matters?" Laohu asked.

"Well I assume you mean the fortune teller to see if we are compatible, I have already set an appointment for an hour from now. Also, as for the betrothal gift, 200,000 credits." Yueliang said kind of choking on his own words.

*Just the premium property would normally cost at minimum 100 million which goes to show how much he cared about Xu and was certain they would stay together. 2 hundred thousand was enough to buy an elite property which is two tiers below premium. They go from: garbage (1000 minimum), to poor (10,000 minimum), to intermediate (50,000), to high class (100,000), to elite (200,000), to prime (1 million), to, premium (100 million), then finally divine (not able to price)

To give a rough estimate on how much things cost on average, a days worth of food can be bought for 12 credit. To go to the best university would be 10,000 a semester without a scholarship. For best reference, if in 2020 you could buy a days worth of food for 120 yuan in beijing, china, there is the math. Also if college was 80k a semester in 2020, that should give an idea of the cost. Basically everything is about 8-10 times different.*

Laohu was amazed at such an offer, thinking 'This is only slightly below the standards of the king. It truly befits Yueliang's station of second only to the king.' Then he said "I can see that you truly care about my daughter if you are to give such extravagant gifts to both our family and to Xue herself."

"I do, with all my heart love your daughter. Since we have come to an agreement, shall we go to the fortune teller, and then sign the documents? Thus sealing this arrangement." Yueliang asked.

Both Xue and Laohu faced each other, then agreed. They followed Yueliang to the fortune teller. While they were all walking, Yueliang was thinking one thing. 'I know it is only right to give this much as someone of my position and how much I care about Xue, however to give a premium estate is equivalent to raising that persons status to a base marquis.

Most marquis have 1 premium property, her family as the 3rd in power, has 3. My family as a Duke has 5, the base amount needed because we do not care much for wealth but more so honor and leadership, among other things. Although with the one I one now, we are up to 6. I really must be careful. If her family meets the other requirements to become a duke and gets the rest of the properties, the king will have to intervene in order to stop them from destroying the peace and happiness we have now out side the war.' He finished his thought as they arrived at the fortune teller.

They went in and the session began quickly. The lady quickly did many different forms of fortune telling, explaining many things, even mentioning. "Sir is a dragon, and Lady is a snake. You two are the perfect match. Although normally such a couple would have minor issues, I see nothing but success in your future together. I can tell you both accept each other for who you are, and what what is best for each other as well, which is a great and uncommon trait. I wish you both the best of happiness together." She concluded.

"Thank you very much." The three said simultaneously and bowed, then left the establishment.

"So it looks like we are a perfect pair. However even if she said we were opposites, I would still do my best to be with you." Yueliang said honestly and happily.

"Awe, and I you." Xue said truthfully and happily.

"Alright you two. I am glad you are happy together, however shall we get to the documents to make this official?" Laohu said kind of impatiently, although he was happy for his daughter, he was worried about whether or not this would still work out. The two may be happy however he knew all to well how easily relationships could end.

"Gladly." Yueliang said as he pulled up the screen from his watch. He pulled up the contract he had made when he first started dating Xue, although with the alterations he made recently such as the property and what not.

"I am happy for you, I wish you a happy marriage, and life long happiness." Yang said congratulating Yue on his successful engagement/ future marriage.

Once the contract was signed by all three parties, Yue said. "We should celebrate this momentous occasion."

"Yue, although it does sound like a great idea daddy and I must get back to our duties, just as I am sure you have yours. However we should definitely celebrate later. Have a wonderful day." Xue said and smiled as she left with her dad. She felt she should do this because she knew he was busy and had many things to do for now.

Yueliang knowing what she was trying to do thought. 'Thank you, although I love making time for you, you are right I need to work hard to make us happy and safe..... Well time to get to head home and get to cultivation then.' He thought excitedly.

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