Life Drain System

Chapter 30 - Setting Up

"It was just a holy light spell for wiping out the undead. Considering my current physique, this small amount can only wear me out a little. Like a humans tiredness after a light run." Yin replied, while Yueliang came over and helped him walk inside to rest. As they were walking, Yueliang heard a ding, and they were teleported back.

Yin then asked jokingly, and kind of seriously. "So where do we go from here?" ​​

"Honestly, I am not to certain, however to start you off, here is your beginners package." Yueliang said with a serious face, then the two laughed together as Yue pulled out an Illusion Arm Band that he made previously, and started walking him to an empty room.

"Thank you, hahah, that was pretty funny. I look forward to getting to meet your subordinates. Also, if you need my help with constructing that flying city, we could always summon in more people. However in the mean time, let me know what I can do to help." Yin said looking forward to helping his new friend and leader.

"You do not have to be so worried about helping so soon, we are still working on a way to get materials. I have a mine but need to make a teleportation circle or something later so that they can get some of the materials needed. Which I have yet to do." Yueliang said trying to decide on what to do about it.

"No need to worry about that, normally I would say I could go and do that, however considering it is part of your system, this is just the perfect solution." Yin said as he pulled out a scroll.

"Would this not be a one time solution?" Yue asked curiously, then noticed. "Wait..."

"I see you noticed, that is not a teleportation scroll but one that engraves the array formation onto the ground for you. However to keep it stable you need to pour some metal or something into it. Preferably gold, however a good solution could be to use copper." Yin replied.

"Hmm, it sounds like a great plan, however will others be able to use it?"

"Of course, which can make it slightly dangerous, the easier to use the inscription, the less encrypted they are normally, of course there are exceptions. Either way, I will get working on making the connecting array formation here, once you tell me where to put it. Also, if you are worried, we could put such arrays in one room, then barricade the walls, and leave guards by the door so that no one could enter or leave without your permission." Yin replied.

"Hmm, perfect, let us begin then. Thank you again, you are so helpful. By the way, before you become living again, what do you think of increasing your strength and what not?" Yue asked.

"I would love that, however because undead are well undead, they tend to be more brittle, hence why we do not normally make to good of warriors, unless using zombies, or death knights, or etcetera." Yin responded.

"Well, as a solution to that, why not do what those basic undead do? I mean in order for them to move and fight, they just circulate the mana through their bodies, enhancing themselves like certain enhancement spells."

"That is the perfect solution, how did I not think of that. I cannot wait to start training. Although the only down side is that you will have less usable mana in your reserves. Although I guess being able to cover both physical and magical attributes it becomes perfect. However now I have to come up with a new fighting technique as we use mana to move rather than muscles and all of the living tissue." Yin said happily, then gradually slightly depressed.

"Not to worry, I can cover that." Yueliang replied, then said. "I will give it to you after we finish the mine, and I will have them prepare a cabin for you to train as well, although it will probably have to be heavily modified to suit you. Then again I should modify mine as well to suit me. Although, I guess I would have to learn how first."

"Well, in the mean time you should head to that mine, and I will start setting up the room here." Yin replied.

Yueliang nodded his head then teleported to the mine, and appeared at the entrance, then thought to himself. 'I should probably put the array deeper inside to as to avoid others coming through, and also to make it easier to quickly transport the materials.'

After walking inside for a few minutes, Yueliang heard. Clang... Clang.... Clang... And decided to quickly run towards the sound of pickaxes hitting the ores and crystals.

Upon arriving, he saw humans inside, and they looked like cultists from the clothes they were wearing and the look of the goblin slaves who were mining as they were whipping the slower ones with summoned looking whips. However these goblins looked stronger than most of the ones he fought before he still felt bad for them and went up to one of the slave drives.

Yueliang then asked with a sinister smile. "Why are you mining in my mine? Have you not heard that I own this place? Also, why are you using goblins as slaves?"

"Who do you think you are?" The Cultist looking person exclaimed, then turned around and went to attack Yue with his whip.

Seeing this, Yue knew that they clearly were not friendly, and drew his sword from his inventory while dodging. Then Yue thought to himself. 'You know, I really should just keep this on me at all times, it would be faster and easier than trying to draw it from the system any time I am in trouble. Also what if another incident like the upgrade happens again, where I cannot access the system?'

While he was thinking this, he tried slicing at the whip, however it just wrapped around the blade and the cultist pulled it. Yueliang gripped his sword ever tighter, and noticed more of the cultists were coming to aid their fellow while this was going on. Yueliang, then pulled and as he ripped the whip from the cultist's hand, it dissipated, and Yue charged at the man.

In that instant, Yueliang quickly decapitated him, and heard a ding. The man stood there as though nothing had happened, and as he tried to turn his head it slid from his neck to the ground. Blood spurted from the body and then it collapsed to the ground. Yue then felt healthier and knew instantly that his life expectancy had raised.

By this time, Yueliang knew he had to hurry and finish off the others, lest too many arrive and he gets killed. Then a screen popped up again.

[Emergency quest]

{Survive, and kill Cultists 1/12}

{Rewards: To Be Determined}

'Just great, there are still 11 more to deal with, but what do I do with the goblins? Should I take them in as well?' Yueliang thought to himself, as he charges at the cultists and As he arrived in front of two of the ones coming to help he Stabbed his sword through the left ones chest, heart, and lungs. Then before pulling out, he spun counter clockwise and cut him almost in half and then with the remainder of the circular motion, decapitated the woman next to him.

After killing these two and feeling refreshed, he ran forward to look for the rest and noticed the goblins were still not running for freedom, however left that for later as he had to survive first. Eventually he came across 3 more this time. This time they noticed him, and started casting spells.

Yueliang decapitated the one in the middle front, then the one on the right sent an ice spike flying at him, and the one on then left back side, threw a fireball. Yue quickly decided taking the ice spike would be better since there is not much maneuverability in the small tunnel. Thus he got pierced straight through his left arm. The bone was shattered, however just as he was about to leap towards the one on the right the fireball hit the wall and exploded.

Yue, jumped up just a little and used the the momentum force from the fireball to push him forward. As he was pushed through the air, he help his sword out, terrified the cultist stood still and was impaled. Yueliang twisted the sword then pulled it out, and let the cultist bleed out, as he dashed towards the one on the left.

As Yueliang headed towards the one on the left, the bleeding out cultist threw a small dagger at Yue, and it pierced strait into his chest, into his heart. Not wanting to waste time, Yue quickly attacked the one in front of him but was stabbed in the stomach.

[Warning Death of Master Imminent!]

As Yueliang was about to drop, he stuck his sword through the last ones neck. Then as his eyes were getting heavy, Yueliang said three final words. "Heal *cough* Me Yang." As his eyes closed he saw some goblins coming over towards him.

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