Life Drain System

Chapter 28 - Plans For The Future

"Well time to go." Zuzhang said kind of dejectedly.

The two walked to, then got in the jet in silence. In fact the whole trip back was silent, until they said their goodbyes. Yue walked into the building to get back to his room and rest. It was a long day, and Yue wanted to rest before working on his next plans. Thus he went to bed and slept solid for 6 hours. ​​

Yawning, Yueliang then thought to himself. 'Let's see I first need to work on forging the pieces for the system. Next, I need to hop in that chamber, to understand my attributes better as well as get stronger. Lastly, is probably getting ready for my time in the military.'

After finishing his basic plan, he got out of bed, and got ready for the day. Then looked at his quests and saw that he had to make a couple different items. One was a potion that enhances blood reproduction at a visual speed. The other was an enchanted forged ring that enhanced ones vitality. Although Yue was confused by such an order, however this was the deal struck, thus he would keep his word.

For the next few hours, Yueliang had focused on crafting these two items. However it took a few tries for each, as both were rather complicated. However once each of the two items: [Ring of Strengthened Vitality], and [Potion of Blood Production] were finally complete, he turned them into the system.

Yang then said kind of surprised. "Honestly, I thought you would keep holding off on this for a long time. Either way, thank you for keeping your end of the deal. I am guessing you are curious what these are for right?"

"As curious as I may be, it is your business not mine. Although to me, it looks as thought you are preparing to stabilize a body that is extremely weak."

"That may be true, however here it is. The system has always been designed to be a companion, not just a system in your soul. Basically, once the body is completed, I will transfer over to the body made. Also, no, I will not be wandering off doing my own thing, it will be similar to how we are now but I will then be of more assistance." Yang stated.

"Hmm, seems interesting, however how will you always follow me if there are situations where only one may be there?" Yue asked curiously.

"There is nothing to worry about as firstly, I will still be connected to your soul. Thus being similar to a soul puppet. You will learn about that later. Anyway, secondly I will still be connected to you, hence I will be able to go into your soul sea, and stay there when not helping you with physical or other tasks." Yang replied quite confidently and happily.

"That sounds very useful, thank you. By the way, I was wondering about other worlds. What do you think would be a good first world to visit? There is much I wish to learn and experience, however it will certainly take time."

"It will certainly take less time now than before due to the increase in your intellect. Either way, if you are really curious about other planets. The best suggestion of my opinion would either be the sky orcs world, as it will bring you closer to them and get a lot of new experience and knowledge. However if you want to grow faster, and learn more, then a cultivation planet would be recommended. There is actually one that the ancient Chinese traveled to, that was perfect for cultivation, yet was uninhabited so they took it over and have not been back since."

"That seems perfect to me. However I still have a long ways to go before then sadly." Yue said kind of sad.

"Actually if you went there now it might be better in the long run as you would learn more about cultivation. Thus you could use it more effectively. All you have now is a number of training methods, and a few techniques. Although over all if you really want to complete noblesse oblige, as well as marry Xue, and all the other things you want to do, you must wait. I mean you could go later, however your foundation would certainly be more solid if you went now. Either way it is up to you." Yang responded quite seriously.

"Well let us hold off on that for now. I really have too many other things to focus on for today."


After this long discussion with Yang, Yue felt he should talk with his people first before continuing in any one direction. Thus he summoned everyone to the meeting hall. While waiting, he just meditated cultivating his Divine Soul Refinement. Upon everyone's arrival, he got up and then addressed them.

"I apologize for not having spent much time with you all as of late. There has been much to do, both for yourselves and myself. Seeing that you all are doing well, and there has not been a war of factions. I see everything is going well on your end." Yue joked, and the crowd laughed with him.

After a little laughter Yueliang continued. "Alright, now back to the point. Rei please come up and give me a brief run down of what has happened since last time."

Rei came up onto the stage upon hearing Yueliang's command, then said. "We have created the credit system according to your memories so that we do not end up making it uneven. However there may be kinks to work out later. The design division has worked on what you asked for building up this building and the other structures you wanted, it will take some more time. The plants have been planted, materials for everything bought, and etcetera. Everything is going according to your plans, however we have yet to actually start production lines, because of your command not to modify the building to much yet."

Yue replied saying. "Hmm, for now, why not work on making it underground. Although please try to keep the structural integrity or improve it. Once we start building in the sky we will have more room. However for now underground will have to do, although, could you make it quickly accessible so that everyone can work more efficiently, and at the same time keep it relatively hidden?"

"We can work on that, and will get to it right away after the meeting is over. Although digging while keeping the building from being effected will make the process take a little longer, and supplies will have to be bought to build underground." Rei replied to Yueliang's question.

"Great, just let me know if you need more funds when you need them, and how much. I look forward to seeing your progress everyone. Also, once everything is up and running I intend to reward you all. There will be a great feast, and presents for everyone." Yueliang said, and they all cheered, although less so over the feast. It was not that they were greedy, but simply looking forward to being rewarded for their hard work.

"I also wanted to say something. Please do not let this lower your enthusiasm, however it is something I wanted to discuss with all of you. I will need the designers to make some changes to the floating part of this building that I wanted designed. Please do not feel bad, I know you have worked hard, so let me explain." Yue said as many felt kind of sad that some of their efforts had been in vein, however he continued.

"The change I want, is instead of it to be stationary, it now needs to be mobile. I would like for this to be capable of space travel as well. This needs to be large enough to hold all of us, the business, and much more. I know this is a huge job, however I would like to travel the universe, and take you all with me. I even intend on heading to your home planet as well to learn some things as well as many others. Also, we may end up picking up more people along the way.

This ginormous structure will need be capable of self sustaining us, and if we pick up others such as if you left friends of family behind that will be loyal to us. I am sorry for the sudden change, we do not have to build it all at once, we can take our time, however if we could get it done in about 3 years maximum that would be great." Yue said apologetically about the rush.

"Hahahah, you are too funny." The sky orc Gawain came out and said. "We all thought you wanted to build it in a few short months or something. A project of that size will take about 2 years maximum. However if you layed out an array that slowed down time inside of it, of course it would take time to make such a formation, however we could then finish it in half or even a quarter of the time depending on how fast you make it." Gawain said quite confidently.

"That is a great idea, well then, instead of making it above ground, let us make it underground as well. This will be so that no one will see or even know of it. I would rather not have to explain how we made a spaceship practically the size of a town capable of interstellar travel. Or even how I know that there are other planets with life on them. Either way, thank you all again. I promise, as I get stronger so too shall I help your growth." Yueliang declared, then said. "Those who are excited to leave this desolate planet of caveman knowledge say I."

Upon hearing this all the Sky Orcs, pounded their fist to their chest then raised it to the air saying "I". It sounded awesome and looked amazing. Yueliang was very touched by their unwavering loyalty, and could not wait to live up to their expectations. Not that he could know that he was already exceeding them, as he was kind, and did not force them into war or labor or worse like other leaders their kind always knew of and expected. They were glad that they could live peacefully and happily studying and spending time with family, even having a leader that cared about them.

Yueliang then said cheerfully yet seriously. "Alright everyone, you may get back to what you are doing. I hope you all are living happily and well. Once again, if you ever need help, please notify me. Have a wonderful day my friends and family."

After everyone had left, Yue thought to himself. 'Now it seems I have to learn higher grade array formations, however for now, it is time for practice and quests."

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